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Shadowhunters: Parabatai Lost (2017)
Season 2, Episode 3
The best episode yet!!
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Whoa. That was amazing!! One issue with past episodes of Shadowhunters was that the pacing was too fast but I definitely think that in 2x03 the pacing has improved, the scenes are of a much more suitable length and flow much better. The characters have great dynamics. This episode focused on Jace and Alec's relationship especially and pretty much nailed it. That last scene between them was perfect and so emotional - I was bawling! It was definitely the highlight of this episode. I'm very pleased with how they explored and explained the parabatai bond in this episode and I'm glad that they included the parabatai oath. I absolutely LOVE Maia!! Alisha Wainwright is clearly a talented actress and I love her portrayal of Maia in this episode - feisty, sassy, fierce, stubborn, strong and determined. Every character shined in this episode. The plot was engaging and not messy. I'm very pleased with this episode, it was by far the best episode yet. I hope the show keeps it up. Can't wait for 2x04!
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Shadowhunters: This Guilty Blood (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
When they said season 2 was going to be better, they weren't lying
2 January 2017
Wow. When they said season 2 was going to be better, they weren't lying. The acting has improved so much that the two main actors with the worst acting in season 1 became the two best actors of this episode. The story jumped right into the juice immediately. The show is much darker, realistic and brutal than in season 1 and that is something evident from the very beginning of this episode. There were lots of nods to the books, more than I was expecting and that was very satisfying as a fan of the books. The relationships between the characters is excellent. The look of the show is much more appealing and dark than season 1. The new SFX are definitely much much better (and very visually appealing) than the SFX of season 1 (which made me cringe). I liked how there was an excellent balance between focusing on the relationships between the characters as well as the plot in this episode. It was much less predictable than season 1 (and this is great, coming from a fan of the books). When I finished the episode I immediately wanted to watch the next one. I can tell that season 2 is going to be amazing! If you were not a fan of season 1, definitely give season 2 a shot. I can't wait for episode 2.
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
An emotional roller-coaster
2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film hit home hard. In its exploration of the human mind through a coming of age story, Inside Out explores how our personalities form as we age. This is truly an emotional tale. I was choking back tears all throughout. This film really touched me on a personal level. Each emotion is portrayed as its own entity that has control over the person whose mind they reside in. They each help produce memories associated with each emotion. From this film we learn that each emotion is essential to have and experience and each plays its own significant role. We learn particularly the importance of sadness. Sadness, although an emotion we tend to resent, is a very important emotion. Experiencing pain and sadness is important in growth. When we experience a crisis, our lives turn upside down. But it is during times like these that we experience the most growth. At the end Riley's core memories change and her new memories have mixed instead of single emotions. This expresses Riley's emotional growth. Thus, this coming of age story is one of emotional growth and personality development that we can all relate to. It's something new from Disney and Pixar and I love it.
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Delightfully peculiar
30 October 2016
★★★★★★★★4/5☆ 8.8 = I enjoyed this immensely. I read the book prior to watching the film and I honestly feel as though the movie was better than the book. It was interesting, exciting, and thrilling right from the very first moment and I was surprised how accurate the movie was to the book despite some changes regarding the characters and the ending (although I liked the movie ending better. Each peculiar got to show off their unique talent and it was much more exciting, scary, and fun -- unexpectedly, the ending was more entertaining than I'd imagined it to be, rather than creepy). I also felt that the movie flowed better than the book and I liked the movie version of Ms Peregrine much better than the book version. The movie was obviously faster paced. I would say one downside was that because of this we didn't get to see how the relationship between Jacob and the peculiar children (particularly Emma) developed as we did in the books. However, ultimately, I definitely enjoyed the movie immensely and would highly recommend it to those who love all things fun, creepy and peculiar.
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Zootopia (2016)
This movie is pure gold
4 July 2016
This movie was absolutely amazing. Everything about it was so perfect. I love how this movie is something that adults can enjoy and appreciate -- it's not just some superficial kids cartoon, it's genuinely deep and intricate. Something I love so much above everything else that was amazing about this film is the moral that relates so much to what's going on in the world now, but is also universal. The moral of this film is unity, acceptance, tolerance, anti-racism, anti-sexism, doing what is right, resilience, respect, challenging assumptions, persistence, equality, and that we are all ultimately the same and are one. This movie was beyond anything I'd imagined it to be. I had heard some great stuff about it and decided to watch it and I'm so glad I did. Kids will have fun watching this movie and learn valuable morals. Adults, on the other hand, will immensely enjoy watching this movie, will appreciate it for what it truly is and will understand its real meaning. This movie is just absolutely amazing, the best I've seen all year! Please watch it, you will not be disappointed.
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Not a movie for kids - in a good way!
24 April 2016
This movie was great! I haven't enjoyed an animation in quite a while the way I enjoyed this. It's not a film for kids and I mean that in the best way possible. It is not simple and superficial, rather it is unexpected, new, and deeper than you think. Kids will enjoy it, but adults will enjoy, understand, and appreciate it the most.

The film is unpredictable and furthers the plot in ways that you wouldn't expect. The characters grow on you and you already establish a great connection with them from the very start. I liked that the message was conveyed fully rather than conveniently - the ending wasn't conveniently happy with easy-won success for everyone as if in a fantasy world of happy endings, the ending was realistic.

The film itself spoke of universal concepts; hope, desires, dreams, belonging, rejection, failure, and friendship. The plot was exciting and surprising. The characters were lovable and relatable. In conclusion, the movie was amazing.
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Amazing directing and excellent acting - this film is utterly captivating!
15 April 2016
This film is both visually pleasing and entertaining. Never have I seen such an excellent adaptation of a classic. This film is truly captivating.

The directing is so perfect and visually pleasing. It really helped convey the story immensely well, and was very successful in conveying emotion to the audience, I was utterly captivated throughout the movie because of it.

The acting is absolutely amazing! - that includes Kiera as well as the actors of the minor characters. It was all so real and alive.

I have watched this film twice and I still felt as I did when I first watched it. This film is just wonderful in every aspect! It is a must-watch and a film you (or at least I) will definitely enjoy re-watching.
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Gradually improving, lots of potential. Overall enjoyable to watch.
13 April 2016
Shadowhunters, although not amazing and award-worthy, is still relatively enjoyable to watch. There are many aspects of the TV show that need improvement, but that doesn't mean that there aren't things the show has nailed. I personally have not read TMI yet and I feel that people are comparing the book and TV series too scrutinously. I feel that having not read the books has helped me enjoy the show rather than be frustrated that the show isn't sticking to the books. Among the cons, the acting of certain characters is quite cringe-worthy although some are new to acting so we can't judge them on this. The script was also pretty cheesy, but then again it reflects the target audience. Let's just hope that'll improve later on. Apart from that, I think a lot of us can agree that the institute design was not that great, it was way too techy and didn't feel homely at all. The pros, on the other hand, include SIMON! Simon is amazing in all respects! Alec and Isabelle were great throughout. Jace's character improved towards the end of season 1 which is great. I didn't know how to feel about Magnus at first but currently, at the close of season 1, I'm liking his character which is very much like Jack Sparrow, as youtuber Christine Riccio pointed out. With regards to Clary, I love her relationship with Simon, apart from that I don't think she grew much until towards the end of season 1, like Jace. I'm hoping for more improvement regarding the characters in the upcoming season.

One thing I had minor issues with was an episode - and I can't remember which episode - where it was just really overly trying to be sexual. There were so many implied sexual scenes, undressing, kissing, etc. and it all happened in that one episode. They might as well have just named the episode "Everybody's having sex". I don't know I felt like that was all so forced and I felt slightly uncomfortable, like it was a little forced as if the producers/screenwriters/whoever were like "lets just put some sex in". Although I do understand that it did sort of serve the plot, I think it was a bit unnecessary considering the original target audience - I'm a little confused now, like who's the real target audience? I feel like different aspects of the TV show are reflecting different target audiences.

With regards to the plot, I felt as though some things were all over the place, aspects of the plot didn't advance until end of season 1 in a rush to cram things in. But I can understand why, because I mean, they had to keep the audience interested/satisfied enough throughout the series so that they could invest in a second season which will hopefully advance the plot much better.

Knowing that freeform has rights over TID as well as TMI, I'm excited to see the incorporation of both stories into Shadowhunters, or if not, I'm dearly hoping that they'll give TID its own separate TV show.

But yeah, regardless, the show had a slow start, but it is gradually improving, and it has potential to be great in season 2!

So overall there are things it needs to work on, but the show is still entertaining to watch. I'm excited for season 2 and hopefully many more seasons to come!
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Attack on Titan (2013– )
Great concept that is well-expressed, minor let-downs
9 April 2016
Attack on titan is another awesome anime. It centres around a dystopian future (although my brother is convinced that it is set in the past - I really don't know which it is but I assume it is set in the future) where gigantic humans called Titans brutally eat humans for fun. The ups of this anime include the emotional backstory which makes the audience immediately connect with the characters. So the concept is great. I love how it's got - or if it doesn't, that anyone can form - an ambiguous moral; like maybe (and these are just my theories) it's saying that humanity is "killing" itself (titans (i.e. giant humans) killing smaller humans) by all the things we are doing, literally when you think of global warming, all the wars we have with one another, also maybe it's poking fun at the notion of social class - particularly, we still have imperial systems and lots of poor people maybe it's saying in this day and age such a thing is unacceptable and incredibly backward compared to how much we have otherwise advanced as a species.

I may be overanalysing but I do love how the anime itself is so ambiguous that I am able to interpret it in such manners.

Apart from that, the characters are good although I cannot entirely empathise with them since, despite their emotional backstory, the main characters are too "unflawed" - Eren is so entirely fearless, Mikasa is so perfect in her fighting ability and so level-headed. Armin is the most relatable as despite being incredibly intelligent, he is not a skilled fighter and has some fear and so, is flawed.

The only real downside, however, is that I believe that most episodes are dragged out way too long with insignificant scenes taking up most of the episodes. After the episode has ended you realise that barely anything has actually happened in the episode. Certain situations are drawn out over several episodes when they could easily fit into a couple episodes. Some flashbacks are also way too long, taking up most of the episode, and you end up forgetting that the whole thing was just a flashback and are confused when it finishes (or maybe it's just me).

So overall, the anime has a great concept and has expressed it well. However, the episode structure and certain aspects of the characters are what has made me give it 9/10 instead of a full 10/10.
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One Punch Man (2015– )
One Punch Man will soon become your favourite hero
9 April 2016
I absolutely love One Punch Man. It has a dragon ball feel to it but rather than being just a dramatic action anime, it has a major element of comedy in it which in my perspective is a perfect touch and makes the anime all the more better. I absolutely love Saitama. He is the strongest and most powerful hero, yet he is so utterly human. This is a central element in the story as it not only allows us to feel more connected to the story as theoretically any of us could be like Saitama - if we were to go for 10km runs, and do 100 push ups, squats and sit ups every day until we go bald! -, but it also makes us feel connected to the main characters Saitama and Genos and to feel sympathy for them - Saitama is after all only ranked as an average hero and is not shown the true respect he deserves except from Genos. He is also bald and looks like an idiot (sorry Saitama), so we can't help but sympathise. Genos himself is a character with a great backstory, we cannot help but empathise with him. His loyalty to Saitama adds in a theme of friendship which makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside. And the fact that Saitama defeats enemies in one-punch, against what we may assume, does not hold the story back at all. It in fact adds to the story. The only thing I hold against it is that: - we aren't provided a backstory of the origins of the villains/creatures/monsters or of the heroes except Saitama and Genos. I would, in particular, definitely want to see more of Genos' backstory come into play rather than just the explanation he gave early on in season 1.

Apart from that, One Punch Man is an excellent anime. I would definitely recommend it to fans of the Dragon Ball series that love a bit of anime humour.
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Kung Fu Panda 3 was epic!!!
2 April 2016
Kung Fu Panda 3 was epic! I really enjoyed watching Kung Fu Panda 3. (This may or may not be a spoiler. I'll just say it anyway, but beware...)I really loved the focus on the idea of chi throughout the movie. It worked great. The characters were as alive and hilarious as they always were. I love the feeling this franchise gives you - the Kung Fu Panda movies are feel-good movies that never fail to bring your mood up and make you laugh. This is a film - and franchise as a whole - that people of all ages will enjoy watching. The humour is just perfection. The combination of drama and comedy in the action scenes was amazing. The people who created this franchise are geniuses. It's in my all-time faves. I absolutely loved it!!
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Zoolander 2 (2016)
It was okay but not really a satisfying sequel to the comedy classic.
11 February 2016
6/10 - translation: average. Zoolander (the original) is one of my favourite all-time comedy classics. Unfortunately, I can't say the same about this sequel. Not that Zoolander 2 was terrible, though. It was alright but it wasn't anything special either. The jokes were not as effortless as those in Zoolander, and I felt that Stiller was running out of ideas, frequently simply recreating scenes from the original Zoolander. The jokes were not that great, I only laughed at about half of them - probably less, but I wasn't keeping track - and even still, they were just little chuckles or laughs of light-hearted shock, if you get what I mean - "haha what? are you kidding me?". Oh, and I am honestly losing hope in the comedy genre, Zoolander confirms its downhill spiral (or at least to me). Everyone seems to be resorting to unfunny sexual/crude humour because sex sells, am I right? Well, the level of this sort of humour nowadays honestly makes me want to gag - every comedy has way too much crude humour! It's a lazy attempt at comedy, and to me it's not funny at all. I miss the dumb- but-secretly-clever humour of the original Zoolander, but it didn't really come back into the light in Zoolander 2. The plot was kind of everywhere and it was not at all what I expected - although there were some good moments, it was just too unorganised. In summary, Zoolander 2 was not absolutely terrible, but It wasn't great either. It was just average to me. The weird thing is that there were supposed to be so many celebrity cameos (another thing I think was just there to attract a wider audience) but I think I might've missed a lot of them, I mean I remember seeing Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, and Ariana Grande, but that's it. Also, I kind of felt that a sequel was unnecessary. I mean, I was quite satisfied with the original Zoolander as a conclusion of itself, and to learn that Zoolander 2 came out made me excited but confused as to "why now? and why anyway?". Anyway, if you're a Zoolander fan, go into this with very low expectations, because that's probably the only way you'll feel somewhat satisfied with this sequel.
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Engaging but nothing new
2 January 2016
I'm very lenient with my ratings so when weighing out the pros and cons you guys might be shocked that I'm giving this a 7/10 but oh well... to me 7/10 means "I enjoyed this and I'd probably watch it again if it played on TV but I wouldn't go out of my way to re-watch it."


  • The characters were actually smart - they actually do things that the audience is screaming at them to do!

  • The movie was overall enjoyable to watch.

  • It was intense and exciting.

  • The romance seemed genuine. I just think Tris and Four were ill-suited as a pair.


  • totally unoriginal!!!!! It's harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2 all over again except in a different context. Along with similar recurring themes of those in all teen dystopia.

  • some weirdnesses: some of the action scenes in the test made me feel... uncomfortable I guess. Some were just weird.

  • some moments were overexaggerated, unrealistic and cliché.

  • the violence - what is with the violence? It's overboard in this one. Seriously, the violence in this one is traumatising.

  • some characters were unconvincing and bland.

  • I think Tris' hair was terrible. Her character was also kind of terrible in this one too. She's constantly on edge and I mean isn't she supposed to be a divergent? She clearly doesn't fit into amity as observed in the start of the film. I understand that she is obviously suffering from PTSD or something of the sort, but it seems to me that she is only a divergent when the director (or whoever) wants to show us that she is.

  • the ending was great but... it seemed like a conclusion to the whole series for me, no third movie/book was needed.
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Entertaining but not as good as the original
27 December 2015
Hotel Transylvania 2 was great. It had numerous funny moments and interesting plot twists. I really enjoyed watching it. But I don't think that it was as good as the original Hotel Transylvania - but then again, sequels rarely are better than the original. That's not to say that this sequel was bad though, it just didn't quite have the effortless-majestic-hilarity-feel of the first one, if that makes sense. Anyway, overall it was a really enjoyable family movie full of laughs. It was quite engaging, there was never a boring moment. I'd definitely recommend it to those who enjoyed the original Hotel Transylvania.
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Major Payne (1995)
hilarious and entertaining!
23 September 2015
I don't know why this film has such a bad rating because it is hilarious!! I know there are some things that are a bit weird and over the top but otherwise, this film is hilarious and entertaining!! I find myself laughing at almost every line/scene. I don't know, maybe its just me but I think Major Payne is a great movie it's definitely a classic!! Actually I've read what another reviewer has written and they seem to agree with me! Thank you at least someone agrees! Anyway Major Payne is great! It's a movie I've watched countless times and each time I watch it I find myself laughing just like I did when I first saw it. It's really a great movie, so give it a try!
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Scream Queens (2015–2016)
absolutely sickening!!
23 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
One of the stupidest TV shows I've ever seen - god, and I've only watched the first episode just for the hell of it. Its full of cliché, cheesy, sappy, and plain cringe-worthy stereotypes. It's just sick and weird - what is with all the sickening violence and the whole situation with so called "chanel#2" was disgusting and plain weird. I didn't find it entertaining at all. The only thing I found the slightest bit decent was when that Clare girl and the school newspaper investigator dude paired up to expose Chanel. All of my three stars go to that. What a waste of an hour! Well apparently a lot of other people don't really agree with me since its got a good rating. Whatever, that's all I have to say about this TV show.
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