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2 Broke Girls (2011–2017)
Nice Escape From The World
8 September 2022
I'm unwell and spend a lot of time in front of the tv. The girls I used to work with watched this show, which made me aware of its existence and while currently I have nothing better to do then to watch tv, I thought I'd give it a go.

It's no masterpiece, but it is very enjoyable! My life isn't fantastic right now, but I can turn this on and live Carolyn and Max's lives for a while. I could do without all the fake accents and some of the storyline's are predictable...and can be depressing but the chemistry of the two main actresses is gorgeous! (which makes sense because they are best friends in real life)

It has some great one liners and I'm a big fan of Kat Dennings. If you don't want to think too hard while watching something and want a nice chuckle here or there. This show is a good one.
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*very minor spoilers* ummm???
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I became comfortable with that fact that the only thing this series and the original film have in common is that someone is hit by a vehicle and it's covered up. Similarities, stop there. But I was ok with that, it could be an interesting watch anyway.

We meet a group of teenagers, who are the "popular crowd"...sure. These, ugh kids? Aren't very nice people. Drug addicts, drug dealers,have sex on camera with men without them knowing to make money, they think they're better than everyone else, self involved, fake relationships where they actually don't really like one another but as is said, they grew up together and make excuses for one another and are "besties".

The parents are just as bad. Their kids are doing drugs, self harming, eating disorders, bad attitudes...and their parents seem to know and just go "haha teenagers, am I right?"

So, try to keep up as we follow the story of these teens while: Riley loved Dylan, to the point where she was in her words saving herself for him, but Dylan loves Alison but has sex with Lenon who Margot is obsessed with but has a crush on Johnny her gay best friend. It's a mess.

So when they are all in danger of being killed off, you'd think their would be some redeeming qualities to these unlikeable personalities and complex character relationships? To make us root for them, find out why they are so horrible and understand their motives. Unfortunately, no. Nothing.

So, why do we watch this? After just watching the finale, I'm asking myself this question. It's a whole lot of bleh, mixed in with teen anxieties, bad life choices (and people) and a rushed ending, reveal...that leaves you scratching your head.

I'd recommend the Slasher and Scream series over this, they are really good. Much better than this...yeah...whatever that was.
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4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mr. Nobody? A device that ends the world, so it's split in two and hidden? It's ok, Brian is at home watching the kids?? Hans alive! Was all part of a giant end of the world master plan.

Lawd. This movie is beyond ridiculous! What was Fast and Furious is a distant memory. We're in fantasyland now...and it's such a damn shame.
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Underwater (2020)
You can't see s#%t
23 February 2021
This movie could have been a great addition to the suspense sci fi genre.

But the filmmakers made awful choices that hurt the possibility of this being a really good movie.

My first issue is: you can't see s%#t. The choice to make the sequences (especially the tense action sequences) in such dark lighting, takes away from the moment. Instead of feeling tense you just feel confused because you can't actually see what's going on.

Another thing that annoys me to NO end with any movie is: the lack of character development. It is SO important especially in a film of the nature, to know who these people are...and who we are rooting for. From start to finish we know NOTHING about these characters. Who they are, why they're there, what makes me want them to survive?.....not a lot really.

Could have been great. Bad choices made. Ruined what could have been a good concept.
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Kings of Pain (2019– )
Everyone feels pain differently.
6 July 2020
Every human being on this planet, feels pain differently. So I don't think you can make a certified pain index, based on 2 people.

Also, I hope they didn't copy this or get the idea for the show from "Coyote" Peterson who already battled this concept on his wildly successful YouTube channel.

Enjoyable show tho...not for the squeamish.
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American Horror Story: Camp Redwood (2019)
Season 9, Episode 1
This season broke my heart.
17 January 2020
It finally happened. Every new release of AHS I was afraid this would happen and 1984 was it. The magic that makes AHS is gone. I hope they get it back if they decide to do another season a repeat of the quality of this season would brake my heart.
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1984 Broke my heart.
17 January 2020
I'm obsessed with the horror genre and I love AHS! Every season I get hooked by the stories and the characters. It's SO well done and there's nothing else like it.

Unflinching, unapologetically dirty and gory. Yet you really feel for certain characters for different creative reasons. Every season I was afraid of being let down, they can't possibly all be that good?! But they were....until season 9: 1984.

What I was afraid of happening inevitably happened. It all went wrong. The magic was gone.

Please bring back the AHS I love if future seasons are to occur, I've lost my faith, bring it back better than ever. Please.
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Bad things do happen to good people
12 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For those giving low score reviews, saying it's a "boring" "bad movie" "terrible ending"

You don't watch a movie like this for a happy ending. I think the realism of this movie frightens people. They want the bad man who did terrible things to "get his" and the family to get closure and be a happy family again etc etc

Well that's not reality I'm afraid. Bad things happen to good people, real human beings do awful things to children. A lot of the time in the real world, there is no happy ending, no closure or the bad guy "getting his".

This movie depicts this and the life after death of a child whom can't let go.

It's beautiful, it's heartbreaking, it's confronting and it's real.
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Supernatural: Long Distance Call (2008)
Season 3, Episode 14
Hard episode to swallow.
11 September 2019
As someone who lost their mother to illness when I was a child. The premise of this episode hit a little close to home for me.
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Oh no.
29 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Plot: Wobble cable monsters that live in your tv.

No, I'm not kidding.

Just say no, if you're thinking about watching this one, ok? Ok.
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Bodied (2017)
Hilarious and on point!
9 June 2019
Bodied is a comedy and is written incredibly well! Whilst satirical at its core, it does an excellent job of highlighting racism and the white privileged misunderstandings of rap culture.

Audience, this isn't "8 Mile" and it's not trying to be, it's comedy satire with some very important perspectives and incredibly well written rap battles.

Excellent film 7/10
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Jailbirds (II) (2019)
Consequences of making bad life choices.
15 May 2019
Typically what this show is, is seeing on camera what will happen to you, if you choose to make bad choices, get involved in drugs and surround yourself with dangerous people.

Surprise! You do the wrong thing you end up in jail and/or prison.

"Jailbirds" shows you the woman, dealing and coming to terms with these life choices.

You can watch and judge them. Or you can be thankful that you've never been put in a situation that would lead you to living this lifestyle.
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The Reef (2010)
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It is so refreshing to watch a shark film in which the sharks ACTUALLY behave like sharks.

Not CGI sharks who are on a blood thirsty revenge plot. But sharks who find humans in their environment and in their territory. They don't attack straight off the bat, they watch and survey their pray. It's beautiful to see sharks being sharks for once.

Enjoyable movie :)
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Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary, storyline explanation below:
8 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a horror masterpiece! Let me break it down for those who can't figure it out or find it hard to understand. I think this is a large part of the hate, because it can be a difficult story to wrap your head around:

Anne (the mother) states that one of her brothers starved himself to death, the other hung himself. She also says to her son (while sleepwalking) that she didn't want a son and tried to miscarry but couldn't.

The grandmother, had tried to put Paimon (one of the kings of hell) into her sons. But they would have rather died and did so.

Anne states that she would not let her mother near her son, as they were not speaking at the time. But out of guilt as her mother was getting older and senile, she let her nurse her daughter.

The grandmother took advantage of having access to her granddaughter and out of desperation put Paimon (the king of hell) into her gran daughter.

The grandmother caused the death of her granddaughter to then use her in the afterlife to get to her grandson. The fact that she is decapitated proves this theory, as her mother and father are also decapitated in the end. It is symbolic.

Her grandson is supposed to be the rightful air to Paimon. In the grandmothers books it states "Paimon must be in the body of a man to be strong"

Grandmother could only get to her grandson, after death. Using her satanic cult to do her bidding from beyond the grave.

Hope this helped. Watch it again and enjoy!
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The Shallows (2016)
Not a good movie.
7 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
These kinds of movies are the reason a beautiful species of animal is being hunted and killed. It's bringing about fear for an animal that we have no reason to fear. Look at the scientific data on the number of people killed by sharks as opposed to other threats in our everyday lives. It's next to zero. These movies do nothing by inflict uneducated fear into humans for a beautiful animal we are fortunate enough to share this planet with!

Now. I love a good shark film, the more unrealistic, the better. As sharks don't ever behave as what is depicted in this movie. "Deep Blue Sea" is an exceptional shark movie! They have an outlandish story of how they scientifically made the sharks smarter. So the sharks actions & behavior in that movie are justified by the story line.

This movie tries to feel real & fails spectacularly! From the behavior of the shark to the injuries she sustained. She had a couple of little cuts...from a shark that was literally chomping people in half, she had a pretty severe onset of gangrene, but didn't lose her foot or leg? I could go on, but I can't be bothered to waste my energy on such a bad movie.

Don't bother with this one. Just trust me on that.
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Skyscraper (2018)
This movie is a mess!
1 March 2019
This film should be put under the "fantasy" genre, it's that's unbelievable.

The writers and directors should have kept it simple, adding all the high tech gadgets and unrealistic action sequences...this movie is ridiculous. No character building, with complicated technical lingo & watching a man pull off insane stunts that are more unrealistic and filled with stupidity than tension building.

In the end after countless moments of saying to myself "this is dumb" I watched to the end...because it's 1am and I have nothing better to do.
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Tau (2018)
if you didn't like it, you didn't understand it....
13 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For those who gave this movie negative ratings & reviews. You didn't grasp the concept of this film. Let me explain it to you & perhaps your views may change:

Alex the main antagonist is trying to build an AI program that "feels" but is obedient to him. He attempts to create this by building on algorithms created by complex emotional states in the brain of his human subjects.

The meaning of this film is that Alex, the creator, the human, is more of a robot than the AI he is creating. He does not laugh, he does not feel, he does not connect with the outside world.

It is the concept that some humans are more robotic and cold than robots themselves. What he has created is more human than he ever could be within himself.

That is why throughout the film you develop emotions for Tau, as Julia has. After all he insists "He is a person!"

This is a wonderful adaptation of how we, as humans, can develop complex emotions to some trivial creations. An example, they say finishing a television series you've watched for years, can display emotions the same as losing a loved one. Similar to the severe anger one can feel when losing a video game. Complex emotions for something that isn't real or human.

That is what this movie in visions and the story it tells is beautiful. Look at the world around you and be grateful you are a living breathing organism who can feel & understand the concept of what being alive truly means.
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Best of the Series! No question!
18 January 2019
I'm surprised this has one of the lowest ratings of the series! What makes me love this film above all the others? Well, there's a few things:

  • This is the original, the best! Before Hollywood took it and threw into unrealistic scenarios and laughable over the top action sequences.
  • This movie at its core is about friendship and the close bonds the main characters hold for one another. Lengths a person will go to for those they love.
  • It keeps things simple, street racing, robbery, fist fights and racial feuds. Why do audiences need cars jumping from high rise to high rise and over the top villains with pointless back stories and agenda's?

It's realistic (to a degree) has impressive actor chemistry, makes you care for the characters and their close bonds. Fun storyline, high stress action sequences. You really don't need more to create a great film, if written and executed correctly.

On a side note I will say, at this time of his career, Paul Walker, cannot act. Thankfully he improved on his talents as he worked in the series more and more. Which is more than you can say for a lot of "pretty" men landing high profile film roles in the industry today.

10/10 loved it 18years ago and love it still. You cannot beat the classic, the original The Fast & The Furious.
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Boogeyman 2 (2007)
"Everyone is afraid is something..."
11 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid horror fan I thoroughly enjoy this film!

We can become tired of the same old big dude who runs around all "stabby, stabby!"

Any slasher film where the deaths are done creatively, draws my attention! The movie centers around a small group of patients in a medical center for those who can't live their lives, due to irrational fears. The 'boogeyman' preys on their fears and uses them against them in gory, creative ways.

Throw in a plot twist & you have a solid, entertaining horror film!
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Good thriller/slasher, however I would not class it as a sequel to the original.
10 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First I will clarify, this film is not "boring" or a "waste of time" - you need to imagine yourself in the victims position. I don't care who you are, hearing a knock at your door & as you go to answer it, a figure is standing in the dark of your home, staring at you. That would terrify anyone.

This is a good, frightening film. However! I will say, I don't relate these antagonist to the ones in the first film.

What makes "The Strangers" terrifying in the previous film, is their way of getting into people heads using traumatic, non stop, harassment & scare tactics. Their ability to mentally damage and kill innocent people, whilst showing no emotion & having no voice. Makes them soulless and so much more frightening. So, to see them in this, showing emotions of being scared or angry, it really takes away what they are.

This movie is not as subtly tense & anxiety building as the first. They knock on the door, make the family slightly uncomfortable and then the killing begins. This is not how the villains work at all in the previous installment.

However still well executed & worth a watch! Perhaps don't think of it as a sequel, but a stand alone slasher, using characters we are familiar with.

Oh and try not to discreetly peer over your shoulder, to glance in the dark throughout...are they watching you? :)
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Peter Pan (2003)
"Forever is an awfully long time"
27 December 2018
When Peter whispers into Mary's ear to "Come away with him" while standing in her windowsill, I smile a silly childish grin, every time!

The score is just the right kind of magical, the child actors are adorable whilst endearing & Mr.Darling seamlesly transforms into the diabolical Hook incredibly well!

As you watch the fairies sparkle & dance out of their magical tree, you can't help but feel warm inside.

Wonderful, for all ages! Always watch this film when I need a smile. It's beautiful.
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The Forest (I) (2016)
Dull & Predictable
16 November 2018
This movie is your classic "Don't go in there it's haunted" "stay away from there" "don't read that, bad things happen" etc

The outcome is always the same! Some clueless, ignorant, white person who says "pfft, imma do it anyway" and that usually ends well doesn't it?

Want to watch an excellent creepy/horror haunted forest movie? I HIGHLY recommend 'The Ritual'

I found the main actress in this to be very one note. Her emotional range is next to nothing...and there is two of her in this film. Identical twins, played by the same actress, whose acting is average at best.

I wanted to like it. But, as a horror fanatic I found it dull & predictable.
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The Bay (II) (2012)
This film is fantastic! Unnerving to the core!
4 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Deep down I think this is everyone's worst fear, an unknown parasite eating you from the inside. Stuff of nightmares isn't it? This movie could have been done in a way that is gory, in your face ridiculous. Thankfully it is not! It's refreshingly realistic. As shown within the true, non fiction series "Something's Killing Me" a parasite from a lake found its way into a young boys nose and began to eat his brain away. This CAN happen, perhaps not to this extreme, but there are nasty little things that can get inside you. That fact alone makes this movie a chilling realization that perhaps something invisible is lurking in a place you least expect. Try not to think about that hey? Enjoy!
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Everly (2014)
Light, violent entertainment
13 August 2018
Entertaining, gritty, funny, violent action packed & gory. Really good film!

Don't take it too seriously or think too much into it. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, as it intends.
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Trust, this IS a great movie!
11 August 2018
I don't understand the flack this film endures, I think it's an excellent, entertaining film.

When labeled a "stupid, crap movie" it's audience, not sure what they're expecting from it?

It's well written, understandable story line, gory when it needs to be. The shock value is wonderfully put together, good acting.

It's a shark film people, not an epic drama blockbuster! It does everything it needs to do and if not dissected by its audience, but simply enjoyed for what it is, you will sit back and have a great time with this movie.
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