
64 Reviews
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Civil War (I) (2024)
18 September 2024
It's really bad. The point of the movie I guess is to give an idea of how tough it would be to be a war correspondent/photographer? In that sense it succeeds albeit aginst a ridiculous story. As for the script - there basically isn't one. Apparently America is in the throws of a civil war but there is absolutely no explanation why and there is nothing of substance to fall back on. Sometimes it looks like civilians versus the military: other times it looks like the military versus the military. One thing was made sure and that's all the evil bad people in the movie were - you guessed it - white. To be expected from Hollyweird, but smart people don't care much about the rhetoric and agenda any more. We just want a good movie. This ain't it.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
Changed course
8 July 2024
This started as a great and unique show, but like most shows it struggled to fill content. The characters became gradually more unlikeable as the seasons progressed and even Nate turned into a total d-bag. The real struggle was with Claire. If the point was to create a character that absolutely no one could stand to be around without punching much less like them, then Lauren Ambrose nailed it. I think she was over dramatic most of the time, and found her to be the one to usually drag down the episodes, even when they were good. By the end she cracked the top 5 of most annoying characters ever. Not surprising the career didn't take off after this role.

Sex, drugs, death, hate and every possible liberal angle was played out by the end. There were positive performances and it had its charms. Don't like giving 7's but this felt like a 7.
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Best of the trilogy
4 July 2024
Has the best dialogue by far of the 3 Simon Pegg Nick Frost movies. This is a movie you have to see more than once to truly appreciate. The lines are genius. Yes the story is a bit hokey and at about the halfway point, it changes course a bit and becomes something no one expected. I suppose that's why some people rated this lower than it should have been. But for comedic value this movie is strong and matches up to the classic comedies of the 80's and early 90's. Don't be fooled by people stating this is a bad movie or not as good as the other two Pegg/Frost movies - those people are idiots. I'm was late 30's when I saw it, loved it, my son was in his mid teens - he loved it even more. Watch it and listen to the dialogue.
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Predictably entertaining
18 June 2024
This is not a bad movie, in the sense that none of the movies in the series are bad. But aren't they all sort of the same? Like - almost EXACTLY the same? Plenty of action, maybe too much. Nice to see Esai Morales and Cary Elwes getting 2020's work, as both are quality actors. But Hollywood, for the love of God, can you stop forcing the "tough chick" character on every action movie??? It's just not realistic to watch these 110 pound ladies taking out men twice their size or more. It wouldn't happen and it makes the film lose a lot of credibility. Trained or not it wouldn't help against men who are also trained and physically a LOT stronger. That's just fact and observation. Having stated that this is all fiction and there are plenty of other ridiculous things in the movie, but for the most part it works (or is at least slightly north of watchable). Could and probably should have been 15-20 minutes shorter.
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American Horror Story: Apocalypse Then (2018)
Season 8, Episode 10
Lazy writing
16 June 2024
This season had so much potential but like seasons before it, the witch angle destroyed most of the credibility and script quality. The Antichrist storyline was interesting and solid, and brought life back to the series. But as Deadpool would say, it just became lazy writing. The characters were hokey especially. Frances Conroy, who is a good actress for the most part. It's always been a man hater show so it was inevitable that it would lose all sense and sensibility by the end. Cody Fern was a solid casting choice as Michael and helped carry the season as far as it could go. In the end, they messed it up and it became completely useless and forgettable.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Started fine
17 January 2024
The first episode showed a lot of promise and I would give it a solid 8, but that's the problem with this show. Hooks you in and quickly just loses all its steam. There were some decent performances in season one but most of the actors were very hollow and wooden given the relevance of the subject matter and fictional people they portray. The script is exceptionally basic for an espionage thriller and at times the production value seems college film school level. But there are enough qualities and likable characters to plod your way through season 1. Not sure I would have green lit a second season if it was my call to make but there are worse things to watch.
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Fargo: The Tiger (2023)
Season 5, Episode 5
Off the rails
23 December 2023
Show had promise and a solid first episode reminiscent of the movie (which is where this all began) but quickly jumped on the modern day crazy train where all Caucasian men are stupid and weak and all women are super heroes, at least as forced by Hollywood. We all seem to be paying for Harvey Weinstein and the result is horrible writing and zero credibility in the screen writing business. I like Juno Temple but she weighs about 95 pounds and they have her overpowering 220 plus pound physically fit men. It's fiction, yes, but it's absurd this narrative seems to be the norm now even though it's not fooling anyone. When will this nonsense end? Just don't make these shows if that's the route you're thinking of going. Women are strong in other ways but they are not going to overpower much larger and stronger men. Jennifer Jason Leigh has had a decent career and some great performances but this is not one of them. Sadly she's overplaying her role in this season to the point of it being sadly obvious.

By the way for everyone that keeps questioning if it's a true story because of the opening credits spoiler alert: it's not. The reason is they have that is the original movie had the exact same opening. And no, that wasn't a true story either.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
Had potential
16 November 2023
Show was hokey, which to an extent can be expected in these non premium channel tv series, but it was watchable. Though predictable it had production value which was somewhat surprising but in season 3 they introduce this Sasha character (Bridget something IRL) and she's quite possibly the worst actress of all time. She's so unconvincing in her role that it becomes work getting through the episodes. I get that writers in this era feel pressured to stick to certain formulas and force character types down our collective throats but this chick was horrible and very hard to watch. When I looked her up and it appeared she was not killed off and in the last 3 seasons, I had to stop watching. She's that bad.
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Deadwood (2004–2006)
Ended too soon
23 August 2023
Great show with lots of strong performances. Warning that nearly every scene Alma Garrett is in slows the episode wayyyy down but other than that there's a lot of good plot lines and interaction between characters. McShane and Olyphant drive the show but good performances by most of the support cast. The two exceptions are Steve and Trixie, who are both ultra annoying and way overplayed by otherwise solid actors (at least in other things they've been in). The tension in the final season is well played and built but HBO had decided not to renew it at some point during that year and thus rushed the ending. Fortunately the movie which followed does a solid job of tying up some of the lose ends. Overall great show but it's not wall to wall excitement.
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Cast better than the story
14 August 2023
Watched the movie due to the solid cast but the truth is the story is not very interesting. In fact the movie is quite boring. There are solid performances, but this doesn't match up to an upscale old west movie. I have nothing against movies set outside of America and in fact I've enjoyed many (most recently The Banshees of Inisherin was excellent). This one just lacked any level of excitement or suspense which made it a chore to get through. I'm the type that will watch most any movie once, and this one was good enough to see where it went. But in the end I didn't come away with the feeling that there was anything memorable here, nor would I watch it again which to me is the true test of it being a great or even good film.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Elements of a good series but not quite great
15 July 2023
As corny as the show gets at times (Sudekis' multiple adages in every episode designed to make Americans seem like hillbillies) the show doesn't quite rise to the level of a comedy, which is what I expected it to be going in. It's more of a "feel good" story which has solid production value and professional acting. The problem is in the storyline tends to drag through multiple side stories which have little relevance to an actual plot.

The most ridiculous part is the Nate story, who starts out as a ball boy or locker room person and literally owes everything to Ted who turned him into a coach (which would never happen especially for the boring church mouse Nate is). But Nate ends up getting butt hurt over Ted/Daddy not paying him enough attention and quits to become a manager of another premier league team? Stupid storyline and not a fan of the actors turn as the character either. I know where they wanted to go - just wasn't at all believable and it took away from the series. Maybe a better actor could have pulled it off.

Unlike others I think it ended when it should have as there wasn't much else to do and it was starting to drag in the last season.

Update - the last season gets more frustrating and boring as the longer episodes pass - kind of like soccer so maybe it's appropriate. The Nate storyline is almost as ridiculous as the Juno Temple company executive subplot, but at least Juno is bubbly and likable. Shocked that Sudekis would allow Ted Lasso to be such a doormat for 90% of the series. Rebecca and Roy were the two best characters.
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Severance (2022– )
One of the better Apple Originals but...
9 July 2023
I found that many of the Apple Original shows were somewhat boring, with similar left leaning agendas and very little substance but this show has a lot of promise. Like most series these days (especially on Apple), the first season storyline told in 9 episodes could have been more effectively displayed in 3 or 4, which means there's a lot of down time. Progress is slow at times but the acting is for the most part very good. I did not care for Patricia Arquette however, who has been hit or miss for me in previous efforts. Here her deliberately slow talking evil boss persona is overplayed and feels hollow and boring, which greatly hinders an already slow paced thriller. Apart from Arquette the other actors perform well and keep the show interesting enough to warrant a second season. It's better than most of the crap Apple is creating but it's got some pace issues.
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Twisted (I) (2004)
Twisted junk
8 July 2023
This movie, to include the plot, dialogue, acting and direction was straight garbage. The only distinguishing fact this movie might be able to claim is that it's possibly the worst performance in the career of every actor in this film, and there are a lot of quality actors in the credits. For the people who continue to give 10's to every movie they like, they completely miss the concept of a ratings system (where only the very best film or 1% say would get a 10 rating), they need to stop adding reviews. If you are not sure if this should include you, one sign would be if you gave this movie a 10. If that is you, your rating card should be taken away for life. For those who haven't seen the movie, hopefully there is enough in this review for you to decide if you want to invest the time.
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For All Mankind (2019– )
Too much down time
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I get it can't be all space and sci-fi action but there is a lot of down time with irrelevant relationships and agendas that don't matter at all to the core story. It's fiction of course but what the show accomplishes is if things had gone differently, women are capable of being just as unlikeable as men allegedly are. Most of the female characters are wooden except Molly played by Sonja Walger. The writing and acting are particularly weak when it comes to the Mexican girl whose character is simply not believable most of the time (and she is very annoying to boot which seems to be more of an acting flaw). The show does have its moments and the production is high enough to make it watchable.

Update: the story gets a lot hokier the further you get into it. Fiction yes, but it teeters into nonsense. Karen is a despicable who_e who basically sexually assaulted a teen who she knew since birth. No repercussions? Is it because she's a woman? As soon as Ellen became a senator and appeared likely to become the first female President, I stopped watching. Sorry - that is just lazy. Her character is supposed to be strong but she provides zero emotion, and her storyline is absolutely ridiculous.
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Any Day (2015)
A complete disaster
27 June 2023
I understand this was supposed to be a religious themed message movie, but this was borderline ridiculous. I have a lot of respect for Sean Bean and like most people was saddened and shocked at his early death in GOT. But what on earth drove him to accept this role? The budget for this movie was definitely less than $50k, and that includes the absolutely horrific script. The dialogue was comical, in that it was short, pointless and usually without any coherence to an actual plot. I get that Eva Longoria and Tom Arnold would take just about anything these days (and let's face it, for Arnold this is almost a step up in his acting career) but Bean is so much better than this. The boy had to be related to someone involved in the production because he clearly hadn't had an acting class before this mess. I have to state emphatically that this was one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I've seen more movies than many film critics. So congrats to the team for that at least.
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Ten? What did you give the Sopranos and Breaking Bad
25 June 2023
Just watched episode 1. The show and pairing makes little sense but ANC does a solid job with casting and getting talented actors, possibly second only to HBO. That stated, there are a lot of holes in the story so far when paired with the end of TWD, but that show was hard to get through (at least the last 3 seasons). I thought after a break from that show it might be a decent time to start up a spin off. Hopefully this picks up a little. The scenery and sets are solid, so it feels like they did put some decent money behind the show. People giving this at 10? Come on. How do you compare it to the greatest shows ever and believe this series is on the same level? If that's you think before you start handing out more 10/10's in the future - please.
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Needed some tweaking
24 June 2023
I think this movie had potential. The only things missing were a credible cast and about ten times more money in the budget. At times this movie feels like a comedy. The dialogue and acting is comical and the effects look like this movie was made for a class in college. The priest/Michael seemed like the only actor who graduated. The rest of the production was just nonsense. It wasn't the worst movie ever made but it will disappear into bad film obscurity. There are many better older movies made dealing with this subject to watch and even if you've seen them, you would be better off watching one again than wasting your time on this clunker.
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Oleanna (1994)
21 June 2023
A movie which makes you root for the secondary character's death. Not one of Mamet's best, but watchable. The girl one of those women who entrap famous athletes to get pregnant for the purpose of getting money. Not much of her makes sense to the reasonable person. Was the point that she was mentally disturbed but she still was able to falsely smear a person out of their livelihood? If there was a deeper intention it missed the mark. In addition the dialogue was long winded and horribly boring at times. She might have been one of the most annoying characters ever in a movie.

For better Mamet style and story, check The Spanish Prisoner, American Buffalo or House of Cards (plus of course Glengarry Glen Ross).
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Lyla (2023)
Come on...
9 June 2023
Are you a fan of watching random sequences each about 2 minutes in length? Do you like watching movies which seem like they might be one long dream which is someone else's and makes no sense to you? Then this is must see cinema for you. I think the guy that made this little gem was trying to conjure up a modern day version of the Shining, if I had to try and explain it to someone but whatever the case, it's a huge fail. There is no way you watch this and say wow I'm glad I caught that one. It's not horror and it's so jumbled there is no real feel of suspense or it being classified as a thriller. Go on and watch it. You'll realize this warning to stay away was legit.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Hung on for too long
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show had something once. In fact it was quite good for the first 3 seasons. Even with annoying characters like Lori, Dale and Andrea, it was fresh and interesting. Then slowly it started to lose steam until finally after defeating Negan, it fell off the cliff. What could have been a great legacy was ruined by the ridiculousness of the final 3 seasons. It could be argued that the powers that be were just trying to hang on to a cash cow and ride it out for as long as they could, but the audience fell drastically starting in season 9 and by the end over 90% of the peak audience was gone. There were many reasons for that, including by the end there were only a few interesting and mildly believable characters left. I wish I could be more honest about why this show failed miserably by the end but only certain opinions are allowed on this site. All I can write is that watch the first 6 seasons, decide if you want to go 2 more, but do yourself a favor and stop at the end of 8. By that time you'll probably wished you had stopped sooner.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Off to a very good start
19 March 2023
This show is like The Walking Dead, if the Walking Dead was actually good. In other words this show is better than TWD, though to be fair that show started of great and ran down hill a little every year until it hit season 8 or 9, where it fell off the cliff completely (and lost about 90% of the audience). I know this show is based on a video game, but the acting is very good and so far it seems like a more complete show even though the story has been basic. HBO is the best network for series for many (if not most) people and they have done a good job with this one. Hopefully they will know when the time is right to hang it up and not crush its own legacy, like TWD did.
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Scream VI (2023)
Hitting rock bottom
16 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There is no way people voted this movie above a 4. The characters were all unlikable, the acting was terrible and the writing was beyond atrocious. The only fun in the movie was rooting for which of the main characters would get killed next. Of course in true bad Scream writing fashion, most of them survive despite being stabbed multiple times (somehow). This movie wants to be a comedy, but it's not funny at all; wants to be a horror movie, but Toy Story is scarier; and wants to be a slasher movie which makes fun of other slasher movies - but it mostly just makes fun of itself. It's beyond bad, and I saw this with 5 other people who all agreed (we had to convince 2 not to walk out early). Please take this review seriously and do not contribute more revenue to this garbage. I know some will be put off by the 1 star rating but truly I would give a zero if it was allowed.
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Black Bear (I) (2020)
Art house nonsense
22 January 2023
Ok we all love Aubrey Plaza and as weird as she seems to always want to be she's got a screen presence and is goth girl sexy. But this movie was boring, and apparently made to please former film students who couldn't act and became critics. I don't think you want to meet the people that rate this movie a 9 or 10. It's definitely closer to the many people who reference the 2 hours they'll never get back after watching this clunker. As slow paced as it was there is a quality that makes you think I really want to see where this goes. Trust the negative reviews that tell you that you'll only be disappointed that you stuck with it. Aubrey is hot, the movie is dead cold.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Not in the same league as Knives Out
25 December 2022
Don't know why there are as many positive reviews for this clunker. The story was basic, weak, with so much ridiculousness it can't be summed up here. For those hoping for a movie equal to its predecessor you're in for a huge letdown. The acting was below par for such an established cast, and this didn't feel like a "knives out" mystery if the first one established the bar. At well over 2 hours, it was far too long as there wasn't enough interesting plot lines to maintain any level of excitement. This was an obvious story, with a script that seemed like it was written on the set. This definitely felt like it was made for Netflix. Save yourself 140 minutes.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first 4 seasons were light hearted and lame but watchable. Then season 5 goes falls off the tracks entirely. Terrible writing throughout, tip of the iceberg was the 98 pound nerdy kid who turns into Bruce Lee out of nowhere (through he doesn't know martial arts). So stupid. Stop after 4 - boycott season 5. This has to end somewhere. Demand better programming. Let's not even discuss how LaRusso is the root of almost every problem, going all the way back to the first movie and carrying it through this series, even though he acts like he's the ultimate moral compass. Couldn't make it through the last season, nor could either of my high school aged kids.
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