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and the Winner is......
25 January 2017
Beautifully interpreted by all the actors, especially Madina Nalwanga David Oyelowo, this is much more than Chess, it became their motivation, their reason to believe and to hope that there maybe a way getting out of the misery they where leaving in, suddenly somebody took care of them, took an interest and realized their hidden potential, especially the one of a little girl in a group of boys, their connection became stronger due to Robert Katende's concern and unconditional love for them, they felt maybe for the first time in their lives important, against all odds the impossible happened and due to their devotion and determination they transformed a town named Katwe into a better place for a little while, not to mention the life of Phiona Mutesi whole family, what a challenge
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24 January 2017
Outstanding, Fassbender's, Vikander's and Weisz's performances, not to mention the rest of the crew, either you have it or not, this is chemistry from the finest, filmed and surrounded in an incredible landscape, they choose to place the lighthouse in the middle of this story like a symbol of hope, love, despair, loneliness and courage, what would we do or choose in such a situation, a lie remains a lie as little it is, even for the sake of the one you love, what a tragedy, one bad decision changed the life of all concerned and there seemed to be no hope, but fortunately forgiveness and unconditional love triumphed in the end, superb!
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BP=Bad People
11 January 2017
This isn't about all the action and the performances, which by the way where great, Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell and all the other actors did a fantastic job, it's about much more, this was a disaster which should be a warning for all of us, 11 people died, think about their families a second, it destroyed nature and the life in it in the worst way possible, for what, for some greedy bastards who couldn't get enough and still can't get enough money and they got away with it....., well men haven't learned nothing until today, delusions of grandeur, we think we can take whatever we want, well I do believe the last word hasn't been pronounced yet, but it will be soon....and I think not in our favor,
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Ben-Hur (1959)
You never get tired watching it
29 December 2016
This is simply my favorite Movie in every way, if you happen to read the Bible, than you understand the message, which is,as the Movie says (a Tale of Christ) the centerpiece of this Epic Work. You watch and cant stop wonder how they managed to create all the special effects at that time (1959), without PC's and all the kind of techniques we use today and still capture your attention from the very beginning, not to mention the music, what a magic, it's indescribably beautiful and deep, Charleston Heston, Stephen Boyd, Haya Harareet and all other actors made with their great performance this Masterpiece unforgettable, their journey through family, friendship, love, hatred, despair, suffering,revenge and finally peace, redemption and forgiveness is magical, as the Life of the Christ was and for those who believe, is, this was the first Movie I saw in theater years ago and no other ever touched me this way and we all know good Movies has been made since then, but still, this is beyond comprehension, if you are able to watch and believe in Christ with all your heart
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Marguerite (2015)
Until the very End
18 August 2016
regardless the mockery and despise of the people surrounding her, supposing to like her singing, she kept going on with all her heart, her generosity and forgiveness, she really believed what people where saying to her, the ones who used her innocence to gain her trust and took advantage of her, regardless the pain she felt knowing that even her husband turned his back on her, she didn't stopped, she loved singing so much and this was her way of escaping reality and the lack of love she received in return, she wanted to please everybody and didn't spare her health to achieve the unbelievable and against all odds, she went singing on stage, great performance of Catherine Frost,
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This happens every day
17 March 2016
Great film and beautifully played by the main characters. I believe this is not just a social problem in Brazil, this is happening every were, every day, we just don't see it or we prefer to ignore it, since we are living in a privileged world, this story should wake us up, it's profound and touching, after the arriving of Val daughter Jessica, something is suddenly wrong in "paradise", the jealousy of the biological, superficial Mother is obvious, she doesn't realize that if you won't to harvest love and affection, you have to sow first, a great lesson has been shown here, real happiness lies in giving and receiving meaning unconditional Love
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The Dressmaker (I) (2015)
She sew them all
28 February 2016
This movie is like a patchwork, little by little you get the whole picture, a really fine piece of work, Kate Winslet is great, Judy Davis simply brilliant, not to mention Hugo Weaving's performance, outstanding, I enjoyed every minute, never underestimate a woman, revenge is a dish best served cold, well in this particular case, sewed, you don't get it at the beginning, why is she dressed like this and what is she doing in such a forsaken place, not wanted at all, starting by her mother, than the battle begins, with a sewing machine (a Singer), determination and a lot of talent, a few golf club's, and the whole place is headlong, word for word, fasten your seat belt, this is going to be one kind of a ride
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8 February 2016
This is not an action Movie, it's more than this, but you have to be willing to catch the message, which is powerful. This is about faith, love and friendship. Is he going to give up, the guy survived the unimaginable, nobody under any "normal" circumstances survives any thing like that, who helped him, 90 minutes gone, declared and confirmed dead by the police and the rescue team, but then one men, a pastor, insisted to pray for "the gone", please don't put this movie in a drawer, there is so much more than entertainment here and worth to think about, the men survived to leave us a testimony, greater than anything, watch carefully
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Spectre (I) (2015)
My Name is Zero = 00
25 January 2016
What a mess! It's like driving a great car with a flat tire, no speed no nothing. I always thought Daniel Craig was a bad choice playing Bond, he doesn't got the profile at all and this time I'm more than convinced. He can play any villain, but not Bond. This is probably the worst Bond of all time. No suspense, just driving a bit around, letting exploding here and there a building and of course, as a must as Bond, sleeping with all the female characters, what a performance. Fortunately the rest of the crew was more or less OK. We all learned a few letters of the alpabet such as M, C, and Q. Two and a half hour of pure senseless pursuit of I don't know what. Go fishing instead, there is more suspense and fun in it.
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10 for the Landscape!!
10 January 2016
If it wasn't for the magnificent landscape, I would have stopped watching the movie immediately. More than two hours of a boring speech between maria and valentine, who where most of the time drunk or half naked, as I already said, fortunately from time to time we saw this outstanding nature, I kept watching hoping for some suspense or something more interesting, forget it, trying to understand the story oh there where a story, I almost forgotten, seriously guys, don't waste our time, a good director is capable to produce with few elements a great movie, on the other hand, a bad one destroy everything. This movie is highly overrated and is not worth two hours at all.
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29 November 2015
Great suspense, you literally live and feel each moment, what a lost and dark place, filled with fear and hate against the tyrann and his son's, making people there a living hell, no hope and in the middle of nowhere arrives a stranger, the guy seems to be fearless and determined, the odious clan want's him to be gone, a sudden glimpse of hope within all this desperation, horses and man are part of the spectacular landscape, suspense is for instance unbearable and you want to move further, but that's the thing, the director catches every moment, every breath, you have an idea what's is going to happen next, but even then, in the very moment the picture is even better, really great movie and great cast, sam riley is phenomenal, he is without mercy, which is understandable given the circumstances
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
18 November 2015
All reunited, suspense, sensitivity, humor, sadness, loneliness, desperation, honesty, love, forgiveness and I could keep going on, what a magnificent piece of work, I enjoyed every minute, this is it, Cinema with all it's Magic, you were driven immediately towards the character of Holmes, he's sparkling eyes, Ian McKellen is just great! and not to mention little Roger and his Mother, the affection growing between Holmes and Roger, although they were trying to hide it, wow, superb, the countryside chosen beautifully, the suspense when he traveled to Japan meeting with Umezaki, trying to remember and finishing he's last piece, Roger helping him,the very sad part was when Mr. Holmes find's out about the suicide of the woman he was trying to help and in an strange and sensitive way they became connected, and no to forget when he wrote the letter to Umezaki, that was so sensitive and with such elegance and the end, a Happy-End, showing forgiveness and generosity, BRAVO!
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Nothing to do with a Western
4 November 2015
Don't fool yourself, this is just a Horrortrip in the West! The Cast is OK, they act fine,but this is just pure Horror from the very beginning, except a love scene which must has been left by error in the script, I was disgusted, do we need to watch all this slaughtering to define anything or everything to be a good movie? This is in no way a Western. Isn't there already enough horror out there in the world we are living? Well I'm missing something, where are the directors, worthy to be called so, which doesn't need such crap to get attention. No offense Kurt, you acted great, but unfortunately, this isn't it. Well Cowboys, I'm waiting for a real Western, there must be someone to be able to produce one.
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mad max is more than bad max!
27 July 2015
never watched anything so bad and senseless than this horror movie! no story, just a bunch of people, a part must have been escaped of "apocalypto" before getting extinguished, chasing each other through a desert in fancy cars after some girls or for fuel or I don't know what, max, who's max, oh that's the guy who escaped Armageddon to rescue the poor girls, which had nothing to wear, it's all mixed up, their are scenes you think your are in the middle of "the temple of doom", oh no, it's getting worst, let's not forget Furiosa, well i didn't actually knew that she can drive so good, amazing, well i have to stop writing, because it doesn't make more sense than the whole movie, what a mess, honestly, are you out of your mind, any crap is better than that! seriously guys, this ain't worth a star........oops, to late I already gave one......6 Oscars, well they are definitely out of their mind....well forget the Oscar's, they've gone mad, anything but this!
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Birdman suck's man!
16 May 2015
I'm actually a fan of Iñárritu, but this and on top of all an Oscar for Best Movie, well something wrong in Paradise! They tried so hard, me too by the way, I watched until the End, still don't get it. A chaotic mess between all these Characters, trying to make us understand that this is Satire, running on Broadway in underwear for instance?! The unexpected Virtue of Making Money and making a bunch of fool of us watching this crap! The Academy did her Job well and I do understand every Director leaving this "Club" which is becoming more and more pathetic! There were so many fine pieces to choose, well the Oscar go's to a bunch of Ignorant, they really deserve it!
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Taken 3 (2014)
I can't TAKE it anymore
15 May 2015
If you call this a Thriller, than I must be definitely in the wrong section. The more violent it get's the more better it is? No content, were just reminded after they killed Mill's wife,that it has something to do with Istanbul?! Well that man is skilled, wow. He's got all the he need's to confront a bunch of bloodthirsty Killer's and win's, of course. This is just a poorly arranged continuation called taken 3, well at least they know how to count, assembled with all possible clichés. The good guy against the Russian Mafia. We've all seen it and well all know how it End's, well hopefully this time for sure. What a waist off time and money.
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Fury (2014)
the show must go on!
30 March 2015
Boring, egocentric performance of brad pitt & co, surrounded by nice and helpful American soldiers, who would never rape a woman, oh no, they rather share an omelet together, never saw such a pathetic movie, brad command's, brad doe's and the rest jump, also into bed with one of the German girl, since he allow it, unrealistic from the beginning, they where 4 tanks, 3 of them got hit, not "fury", well no, the show must go on, they where so good that we had to support another hour to watch this unbearable heroic finale, no really, I call this a "horror-movie", nothing to do with War, it's just a mediocre production, forget it
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Wild (I) (2014)
all about nothing
24 March 2015
an ex-junky doesn't looks like that, she screwed her life, we all got that, so let's move on, on the trek, that's what this is about or what, but no, the director must have changed his mind or might have been out of his mind, all this sex and drug scenes, where they worth a whole movie? come on, a good director has more in his pocket than cheap scenes and in every second sentence the F-word, boring from the beginning, absolutely not realistic and the end is just hilarious, reese witherspoon isn't the badest actress, but she's not being convincing at all, complete mess, well, I cant stop thinking that the director tried to sell a remake of "into the wild", which is a masterpiece, well keep trying
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
A fine piece of Work
16 March 2015
I must say, this movie was a surprise, a positive surprise, it felt like being with them, suffering, hoping, crying, a fine piece of work, she did really capture every moment past or present of Louis Zamperini's life, with sensitivity and subtlety, great performance of Jack O'Connell, Takamasa Ishihara, Domhnall Gleeson, cant' say anything negative, I just enjoyed the movie, it was captivating from the beginning, great choice of music as well, no honestly, she's a real good storyteller, if I may say so and got my full attention, it's the story about faith, struggle and forgiveness as well, so even if she didn't mentioned all of Louis Zamperini's life after he finally returning home, I believe we've got a great movie here
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What a waste of money!
15 March 2015
Just watched this movie yesterday, I can't actually believe what I saw. I mean, is that it? you just take a chapter or a book of the bible and destroy it that way for money? well mission accomplished, this could have been such a great message and I'd like to say, every director has a responsibility and if he dares to use the holy scripture, use it well, cause this is going to backfire, doe's "hollywood" run out of imagination, not to mention the poor choice of actors, for instance the one (Joel something) ho played ramses, disappointment is no enough to describe his poor performance, this movie is not worth to be watched, read the bible instead and discover by yourself the beauty of the message God bless you
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