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Justice League Unlimited: Far from Home (2006)
Season 3, Episode 10
By Far the Worst Episode of the JL animated universe
17 August 2023
This episode makes no sense.

The time travel is fine, they went over that it exists in the JL or DCAU, but the fact that Supergirl and Brainiac 5 instantly fall in love and decide to stay with each other forever?

Ridiculous, so rushed and forced.

Ironically, Justice League handles romance very well. Batman and Wonder Woman have liked each other for basically 4-6 seasons of this show and technically have never gotten together.

Sure Brainiac and Supergirl are younger, but there's no way they'd fall in love this quickly and make such rash decisions. Kara is leaving behind the only family and universe she ever knew, for this guy she just met.

This trope was overused before, and I don't like it.
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It has heart
29 July 2023
...but not much else.

Despite Thomas being in the title of the movie, and the big part of the cover for the film, he's not exactly in it a whole lot, or at all really. The film does not remotely resemble the Sodor or characters depicted in the original series, despite it being created by the same person behind the TV show.

Instead of the world being the train's world where humans happen to be in it, it is instead, a regular human world (ours) where trains are the ones who happen to be in it. Toss in a plotline about magic gold dust and a town full of people who never appeared in the original Thomas and Friends series, and you have a movie cobbled between the actual series and the odd live action universe canon from Shining Time.

I've seen this movie twice, mostly when I was younger and loved Thomas the Tank Engine, and once again recently decades later.

The film has a stellar soundtrack, amazing cinematography, and the casting, props, and a few scenes are decent. Nothing else really works, even though you could tell how much passion was put behind the production. The script behind the film is too complicated for kids to understand what's going on, and too simplistic for adults to care.

This is not a good introduction or depiction of the story of Thomas the Tank Engine, you'd be better off just watching episodes from the original series instead.
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Don't Think Just Do
30 June 2022
My only real issue with the film is that they didn't use "you can be my wingman anytime" line at the end of the film. Also what an F14 was doing in an airbase that clearly only had modern aircraft (very minor complaint).

I didn't like the original Top Gun all that much, this flick was far better while still feeling in line with the 80s flick's motifs and world. Very good screenplay and cinematography, above all, I think the best part of the film was the acting. Tom Cruise really sells Maverick and he's far more likable than I remember him being from the first Top Gun.

All the callbacks were great, I only really had issue with them not using one of them, other than that, very solid film in the high 8 range (8.5-9.0)/10. I highly recommend this film even if you haven't seen the original because it really works.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
It Was All Fine Until the Finale
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the show was relatively mixed, but the good heavily outshone the bad.

First off, this does not feel like the Dexter Morgan we know from the original show. Not in several areas. The canon Dexter is so meticulous that the only way he can't get away with something is if his luck is horrifically bad. I get that's what they were going for in the finale, but my problem is the contrivance behind his killing of Officer Logan. New Blood Dexter is fine with murdering innocent cops during the finale to warrant a sad ending.

More importantly, the moment Harrison would've started showing symptoms of Dexter's manic desire to murder and hurt people without clear reason, from what we know of Dexter he instantly would've sat his son down and explained the code. Why? Because as the show clearly showed, Harrison's lack of knowledge over the subject compromises both him and Dexter. Several episodes of him neglecting Harrison just created needlessly forced drama, I think this show could've easily been more than a mini-series if it was written properly, where Dexter plans out the entire code and then in the finale they leave Iron Lake. I don't know why it feels like the necessity to only have ten episodes of this heavily constrained the show's overall writing quality.

It felt rushed, cheap, and forced to have Dexter kill an innocent man to steal the keys to his prison cell when they just as easily could've had him knock Logan out. I mean come on, not only is it a blatant violation of Dexter's code, but it's also lazy writing as Dexter to a degree liked Logan and he was developed as an innocent and good person.

My main issue is this, the finale was really rushed and also forced. If they wanted to establish a natural way to Dexter Morgan's death and Harrison's departure into the unknown to possibly set up a tenth season they needed to spend more time developing it. It's clear there is a passing of the torch, but it did not feel earned.

Every single episode was fine after the rather slow and odd first episode, except for the finale.

This is why this show earns an 8/10, eight out of ten episodes of this show worked fine for me.

Honestly, I would've preferred Harrison to properly learn Harry's code before Dexter's passing. Not because it would've felt more satisfying, but it would've been a better written way to actually pass the torch of Harry's code. I don't know why, but this mini series just doesn't pack that 9/10 quality that made the original Dexter series so memorable and legendary.
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Just not good.
26 October 2021
I saw the first Fantastic Beast film prior to this one, and while it had its fair share of problems, I really did enjoy most of the film. It's a fun action and character flick, manages to sell some very good character development with a good deal of fun and tense action.

This movie however somehow manages to set up what is going to be a very disappointing end to a trilogy. While the first Fantastic Beasts film managed to sell a very convincing three act structure led by a clear A and B plot, Beasts 2 has so many plots occurring at the same time it's hard to follow them.

To make matters worse, Johnny Depp as Grindelwald is not given a chance to shine. He gives a good performance, but the script just isn't there, for any character. Especially Dumbledore.

This just doesn't feel like the Albus Dumbledore I know from the books or films. Even as a thirty to fifty year old man.

There's fan service and plot holes galore, made dozens of times worse by the poor character writing, pacing, and plot. These don't feel like the same characters from the last film, and worst of all, most big reveals or plot beats come across as either retcons, nonsensical, or at times worst.

In simpler terms, this film can't even get by on the skin of its teeth like the last film.

I actually wanted nothing more than a film depicting the first Global Wizarding War and Grindelwald's reign of terror. The problem is, everything is so messy and rushed, that they don't have enough time to flesh out anything.

And again, anything that is developed is too rushed and or clumsy and nonsensical to be considered solid.

The film's fatal flaw is that this series probably wasn't planned as a trilogy except without pushing from marketing and the studio. This didn't need to be a trilogy, but they combined two very different aspects of the Harry Potter universe into this rushed mess of a film to make more money. And what we got is just this odd disappointment.

At this point, with Johnny Depp leaving the franchise, there's nothing left but a very predictable and boring third film in this ever dwindling Harry Potter movie franchise.

In my opinion, if JKR, Warner Brother's and the Wizarding World corporates want to save the movie franchise they need to make films the fans actually want to see in a coherent way. Like of course, a Marauders film that can be an alternate universe of the book's original events.

Or even a Marauder's AU miniseries.

This is of course entering fanfiction/AU territory, but at this point with how incongruent with canon they've gotten it wouldn't be a step too far.
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19 October 2021
I think two things really detracted from my enjoyment of the film.

The first was that they included James and Lily as well Hepzibah Smith in a very unrealistic and rushed way that took me out of it a lot because of how wrong it was.

The second was that there was no development or dialogue of any kind. They just rush forward with very little dialogue of any sort.

Overall, the film was again, extremely rushed. I get this was a fan made film and to make it feature length would cost a lot of money, but the problem is they needed to make the movie not feel like one long 30 minute action scene.

Don't get me wrong, the action was very well done. And some very well written moments like Bob Ogden recognizing the locket were there. Other than that this film was just not good.

It's passable if you want to watch 30 minutes of Dark Wizards and expensive looking sets/action scenes. It's a very strong C- a 7.0000/10 it barely passes for a film I'd recommend because for fans of Harry Potter this ain't it.

Things like Voldemort using a muggle contraption like a car to get around is so unrealistic really does not fit and the film is full of stuff like this. It also doesn't help all the dialogue happens during action scenes.
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It is as bad as everyone is saying.
8 October 2021
This film couldn't have been marketed worse. They say "Who made Tony Soprano." but he couldn't be more irrelevant. It's obvious they wanted to use the official Soprano logo and get fans of the Soprano series like myself and others in theatres just to make a quick and cheap buck.

The casting and sets were good you could tell the budget was there but nothing else was. The writing and development was just all over the place and very poor. The first half hour of a film is always the most important, and they wasted it on absolutely nothing. Without knowledge of the Sopranos series I would be lost and 100 percent confused as well as already bored.

This was honestly a massive letdown. I wanted nothing more than a well written and gripping film on the mystery behind Dickie Moltisanti's murder and the rise of Tony Soprano to head of the Dimeo Family. How can a 2 hour movie be this rushed?

Right. This film defines how not to make a prequel:

-Focus on things completely irrelevant to the main character (filler)

-Develop almost nothing and make everything very rushed

-Have almost no tension or suspense as the characters are barely given time to grow or create context.

-Everything is just...badly written.

Everything is just bland. I didn't care about what Dickie was doing because his character has as much character as a cardboard box.

I am allowed to compare this film to the Sopranos because the same guy wrote and directed both of these. It is clear that if the Sopranos can develop more character/intrigue in about 15 minutes than a 2 hour movie can in its whole run time, you're better off just watching better mobster media like the Godfather or of course the Sopranos.

Very solid thumbs down, don't waste your time.
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It's Bad
23 May 2021
I like cars. And I like racing. But I do not like this show at all.

Now, an unscripted show can be good. Netflix's Drive to Survive is the best example of this. Even though it's clear that Netflix is overdramatizing some aspects and obviously making many drivers to be "villains" when they're not like Max Verstappen. The show is still gripping and entertaining.

The Gymkhana files is just not that. The Gymkhana files is just boring. Ken Block is just making very well choreographed and very well budgeted pictures essentially. And he is clearly talented, and I could never even dream of driving as well as he could but the show just feels empty. Everything happens just because, well, Ken Block is rich.

And this could be interesting in theory if the show developed a point to it. But they never did so. The show just isn't interesting enough to sell me on the idea of "Hey this is how those Gymkhana videos were made"

So I see people are praising it for not being "real tv" but at least real tv is entertaining enough to hold someone's attention for more than an episode and a half. You don't have to follow a plotline to be interesting or well developed. Again "Drive to Survive" is a great example of this.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
Overrated and Messy
31 January 2021
In a single episode, Alex Rider manages to become the single largest piece of bland and boring media I've ever seen. It is cliche on every account even using lines like

"If we stick to the old ways, we lose new battles."

The writing is painfully boring and bland, the characters are boring too. There's the "troubled" teen who is needed by all the important adults in suits in a Secret Service spy show.

Honestly I didn't expect much and came away dissapointed anyway. 4/10.

Characters are weak and predictable, and the story is cheap, contrived, and boring. Would not recommend this show.
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Mulan (1998)
A Very Solid Film
10 September 2020
It's pretty hard to find something about this film that doesn't work, especially with *yet another* terrible remake by Disney that's come out apparently. First the soundtrack is very strong, and only adds to the gravity of the scenes.The animations great, the characters rock, and the humor is uplifting and fun.

Mulan tells the tale of a young woman named Mulan who must take her father's place in the army raised to fight a horde of Mongol Invaders in Medieval China. What surprises me is the incredible amount of emotional power told in this simple tale of self determination, responsibility and honor. Even though it's cartoonish, over the top and even a little ridiculous at times, Mulan is a well written film, and Mulan is a protagonist that embodies personal growth in every level. She's resilient, honest, and selfless. It's surprising that a simple children's movie tells very mature and well developed themes of duty, self sacrifice, and emotional zeal. It's power holds up well over 22 years later.

The only problems are Eddie Murphy starring Mooshu (who can be annoying and out of place at times), the meh villain, and the Disney standard animal sidekicks of Mulan, who technically is a Disney princess at the end of the day, albeit a great one.

She's not this "girl power" character because she's strong, she's strong because she fully becomes the individual China needed her to be, not in a subversive way, but in a smart one. At the end of the movie, it's noted that Mulan's arc wasn't about becoming the person she thought she needed to be, but the one other people needed her to be. China needed her to be a warrior, not a wife. Overall, I highly recommend this great movie, to fans of Disney and not. Thank you Disney for this incredible classic.
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Pokémon (1997–2023)
2 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off I'm a long time fan of both the anime and games. However, Pokemon I think is often overlooked because it rivals One Piece for its gargantuan run time, because it is a "kid's anime." I actually prefer the movies to this because the movies use Ash's character and the regions' Pokemon and such much more creatively than the show does.

Anyway, Pokemon's season's have a pretty reliable albeit predictable formula. Ash comes to a new region with Pikachu, wastes screen-time with Team Rocket and Pokemon catch-arcs for filler, the whole time supposedly trying to earn eight gym badges to battle the tournament at the end of every season where he inevitably loses right before becoming the champion.

Herein lies the greatest problem with the show. First, the anime supposedly is supposed to show how Ash matures as a trainer and gains stronger strategies as he approaches the seasons tournament. However he doesn't really, he just uses the same unorthodox approach to Pokemon like he has since episode 1 of the anime. Secondly, Ash always seems to lose. I get they're trying to teach kids that winning isn't everything, but it seems to just make the anime more predictable. I'm not saying Ash needs to win all the time, but since I know he's gonna right before the big finale every season, it makes it less interesting.

Each new season introduces a new waifu *ahem* girl character for Ash to reflect because the anime needs to appeal to girls too.

I also don't like how they tend to just throw characters in the garbage and almost never bring them back. May, Dawn, Max, Brock, and Misty are actually really interesting characters and I don't get why the writers throw them away while keeping Team Rocket. Speaking of which Team Rocket absolutely suck and I don't know why the writer's insist on keeping them around. You'd think at some point they would give up or Ash would just be wary of their comically awful costumes.

Ironically Pokemon's childish and over the top approach to a boy's 30 year long journey to master a style of Monster battling that he can't ever age enough to master is that it's charm and wit are what make it great. I like the Pokemon they give to each new trainer each new season, I like how the humor is always present and used to be engaging.

Overall score: 7.0/10

This is very close to a failing D in my opinion, but the writer's do manage just barely to keep me intrigued to see where they take it. Even if I know the worst parts of the anime won't change for sure.
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Bully (I) (2018)
"Cliches-The Movie"
23 May 2020
The boxing is bad, the writing is bad, the acting is bad, the cinematography is bad, everything about this is really bad. It's like they tried to find every cliche possible and shove it into the movie. The plot was dumb, especially when they tried to tie in this ridiculous "bullying is plaguing America's schools" nonsense. Anything this movie tried to do failed. As someone who has real experience in high school, being bullied, and boxing, this movie could not be any more awkward and unrealistic. It's ironic that it's listed as a comedy, because it genuinely felt like a so bad it's good film, in a laughably bad way.
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Wouldn't have expected to enjoy this one!
1 May 2020
I started off with some hesitation due to the setting and plot structure but it was a joyful surprise! This show really understands teen drama in a way most don't.
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All American (2018– )
Can get pretty Soap-ey at times but its Passable
13 April 2020
For what it is, All American works. It drops the ball here and there with a few of the characters but most of its writing mistakes generally fall to lack of direction and focus.

The first season worked, but the second slipped up a lot. First season's a solid 8, while season 2 is a 6.

Spencer is by far my favorite character, his struggles are relate-able and he is okay as a main character. The biggest problem with the show stems from how the CW pretty much makes itself known in every frame of the show.

Okay first we're gonna focus on politics, then on Spencer's dad, then on teen drama. If the show just took its time and did what it was trying to do it would work a whole lot better, but CW wants to try and do a million things at the same time.

The best fix for this would be to only focus on Spencer and only Spencer. The Bakers could get development too as they did in the first season because he was spending time with them.

Focusing on realism instead of drama to gain viewer ship would be CW's best bet. Having each of the four seasons be Spencer Paysinger's four years at Beverly High adapted onto television would be much more interesting.

Unfortunately, CW doesn't understand the difference between taking artistic liberties to make the story interesting and just making up a ridiculous amount of nonsense to keep the ratings high. The show gets very confusing and flighty when it's themes mix with the erratic pacing and focus.

The best I can hope for Season 3 is the focus being solely on Spencer and his character.
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Coraline (2009)
It Just Works
31 March 2020
Simple three act structure? Check. Good animation and voice acting? Check.

Overall, Coraline is a story that sends good morals to kids, is a very well written story, and is brimming with very well done themes. The casting was spot on too, every voice was matched, and the visuals were incredible, especially for a story set in such a small place.

This should be a good example of a simple story done right. Absolute classic, would recommend.
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Feels like a Missed Opportunity
31 March 2020
There's bits and pieces of a good story here, it just doesn't really show. It's a bad sign when the character that gives the best performance is the horse, which is a meme at this point.

First, as I always say, if the music choice is weak, the presentation is weak. Name any tune from a classic movie and play it, and you'd be able to name it in a second. This show's score is completely forgettable and out of place.

The show's problems only begin there and spiral out.

The characters had potential for development, but the story focused on the ones that didn't really matter. Moreover, the story was all over the place, and didn't know where or what it should've done or.

The plot was messy and lacked focus and drive. It couldn't even match the three act structure correctly, despite having two episodes for the first, second, and third acts.

The action was choppy and either edited too quick or slow. The tension in the story amounted to which character do you care least about? And the less said about some of the acting the better.

Almost all of this revolves around the dialogue, which ranges from poor to a slight bit above average.

The climax, the most simple battle between good and evil couldn't even be done right. Whoever wrote this simply does not understand the most fundamental parts of storytelling.

It makes sense seeing the Crew, there were three different directors, and six writers, almost a new writer per episode.

Also this might've been the worst villain I've ever seen.

Again, it felt like the writers almost, almost, knew what they were doing, they either lacked the talent or effort to go above and beyond.

Nothing really felt developed while feeling over saturated the entire time, everything felt too rushed yet too slow, too spotty but too focused.

In short, there was a chance this could've been a very simple character driven show with all five main characters going a simple quest, and yet it went at light speed when it should've slowed down, and took turns where it wasn't necessary to aid the development of anything.

The production felt weak, which wasn't helped by the poor writing, and I can criticize this because Netflix had the budget to include some very impressive action set pieces yet it didn't. Every action scene was too rushed, badly edited, or too quick.

The show also didn't understand themes, which was the most basic device in storytelling, especially for a show as simple as this one.

Which is why I give this a 5/10. The only part that worked was Tiuri becoming a Knight. The one theme that was rather simple, a boy goes from zero to hero. Hooray!

But what about literally everything else? The action, the themes, the climax? The resolution? Nah, Netflix just wanted to make a fantasy show for kids after dropping a quick buck on an award winning Dutch children's novel.
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Juice (1992)
Atmospheric and Gripping
29 October 2019
Ultimately this film succeeds in creating a very compelling, dramatic, and tense atmosphere with strong themes of betrayal, friendship, and brotherhood. The four main characters seem not to be corrupted in a cheesy 'After School Special' type of way that comments on things like politics, but really understands the protagonists in a very meaningful way.

The ending also rings true with this, and the idea of the 'Juice' remains relevant to this day, especially in how the film portrayed it. An idea that respect and power are human constructs, and that we all change when we pursue it. I completely agree with what a previous reviewer said, its power still holds up over twenty five years later.

The only criticism I have is that I wish there was more development for Samuel L. Jackson's character, but I understand that he was more important in propelling the plot forward than remaining relevant as one of the main characters.

It is powerful, real, relevant, and above all, thematically impactful, and a terrific debut for Ernest Dickerson.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
An Underrated Gem
29 October 2019
Everything about this film works. The visuals, writing, acting, everything. There are very few wrong things I can find with Tron, especially the soundtrack which is timeless even almost a decade later. I still remember watching this film in theaters and not regretting it at all. I highly recommend this film for fans of anything quality.

From the pacing to the cinematography this film is astoundingly well made, and truly deserves more recognition. It is timeless in every meaning of the word.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Not as Good Anymore, Nor that It Ever was Really
17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First, in terms of medical accuracy this show is not really relevant, but if this show is supposed to be good because of the characters, unfortunately this excuse runs flat later as it was always pretty weak.

The first seasons' cast functioned okay together because each character was at least interesting, and worked by far as the best part of the show when it started. The second season was decent too, adding to the new dynamics established previously in new ways. Sadly as time goes on any new or interesting characters that capture any attention die off or leave the show for some reason.

Because of the volatility of how characters get switched in and out due to actor contracts, staying invested in the show over a long period of time fails to draw me in because there's a strong chance that in a season or two they could just disappear if I liked them.

Also unfortunately, the show's best characters Christina Yang, Mark Sloan, and Lexie Gray as well as many others are no longer part of the main cast. It seems only four or so characters from the original cast are still part of the show. The worst part of the show is that it really had some compelling drama in the sense that characters who'd been around since the beginning of the show were struggling, even if they were very mundane, unrealistic, tension-less, and cliche problems, but now it doesn't matter anymore because:

These characters acted more like bratty teenagers instead of medical professionals as time went on, except for Doctor Webb who luckily is still around but is not enough to save the show.

I'm still not fully caught up, but it seems now the writing, on top of being un-engaging and derivative of other better and more accurate medical shows like it was from the start, now has daily politics included.

Overall: a failing grade, 5/10. In the beginning, the show was popcorn melodrama with some actual medicine here and there but that soon faded as it was just barely getting by by the skin of it's mediocre teeth. The soap drama was at least fun in a stupidly corny Adam West Batman way before, now it's just unending and hopeless as characters are switched in and out like an RPG depending on the season.
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RWBY (2012– )
Truly Has Lost Touch with What Made it Great
29 July 2019
I feel like RWBY would be a much better show if it had ended with Volume 3. Yes we would have a million different questions un-answered, but considering where the next three seasons have gone and where Volume 7 is going to go, leaving an open ended inconclusive end to where the story was going to go is much better than a show that is a shell of its former self.

Sure the show was left with a cliffhanger that clearly teased a fourth season, but considering how cliched and boring the reveal ended up being and how little it impacted the characters' development, it might as well have been nothing.

RWBY was a show that truly had its heart and soul behind every aspect of its production. Even if it wasn't exactly professional or high budget, it at least tried. I'm only watching out of obligation to see where this ends at this point, not because I care or like the show now, which is not a good thing.

Let me recap each season quickly.

The first volume introduces the world and characters rather well although messily. Ruby Rose grew up reading tales of how Huntsman and Huntresses protect the world from evil and wants to train to be one, and will do anything to be a hero to keep fighting against the evil monsters called Grimm.

A bit cliche as we've seen this sort of main character a million times before but still, she's a good enough starting point for the show. Then she's enrolled at Beacon Academy, becomes the leader of a team of other Huntresses in training, her half sister Yang Xiao-Long, a stone cold heiress Weiss Schnee, and a mysterious introverted girl Blake Belladonna.

The first volume has some cool fights, but the animation, voice acting, and writing looks like a PS1 game and gets by by the skin of its teeth.

Sure the focus and execution is a bit all over the place, but it does enough to get you to like the characters and see where they go. How volume 1 ends is formulaic but still left me wanting more.

The second is essentially pure filler and set up for the third volume, but has enough cool fight scenes and character moments to get you to keep watching and feel invested. A weak season on its own, but cool and fun enough to be just that cool and fun.

The third is by far the show's peak. New characters, plot and character development, and stakes are introduced and the status quo is really changed. Before this point, where the plot seemed to be going and the tone and feel of the show really seemed to be clearly a fun little action romp with what're essentially character shorts in-between to give the action some background.

Then it all changes, that's all I'll say.

Volume 4 is when things start to get... bad. None of the interesting new character directions the girls were left with after the end of Volume 3 seem to impact them in any way. They don't really grow, change, or mature. They just sort of bumble along with the plot with the occasional action scene, which really has gotten worse since many of the animators of the previous volumes were either let go, fired, or passed away (Rest in Peace Monty Oum.)

So basically, you have a set of characters bumbling along with the plot while not really being developed in any way, with action that used be its selling point now thoroughly diminished.

But because the plot was pretty messy to begin with, and is now rushed, inconsistent and boring, and was never the highlight of the show, making it the selling point all of a sudden when everything else is mediocre at best is pretty strange.

You can see why the show has begun it's downward spiral (TM of Emplemon.)

The next Volume does not improve on this at all, as well as the sixth. Neither rectify the fourth volumes pacing and character development issues, instead it seems to amplify them.

There are some hidden gems in the rough though. My personal favorites in the mediocre boredom of Volumes 4-6 are between characters we've rarely seen interact such as Weiss and Yang, and Yang and Raven.

Unfortunately these scenes leave a lot to be desired, and the characters never build new dynamics because the show refuses to let them interact with each other in new ways. It's always Qrow and Ruby or Yang and Blake, never Ozpin and Blake or Weiss and Jaune who seemed to have a great dynamic that was suddenly dropped somewhere in Volume 2, or anything that you know, could be compelling?

I've talked about all these problems with RWBY, the worsened fight animation, weaker character writing and now boring plot, and I haven't even mentioned Rooster Teeth's questionable handling of the production and execution of its trademark and best known property. Now Volume 7 seems like it will as bad if not worse than the previous three, and I don't see any saving grace in all this except that people will eventually stop paying Rooster Teeth for pumping out this stuff on a rushed schedule when they're focusing on other products.

Final Thoughts: I hope that RWBY will pick up the slack, take it's time in creating new and interesting plot and character threads, deliver the same fun and tense action we got in the first three seasons, and actually stop and think about where it's going. But considering the past three Volumes, this seems to be wishful thinking. I really miss how the show used to be, now it seems realistic to call it a slowly worsening mess that people are watching in the hope that it will get better.

Final Score: 7.0/10 (Very close to a failing "D" grade). This show is barely passable because the first half and about half of its second half are pretty enjoyable once you overlook all of its problems. Needs some serious improvement, and am hoping to see it step up its game.
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Kung Fu (1972–1975)
A Journey of Epic Proportion
29 July 2019
Haven't finished watching but it's been amazing so far. First, the downsides:

-Cheesiness: First, the tropes of and the cliche feel of a few characters and the effects could be excused for when this was made but still, it is pretty distracting. The fight scenes also desperately needed better choreography, the use of slow mo is over done, but still isn't show ruining.

-Formulaic Plots: The show seems to have running plot structure and character types throughout each set of episodes, but the show is still enjoyable enough that the different takes on everything really heighten the enjoyment.

-Lack of Logic: Some characters are pretty illogical at times and sometimes act more like plot devices than real people, but luckily it is only minor enough not to distract from the overall plot to the point of being awful.

Now the good stuff:

-Dialogue: I haven't really seen dialogue this engaging and thematic in a very long time. Each new character in each episode gives a new way of speaking unique to their character that is fun and very well acted and written.

-Characters: The only two characters that we see outside of a flashback or mentioned for more than one episode in the present are Caine, the main character, and his half brother Daniel Caine. Caine is by far one of the best protagonists ever written, he is compelling enough to warrant investment by the audience, but isn't ridiculously bystander-ish to be an audience insert. He seems to be a wanderer whose only purpose in life seems to be to learn the wisdom the monks taught him with a hands on approach, allowing for all of the show's themes and plots to blend seamlessly.

The simple fact that each episode has a new set of characters around which Caine is revolved about, truly makes for some fascinating character dynamics.

-Themes: This show tackles very respectfully issues of law, prejudice, justice, morality, greed, hatred, revenge, and pride. I haven't seen anything discuss the flaws of humanity or philosophy so intelligently since I read East of Eden. The integration of these themes with their respective episode truly makes for some amazing television.

-Plot: Each episode takes place in a new location with a predictable albeit hyper realistic and interesting formula.

1. Caine stumbles upon some aspect of the Wild West, be it prejudice or the episodes theme in a new town.

2. He interacts with a character embroiled in some conflict Caine either started or got resolved with that was already going on.

3. The characters he meets have morals or an ideology that either conflict with him and he hearkens back to when he was training back with the monks where he was taught lessons that pertain to the very situation Caine finds himself in.

4. Caine uses Kung Fu to resolve matters when violence inevitably happens.

5. The episode's character conflict is resolved either with Caine's involvement or lack thereof and everyone moves on learning from what Caine taught him or their iron resolve in their beliefs just reinforce the shows themes of human morality.

6. Caine moves on from the town or farm or mine he was visiting to allow the next episode to flow.

Acting: Phenomenal. Just watch scenes from this show and you would have trouble finding any bad acting in this.

Writing: What allowed everything above to blend together nicely. The writers of this should give lessons on screenplays.

Final Thoughts:

Much like Caine himself, the show adopts a very humble and enlightened mindset when it comes to philosophy. Caine's lack of attachment to any particular place or person is what allows the show to have a very "El Chavo" vibe to it.

There is no over arching plot to every episode, in fact, you could probably watch any episode out of order and still miss nothing. But that in and of itself is what allows the show to have a very classical feel to it.

Everything is philosophical while still being real. Everything is fun and engaging while at the same time grounded in personal stories. Everything wanders while at the being on the same path towards a defined end.

It truly is it's own show, and I can't enjoy it any more.

This is something I recommend for everyone. Fans of westerns, good TV shows, or of anything of high quality.

Rating: 8.7/10. While having some things that drag it down, it still is a piece of storytelling that deserves to be remembered as a true classic of TV. Up there with Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, and other great shows.
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A True Masterpiece that may be the Greatest Video Game ever made!
31 December 2018
Easily one of the greatest games of all time, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild delivers a satisfyingly beautiful presentation on scale, world building, story, gameplay, and design. Most of my gripes are buggy graphics and such that have more to do with the Switch's shortcomings as opposed to the games'. And even gripes that are the game's fault are done purposefully to make the game better. If you play this game you will certainly not be disappointed.

That was the short version, long version of why this game is awesome along with a plot synopsis will continue now.

Synopsis: A century before the game begins, the peaceful kingdom of Hyrule was attacked by an evil entity known as Calamity Ganon, who is the game's version of the usual Zelda villain Ganondorf. Princess Zelda and her knight Link, fight the evil Ganon but lose, and Link barely escapes with his life. He's placed in a bed of water inside a cave for a hundred years and when he wakes up with no memory of what happens, he has to fight to defeat Calamity Ganon and his minions to purge Hyrule of its darkness.

Okay so first the plot. I'm not too familiar with the canon storyline of Zelda, but from what I've heard the game's storyline is completely original, at least in its structure. I really like how it got the elements of Zelda's story and broke them up into little parts and built up in its own unique way.

And surprisingly enough for such a simplistic children's story of good versus evil, it's very compelling. Link's memories become somewhat of a mystery and how he is in a world he has to defend but not remember becomes very interesting. Sure the whole "You don't remember me but you should" angle from almost every NPC becomes pretty flat, but I'll admit that its very compelling.

What limits the stories RPG elements such as the bog standard story and robotic NPCs are pretty much forgotten. I mean, the game is just genius. The music is atmospheric and engaging, what should make the game boring and forgettable such as the conventions of video game RPGs and fantasy instead make the game more classic. The combat sticks to the average shift and strike sort of method but still remains very very fun. There were times when I was on the edge of my seat, just slamming the respawn button to get back at an enemy in the game who defeated me.

Speaking of which, this game does not treat you like a baby. It doesn't hold your hand through a two hour tutorial, the handling of mechanics is very straightforward, and most of all the difficulty. On a scale between a Disney Channel online game and Dark Souls, Breath of the Wild is somewhere in the middle. It's easy enough that you can progress without being a hard core gamer, but hard enough to want you to keep getting stronger.

Likewise, there's something here for everyone. Hard core RPG fans can enjoy the rich worldbuilding and character design. Fantasy nuts can really enjoy the brilliantly created setting. And people who like fighting games can enjoy the very fun combat angle which is a very refined system which is based both on the player's skill and items. Everyday people who aren't too into gaming and just want to escape for a little can enjoy how investing the gorgeous graphics of the game are.

My gripes actually have reasons for them existing. I really don't like how weapons can break because its annoying to get a really cool or powerful weapon just for it to break two seconds later. However it prevents players from creating an overpowered build and flying through the game. I also don't like how the loading screen had awkwardly scratchy transitions and how riding at full gallop on a horse can make the bottom part of the screen sort of have an annoying 'ghost effect'. Again, this is the Switch's fault, not the game's.

Another gripe I have is the reliance on more powerful weapons as opposed to skill. To defeat stronger bosses you just need better arrows, which can be bought with the game's currency rupees. But this is just pretty tedious, grinding away at weaker enemies and selling their drops to exchange them for arrows.

Again this can be blamed on the simple fact that the game is an RPG, grinding is a simple facet of every role playing game. But it also limits the game heavily, you kill monsters to get drops, you sell drops to get rupees and spend rupees to buy arrows which defeat stronger enemies. You spend rupees on arrows pretty much. While limiting, I prefer this to simply having a purely skill based system which obligates newer players to just give up instead of grind when they reach an area of the game with too strong a boss.

Another gripe is that there is no simplified progression system to track your progress. Sure there's a 'Quest Log' that tracks how many quests you completed but still, on the game as a whole there is no way to know how many items you've obtained, there's no EXP system to boost your stats and most of all, and out of all of the game's content, how much of it you've experienced. Really enjoyable games such as Chasm, Assassin's Creed and even Lego Star Wars had clearly defined systems that let you know how much of the game there was left to uncover.

But like my other gripes I understand this entirely. In order to let the player create his own adventure instead of having a streamlined system tell him how much is left to uncover, he or she has to do it on his own, a surprisingly smart system for forcing the player to tackle the game on his or her own terms. Like Skyrim, the player does not have to follow the main story to progress through the game. He or she can take on side quests, dungeons and simply explore the game's magnigicent setting. This, like the removal of the average 'game percentage' aspect really allows the player to have the best experience possible.

The game gives an engaging experience on every level imaginable, from the simplest design to the most complex. The original game 'The Legend of Zelda' followed Link on his journey to reunite the pieces of the tri force, but this game focuses on Link's journey to defeat Ganon to free Hyrule from his grasp. The game does not retcon the whole series, but instead uses its elements in a new and intelligent way. It uses canon elements like building blocks to create its own beautiful masterpiece of a story and game. Unlike most RPGs, there is no leveling system, but instead...shrines which have replaced dungeons. Each shrine includes various obstacles, puzzles and enemies, at the end of which is a statue that gives you a Spirit Orb and a full health regeneration.

Every four Spirit Orbs lets you become stronger, either giving you an extra heart, or more stamina, which you use to run, glide and climb. There are over a hundred unique shrines with their own design and that in itself is genius and scrupulous game design. Can you imagine that? More than a hundred specially designed rooms, each with their own loot and obstacles. This really is a masterfully crafted game, with tons of effort and creativity thrown in. Little bits of fun here and there such as little 'Children of the Forest' or spirits, which have the most unique and interesting design, occur almost nine hundred times. How amazing is that? Nine *hundred* seperate encounters with unique spirits, each that give you seeds to max out your inventory. That is just one of the many aspects of the game that make it the most engaging and well designed video game ever made. The sheer amount of effort and ingenuity put into this game really shows, from the plethora of uniquely designed characters and monsters, items, dungeons (shrines), bosses, and puzzles.

I've never wanted to play a game that I hoped never ended except for this one. And when I finish it, I will probably play it again and again. And if you try it, you probably will too.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
I wish all modern sequel stories were as well written as this
12 June 2018
Cobra Kai is one of the best television series I have ever seen. The characters are dynamic and go through serious change, the action is riveting and the plot is complex and morally grey. Unlike the original Karate Kid, there is no clear bad guy in the whole Daniel vs Johnny rivalry, because everyone's motivations are clear and justified.

Daniel was bullied as a kid by Cobra Kai students and wants to make sure other kids don't get bullied the same way. Johnny is a down on his luck middle aged man who just wants to teach a new generation of teens something very important: that life won't be kind, you have to be on your toes and get ready to stand back up if it knocks you down. Both men have clearly come a long way since their time as childhood Karate rivals.

Instead of giving us a badly written crap fest like the new Star Wars, Cobra Kai instead delivers a compelling and well written drama that actually surpasses the latest season of Game of Thrones in most regards, and focuses more on telling a good story rather than pandering or denigrating its source material. I love how the message this film gave wasn't to 'let the past die' like The Last Jedi told us to, but rather something along the lines of 'be strong'.

To put into perspective of how well written this was, the term 'No Mercy' will go from being a phrase used to justify bullying in the original in 1984 to something Karate Kid fans will relentlessly quote without question. This is of course a metaphor for how Johnny goes from being a stereotypical 80s bully, to a man we can all root for.

Bravo Youtube Red, Bravo.
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Radio Rebel (2012 TV Movie)
Not Worth It.
14 January 2018
I absolutely had to write a review on this movie. Ok, so Tara is this super shy girl, and everyone knows it right? But then, Radio Rebel announces publicly that she wants to let her voice be heard?

How is it even a secret who Radio Rebel is? Also her voice isn't even changed, the pitch is the same, her tone, inflections, everything! So those two guys recording her voice and trying to match it to everyone's should match her identity to Tara's in seconds. Or at least know what her voice sounds like!

Also, Principal Moreno states that anyone who knows Radio Rebel's identity, and doesn't report it to her, will be in serious trouble. Yet:

-Two boys still desperately try to find who she is. (Still knowing they can be suspended for it)

-Tara lets her friend Audrey know, even though she knows the dire consequences her best friend may face. (Why?)

-People don't draw logical conclusions that Tara is Radio Rebel, even though their personalities and voices are the same.

I have a theory that the students know Tara was Radio Rebel all along because of how obvious is was, and that they were too afraid to report her to Principal Moreno because it'd take away their only chance to dance at school.

So what do we have here in terms of plot? Nothing, like I just explained, the central conflict is contrived and impossible to function as a story.


None. All are cliches. The stereotypical bubbly best friend (Audrey), the mean principal who wants to shut down all the teenagers voices (Moreno), the guy who wants his music to mean something (Gavin), and the mean popular girl who is in almost every Disney movie (Stacy).

And the message? Done over a million times.

Pump up the Volume not only worked better as a story, but it included characters who were actual people, not caricatures. They started out and were presented as cliches, but they slowly became more nuanced. Nothing in the narrative shifts like this. Not even a little.

It's not a remake of Pump up the Volume, its just a more dumbed down version of its plot. So don't watch this film, go watch an anime, much more complex than this, much more unique, more unique characters/settings etc.... I'd recommend Naruto for beginners, or perhaps My Hero Academia.
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What made my love for old Shaky!
19 February 2017
Well, it was about a year ago, when I was in ninth grade and I had to read Romeo and Juliet for English. Course, like any high school student, I dreaded it. But at the end of the unit, we got to see Zeffirelli's interpretation of the tale. In the beginning, I didn't really get the majesty of the film until I re-watched it today, and oh my god, what a film!

What really makes this movie work is one fact: Zeffirelli understands the material well! The reason why so many adaptations before this one failed, is because they were casted poorly, but here, every single role, done to the last damn extra was casted correctly!

I could go on saying how the editing of the original script was done well, and how the sets and costumes and cinematography are done beautifully, but I think you get the gist. Watch it its awesome!
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