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Family Guy: A Hero Sits Next Door (1999)
Season 1, Episode 5
So far my favorite episode
18 March 2024
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Season 1 Episode 5 of Family Guy is my favorite episode so far, and could possibly remain that way. I'm writing this to mark which episode is my favorite.

The jokes are at a rapid fire pace that is just fantastic. It's amazing how fast the jokes were in the early seasons, and I gotta say I feel like this one has the best ones. For example: 1. Go Tuck Yourself In and My Hairy Aunt is possibly my favorite Family Guy joke ever. No explanation needed for the genius thought behind this.

2. The glasses joke early on, establishing Mr Weed's fruitiness.

3. Toaster cutaway.

4. "Oh what is the baby coming out of him?"

And those are just early on in the episode.

The story for this is basically Joe Swanson's introduction to the series. It leads to a funny internal conflict with Peter that ties into a nice message at the end. And the final joke of irony made me laugh just as much as the rest of the episode.

I don't have too much more to say, I just feel like this episode is brilliant.
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Nostalgia Critic (2007– )
I do like the Nostalgia Critic, but there are some problems
5 May 2020
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I think NC is funny, smart, and organized, most of the time. Some of his skits go on for too long and unless it's relevant, like the skit in The Last Airbender review (that was funny and helped summarize the show), it just annoys me. I don't like his 2 minute ad skits in the middle of his reviews. Just inform us for 30 seconds or less at the beginning and move on! To quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail (I think NC likes that film), "GET ON WITH IT!" The channel also has other people and other shows, which aren't as enjoyable in my opinion. Tamara's reviews and Doug reviews are fine, but the rest aren't that interesting or necessary. Also, he probably should change his name. He doesn't always review films that are old, like The Amazing Spider-Man and The Grinch.

There are problems with him and the channel, but I do like it when he points out flaws in films and when his jokes are funny. I also like his skits when they're reviews of films that haven't been released on home media yet, like the Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker review. I like the NC, but I hope he changes the channel. And can he make an apology for that controversey please?
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Super Mario Bros. 3 (1988 Video Game)
Another ok Mario game
5 May 2020
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Sigh, yet again, this game is loved for the nostalgia and what it influenced, just like the first game. The controls are still clunky, the bosses, besides Wendy, are weak, forgettable, repetitive, and boring, some of the levels are poorly designed, Worlds 7 and 8 are a major difficulty spike and they suck, and some of the power ups are useless.

So yeah, this is just another ok Mario game that hasn't aged well and is clunky.
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Super Mario Bros. (1985 Video Game)
Ok, but not great
5 May 2020
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The mechanics are clunky, levels are literally copied into later levels, the castle levels and boss fights are repetive and boring, there's a huge lack of power ups (they couldn't add another power up and let us be able to use anything other than the fire flower?), and this game just doesn't satisfy me.

I don't care what it influenced, though I know what it created and what it created is awesome, it's not a great game to me. Just because it started everything, that doesn't make it a fantastic game.
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The Lion King (2019)
So now a lot of people see the flaws. Took them long enough
17 April 2020
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So finally most of the people are sick and tired with these remakes. It wasn't The Jungle Book (2016), or Beauty and the Beast (2017), or even Dumbo or Aladdin (2019). It was this, 2 months after everyone was praising Aladdin, now they loathe remakes! So why did people turn against Disney with this film? Well, this is a shot for shot remake with bland performances. It also insults some of the songs like "Can you feel the love tonight" and "Be prepared," it's 30 minutes longer than the original, character emotions are just gone and nowhere to be seen or heard, and it's completely animated. So, this film is so lazy that it's not even live action. It's CGI. How low can Disney go? Well they did make Monsters University and Cars 2... When Mufasa dies, the emotion is just missing, it's like it was drained out. This film sucks!

1/10, one of the worst films ever imo, it's just like Psycho (1998) only it's Disney and a bunch of people are still tricked into seeing it and loving it.
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Valentine (2001)
Imo, an absolutely miserable experience
27 February 2020
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This film is just awful imo. The opening is very tough to watch. And it's the best part of the film sadly. The characters in this film are extremely atrocious and horrible. It's very painful to watch these a**holes exist. Most of the kills in this film are boring, like Scream 3. The only two I liked were: 1. one of the b*tchy girls gets pushed onto glass shards 2. The one in the tub.

There's also some dumb moments too, like the plastic surgery part. Plastic surgery does not change your whole face! There's also Dorothy being "fat" and using that as an excuse.

Just don't watch this film. Its concept is interesting, but the rest is just abysmal.
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What started out with some potential ended up being a trilogy of emptiness
2 February 2020
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Wow. I thought this was a HUGE disappointment! Star Wars: The Force Awakens wasn't great imo, but had some interesting characters and ideas. I was excited to see what would happen next.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi was very bad imo. It concluded stories that should have been concluded in the 3rd film, introduced terrible characters, had the unnecessary Canto Bight subplot, and had many more problems, including the annoying comedy. And with Rian Johnson as director, it retconned many elements from The Force Awakens. I lost a lot of faith, but still had hope that the 3rd movie would be great.

Star War: The Rise of Skywalker is that 3rd movie. Is it great? Definitely not. Is it necessary? Far from it. Did it learn from the mistakes of The Last Jedi? Well it retconned elements from that, but that's also what made this worse. So Palpatine returns once again. And this is one of the biggest problems with the film. So the victory of Return of the Jedi wasn't actually true, and wasn't actually warranted. HOW GREAT ISN'T THAT JUST SO FANTASTIC?! I hate everything about this. Return of the Jedi basically means nothing now, Darth Vader's redemption and sacrifice was for nothing. Even if this was in The Force Awakens, I still wouldn't like it. And this was also just introduced in this last film. I thought this series was about Anakin. Also, Rey's parents is replaced with Palpatine being Rey's grandfather. Wow, so interesting and totally not at all terribly executed. Lando is brought back, but he's not actually utilized. Chewbacca seemingly dies, but is actually still alive, and that's where his character development ends. Leia now all of the sudden is one with the Force, and gives her life to Kylo, who later gives his life to Rey. How stupid. And Finn, Poe, and the others are not well utilized either. Also, Hux is still a horribly portrayed and written villain. And the ending where Rey says that her name is Rey Skywalker instead of Rey Palpatine ruins the message about how the name of someone evil doesn't affect who you are.

There are 2 things I hate most about this film, and this trilogy. One, this trilogy steals many many elements from the original trilogy. The Force Awakens is a repeat of A New Hope, Kylo and Rey are basically Vader and Luke, and nothing new happens between the 2 besides a strong relationship (that is one thing I like), and with the return of Palpatine, The Rise of Skywalker is basically just Return of the Jedi, only it sucks. Two, this trilogy is Disney's Star Wars, not Star Wars. They add little heart to these films and just want money.

I will admit that there is good acting, great action, and nice visuals, but the lack of character development, plot issues, elements stolen from the original films, and stupid scenes are what cause this trilogy to be pointless, dumb, and unneeded.

2.5/10. I will go back to the original and the prequel trilogies. Those films had heart and the story was full circle. This is just an unnecessary addition.

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The Last Jedi annoys me
22 January 2020
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi is a mess in my opinion. While The Force Awakens isn't my favorite at all, I liked most of the plots, characters, and performances. The Last Jedi does have the plot between Rey, Kylo, and Luke which keeps me interested in what happens next. I love that. However, the other main plot, with the other characters being chased by the First Order, is overlong and boring imo. Then Finn (whose been stripped from greatness to mediocrity) goes with new character Rose to Canto Bight. Anything involving Canto Bight, I hate. They have to find this guy who can get them into the First Order. They don't find that guy and instead find this other guy who eventually betrays them. So what was the point of that and saving space horses? Along with adding terrible plots, The Last Jedi also concludes plots that were introduced in The Force Awakens. Rey never turns to the dark side, Finn vs Captain Phasma is quickly finished, Snoke is killed and is never brought up again in a good way, and Rey's past is never explored and gets worse in The Rise of Skywalker. Also, there's annoying and unneeded porgs, Luke dies, elements are stolen from The Empire Strikes Back, new characters suck, Finn's and Poe's development are lessened, the villains besides Kylo are still underdeveloped, and the comedy is atrocious. 2.5/10. I hate this film. It feels like it's in a different trilogy than The Force Awakens. It would only get worse.
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The Kill Count (2017– )
Great show
19 September 2019
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This is a great series on YouTube. Lots of effort is shown by James except for one episode, but I'll get to that later. Dead Meat has evolved and is amazing. The awards are unique and something we kinda think about when watching these horror movies. It's great to see it here and other sub awards. Other parts include rankings and cut comparisons, which both are great, but need to return. Great show.
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I wish this was better, because I saw potential in it, but this film sucks
23 August 2019
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Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead is a film made in one of my favorite years, 2009, but that doesn't make it good sadly. The movie has a lot of problems:

1. The effects look good when practical, but the CGI is horrible.

2. The prison plot is boring in my opinion because I don't care about any of the characters except for Nate.

3. Three Finger is the only interesting mutant, I don't care for Three Toes that much.

4. The story is mostly the same as the first one, only differences are where the characters are coming from and why, and that the characters are aware of Three-Finger in the first half.

5. The money bags subplot isn't interesting to me and serves little to no purpose outside of the ending.

6. The subplot about Willy being an undercover agent posing as a criminal would be good if Willy wasn't killed early, and if the subplot was oh I don't know, ACTUALLY ESTABLISHED WITH THE OTHER CHARACTERS.

7. The prisoners are either unbearable or boring (or both). Brandon doesn't do anything important until around 50 minutes in, Willy is executed in a boring way and is killed early, Crawford is painfully annoying and perverted, Floyd isn't that interesting, and Chavez is annoying and is a bit generic.

8. My number one problem with this film is that the movie wastes most of its interesting characters (Sophie, Trey, and Brent) by killing them off in the first 6 minutes.

Pros: The music is good, the cinematography is great (Lots of 2009 films have nice imagery), Three Finger is awesome, the practical effects look pretty good, and Alex, Nate, Trey, Brent and Sophie are fun and interesting characters. Unfortunately, that's not enough to save this film.

If it was me, I would have the other teens be in the rest of the movie. Sophie could die around 29 minutes in, and Brent could die around 56 minutes, while Alex and Trey survive. Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead is a film that isn't horrible, but wastes its great opportunities, resulting in a miserable experience. 3.5/10.
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Fright Night (2011)
A horrible remake that has almost no redeeming qualities in my opinion
20 August 2019
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I don't understand how people see this as a great film. Have they seen the original? I'm not trying to disrespect other people's opinions but people are over praising this in my opinion. Here are my reasons why I hate this terrible remake: 1. The characters are horrible, especially when compared to their counterparts. The new Charlie is a mean and unlikable jerk, Amy is now just eye candy on Charlie's arm with no other personalities, and Ed is underdeveloped and is bitten early in the movie. Also, Dave Franco's character is a horrible abomination as a stereotypical bully and the new Peter Vincent is unlikable and miserable. It's not fun watching a film with every character being unlikable. And Jerry is weak compared to his original counterpart. 2. The story is just the original, without any fun. The remake tells the story the same way, only it gets rid of the mystery and suspense of Jerry, and the development of some characters, like Amy looking like Jerry's dead lover. 3. The effects are awful. The effects are like 98% CGI and it looks really really bad. 4. The setting is in Las Vegas instead of a suburban town in Iowa. This change was probably made since the filmmakers can't spot Iowa on a map. 5. The action isn't interesting. The action is almost always CGI, and the characters fighting aren't likable, losing the ability to cheer for them. 6. The opening scene is dumb. Instead of opening to the teenagers having fun, which already gets the audience's attention, the remake opens up to disposable characters being killed by Jerry.

Awful remake
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Disappointment but you have to at least watch it
20 September 2018
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Sleepaway Camp IV: The Survivor is a film that is incomplete. The story of it is between decent and bad, but the rest is crap. Here are the other problems with this film: 1. Allison, who is said to be at Camp Arawak during the first Sleepaway Camp movie, has little character and had nothing to do with Angela. 2. 80% of this movie is FOOTAGE FROM THE FIRST 3 SLEEPAWAY CAMP FILMS! 3. The film has no connection to the 2nd or 3rd movies. 4. The hunter, Eugene, contributes almost nothing to this film. 5. Acting isn't that good. 6. Lots ot the camera shots are awful, especially the freeze frame part.

The good thing about this film is that it ignores Return to Sleepaway Camp (2008). But this promising film is terrible and incomplete, but you have to see it to know how bad it is.
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What the hell is this?
6 June 2018
That '70s Show is a wonderful show that I wish lasted longer. The characters, jokes, and running gags were very funny! They were unforgettable and hilarious. So then I come across Days Like These. It's a spin-off of That '70s Show. Days Like These not very funny, the filming is awful, and it wasn't memorable or fun! Thank god it only had 1 season with 13 episodes(3 weren't aired on tv)!
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Leprechaun (1992)
Leprechaun is something I like
31 March 2018
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I like Leprechaun but not a lot of people like it. I laugh often watching this and the kills are interesting. The Leprechaun is a joke for a horror villain, but to like a horror movie, you have to go along with it. Except if it really sucks (Leprechaun 4). That's how I like this movie. Enough with that crap. The story is that Leprechaun's gold has been stolen and kills 4 people to get the gold. It's a good film, just go along with it and you might like it.
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The Shining (1980)
Love this movie but...
16 March 2018
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The Shining is a wonderful movie based on the novel by Stephen King(not the king of horror). While I do love it, almost everyone is saying that it's the best because of one line: "Here's Johnny." If that line wasn't in that movie, some people would forget it. Wow, never knew the world had shallow people. On the plus side, creepy girls in the middle of the hallways, a son with a psychological "advantage" and ELEVATORS POURING OUT BLOOD! WHOA! The Shining is awesome, but probably not "the best."
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Red Sparrow (2018)
They gave me a choice: Die or watch this crap
22 February 2018
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Red Sparrow is ridiculous and stupid. A woman goes to a Russian school for using bodies as weapons? What is this? Fifty Shades of Grey mixed with Die Hard? Seriously, people can write better crap than that! "They gave me a choice: die or become a sparrow." She should have chosen to die.
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Dumb franchise is finally over, but this is as bad as Darker
12 February 2018
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Fifty Shades Freed is such a typical, stupid "romance" film. Luckily, it is the last film in the series and I am glad. This time, Christian and Ana get MARRIED! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! STRANGERS GETTING MARRIED? Luckily, someone is trying to ruin their wild relationship. That is what should have happened in the first place.
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The Neverending Story 3 is ONE OF THE WORST FILMS OF ALL TIME.
22 October 2017
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The Neverending Story(1984) is an amazing fantasy film that is one of the best films ever made. 10/10. The Neverending Story 2(1989) is a decent film that was partly messed up. 4/10. The Neverending Story 3(1994) is a disgrace to the series and to the world! 0/10. This film has horrible characters like Rock Biter Jr. and messes up the series by a lot. New plot=Sucks, new characters=Sucks, new cast=Sucks, new movie with no Atreyu=DISHONORABLE! In conclusion, this is a very bad movie that makes you want to go blind.
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A great film with something weird I discovered.
9 October 2017
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In The Born Losers, out of the 4 girls who have the option to testify, only 1 of them was going to testify. That girl was the girl in the beginning-middle of the movie who is left alone at her house and is found by the gang and threatens her. The other 3 don't testify for these reasons: 1 was going to testify, but she remains mute in the movie and is found by the gang and is threatened. 1 girl liked the gang doing stuff to her and wasn't going to testify. And Vicky said that she wasn't going to testify.

Do you find that strange?
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Rise of the Planet of the Apes is NOT a prequel
23 September 2017
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This is a great movie, but it is NOT a prequel to the original. If it was a prequel, then Caesar would have been born, then unborn, then born again which is not how the stories go. In fact, this is a remake of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes(1972). If Conquest of the Planet of the Apes was or wasn't a prequel, then Rise of the Planet of the Apes wouldn't be a prequel because it is a remake of Conquest. Overall, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a great movie as a remake or stand alone film.
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Kung Fu Panda 3 wasn't good.
23 September 2017
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Nothing in this movie is funny at all. Po is a character, who was amazing, who makes dumb "jokes" throughout the whole movie. The character development is weak and the plot should have been more serious. The "comedy" in this film ruins the whole movie. The other movies in this series are better than this.
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I love The Neverending Story.
22 September 2017
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This is my favorite film of all times. Bastian reads a book called The Neverending Story and finds out that only Atreyu can stop the Nothing from destroying Fantasia and has to save the Childlike Empress! When Bastian realizes that he is part of the story, he calls the Childlike Empress' new name. Then he rides on Falcor and gets revenge for getting bullied. The only thing I hate is when Artax sinks into the Swamps of Sadness.
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