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The Mandalorian: Chapter 17: The Apostate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
2 and a half years we waited.
6 March 2023
How to write a bog standard Mandalorian episode 101 -

  • Start with something interesting and visually pleasing, have the mandalorian save the day.

  • Make Grogu look cute and have him be funny.

  • Make Mando see old allys for no reason than nostalgia factor.

  • Have Mando meet some random bad guys and give him a badass moment in the ship snd gunfight.

And finally cram this into 25 minutes and end with a boring cliffhanger that teases where the series can go.

This formula worked in season 1, we are now 17 episodes into this series and it is repeating the same tropes. I am optimistic for the rest of the season, however this episode was ridiculously bog standard snd boring in comparison to the previous half of season 1 and 2.

In Filoni we trust, but don't force crap down our throats as star wars is already hanging by a loose thread. Take a page from andor, mature and thought provoking story telling. You can do better than this, especially for a third season opener.
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Star Wars done with respect.
6 May 2021
Solo isn't the best, it's far from the best, but my god does it outsmart and overshadow the sequel trilogy.

Solo has likeable characters, great action, and Star Wars humour and magic. There are a few goofy moments and the film is definitely a cash in, but it really isn't bad, people slandering it are clearly bias to the OT and can't accept Star Wars for the new direction.

Alden does a great job as a young Han Solo, he's obviously never going to be Harrison Ford, so give the guy a break, he's a good actor and didn't annoy me once.

The film is let down by its villains and their unclear motives, and a few moments of over the top fan service.

Aside from its few flaws, Solo is great and worth your time. It gives you hope that Disney haven't screwed Star Wars completely.
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The Virtues (2019)
Horrifyingly realistic.
6 April 2021
Shane meadows is brilliant. I've loved everything from This is England to Somers town and even his older stuff too. So when I heard he was writing and directing a new series with Stephan Graham as the lead, I was very excited, this would be Shane's first vision since This is England 90'.

The virtues follows the Meadow's formula by letting the actors improvise their lines and takes, helping the scenes give off a more realistic vibe, and hell it works. You will almost forget you are watching fiction, the characters are written in such a way, it's almost impossible to believe your watching acting.

The plot touches on some dark material, some of it from Meadow's past, mixed in with the genius of Jack Thorne.

Watch the Virtues. Every other piece of television pales in comparison.
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Poorly written, uninspired Disney cash in.
4 April 2021
In late 2014, a trailer for the first Disney Star Wars was released, teasing new characters, planets and a promise of adventure, 10 years after the release of Episode III.

Fans where promised a Star Wars movie that strayed away from politics, and kept closer to the original trilogy stories, with returning favourite characters and a new threat.

A year on, December 2015, The force awakens was released, praised worldwide for bringing back Star Wars, and reliving the magic that had once taken place nearly 40 years before.

Despite the warm reception the film received, it was also met with some slandering negative reviews, chanting it as a blatant rip off of a new hope, and that's what the film is, a poorly written knock off reboot of a beloved classic. Upon first viewing, TFA is an epic, fun, and enjoyable movie, but on a second, third and even fourth watch, the movie is a flat, shallow, hollow version of the original, full of unlikeable characters, and dumb over the top marvel like action.

The movie is held together by Harrison Ford, Adam Driver and a pile of nostalgia that is desperately trying to please you at every chance it gets.

It remains the best out of the new trilogy, yet that's not saying much, it's a bland take on a classic.
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Us (II) (2019)
Confused as I am entertained.
3 December 2020
Jordan peele has engraved his position in my list of favourite directors with his debut of get out, I loved his previous work too, so it's safe to say I was very excited for this movie.

I hadn't a clue of how the plot would pan out, nor did I have much interest in it either. Sure, the concept is cool, and actually pretty creepy, but somewhere in this movie, it falls flat.

The pacing is off, the plot is everywhere, I'm confused, disappointed, unsatisfied, annoyed and creeped out all at the same time and it pisses me off.

Lupita carries this movie, and as her evil clone, actually is really creepy.
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Snatch (2017–2018)
Underrated, truly very fun and entertaining.
29 April 2017
First, the TV show isn't like the movie, if anything it feels as if it's trying to be the movie, and at a first glance I was happy to say that it failed at it's ambition. However, this changed over the course of the show. I began thinking less about the movie, and more about the show, the characters began developing, the story began to unfold carefully, though cliché. Snatch isn't about the movie, it's about it's own thing, style is key, characters are strong, the soundtrack is great.

I will not spoil anything, but this is a perfect show that could end on a season, thankfully, a second it's on it's way, and I cannot wait.
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
An engaging dark Hacking Drama with outstanding acting and narratives.
23 December 2016
This show is just good. I can't put it into words to describe the excellence that comes from the carefully crafted and well thought story lines, acting and directing. Sam Esmail is truly a living legend as this show is a masterpiece.

It's funny, Dark, scary, realistic, yet it includes elements of the paranormal, romance and even Sci-fi. This is all brought together by an excellent cast, in which is very likable, even including the shows antagonist (In season one). Combine all of this with dozens of fantastic plot twists that carefully explain themselves, while opening up new questions for speculation in future episodes.

Mr Robot is quite possibly one of the greatest shows of all time, as it combines everything subtlety into almost each episode. It truly deserves a 10/10 rating. Please, go out and watch this!
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Class (I) (2016)
Good, not great, not bad, good.
23 October 2016
Despite not having major advertisement, Class still managed to grasp my attention. Doctor Who used to be one of my favorite shows, and to see another spin off, aside from Torchwood was great.

We are introduced to our characters in a very well filmed opening tracking shot, as the camera pans on each of them. But I still can barley remember any of their names, unlike a TV show like Skins where I managed to learn all their names in the first episode. I couldn't learn them because the characters are boring, aside from two, that I found to be very interesting, these two tie heavily into the plot, and you'll know them when you see them.

But despite the boring characters, the plot of the pilot is pretty great. So great in fact, that I can remember nearly everything from it.

One last thing before the verdict, when seeing the trailer, I really didn't think it was going to be that good, I thought it was going to be a poorly acted, directed and cheap knock off of a British classic. But I was wrong, Class bring something to the table that Doctor who doesn't, a violent, well told tale about a group of regular teenagers defending their school. Sure the dialogue sounds unrealistic in some places, however Class is a fun teen drama that makes you think twice about the world of Doctor who.

My final verdict for Class is a - 7.3, as it's fun and has a brilliant narrative, however I found the characters to be a little boring and unrealistic.
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Rainbow Six: Siege (2015 Video Game)
It keeps getting bigger and better.
25 September 2016
Rainbow six siege is a tactical and methodical first person shooter developed by Ubisoft. Currently 1.6 million people play this game everyday, and it's vastly growing.

As you first enter the game, you will feel the urge to rush into a heavily barricaded room and kill everyone to feel like a bad ass. Although this may sound fun, this is no call of duty. This game requires communication between teammates, searching for you enemy and having the will to be patient. You must be patient.

For anyone who has ever played overwatch, this game will feel slightly similar with it's 'operator' system. Meaning each playable character has their own unique ability, varying from toxic smoke grenades to a stim pistol that can revive your teammates.

You may play as an attacker or defender, on attack you must use your drones to locate either a hostage, a bomb or a bio-hazard container. Once the objective is located you must plan an attack to infiltrate the building and secure one of these three unique modes. On defense, well you guessed it, you have to defend. This means scouting the area on cameras, planting booby traps and reinforcing walls to stop the attackers from breaching in easily.

But siege provides something more than just shooting and searching. It creates a large intense atmosphere that no game I have played has ever managed to capture before. It uses gritty and realistic game play mechanics to really make the player feel as if they are breaching a building. Once you're dead, you're dead, you can't respawn until the nest round, this may be off putting to some, but this means more communicating and tactical teamwork.

I have had rainbow for a few months now, and haven't got bored once. This game is a definitely must buy and is totally different to anything I've played before. Pick this game up next time you have the chance, you won't regret it.
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Skins (2007–2013)
Season one and two - Amazing. The rest? Not so much...
15 July 2016
The 1st generation of Skins (Season 1/2) is an immensely gripping British Drama, with great acting, story lines, and lovable characters. It's funny, emotional, weird, and deciphers the lives of British teenager years fantastically well, and in such a way that it's impossible to not like any of the characters. No other television show has made me laugh, cry and feel for the characters like this before.

After the departure of the characters we've come to know and love, a new, less likable bunch arrive. I'm not sure if these where the writers intentions, but season 3 - 7 fail to grab the essence of the original two season's. The acting isn't even comparable to the 1st generation, the humor level is dumbed down to fart jokes and penis jokes, which is something the 1st never did, or if so, did in a way that didn't make it seem forced or even remotely like cheap writing.

There are a few good moments and a few characters that made me laugh a couple of times, but these are the characters that are just copies of the old ones, and these same characters seem as if they are trying to balance the weight of the entire show on their shoulders.

It's just not the same, and because you get so emotionally attached to the first generation's excellently written characters, narratives and style, it's hard to fall in love again.

Season one and two - 9/10

Season 3-7 - 6.5.
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Chronicle (2012)
A fantastic story of friendship, family and struggle.
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Josh Trank may get a bad wrap for Fantastic 4, but Chronicle is something amazing.

It uses the found footage genre, but in such a way that it's intense and makes you feel like the main character. The story centers around Andrew, a troubled and depressed teen with no friends or anyone to talk to. He likes to shoot things on his camera, yet is bullied for almost everything he does, including this. Without giving away too much, he quickly makes some friends after receiving telekinesis at a barn party.

Because Andrew records everything, we feel like we are a part of him, like his imaginary friend and we begin to feel for him as he makes new friends. After a while, he begins showing his darker side, after trying to rescue is mother, dying with Caner, and being abused by his alcoholic father.

His friends attempt to stop him from becoming depressed and resentful again, but he fights back, accidentally killing one of his friends in the process. The other, his cousin, knows exactly what he has done, and why he's filming everything, makes it the even more scary.

But when he stops filming, the footage from car dash cams and helicopter cameras makes us feel as if we are no longer Andrew's friend, and we cannot help to feel sorry for him as he fights his only friend to the death.

Overall, Chronicle is a very good film and for a low budget is phenomenal.
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Watchmen (2009)
The best superhero movie ever.
27 May 2016
This movie is simply the best superhero movie in the world. It combines amazing story telling with superb special effects and action sequences.

Why is there so much hate on this movie?

What's not to like about a perfect narrative, perfect and brutally satisfying fight sequences, combined with awesome acting and some pretty decent twists? To me this is the best superhero film to date.

But if you're going into this expecting something like the avengers or a funny, jolly, happy movie, you will be shocked.

This movie is dark as sh*t and that's partially to do with why it's so good. It stays true to the comics, keeping the very gritty tone and combining it with subtle comedy that doesn't seem forced. For a long movie, it does seem to fly pretty quickly and fluently.

I definitely recommend Watchmen to anyone who loves a superhero movie, or doesn't, for it is in one of my top 10s of all time...
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The Gamechangers (2015 TV Movie)
The GTA Chinatown wars of movies.
17 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The game changers is not terrible, though it really isn't that good.

It starts off awesome, with the release of Vice City, becoming one of the most popular games ever, and the controversy it caused, is very interesting and fun to watch. The movie is a little slow, I'll give you that, but it does capture your attention at some points, (this seems very forced at times - especially the whole 'hot coffee' scenario). There where a lot of references to other Rockstar games, that you will love if you are a fan of their games, but this seems put in, like I said earlier, just to grab your attention away from the boredom. The character development is very good, this is probably the best part of the movie, but this is all shattered in an awful ending, I won't spoil anything too big, but the sort of antagonist, suddenly changes his mind on the game being banned. Overall the game changers isn't a great movie, and deserves maybe a 5/6 out of ten.
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The Aliens (2016)
Surprisingly hilarious.
12 March 2016
I first saw the ad for this a while back and I was really exited because it had some of my favorite actors in it. However I didn't watch it the on the air date. I looked at some other reviews a couple days after and they where mediocre. But as I was exited for it, I gave it a watch. I went into it feeling like it was going to be boring and not at all funny, but it really engaged me. Sure, the show is your typical channel four comedy filled with sex jokes, but it's actually enjoyable. It's sort of like misfits with it's humor, typical but hilarious. This show is really underrated and people should really give it a chance. Micheal Socha steels the show for sure, as he does in everything, without him the show would be dreadful. Sure it lacks a few things, and comes across as a bit cringey, including the whole hair smoking thing, but Aliens surprised me, it's a fun show with a pretty good cast.
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A fantastic piece of television.
25 January 2016
Shane Meadows and Jack Thorne have created a fantastic piece of television. The thing that makes This is England great is the realness and tension that the show creates. With some of the finest British actors to date, the whole of the 'This is England' franchise is a must watch.

This is England '90 follows on from the Bafta winning This is England '86 and This is England '88.

90' focuses around the younger members of the gang as they are introduced to the rave scene and the nightlife of drugs, hit hard with Stone Roses and The happy Mondays. Over four seasons, starting from Spring, and ending in a bleak winter, This is England '90 really captures the essence of the beginning of a new generation...
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