
3 Reviews
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My First David Lynch Film
6 September 2006
Like the title said, this is my first David Lynch film. I do not know who David Lynch is, nor have I heard of his previous films. So maybe I am missing something by not seeing the others. I do hope that this is not the case. I was told to watch this my a close friend as she regarded it quite highly. This is not an easy movie to understand, so to be fair, I watched it three times, each time with a different mindset. The conclusion, unfortunately, is that this film is not one that should be hailed for being a "piece of art" or anything extraordinary. This film has some beautiful scenes, but that is about it.

Many people have claimed that this film is art. Well, I must respectfully disagree with them on this regard. If all art is is putting pretty pictures together, then anyone can be an artist. True art goes much deeper. This is where Muholland Drive fails. During my second time of watching, I was told to "think less and let it (the movie) flow". This is quite impossible as whatever flow this movie tries to achieve is destroyed by its inconsistency.

My final time I tried to pick up certain parts of the movie, and tried to make some sort of sense to it. However, it leaves 40% of the scenes unexplained. Is the director trying to lure people in by showing us eye candy and hoping the rest would flow as people get too caught up with their desperate attempts to scrounge up some meaning for it? I think it might be the case.

Should you watch this movie? I don't know. It is a beautiful movie but that is it. Pure eye candy with no substance. I really wanted to try to find some meaning to this film, but it seems that it is the movie that is preventing me from doing so.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Worth the US$5.25
5 July 2005
Compared to the movies I have seen these past two years, Batman Begins does an adequate job of putting batman on the screen. However, it is still a bad film.

First, I have to establish that I am a fan of the comics, and I really dislike it when movies completely disregard the story and history established in the comic books.

With that out of the way, Batman Begins casts Christian Bale, who is the best Batman actor I have seen, but it doesn't say much when you look at the past Batmans. The story is divided into two parts. One talking about the beginnings of Batman, and the second about him saving gotham.

As always, 2 villains are cast. Raz-Al-Ghul, and Scarecrow. Scarecrow is played over the top, but that is a good thing as I believe that's how villains should be played in Batman.

Raz is a different story. The Raz in the comic is much better, and this one does not do him justice. The actor is very good, but it is the way Raz is portrayed that really disappoints.

Then, plot holes. Mr. Wayne wears a tux, but rides the subway. They come out of a high class opera house to the lowest slum. It just does not make sense.

Katie Holmes is the most horrible thing about this film. She throws in corny one-liners as if her life depends on it.

Bottom line, compared to the stuff I have seen this past 2 summers, Batman Begins is actually entertaining enough to be worth the $5.25, if you are willing to completely forget what you know of the caped crusader.
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The Finest Film Ever Made
5 July 2005
This has got to be the finest film that ever made. If you are watching this on DVD, make sure you get criterion collection. The whole film must be watched in one sitting, or it will break. Pay close attention to the camera-work and their angles. It shows what God sees and the emotions are captured perfectly in this film. I was dumbstruck after seeing the film as it is so powerful. It beats every single film I have ever saw. Current favourites like Lord of the Rings pale in comparison to this. The actress who played Joan is perfect, as her eyes tell the viewer so much and her fragile features in the face of the 'horned' judges makes you seem like you are there inside the trial. This film is also quite accurate, and that makes the film a whole lot more enjoyable. If you must see one film in your entire life, make it this one.
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