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Not over the top like similar films making its portrayal more sincere.
3 September 2020
All star cast, probably one of the best that have come together in a film. Ever. Every one at the top of their game. Score fit perfectly. It's not a Hollywood action, Not over the top and not boring either. It doesn't fixate too much on anything in particular and just tells it's story coherently. You can't get too much better than that. A script with touch of sincerity, with a director whom knew exactly where to take it, and actors and actresses able to sink into the roles and bring it to life. It's not the most amazing movie I've ever seen but it's a masterpiece of sorts, for sure.
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Great movie If you can submerse yourself in it.
19 August 2020
As far as being a proper story, it lacks in a few departments but things rarely are perfect. Seems forced at times, rushed, dialogue becomes less complimentary to the image it's trying to project at times.

However, I loved just about all the acting performances, and the reality... perhaps it was because I was expecting something a bit different with a more cliche atmosphere but the seriousness hit me really hard. I'm sure the events in this movie have happened and do happen. I didn't feel like it was theatrically presented to me like a fictional tale I could later write a review, on no big whoop. I felt like I was there at the crime scene looking at the aftermath of something real and not in a tacky gore-fest way either. This submerged me deeper into the main character's conflict from then on and by the end I found myself asking "what I would do" over and over. That, for me, made up for all the it was lacking. It won't be for all, but it will be a powerful watch for certain ones out there.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Fantastic for anyone who doesn't want to find a problem with it.
12 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Slight spoilers. This movie was great, from reading a few reviews I've gotten the hint that it made a little controversy, I had no idea. I didn't know squat about the movie until my girlfriend showed it to me. I have since shown it to many friends, most that never heard of it and all of them loved it. Let me start by saying that I like when a movie tries to take a more realistic approach.

Yeah there are a lot of good movies out there that are all action and explosions, with a chiseled protagonist that handles everything like a boss and looks good doing it, and some of those movies are pretty good. This movie doesn't follow this common cinematic formula, just for Ex when our protagonist In this film swings from a decorative ceiling fixture that doesn't hold her weight and she crashes on her back, breaking a couch high table. She then proceeds to literally GASP for air very authentically for someone who would likely have very well knocked the wind out of themselves.

Our hero isn't a popular Hollywood A-list beauty, she doesn't act like any hero we've seen so much of in most movies. In fact she's kind of a weirdo, in a way that really connects with you and your friends chuckling on the couch at the humorous moments of the film. We can all be a bit goofy even if only sometimes, which to me makes her one of the most realistic protagonist I've ever seen.

This film is action, good action, the kind you feel isn't being stunted. It's goofy at times but hardly unreasonably so, it has serious undertones (Which, if this film was controversial, this was probably why). These undertones, even if you don't believe in them can easily be made sense of. From beginning to end, this movie was entertaining, and while I'm sure I've missed a lot of gems as of late, this film is one of the best I've seen in many years. Don't pick this film apart, just watch it and enjoy, and you'll have a great time.
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Still hoping for a sequel
16 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing this movie I'm really hoping for a sequel, it's everything The Fast and the Furious franchise could have turned into but after the 5th movie it became clear they were going to veer in the wrong direction. This could be the new car guy/girl movie franchise and I really hope it turns out to be.

This movie lacked a popular soundtrack which turned out to be amazing, letting the cars engines mostly be the soundtrack? The most wonderful idea and it really gave a sense of realism to the races. I felt as though I was watching real races with no effects, at times almost feeling like I was in the car.

The plot of this movie was great and most of the acting was stellar. The stunts were amazing, I mean some may argue that the crazier the better but I think a good action movie doesn't just show you unbelievable things done with CGI that you could never actually do but rather advertises unbelievable things in a fashion that make you feel are believable and doable.

Really, Need For Speed is the best car/racing movie I've seen in a long time, rivaling early Fast and Furious movies. In fact, I'd save my dimes from the new Fast and Furious films and instead spend them on the sequels to this diamond in the rough.
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Almost as good as The Lost World
16 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the poor reputation of this film it is quite enjoyable. Personally I enjoyed this movie for all the reasons most other people seem to despise. The direction, story, and risks. The raptors are advertised intelligent in the this film, making it a large point to note they're ability to communicate. And evidence supports in favor that deinonychus, which has to be what the Jurassic Park movies are portraying as velociraptors, were capable of this. Furthermore I believe it's the first time one of the dinosaurs were actually a main character. An argument could be made about that but personally I believe a true main character has to show intelligence and emotion. The iconic T-Rex in the previous films was just an animal, a supporting character at best, which is okay and it was entertaining. Speaking of, dispatching Tyrannosaurus was bold, daring, and took on a lot of criticism but I think it paid off, making room for a real predator.

Acting was decent and the plot was fine, despite taking major fire from a lot of people. All and all a good film, don't let poor ratings shy you away, this film is definitely fun. My theory, just because it wasn't exactly the same thing people wanted to burn its reputation and found reason not to like it that just aren't there. This film is almost just as good as the Lost World and is a nice addition to the Jurassic franchise so if you haven't seen it, its worth a look.
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Its a shame.
14 July 2015
This movie was supposed to begin a franchise and I'm quite disappointed that it didn't. This movie was very entertaining and has extremely likable characters as well as great actors and actresses. The general public's rating might not be so high but if you have the option, this is a good movie to watch. This film was supposed to be the next Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings(However I enjoyed this one movie more than the 5 Potter movies I've seen and leagues more than Lord of the Rings).

I'm holding out that they may resurrect this film for a franchise. There are way too many average movies that get their sequels and franchises. Divergent is an example of this.

However, I doubt this will happen but suppose I'm content re-watching Golden Compass every now and then.
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Furious 7 (2015)
What happened?
7 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For those whom may be familiar but have not seen any of the Fast and Furious franchise, I strongly recommend you do not start with this film because it will almost definitely turn you off from what are a great few films. I've generously given this film a 5 star rating only for the decently exciting action sequences and the few actors and actresses that continued to portray their characters well. As for the rest, what happened? This film is about the older brother of Owen Shaw, that the FF team took on in the previous film, wanting revenge for the harm done to his brother. This new antagonists name is Deckard Shaw, the last film's ending reveals that the accident that killed Han, A FF team member, in the third FF movie was actually cause by Deckard Shaw. This movie pretty much starts from there and revolves around the battle between Shaw and the FF team.

Now I've seen all the actors and actresses in this film act very well in other films, so I tend to blame the poor acting on the director and script. Dominic is nothing like the character he once was, he's a completely stiff meat head that speaks nothing but cliché sentences. It's like the screen writer typed "Bad*** one liners", into Google and tried to find a way to fit every one of them in the script. I haven't seen Vin Diesel ever play such a paper thin, boring, predictable character other than Riddick, only in Vin's self produced horrible sequel to the first 2 films. (Pitch Black and The Chronicles were actually good flicks.) I could go on and on but to sum it up its a classic Hollywood case of, more boom(Explosions) and less substance. It's a disease that plagues some of the best franchises and struck this one right around its 4th movie, though only a slight case in that film, so it was still enjoyable.

Keep this in mind, I'm a fan of this franchise and of what its about. If anything my opinion should be biased in favor of this movie, but its really just that bad.

Lastly I'd personally like to say I'd like to see more of Sean Boswell in the up coming films. The first Fast and the Furious and Tokyo Drift are my favorite in the franchise. And after Sean's mentor(Han) was killed, his character only seeing 2 minutes of screen time in this film was a complete joke. Furthermore, so was the scene that explained Dom beat Sean in a drift race. Sean was DRIFT KING, Dom was in an old heavy muscle car and we have seen no experience with him in any actual drift races. This scene is synonymous for the entire film. Defy absolutely every piece of logic and realism to make Dominic Toretto look like the most bad*** man whom ever lived. Had they worked less hard on that maybe they would have made a decent film.

R.I.P. Walker
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V/H/S (2012)
Less is more.
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Found footage is a hit or miss for me, though I definitely prefer my found footage to be more exciting like the movie Cloverfield rather than a horror story like The Blair Witch Project which I found to be more boring.

However this movie hits it pretty good. Its different, like no other movie I have ever come across and that's what immediately grabbed my attention. While it isn't really scary I don't think that makes it any less good. I mean what movies are scary anymore? The Conjuring? Insidious? Saw? I don't think so, to me they're all just recycled movies that might creep me out to a minor extent at best but V/H/S/ at least brings you something new to the table. This movie isn't perfect, as you can see I rate it 7 out of 10. A rating I also gave Insidious but I definitely prefer this movie over insidious. I also rather liked that it was a collaboration of shorts, which is weird because I never liked things like Tales Of The Dark side in the past. Unlike that, these shorts were great, Creative, executed well. Other than the arguably sub par acting in the Glitchman short the rest of the acting was brilliant and for exactly the type of movie it was. The only short I wasn't all there for was The Second Honeymoon but that's only personal preference, I've always been unmoved and bored by killer movies and preferred supernatural horror being that its so mysterious and uncontrollable. You may feel differently and like Second Honeymoon.

All and all, definitely creative and worth a watch for most. Don't be discouraged over its lower rating. Apparently there was a lot of buzz about this film prior to its take off in popularity which I think caused too many people to set too high of expectations. Many criticize that it doesn't have a plot. This isn't true, it has a plot. A very small plot, like a set up plot really, leaving so much mystery in its wake and I think that's a strongpoint. It leads a little more into it with V/H/S/ 2 but still keeps that mystery strong leaving more to your imagination which is refreshing because isn't it our own imaginations that terrify us the most.

In a genre that hasn't given us anything memorable in the past 5 years or so I think V/H/S/ while not perfect, is the best we have gotten in awhile and I also would definitely recommend V/H/S/ 2, which I believe to be even better. Skip out on V/H/S/ Viral though, the 3rd installment, that movie is what happens when a low budget title gains popularity and begins trying too hard. Ironically it has more of a plot than the first two, less is more.
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Best movie I have ever seen.
21 June 2015
Let me start by saying I'm not really a fan of DC Comics. Even when I was really young I found much less entertainment in DC than in Marvel, of course at the time I had no idea they had come from different comics or that they were based from comics at all. I was just a young kid watching cartoons and I found I had a much better liking for Spiderman or X-men than Batman and, wow, I remember absolutely despising Superman. Anyway, I didn't like Batman then and, guess what, I don't like him now. I don't think I will ever be a fan of Batman as a character, which says so much about this movie because even though I don't like Batman at all, I loved this movie. The best comic to movie ever, destroying anything Marvel or DC has ever come out with. The only thing I thought to be SLIGHTLY less epic than the rest of this masterpiece was the ending but had any normal movie had the same ending attached to it, it would be the absolute shining achievement of that movie. I was such a fool for thinking this movie wasn't really going to be all that, I waited months to finally see it reluctantly but afterward I immediately looked up and watched Batman Begins for the first time. Then saw The Dark Knight Rises right away when it came out, which proved to be a beautiful ending in what I'm calling the best trilogy that may ever exist. Not just because of the Joker or this film alone, while admittedly it is my favorite of the three, but because these movies bring more than what you could've expected from a cinema experience. It may be a bit pointless writing a review for a title that has been out so long but I just got an IMDb account and I just couldn't contain myself, for anyone who hasn't seen this film or its counterparts for whatever reason, IT IS A MUST SEE. Not everyone may be quite as amazed with it as I am but you will definitely be light years from being disappointed with it.
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Carnage (2011)
20 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I chose this film off of blue ridge on demand knowing nothing about it. It caught my eye because I saw John C. Reilly in the description as one of the leading actors, being I'm not even a big fan of Reilly, I have no idea why it compelled me to view it but I'm glad I did.

To put it shortly, the film is about two couples having a meet due to their children getting into a physical fight with each other.

All the characters were believable, even the ridiculous character played by Jodie Foster, because I happen to know someone just like that personally. The movie was pretty predictable but it did not take away from the brilliance. The wives turning on the husbands and vise versa, everyone one person is against every other character at some point or another and all their points of view are able to be related to. Everyone of them has so much character and emotion which is ripped away and put out for every one to see at an alarming rate, especially with the help of a few drinks. I won't go into a lot of detail but kudos to the entire cast for playing difficult characters. What I mean by difficult is, well I had a hunch and come to find out that it was true that the entire movie was shot in real time without any breaks or pauses, and that must be something difficult to do. Any person can go through several emotions in a few hours from every day life experiences but these people bear everything from generally hospitable and laughter down to point of marriage breaking arguments and saying they don't even care about the situation involving their children period. The cast pulls it off amazingly, it comes across realistic, exciting, and authentic. To think, the movie begins with the two couples already together with one of the pairs heading out the door right from the start and an entire cleverly put together film takes place before they make their way out. Actually I do believe the flick ends even before the couple leaves which would probably be its only real downfall to the general public, the completely abrupt ending, even though I personally thought that it fit the moment justly.
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Flip a coin
15 June 2015
The worst installment so far in the Transformers series. Not that the last 2 movies did any justice either. It has just been a steady downfall since the first movie, but they keep making them. Likely because they are profitable at the box office, which I can understand.

I could've definitely gone without seeing this flick, just like the 3rd Transformers. (The second Transformers being the last one worth watching.) The worst part of this film was probably the cast, I didn't care for any member. And they don't fit either, the main character and his daughter look like they could be in a relationship. Yeah, Mark Walberg looks good for his age but in the film it made the relationship of father and daughter insincere and unbelievable for me. Usually in flicks where a parent in prepared to do anything to keep their child safe, it is compelling and exciting but in this movie I found myself not caring in the slightest about the daughters life.

The special effects however are wonderful, as they are in each Transformers films, and it saves the feature a little bit. It's the type of movie you watch once for free when it comes on Netflix. It's neither good nor terrible, so if you're on the fence, flip A coin.
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Looking for a movie to watch? Can't go wrong with this.
14 June 2015
I've seen this movie floating around on Netflix for months. One morning, 5am, I put it on hoping it will be a decent movie to pass out to. Needless to say... I didn't sleep. This movie actually woke me up, perking my curiosity in the opening scenes and demanding my attention 25-30 minutes in. I've always liked Shia LaBeouf a decent amount. His character in this flick is different, interesting and a little unpredictable. Then there is the always great Evan Rachel Wood. I have adored her in countless movies and this one is no exception. She does A great job and looks just as stunning as ever. The protagonists also executed wonderfully by their actors. The dialogue, amazing, every word said wiggled its way to my brain and just suspended there. Maybe I look to deeply into things but it felt like everything I heard I could morph into something that had to do with my life, it all just resonated with me. By the end of the movie I had chosen to fall asleep to, I was standing up, smoking a cigarette and watching very intently.

I didn't have to say all that but I felt the need to. When it boils down to it though, I think any average movie goer could enjoy this film and its definitely worth a try to anyone. And if you see it like I do, you'll find it a masterpiece.
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