
18 Reviews
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
I wanted to like it too!
12 December 2021
Most people want to like a movie when they decide to watch it. I felt like Scott Eastwood was doing some good movies up until now. The weird non in person scenes with Mel Gibson are out of place, unnecessary, and unconvincing. The baddie from 3:10 to Yuma is sub par here, and he's the 2nd best actor in the movie. The mom and other supporting cast just can't act at all. I feel like all the actors in the last couple years need to go back to acting class because there's very little talent out there to pull you in. Unrelateable and uninteresting. It's ok. That's about as good as it seems to get there days. -sigh-
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Dune (1984)
Still the one...
22 October 2021
Like many of you I am sure, I waited and waited for the new Dune movie with great anticipation...I was totally underwhelmed. It's impossible to remove any bias from a re-make when you've seen an earlier adaptation, but I tried. This movie, which David Lynch has said publicly time and time again was his greatest disappointment, still holds up in my mind and is superior to the newest attempt in 2021. The atmosphere of Lynch's Dune pulls you in and keeps you there in his universe until the end credits roll. Granted, the special effects don't stand the test of time too well but the characters, actual acting, and storyline are all here in it's glory and do stand up even today! Do yourself a favor and watch, or re-watch this one with an open mind, open heart, and open hand!

Thus I have spoken.

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King Arthur (2004)
Not too great
30 August 2021
This had everything on the surface that appeared to be the ingredients for a good movie. I really wanted to like it, but I just couldn't. Good actors couldn't really deliver here. Flat and contrived. Especially Keira's battlecry. Lame.
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The Misfits (2021)
Can you handle Nick Cannon?
10 August 2021
If so, this might be right up your alley. Oh Mr. Brosnan...why? He must've owed someone a favor because this is pure trash. Its attempts at being hip and funny fall flat every time. Tim Roth at least kept his screen time to a bare minimum. The rest of the cast couldn't act their way out of a paper bag. I tried. I really did. I watched it in 3 increments else I would have never been able to finish it. Avoid.
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Could have been a solid film...
22 June 2021
But for the horrible completely out of place soundtrack. Just ruins the mood and feel for an otherwise decent movie with the great LVC! Worst. Soundtrack. Ever.
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The Silencing (2020)
If they said it was good, they are liars
28 September 2020
Because this movie doesn't hold up. The acting reaches sub par at times but is otherwise shallow and pedantic throughout. I stand by that. Uninspiring script and just plain blah all around.

Don't waste your time. It sucks.
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Rogue (I) (2020)
Wow. Turrible.
2 September 2020
What the hell were they thinking? This is complete garbage. CGI was done on a TRS80 and the "acting" couldn't last a weekend at your local community theater. Great message though... Save the lions. Thanks Hollywood!
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Starfish (2018)
Perhaps if I were a teenage girl...
28 July 2020
I realize this movie and script is someone's baby. And kudos to them for getting it done. However... This movie sucked. Long, boring, pretentious and not sci fi at all. Move along, nothing to see here.
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Pretty well done! Not comedy, just horror/slasher
11 June 2020
Good cast and great care taken on the 80's fashion and set. Hell, even the hostess Twinkies boxes were the old large kind! There is really no comedy. It's a good ol throwback horror with a nice take on the satanic panic of the 80's. Give it a go... Need to support these efforts.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Don't hate the aliens that wiped out billions of evil humans!
19 April 2020
Ugh. Where to begin... Let's start with the positive. First episode had tension and suspense. It was interesting enough that I finished the series regrettably. Only because during this lockdown I've already watched all the good stuff. Unless you're an extreme SJW that constantly seeks reinforcement that "humans are bad and should all feel guilty for existing", don't waste your precious time on this woke non sci-fi drama. Its less than subtle messages are enough to make you vomit in your mouth... Then you have to swallow it. Disgusting.
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Overlord (2018)
I was like you once...
7 April 2020
Thinking the previews looked terrible and we had yet another WW2 zombie movie... Booooring. I even poo poo'd it when my good friend recommended it.

So I rolled up on it last night, cleared snd opened my mind and just watched. I'm very glad I did. Anyone who is giving this less than 4 stars is just skewing ratings. Kind of ruins the point of rating them doesn't it?

You know what you are getting into here. And I feel it delivers a lot! The stereotypical WW2 characters are all here... Purposefully and effectively. Starts off with great action with good production values right out of the gate.

It's a great movie for what it is. Just let it be what it is and if you like this kind of movie, it will hit the mark!
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Slow build up until final disappointment.
26 February 2020
I wanted to like this and was intrigued for a bit. But as the movie wore on it became less and less interesting. Ewan McGregor is a lame duck actor. No better in this. Some of the supporting cast including Rebecca Ferguson were pretty decent but the movie is an affront to The Shining. Avoid this and do not believe 10 star reviews lol. Laughable.
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3 from Hell (2019)
Of course I wanted to love this movie...
17 September 2019
I guess you just can't go back and re-capture that magic and honesty of House of 1,000 Corpses and the superior The Devil's Rejects. I give kudos to Rob for giving it a go but this movie just plain fell flat. All the ingredients were there...Gore, blood, guts, filth, profanity, humor, revenge. I just was not able to get excited scared or involved with the film. It wasn't slow, it was just meh. Granted, I have never been a fan of Sheri Moon and I think she has taken every movie down a notch or two that Rob insists on including her in. Verily, her scenes are like some sort of music video with her prancing around all "evil" and cutesy in slow motion. She's clearly the centerpiece here and that's a shame because Bill Moseley is the king of horror and although he does his best with the material at hand, he can't salvage the script and the overall "story". New guy, Richard Brake the "brother in law" does a decent job filling the gap left by Sid Haig (who does have a brief appearance in the film), but it all feels very forced and lacks overall conviction. It's just "meh" and I really wanted it to be Rejects part 2.

I realize we aren't dissecting the works of Shakespeare here. It's a Rob Zombie horror film. Those that love everything he does, will love it. I personally think he got it right with House of 1,000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, but ever since then...he's been trying to recapture that glory and has failed to do so.
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The lonesome death of Mick Ronson
6 July 2019
I am a huge Bob Dylan fan. All of it. This era in particular. The choice of songs and variety of musicians was so unique and brilliant. The glaring omission of Mick Ronson is unforgivable. They don't even mention his name a single time! His guitar work during this tour provides a constant swirling tapestry of melody, solos, and originality that deserves a documentary on its own. Shame on Bob. RIP Mick!

The music and footage is great and could stand on its own. The rest as many have mentioned is pretentious drivel.
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Close to greatness... But
2 June 2019
So first off, Vera Farmiga is a complete movie ruiner for me. At least one star is deducted from movies that she is cast in. Am I right? I just don't think she can act and her performance always comes off superficial and contrived. Moving on however...The movie itself isn't bad. I mean... It's a Godzilla movie. It's not going to get an Oscar for best picture. If you like Godzilla, you'll enjoy it. There are too many forgettable and /or annoying human characters. I'm also really starting to get annoyed at how every movie such as this has to be 1. Raining and 2. In the dark /at night.

All these gripes aside, I loved the effects and monsters. It's a fun actiion film that I saw during a lightning storm at a drive in theater. Perfect movie for that!
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Don't believe the haters
28 February 2019
I didn't expect to like it, but it was pretty good! Brutal scenes and seemed to stay true to much of the information I've accrued over the years. Varg hates everything, but this seems to be more of his angle on what happened, which in general terms was that Euronymous was a "poser" and took credit for things that weren't his. Hey, it's a movie not a documentary. Only Varg really knows what happened that night and he's already told the his side of things. It's well made, entertaining, and very brutal at times. Give it an honest go and see what you think.
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Venom (2018)
Don't ignore the critics this time!
7 October 2018
It certainly wasn't the worst movie in the world, but I was very underwhelmed as were my girlfriend and friends. You can find our full review on YT by searching "Should I Stay or Should I Go movie reviews". Shallow and pedantic. I REALLY WANTED to like this movie as I'm a big Tom Hardy fan. This just didn't hit the mark, unless you're a 4th grader... Alien with a heart of gold! Lame.
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Trite Liberal Hollywood Propaganda
13 June 2016
As some of the more perceptive independent thinkers have already pointed out, this movie is a typical bleeding heart, unrealistic "morality" tale aimed at vilifying the US and the world's fight against terrorism in general. The American politicians in the film were clearly made out to be bumbling, war mongering, and soul-less monsters with no regard for human life. War is hell. Innocent people die. The true "bad guys" in the film were purposely distanced from the story-line so the film makers could project guilt onto the terrible technology plagued civilized Westerners.

It's really insulting to have this type of "message" shoved down our throats constantly from the same Hollywood players. What a wonderful world it would be if everyone loved one another and supported one another and there were no bad guys. Unfortunately, that's not the case and there will always be those that are willing to kill...and die, in the name of something.

Shallow and pedantic. Currently ranked 7.6? C'mon...this is garbage.

On one tiny positive note, Alan Rickman was great as usual. His character was the only one with any conviction or basis in reality.
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