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Outlaw King (2018)
Visually beautiful and interesting historical drama
25 November 2018
Pleasantly surprising is what this film is. It is always hard to make something new of an old theme, especially if that theme was so well-presented already in a classic like "Braveheart". The character of Robert Bruce appears in the 1995 film and it is very easy to slip in its shoes and repeat a big part of the events in it. "Outlaw King"managed to distance itself from "Braveheart" with just hinting the outcome of the events concerning Wallace and then goes into different direction of its own. Actors are great. Pine's portrayal is beliavable and real. To me the most interesting performance is that of Florence Pugh. She made her character interesting by avoiding the stereotype of the medieval queen and that really stands out. The final battle was realistic and well-choreographed. There is only one thing I did not like about this film and that is its music. Nothing exciting, nothing to catch the ear, no memorable melody to play in one's mind a few days after seeing the film.
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The future comes only when the past is gone
14 December 2015
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An interesting and believable story taken out from the everyday life. It presents a young woman with a weak character whose life is a mess. She seems to be stressed constantly and not being able to go on with her life because of a deep emotional trauma during childhood.

The film explores the emotional aspect of the human character and how getting stuck in the past leads to absence of future. Alice is a synonym of an introvert. Despite her hurried life she makes no progress and seems to be standing still. She works hard but she's not successful. She knows what she wants from life but she doesn't do anything to get it. She has built a wall around herself to shield her from the outside world because she's afraid of it.

Aside from the actors love as a two-faced feeling also plays a role in this film. Its first act is to disappoint to a level that everything after that is stereotyped as deceitful and untrustworthy. Then it transitions with the main character to show its other face that can tear down the walls someone intentionally built to prevent the future to come in.

This film shows the wonderful things that can happen when you open your mind, stop existing in the past and start living today for the future.
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Electrifying and intense
11 December 2015
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A wonderful depiction of Fischer's chess success, capturing in a perfect way his eccentric persona, game brilliancy and the atmosphere of the time.

Many believe that this is a film about chess, while it actually is about the person behind the chess player and for that reason the film strays from giving explanations about game philosophy and every move shown and concentrates on characters and what they go through. In the centre of that focus is the eccentric Fischer with his ridiculous and pretentious demands, unnerving and arrogant behaviour and remarkable chess skills. Tobey Maguire nails the role perfectly and his performance is astonishing. A huge impression makes his never-short of emotions face which in some scenes is used as a substitute for dialogue.

Another interesting thing to point out is that the character of Spassky is a bit undeveloped and he is more of a figure in the film rather than a real character and rightly so. This is intentional and is there to show that the real opponent of Fischer is not his chess one, even though it looks so, it's actually his own self, constantly torn apart between suspicion and paranoia mixed with a good portion of overconfidence and ambition.

The whole film breathes the time it takes place in and that's a credit to the excellent choice of music and the use of authentic materials, such as videos, interviews, etc. It really shows the Cold War reality with the endless race on all fronts where a simple intellectual game becomes a confrontation point not between players but between nations.
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MI-5 (2015)
Far from good
9 December 2015
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Unlike many other films categorised as spy thrillers who are filled with action scenes and care less about the spying aspect this one is just the opposite. The pure investigation scenes surpass the action ones. So, you would think you have a fine mind-tickling thriller that makes questions pop up in your head to ponder over? But think again.

The film is boring and I found myself easily distracted. It's not until the last half an hour that it begins to hold attention well and becomes interesting. It's supposed to present serious events but the whole feel is not serious enough. Even the most dramatic scenes doesn't deliver adrenalin or any kind of feeling. The film makes progress at a normal pace but it doesn't try to lure you into its story. Instead, it shows you moving pictures and occupies your mind with its dialogue which, frankly, is nothing amazing.

There is no character transition and, sadly, few of the actors can deliver emotions on their faces properly. The characters are not shaped well, and that is especially noticeable with Qasim who plays more the bad guy, rather than an actual leader. The whole film follows the formula of good guys versus bad guys which shows simple approach in storytelling.
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Cool is the right word for it
8 December 2015
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Meet Frank Martin. A former military he is now in the transportation business. A man of principles he likes it quiet in the morning. But after breaking his own rules his world becomes quite loud.

More than a decade after its release this film hasn't lost any of its charm. It's entertaining and enjoyable but most importantly it's very, very cool. The connection between Frank and his car making it almost a supporting actor, the way he dresses, talks and acts and the whole atmosphere of the film are catchy and memorable. Jason Statham played his role so well that it's no wonder this film established his as a major action star. Qi Shu is acting very natural and Francois Berleand is very much into his character, also.

Of course, some scenes are a little bit over the top but that doesn't take away its charm. The dialogue is clever and original and the fight scenes are choreographed with perfection. Combinig this with the fine settings and the fast pace it's an action film that deserves a watch.
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Tries too hard but accomplishes nothing
7 December 2015
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The atmosphere the first 'Transporter' has can't be found here. The most important ingredients that made the original one so cool and likable are missing in this one. Without them it's just an ordinary action film and feels disconnected from the previous parts.

The story is believable but it's presented in a way that's dull and not interesting. There are too many action scenes that try to hide the other flaws of the film. The script is full of lines that are supposed to be funny and sound original but they are not. The characters are not developed enough and, therefore, the connection between them is lost. The only actor who makes a good role is Ray Stevenson. Unlike the others, he looks natural and confident with his character.

Something that was missing from this film is the connection between Frank Martin and his car. In the previous parts it felt like they are one, he had rules for others to obey when entering it. Here this connection is lost and Frank doesn't look like a real transporter and, most importantly, the car doesn't feel like a part of the supporting cast but just another vehicle.

The main actor, Ed Skrein, had big shoes to fill and he failed completely because he chose the wrong way and that is to be like Jason Statham. Instead of being creative and contribute to his character by making it interesting in his own way, shaping it in a way that he feels comfortable with he decided to impersonate his predecessor not only in the fight scenes but even in his speaking manner. If he had taken a different path maybe he would have come with something fresh and possible to compare to the original one. But since he didn't comparing the original with its copy is pointless.

Obviously the film was not made with much thought and not surprisingly it's not as good as the previous ones.
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4 December 2015
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A road adventure that brings together two completely different characters. A man that is constantly haunted by his past and has many flaws in his personality and a boy whose innocence collides with real life. Opposites at first glance they create a powerful bond.

The story is simple and that's where its charm is. It doesn't pretend to be more than it actually is. It doesn't try to distinguish right from wrong, nor it tries to judge any of the characters. It presents a short moment in time and leaves all the conclusions to the viewer. It has a bit of European feel to itself, especially in the way the scenes don't rush one after the other but rather flow into one another. The dialogues are good and they reveal not only the plot but the characters as well.

The performances are very good, most notable the one from Josh Wiggins. He looks very natural in his role and shows a lot of potential for future success in the field of acting.

Lastly, but not least, the photography and the scenic sets, combined with the beautiful music, give a sense of tranquility and peace.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
The future lacks a futuristic flavour
3 December 2015
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There was a time when the sci-fi genre set standards for other genres to reach but it seems that's no longer the case. The story in this one is very believable because it's nothing original.

A missing girl and a secret that could be devastating to human existence. One wonders, can't these things happen in the present? A cop that is a reminiscence of a tough and hard-boiled detective from the 1930s. Very old school which, bearing in mind that the story takes place in the 23rd century, should be ancient school to him. The technology is not cutting edge and with the exception of the spacecrafts it carries the breath of the 21st century. For example, all the computers look like today's ones and the gadget that the cop uses the see his new task looks like a phone without its phone case. And lastly, the costumes. Probably busy colonising space, the human kind completely forgot to improve clothing and the clothes look very 21st century, very retro.

Having said all that there isn't anything innovative that has never been seen before, nothing that's mind-blowing and intriguing. It's not futuristic but rather realistic presentation of the future. The whole point of these kind of films is to let your imagination wander about and come up with something that is mind-tickling which this one is not.

For those who like stories it should be interesting to see how this one progresses but other than that it's not much to look at.
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Victoria (II) (2015)
A presentation on social problems
1 December 2015
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This is a psychological film that has a very interesting idea. It focuses the attention on several growing social problems, especially among young people.

The first one is finding one's place in the society. The group of male characters are all grown-ups but their behaviour doesn't suit their age and they are wasting their time doing practically nothing and the female character obviously has talent for music but instead of practicing this art on a professional level she works in a café - a job that doesn't require the skills she has.

The second one is the whole setting towards life that young generation nowadays has. Being easily bored and sometimes apathetic, falling into the monotony of everyday life, young people don't think twice and rush with decision making and sometimes even go with the flow just to get out of the lethargy and, perhaps, exchange a life that's going nowhere for a new more exciting one.

The last one is the problem with misjudging one's self as well as others. In times where the individual is in the centre of the world and everyone is told everything is possible there is a certain degree of overconfidence in one's abilities and the misconception that every situation is easy to handle but reality always brings everybody back down to earth. Focusing only on one's individual self leads to seeing only the surface of others and failing to properly appreciate what is inside. For these reasons Victoria decides to help complete strangers with something that appears odd, to say the least.

There is a lot written about how the movie was filmed in one continuous shot, how the actors are giving great and realistic performances and how the music suits the presented emotions. But the purpose of all these cinematic techniques is to represent an idea and deliver a certain message and for that reason the real value of this film hides in its depths. After all, isn't that what cinema's about?
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Submerged (I) (2016)
Simply awful
27 November 2015
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Have you ever watched a film that it seems longer than it actually is? Have you ever felt that the ending is so near but it turns out that you're nowhere near the half of it? This is the case with this one.

To start off, the story is nothing exciting or original but just the opposite - it's boring and predictable. The dialogues are bad and the way they are delivered makes them even terrible. It appears the director and the writer ran out of ideas and decided to fill the script with screaming and curse words which makes the film feel dull. The characters have no depth or development as the story progresses. No character stands out, none of them is really likable or memorable.

The acting is very poor. There are some scenes that are meant to be dramatic but because of bad acting they look funny. The actors make strange facial expressions which doesn't suite the situations their characters are in. The main actor has the same expression throughout the whole film as if he's constantly wondering what is going on. All actors are overacting and trying too hard.

The music used is calm and ambient but it's inappropriate for this kind of story (after all, it's about people trapped in a limo underwater). The visual pleasure is also ruined by the shaking camera even at times when it should be still.

A film that is not interesting enough to hold attention well. It has many flaws that make it unwatchable.
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Momentum (I) (2015)
Not as bad as some think
27 November 2015
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'Momentum' is an action film and for that reason it has to be compared with other films of the same genre. And in comparison with many other action films it is actually well done.

The story is good and believable. The dialogues may not be at the highest possible level but there are some original lines. Also, the car chase in the parking lot looks perfect and well-thought. I find it interesting that they used camera angles that differ from the standard ones and give a nice touch to the whole perception of the film. Another interesting thing that can be pointed out is that it was filmed in Cape Town, South Africa which is a pleasant change of scenery.

Olga Kurylenko gives a solid performance portraying a strong woman, even tough at times. She proves that she can play different characters with ease because her role here contrasts with what we've seen from her lately ('November Man' and 'The Water Diviner'). What makes a nice impression here is her use of face expressions, unlike others (and not in this film only) who wear the same faces film after film.

As a whole, it is an intense film with enjoyable action that feels real.
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The Judgment (2014)
Very good
23 November 2015
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A story about a lone father who is struggling with life after he loses his job and faces the possibility of losing his house. To make things worse his past comes to life again and this causes issues between him and his son.

The film keeps a realistic feel from start to end. It shows life as it is and relationship between characters look very natural. The story revolves around problems in recent times. Every character has an own story going on which is different from the major one. None of them is straightforward but rather complicated and has good as well as bad personality traits. All characters are story-orientated and none of them stands out from the rest, although Assen Blatechki and Predrag Manojlovic manage to give a really dramatic performances.

The script is well-written, the dialogues are very good and there are some philosophical thoughts about the important things in life. The whole film has a bit dark feel to it.

The film is well-made and it is worth seeing.
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Project A 2 (1987)
Better than the first one
22 November 2015
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I was a bit reserved about this film because rarely the sequels are as good as the prequels. After seeing it I have to say that it's not only as good but even better.

The action is still the same. There are many fight scenes and stunts performed at the same high level as they are in the first film. The pace is well-balanced and goes at the right speed without being too fast to follow or too slow to bore.

What makes the difference is the story. As opposed to the first film which is a little straightforward this one has many layers and they are combined into one major story that involves all the characters and resolves all the minor stories without taking away the classy humour or the amazing action. The film is certainly not predictable and that is what makes it interesting to follow.

I rate this one higher that the first one because it offers a better balance between action scenes, humour and dialogue.
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Everest (2015)
Intense and real
21 November 2015
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"Everest" is a really well-crafted film. Based on a real story it manages to capture the dramatism and presents a realistic portrait of the events of the 1996 disaster.

The actors are chosen very well and all of them seem to have become one with their characters. Some very good performances can be found here and I am happy to see that they stay away from overacting and overdramatic emotions as sometimes films about disasters tempt actors to give. Everyone played their parts in such a way that they look perfectly fitting for them so what stands out is the character rather than the actor.

The dialogues are well-written and delivered. They are just enough to guide through the story and reveal not only the facts but also the human part behind them.

The film has many picturesque sets and what makes them even more outstanding is the brilliant cinematography which increases the feel of realism. There are moments you can imagine yourself as a part of the groups that are climbing the mountain.

This film deserves a look because it shows that filmmaking is still an art.
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Armour of God (1986)
Enjoyable and classy
20 November 2015
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A very enjoyable action comedy that impresses with every second of it. A fortune hunter helps his friend to save a girl with whom they happen to be both in love. Although this doesn't sound like much of a story, it is, nevertheless, interesting one. The film doesn't only show how the story develops but also has a moral side to it. It presents the friendship between the main characters as the real high valued treasure.

The film has interesting dialogues and a lot of funny situations. The fight scenes are very well choreographed as it can be expected from a Jackie Chan film. There are some daring stunts that can stop one's breath and a car chase executed with perfection.

Overall, an action film that contains classy humour and nice fight scenes.
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Project A (1983)
Amazing action
19 November 2015
A combination of action and fun in a fast-paced film is a real joy to the eye. The masterful display of choreography and martial arts is impressive and outstanding. The stunts are so many and very challenging to perform but they are executed in a most precise and stylish way.

The chemistry between the main actors is clearly visible in their dialogue delivery and their presence on screen is easily felt. The film has it own atmosphere and characters amaze with their wit. The story is catchy and interesting to follow.

The film is very enjoyable and holds your attention from the very start.
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Black Mass (2015)
Rather weak
17 November 2015
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I had high expectations for this film but it turned out to be a little disappointing. Despite the big names in it it is not anything spectacular.

The pace is a bit slow and at some moments it is boring. Some of the characters seem undeveloped enough with the exception of the main ones. Needless to say, all actors are very talented but none of them gives a memorable performance that really stands out and can survive the test of time. The film fails to establish a connection between characters and the viewer and it's not easy to feel the emotions that they go through.

The film tries a bit hard to be at the level of other films of the same genre. It manages to capture the feel of the time during which it takes place but it is easily forgettable.
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Blade Runner (1982)
A masterpiece
12 November 2015
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Films like this one are very rare these days. There are no words to describe what one feels while watching it. The whole mood and atmosphere of the film can't be shared, it has to be felt. The beautiful sets unveil a world that was real only in people's heads at that time. A neo-noir cyberpunk reality.

The story holds attention from start to end. The perfectly developed characters and the magnificent presence of the actors on screen brings you into the story as if you are part of it. The use of dark colours gives almost a personal feel to the film.

Finally, the music defines new heights. Easily one of the best and most emotional compositions ever created for a film.

Looking at this film from the distance of time it has aged very well and, surely, is a masterpiece that set standards not just in its own genre but in filmmaking as a whole. There aren't many films that are subjects of discussions decades after they had been made.
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In Harmony (2015)
Good performances
12 November 2015
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A film about people trying to regain what they have lost - a stuntman - his ability to ride a horse again after an accident and a woman trying to find her previous self.

There is a contrast between the two main characters. Marc is strong and determined while Florence is doubtful and unsure. The attraction between them works as an inspiration for both of them. Their relationship is shown in a beautiful and artistic way. The main actors give very good performances, worthy of admiring.

It is interesting to note how the different sets also play part in character composition. Every time Florence is with Marc they are shown in wide areas as a metaphor for opening of the soul and creating a kind of a peaceful mood while when without him she is surrounded by different obstacles as if she is closed within herself with her own thoughts.

Overall, a well-balanced film that is interesting to watch.
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A Perfect Man (2015)
An amazing neo-noir thriller
11 November 2015
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The French know how to make films and this is a perfect example of it. A well-thought and well-made suspense thriller in the style of Hitchcock "Un homme ideal" is certainly a wonderful example of this genre. The film goes by just the right pace and never in a moment leaves the viewer distracted or bored.

Pierre Niney gives a deeply emotional performance, constantly changing his emotions from desperation to satisfaction, anger and fear to represent a character that is very diverse in the pursuit of his big dream - become an author at all costs. There is almost natural chemistry between him and the main actress (Ana Girardot)which gives a bit of extra realism that deepens the mood of the film.

The sets are very well-chosen creating a contrast with the main character's emotions - the dark and cold city landscape when he was excited about his work and wanted to succeed but couldn't and the sunny and warm seaside when he took his success for granted and his world started to fall apart.

A good and exciting thriller with solid performances and many unexpected turns.
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Not really good
9 November 2015
Maybe this film could have been better but it turned out a little disappointing. The plot was a bit predictable and at some point the film gets boring. It doesn't hold the attention well enough and you can be easily distracted. There are some funny moments but the humour lacks the class and the originality that other Guy Ritchie films have.

In terms of acting the performances are average and the characters themselves are quite straightforward and undeveloped and, perhaps, that is the reason why none of them is catchy or memorable enough.

Despite all these things the film is pleasant to watch but it is easily forgettable.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Intelligent Thriller
6 November 2015
A very interesting and intelligent thriller that is well-paced and doesn't bores you for a moment. The plot is quite clever and it is presented in a way that holds up the attention throughout the whole film.

The characters are well-structured and the main actors give very good performances. The good directing allows them to show their skills and as a result the emotions the main characters go through are easily seen and felt by the viewer.

"The Gift" is emotional, intense and certainly a pleasant surprise that leaves very good impressions.
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Vikings (2013– )
A Medieval Adventure
5 November 2015
This series offer a lot of entertainment that keeps you interested from the very beginning. The storyline is very well-written and there is a balance between dialogue and action scenes.

All major characters have enough depth and actors play their roles very well. It is very important that the series manage to capture the atmosphere of the age when the vikings went on a voyage not only to find new lands but also a completely different culture that would question their own beliefs and traditions.

Overall, the series are exciting,intense and every episode leaves you eager for the next one.
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