
23 Reviews
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Pretty middle of the road
11 February 2024
If I could give this a 5.5, I would. This was a bland film, I don't know what else to say. By the end I was checking the clock every five minutes or so to see how much left I had to get through. Yes, the performances are strong. Absolutely. It is competently directed and the plot, on paper, is compelling. But as for what I actually watched, I truly don't understand what people are all excited about. I can handle a slow film if it pays off, but there's no payoff here. There is a lot of courtroom tedium, the occasional flashback, a scene with a really sick dog that is disturbing, and that's about it. Underwhelming and overrated.
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Innocuous, a little dumb, but has a heart
23 December 2023
I am not getting the hate that a lot of reviews seem to have for this movie. Is it great? No, no it is not. But it's a decent little Christmas movie that is very short and takes an occasional interesting turn. It is nice to see Jason Biggs again, Brandy is charismatic as hell, and Heather Graham is a very good actor that turns in what is certainly not one of her best performances, but it's fine. The whole thing is fine. It has a few fairly stupid moments, particularly the ending, but it's got genuine sentiment behind it and is earnest. If you're tired of watching the same Christmas movies over and over and wanted to give something new a shot, you could do worse.
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Totally entertaining
1 April 2023
Look, if you don't like Adam Sandler then just skip this movie and if you watch it anyway, then why are you ranking it a 4 or 5? This is one of the better movies of his fantastic career. And the chemistry he and Jennifer Aniston have is off the charts. The direction of this movie is frankly significantly better than the last- I mean, no spoilers, but that shot coming out of the Eiffel Tower was stunning. And the action sequences are well executed also. Yeah there is kinda a "made for Netflix" feel but that should be expected. And if you're hung up on "high brow versus low brow entertainment" instead of just taking this movie for what it is, then you won't like it. There isn't any pretense here- this is a movie made to entertain the audience with likable lead characters, an amusing supporting cast, and some action set pieces. This kind of movie has been done many times before but not always this well, and not with the Sandman and Aniston.
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EO (2022)
Donkey's Inferno
26 February 2023
Amazing how a movie with a donkey as the protagonist can shed so much light on humanity. We are capable of such kindness and cruelty, and Eo experiences the full gambit during his journey across Europe. This is the first movie I've seen by Skolimowski but I will absolutely be checking out some of his previous work based on this. This is high art, to be kinda snobby about it. His use of imagery combined with this simple story make for a very profound look at how humans impact the lives of animals. Animal personhood is explored here, as is the theme of fate. For Eo, as with us, so much of what happens to him depends on the people who appear in his life. It's a difficult watch, in a lot of ways. I had to stop periodically and just cry. I think this is an important movie that will be remembered well.
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After Yang (2021)
Profound, slow, some really obnoxious editing
3 July 2022
This is a beautiful, thoughtful sci-fi family drama that deals with big issues such as identity, loss, and privacy. It won't be for everyone, as it is slow-paced. The themes, the acting, the careful direction and lovely music will make it worth your while, despite some really jarring and unnecessary looping of audio and shots in some scenes.
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No Steely Dan?
18 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like this was a bait and switch. A ton of Steely Dan references and then there is some Torri person I've never heard of who shows up. Other than that, this was a pretty entertaining heart-warmer that is also sort of bland. Worth the time to watch but probably not something you'll be recommending to all your friends.
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Bailing around four episodes
12 June 2022
Unless I hear a huge outpouring of praise for the next two episodes, I'm done at four. I was going to stop after the third episode but was a glutton for punishment I guess. The show isn't interesting enough to be terrible, it's just incredibly banal. You wait for bland characters to do bland things and the best parts are cheapened by the fact that you're sitting on your couch in the middle of the day and not seeing what should be cinematic moments in a cinema. This was a disappointment.
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11 June 2022
Paul Schrader might very well be the most underrated director of all time. What a beautiful companion piece to First Reformed this is, exploring the repercussions of U. S. foreign policy in a Franz Fanon kinda way. If you like a thoughtful character study where you have to pay attention and be patient, this is for you. If you are looking for an easy watch that you forget as soon as you finish it, there is surely something else you can watch.
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22 May 2022
If you love the Kids in the Hall, then this is an absolute must-see. It walks you through every step of their shared careers, and it is funny and emotional throughout. It reminds viewers that they were groundbreaking in multiple ways, that they were constantly going against cultural norms even as they were influencing pop culture. And, gloriously, it's announcing that they are not going anywhere- at least not until one of them dies.
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Glass Chin (2014)
Beautifully shot and acted, a good slow burn.
2 August 2021
This is a pretty understated movie that I really loved, so I feel like I need to be careful with my exuberance in this review. I can imagine some folks would find it slow or underwhelming but I was rapt the whole time. At one point I realized I had literally sat up and was on the edge of the seat of my couch during a scene that was just two men sitting at a kitchen table talking. But the intensity of the dialogue combined with a masterfully slow push of the camera had me intent. I have always liked Corey Stoll so I was keen to see him in a leading role, and he was great, as expected. I've been becoming a fan of Marin Ireland as well, and she was also really good here. But my god, this is some of the best work I've seen Billy Crudup do, which I believe is saying a lot. He plays a gangster who is so slick, so polished, cunning, alluring, intense, and dangerous that he just ensnares the viewer as easily as he does Stoll's character Bud "The Saint" Gordon, drawing us in. Lastly, Yul Vazquez has been acting forever (I remember recognizing him when he did one scene on a Sopranos episode many years ago) and I never learned his name, I just knew his face. Well, I learned his name after this! He damn near stole the show. Outstanding work, but he, like everyone else in the film, was given great dialogue. Because the real star of the show here is writer/director Noah Buschel, bringing a story of choices and consequences that is shot beautifully and (to be bombastic) bravely. He is unafraid to just let the camera run, relying on pushes in instead of cuts, sometimes allowing the camera to just stay on an actor when they're no longer speaking, allowing silence and space, giving the story room to breathe. Lastly, a big shoutout to cinematographer Ryan Samul, who has done great work with films like Haunt and Cold In July and again, with Glass Chin. I spent the entire 90 minutes of the film admiring his marvelous work and was unsurprised when I looked him up to see that I had admired his work before. I'm gonna think about this movie for a while and definitely watch it again to make sure that my feelings of being blown away right now are justified but I gotta tell you, this was a hell of a first watch. It's streaming in a ton of places, check it out.
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The Canal (2014)
Derivative, even for the genre
21 May 2021
I get it, there's only so many ways to make a movie like this. But if the entire movie I'm just thinking about The Shining and Sinister (and occasionally The Ring), it just begins to feel like the same old same old. This had its chilling moments, I will give it that, and the acting and filmmaking is more than decent. The kid is ridiculously adorable. Overall though if you've seen Amityville Horror or any other such movie, you don't really need to spend the time on this, frankly.
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Mandy (I) (2018)
One of the greatest movies of all time that you might not like
17 April 2021
If the early visuals of this movie don't grab you then this movie is probably not for you. If watching Nic Cage be his Cagiest and have it also work in service to the film doesn't thrill you, this movie is probably not for you. If you have no understanding of what it is like to experience a hallucinogenic trip, this movie might not be for you. For me, it was an instant classic that I enjoy on many levels. Nic Cage is one of the greatest living actors who also happens to often do bad movies, so when he's in something like this, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
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The Fountain (2006)
Maybe if I'd seen it when it was new?
28 March 2021
The plot isn't overly complicated, it's just pretentious and overwrought. It looks very beautiful but was so esoteric and artsy that I just didn't care about anything that was going on. It was one of those that I wanted to turn off multiple times and didn't but wished I had. I would give it less stars were it not for the cinematography itself and the score and the acting, which are all very capable. As a story, as a movie, this is not worth your time.
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I was sold a false bill of goods
9 March 2021
The synopsis I read for this movie said it was going to be about a cranky guy drawn out of his house by his neighbors, which was true but whoa, the sentimental pile of crap that comes with this. I am pretty sure that to like this movie you need to have a specific religious ideology. Otherwise it's going to come off like preachy drivel. Lots of maudlin music while Luke Wilson stands around and stares at things.
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Most underrated MCU movie
18 December 2020
Admittedly I can rewatch all the movies in the MCU, even the ones I'm less crazy about like the first couple Thor movies and the first Captain America movie. But for being out less than two years as I write this, Captain Marvel has incredible rewatchability. Every time I watch it I get something new out of it, and every time I watch it I laugh and cry, sometimes at new parts. This is a complex and entertaining film with great performances that is just a joy to watch. It's so much fun in fact that when the usual post-credits scene pops in to remind you of when this took place in the overall timeline that it is almost a little jarring. Nia DaCosta will undoubtedly do a good job with the second sequel but Boden and Fleck got robbed. I don't understand the hate some people throw this movie's way, and I think Brie Larson is perfect as Carol Danvers. 10 out of 10, bravo, etc, etc
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Tumbbad (2018)
Adjust your expectations
2 November 2020
I'm really glad so many people enjoyed this movie so much but I think a lot of the enthusiasm is overblown. Don't get me wrong, this is good but not exactly mind blowing. The story is unique and the direction and cinematography are well done. A lot of the special effects are great but some are really not, there is some CGI moments that just are not all that convincing. It's worth the watch absolutely but people saying this is one of the best movies of all time need to see a lot more movies.
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Mortdecai (2015)
The greatest comedy ever?
11 July 2020
Despite what reviews say, yes some Americans actually truly love this movie. It came out at a time when audiences were maybe kind of sick of Depp at the time and his reputation was being dragged through the mud, and the trailer sucked.

In reality, this is a delightful, hilarious movie that I have watched over and over again. It's like a comfort food movie for me. I'll throw it on at the end of the night and fall asleep to it all the time. I put it on if I'm depressed and need something silly to make me feel good.

No it's not a flawless movie but it is one of my favorites. It makes me laugh every single time and if you haven't given it a chance, you should. No you probably won't love it as much as me but you probably won't hate it as much as you might expect either.
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Astonishingly bad
6 July 2020
This might be the most problematic movie I've ever seen. I realize things have changed in the 20+ yrs since it came out, but what's happening here is unacceptable in any time. Yes I mean the blackface but also I mean how disastrously unfunny it is. It is all just unacceptable. The only thing funny about this movie is its name. Watch it as a cultural artifact, like a lesson in both cultural insensitivity and as an example of what happens when people make a movie about a field- here, anthropology- that they know nothing about. Again, that could all be forgiven if it was funny or entertaining but it is just inappropriate. I mean even the music is inappropriate, like there's ominous music when there's no threat, there's goofy music when something sad happens. It's bizarre. It's all just bizarre.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Scale back your expectations
12 June 2020
Look I love Brad Pitt and this movie LOOKS fantastic but I just do not understand the positive reviews. This movie was pure drudgery, I'm sorry. It was like actual work. I have only ever bothered to review movies on IMDB when I liked them, especially if they are underrated. This is the first time I've written a review for a movie because I didn't like it but people need to be warned. It's not even bad enough to be interesting. It's just really pretty mediocrity. Sorry, I feel bad saying mean things about someone's art but there are a dozen other epic space movies you could watch instead, even if you've seen them before.
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The Lodge (2019)
Unsettling and well-made
10 May 2020
This is a very well-crafted film. The principle three actors all do very well, the direction is more than competent, the story keeps you guessing, and when it ended I knew I'd watch it again. It's not a fun horror movie by any means- it kind of reminded me of Hereditary in some ways- but it is a very good horror movie and reading some of these reviews really surprised me.
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Laughably bad after the first half
7 May 2020
If they had drawn out the first half, with Ned Kelly as a kid hanging out with Russell Crowe, then you've got a pretty good movie on your hands. I really like what I've seen of George MacKay so far, so I was excited for the second half that covers Kelly as an adult, but rarely have I seen a movie go so far off the rails. Forget that it's historical fantasy. What starts off as a pretty good movie just suddenly becomes unnecessarily hard to follow, pretentiously artsy, surreal, silly, and absurd. Scenes that contain what should be tragic are instead farcical and unintentionally funny, which is all the more bizarre being that the first thirty minutes are so are strong. Mostly I'm irritated that it was such a bait and switch, because had the beginning been as weak as the rest of the movie I wouldn't have gotten invested enough to needlessly see it through to the end.
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Mary (I) (2019)
Amazingly bad
19 April 2020
Look I don't write reviews often. Like most people, something has to be very good or very bad to prompt me to do so. This movie was just so incredibly bad, but the weird part is that the reason why is kind of hard to put your finger on. Mortimer and Oldman phone it in big time, so that doesn't help. The dialogue is as wooden as the performances. It should be cool, a haunted ship. I can see why, on paper, people thought this might be a good movie. But by the time it gets to the end it just feels like it's a mercy that it's over, and I really was wondering why I forced myself to finish it. What was accomplished by spending the full hour and a half with this movie instead of stopping after a half hour or so? I don't owe anybody anything. Look, it doesn't matter how good an actor Gary Oldman usually is, just skip this and watch anything else. Watch paint dry.
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Glass (2019)
The critics are wrong.
18 January 2019
I don't want to say too much. This is beautifully shot, and magnificently acted. As a huge fan of Unbreakable there were times I embarrassed myself wriggling in my seat with joy in the theater or clapping my hands in excitements. I laughed a surprising amount too- this movie is dark and thoughtful but also downright funny. It has its flaws, and I'm not thrilled with the fate of all the characters but at the same time I wouldn't change a thing, even one huge part that I totally hate but also totally get.
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