
35 Reviews
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Dune (2021)
visually spectacular
31 October 2021
Loved this - I cannot wait for the 2nd probably 3rd part - the scene is set we know who the good guy is and who the good side is and who the dark side and evil side is and like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars rolled into one the adventure has began. The first DUNE was pretty poor but this one is visually spectacular, some stuff has been done before but the dragonfly ships the feeling of being in the desert confronting the sandworms etc just brilliant. It didn't feel like 2 1/2 hours it was slow to begin with but then you become immersed you genuinely feel for the characters, you get immersed in the story unfolding. Hurry up and bring on DUNE 2 its going to just get better.
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The Father (I) (2020)
A very moving portayal
18 April 2021
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Anthony Hopkins has always shown how great an actor he is in this film his portrayal of a man suffering dementia is very moving and I couldn't help feeling how I imagine that's what it is like. How things appear to change one minute to the next He deserves an Oscar for getting it just right not over stated not about him it really was a good storyline doubt he will get an Oscar the Oscars will be going to whoever. But if you want to see the best portrayal of what dementia is like this is the film. Not sympathetic, not about the other.people who are suffering in coming to terms with it although there are brilliant moments where the Father can make such put downs. It's a must see film. Simple as that.
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Ammonite (2020)
Beautifully acted film - But an missed opportunity
28 March 2021
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The acting by Kate Winslett is a master class and the movie is worth watching just to watch her (and as another reviewer has pointed out, she is like a brick wall but when she smiles you feel a warm glow). What is sad is, aside the developing love story with Charlotte Murchison, you don't get the same understanding for Elizabeth Philpott and the strained relationship with her mother, what was the connection . The opportunity to understand what Mary Anning had gone through the fact that she was not recognised for all her findings till after her death although there are articles by Henry De La Beche (president of the geological society) and Charles Dickens bestowing that her contributions to understanding of fossils and science are the most important findings of the 20th Century. An opportunity missed to show much more of her life and one of which Kate Winslett would have done further more justice. Had the BBC concentrated on that little bit more and why she was excluded from the geologist society then this woudl have been a 10/10.
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Downfall (2004)
Incredible acting masterclass
11 February 2021
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I don't think anyone could have portrayed Hitler in his last days better than Bruno Ganz he gave a truly remarkable performance. I watched this film which at times was difficult. The scene where he truly loses it; has been immortalised by so many you tube memes. This actor deserved best actor and hopefully he can be awarded a posthumous award for what was an acting masterclass. The film itself is accurate in its portrayal of the desperation and Hitler losing control and his mind. It gets 9/10 for simply immersing me in the subject to the point I thought I was watching a documentary and it was Hitler I was watching.
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Masterpiece get busy living or get busy dying
10 March 2020
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This is not just a Prison film epic it is more than that - I feel its understated calling it a Masterpiece but it truly is. Rarely has a film stayed as long as it has at the top of the IMBD tree but there has been nothing since to compare. I have seen it a few times now and as I grow older it still feels as fresh watching again as it did the first time, only this time the way in which scenes are weaved together makes it even more enjoyable you watch and witness the characters grow and the story become more believable. How Prison would institutionalise and dehumanise a person and how that the main Character Andy Dufrane overcomes all this and brings hope - Its a masterpiece because you cannot watch it and feel for each character and see Red's redemption and come away feeling invigorated for the experience. The tarring of the roof, Brooks suicide the p\role hearings for Red and the most important part Hope - it truly inspires you feel that get busy living or get busy dying is such a powerful message in the end,.
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Parasite (2019)
Not a masterpiece but brilliant nevertheless
13 February 2020
I didnt get carried away it was a brilliantly crafted film showing the haves as a bit dense and the have not far more clever but because they had to be. It had brilliant twists and turns and deserves all the accolades. But best film. No. Films that should get best film are those you should visit a cinema for get the whole experience. Parasite will be remarkable on DVD which some films lose that cinematic experience that's why I don't rate it as 10 but that's me and I respect those that think otherwise.
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1917 (2019)
One hell of a cinematic experience
12 January 2020
I can only add what the majority of people have said which is to say awesome breathtaking rollercoaster ride through hell. This is a movie that must be seen and must be seen on the biggest screen. And prepare to be immersed in what has to be said the cinematic experience of the year. This has to seen by the young generation now so they can witness what many of their age sacrificed for freedom and democracy. Their comradeship and the sense of duty. This film had me gripped from beginning to end with some superb performances and worthy of oscars. I would also add as an ex serving soldier that I was impressed with the attention to details although there were some goofs notably pointed out on the site. I would also like to add that this was my feeling and if someone else doesnt feel the film was that good thats there opinion when they then decide to call people names because they dont aspire to their point of view they demean themselves and there review should not be posted - Can IMBD ensure that people posting comments have some decency and respect for people s opinion even if it doesnt reflect theirs and refrain from calling people cretins and brainless
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Judy (II) (2019)
Give Renee Zellweger the Oscar
15 October 2019
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There are lots of reviews about how this was a missed opportunity to make a great story or include lots of other characters omitted in the film. The film could have gone on for 3 hours + But this misses the point as the acting of Renee Zellwellger is extraordinary. It would be a travesty if she was overlooked for the Oscar she portrays Judy Garland warts and all. The film also highlights how the Movie studios treated its stars. which inevitably is a lot of the issues that Judy Garland went through and no doubt did many others. It was a sad film but captivating and you felt enormous sympathy for the star of it. Its up there with the Joker when it comes to Oscar nominations that is for certain. I hope the performance of Renee Zellweger is rewarded
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After Life (2019–2022)
A gem of a series
19 March 2019
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I cant remember the last time I watched a series and it made me howl with laughter at some of the scenes and then made me cry - Mr Gervais has created a gem of a series to do this is genius. I just couldn't stop laughing in some scenes and the scenes with Penelope WIlton are magical I cried. Its a Must see series - I'd love to be in one of his shows I bet the cast have a real laugh making it - What makes it special is believable and though he feels life isnt worth living as his partner has passed on, he begins to go through the anger the acceptance and through it all that life may actually be worth living after all
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Journey's End (I) (2017)
We should never forget
22 February 2018
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We should never forget the sacrifice of so many in what was a futile waste of life. The acting in this film is superb and the characters are as true to the play as they can be when bringing it to the screen. the film deserved a bigger audience and should be shown November 11th to remind us how fortunate we are. I wont repeat what others have said only to say they are spot on. The sombre mood of the characters as they wait for the inevitable German Spring offensive, the Colonel and how far removed he is from the reality of it all as if you could just nip over to No mans land and grab a Jerry and by the way we are having a fish dinner at 8 I got some fresh fish brought up to the front. Where in the trenches they endured cutlets that was actually liver bully beef and tinned apricots. How each character then deals with the inevitable is also so true to the play - the great Laurence Olivier played the role and these actors did him proud in playing theirs. Not action packed but emotional and edifying till the end
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Dunkirk (2017)
Where were the 400,000 men on a beach
25 July 2017
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I cant conclude that this was a masterpiece or an epic - it most certainly wasn't - There are a few reviews on here that match my sentiment - the editing was poor several stories come together but are done almost ad hoc with a scene being almost a flashback to a previous scene where a plane that was shot down is then shot down again as part of a different story within the same story (if that makes sense). I watched the 1958 version of Dunkirk and it had more intensity than this the fear of the daily bombing and fear of drowning, fear of not getting off the beach alive - well that intensity was lacking in this there appeared to be a few hundred men on a beach who were occasionally attacked by 3 stucka dive bombers there were moments when you wanted something to happen and when it did you wondered what the hell it was about as there would be no dialogue. I felt like screaming what did you spend £150 millions on. It could have been so much more, special effects could have had thousands on a beach not a random selection of soldiers here and there there could have been more little boats coming towards Dunkirk. However, some things were done well the ship saving men and then only to be sunk again. Showing the desperation to survive and the cost of that survival. The spitfire scenes where we learnt something of what the RAF learnt in aerial combat that prepared them for the battle to come and the crew of the little boat and how they epitomised the spirit of Dunkirk - that was done exceptionally well but I was very disappointed about the rest and don't expect to see Oscars where there was little dialogue to deserve such.
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Baby Driver (2017)
The MUST SEE movie of 2017 (so far)
4 July 2017
Absolutely brilliant - great car chases synced to music- Its like all the driver movies put together and True Romance thrown in. Ryan Gosling and Ryan O Neil move over as Ansel Elgort has come to steal your plinth . I'll not spoil it with lots of detail its a MUST SEE movie it keeps you entertained from start to finish - its high octane, great music from all genres and the supporting cast of Foxx and Spacey are brilliant too. throw in Eiza Gonzales and Lily James and it adds a little bit more to the mix - loved the film maybe a sequel? may be not they tend to spoil things maybe a prequel though that could be interesting - well worth seeing again me thinks!!
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The tension absent and the action comes and goes to quick
23 May 2017
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I had been eagerly anticipating this movie-there was a lot of things written to suggest it would be better than Prometheus. It took a while to get going and then when it did it slowed down again. Michael Fassbender playing both David and Walter was a revelation - the man can act. I was gripped by his performance and equally Katherine Waterstones performance as Daniels. There was a certain chemistry between Daniels and Walter that kept you rooting for them as things went pear shaped. Daniels is no Ripley but you sense she could develop into that role. The aliens were well like all the other alien films and after a while the scare factor isn't there - the tension doesn't come across as well as the original and there are some truly remarkably silly scenes in this one scene with Oram enticed by David (whose character is clearly a spiteful and vengeful one)-you are left thinking how did he fall for that really?? It just didn't do it and if another instalment does come along I do hope that its better- Sadly the Alien franchise has been done to death. Aliens 2 being the best gripping tense and full of action -for many parts of this latest instalment the action had come and gone before you had time to blink
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Forsaken (I) (2015)
Still a great Western even if its been done before
2 July 2016
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Kiefer Sutherland gets better as he gets older. I love a good Western, this isn't in the same league as Unforgiven but watching Kiefer Sutherland play the role of John Henry Clayton is great. He gets the mood and the emotion right playing a man returning from a war he wants to forget and wants what it made him to be consigned to the past his presence on screen is always the one to watch. The movie theme has been done before, but this is better as there is a feel of anticipation throughout (as with westerns like Shane and Pale Rider), you begin to feel for the character of John Henry Clayton -The brought and paid for thugs act their part bringing their menace to every scene they are in; and eventually there is a showdown-Any fans of westerns I recommend you watch - it is worthy of just seeing how Kiefer Sutherland and his real life Dad act so well together and make the film a cut above many other Westerns
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Black Mass (2015)
What just happened?
8 October 2015
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I have to say I was disappointed. I watched with greater expectations than I should have. The film failed to engage my interest (that doesn't mean it wont engage someone else's)I had seen Legend recently which was a far better production and Tom Hardy superb; so films with a Gangster theme appear to be prominent this year. This film also based on a true story was far grittier and didn't glamorise the actions of those that the film portrays - Johnny Depp is almost unrecognisable as Whitey Bulger which the film is essentially about. This could have been a brilliant film instead it is a collaboration of scenes mismatched together threaded together to make some sense which it fails to do as you don't connect to the characters in it; becoming ordinary and pedestrian instead of gripping your attention as say characters in the Departed which has been often referred to in reviews. I agree with a previous reviewer that had more emphasis been put on the development of the characters from childhood Whitey Bulger, John Connoly and Billy Bulger (brother and senator) and how this then transformed into later life this would have been a really good film as it is, it is worth watching but don't break a leg to do so. It also fails in the final 30 minutes as it doesn't show us how we get to the bringing the gang down - it simply just happens! there is no tension or how it all unravels. Watch the Departed on DVD for a real gripping film and Legend for better acting and a better presented story.
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Child 44 (2015)
IMDb 6.4 seems low
4 August 2015
There are many mixed reviews for this film but I am of the opinion its one of the best thrillers in 2015 so far, great acting throughout, there are some disjointed scenes and the story appears to lose track of itself mid way but then picks up. I recommend it worthy of a watch Tom Hardy is simply the best out there at the moment hes played some really good parts lately and this is just another to add to his CV. As its a trilogy by Tom Rob Smith I can only hope the next two get better similar to Hunger Games, having said that the film had my attention throughout the 137 minutes and that is what I hope to witness when I go to the cinema. If you enjoy thrillers you will enjoy this
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True events? more like Contrived
3 April 2015
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The main problem with this movie is it opens with the premise based on true events and that is where the credulity of the audience is truly tested because the only true events is the battle of Gallipoli itself from then on in events take on an unbelievable journey. – The Director and writers must have thought how do I sell this better as its just another war film? I know say its based on true events – its how the Coens got away with making Fargo claiming it was based on a true story which it was later revealed was nonsense. However, like Fargo, the Water Diviner is a well made and well acted piece and worthy of praise for at least having a story albeit contrived. First we have a Father who travels to the Dardanelles to find his three sons presumed killed in action and he his thwarted in his efforts to go officially so unofficially turns up and as the ANZACs go to send him away a Turkish Major whom he later befriends changes their minds. The story then becomes even more contrived from then on in and I feel disappointed that it isn't true because there is nothing more than I would like for it to be so, as it is beautiful shot, there is a degree of realism in the barbaric nature of war. The battle scenes are gritty and a testament to many young men who thought and died for their Country. This film should be remembered for the fact that many men died for many Countries in the First World War and many families never had peace of mind to know whether their sons or Fathers survived as they were lost presumed dead and it is a fact that one such Father did try to establish where his son was killed at Gallipoli.
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'71 (2014)
Gem of a film
23 December 2014
What a roller coaster of a film from beginning to end - Jack O Connell is brilliant and the supporting cast are thoroughly believable and the acting top class- my favourite star for the future Corey McKinley who plays the loyalist boy; he highlights the difference between Catholic and Loyalist which make the film a history lesson as well as a movie- its an advert for the British Film Industry - when making a film about the troubles to capture the mood of the time and to bring that to the screen depicting the different factions and hatred that came with it is difficult but whoever researched the period, got the costume and feel of the City of Belfast spot on created a Gem. The riot scene felt as if you were there in the thick of it, the building tension between the thin barricade of soldiers and the baying mob. This film is worthy of awards and I hope it gets lots as it will encourage others to make similar movies. Go and see it, ignore some of the inane comments on here that this isn't true- believe me having been on the receiving end of a riot at the Divis flats mid 1980's I can tell you it was like reliving the moment. The film captures the distorted angry faces the looks of shock and fear- very well made film indeed
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Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine.
16 November 2014
Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine. This statement is made three times during the film at the most poignant times in it. This is a well crafted film and though the film is essentially based on Alan Turing it doesn't overshadow the fact that Alan Turing cracked the Enigma code with a small team that helped win the war. It is also difficult to imagine that once upon a time in history to be a homosexual was a death sentence and it highlights also that woman were not allowed to go for or to do what was considered a mans job. I go to the cinema to be entertained, thrilled, shocked try and guess the ending to a thriller or to be educated. The film accomplishes most of that; but its the revelation that one of the Worlds greatest mathematicians and greatest minds at the time whose commitment to breaking Enigma and pioneered the modern age of the computer was treated so appalling in the end and it is a story that must be told and it is told here without patronising its audience. And Joan Clarke (played by Kiera Knightley maybe not as convincingly as the rest of the ensemble cast ) highlights just how hard it was for a woman with intelligence and Alan Turing's' vision to establish herself as an equal- Today it is almost incomprehensible that we would treat people with such disdain and so callously because of their sexual orientation or indeed women as badly - although women are still not treated as equal in some quarters-
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Fury (2014)
War is hell and Fury shows it
10 November 2014
I once served in an Armoured Regiment and found a tank claustrophobic, but the comradrie and team spirit second to none and so I found that to a degree in Fury - I was so fortunate not to go to war, but I would bet that it was very much as this film depicts, the closest I think you can get to what it must have felt like to come up against a German Tiger tank- There is a lot to admire about this film , yes there are some aspects that may not feel believable and some things that are cliché - but having seen it and been dead sceptical at first- I was shocked and still feel numb as it is the first time I have watched a war film of this genre and felt- Yes that is what would have happened; there was no sentiment for the Nazis and on reflection I imagine having fought through battles watching comrades die and the Nazis still not giving in that you would hate them and let them know it - The cast were magnificent, there wont be any Oscars as there are no niceties but each played their role convincingly Pitt plays a leader who wont give up and those that follow remind me of when I served - I would have followed my Tank Sergeant to certain death even if I knew deep down it may be the last time on earth and the remaining cast displayed exactly that ethos
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Wow - best film of the year - very emotional
12 January 2013
I have to agree with a number of the comments on this film - meggz3 put it exactly as I wanted to write it and I probably wouldn't do a better job of it as she or he has- I have to say I was blown away the acting was brilliant throughout by a sterling cast. Robert De Nero playing the OCD father deserves a best supporting actor and Jennifer Lawrence just gets better in every film and of course Bradley Cooper is just great - So many films will get the tip and the wink for the Oscar above this but that doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be right up there with them. The superlatives for this film will still be going on about this gem of a movie well after the Oscars and I for one will be seeing it again because I fell in love with Jennifer Lawrence too! I don't want to say too much as I don't want to be blacklisted- but to play a role that is as difficult as somebody who has mental illness issues and to be as convincing is something else- but when two people do (an actor and actress) it is mind blowing - For me it is the best film of the year and I have seen most of the films that are in contention for Oscars- what they deliver in the most part is special effects or a history lesson or simply good old fashioned violence. But this film delivers comedy and romance in equal measures that leave you elated at the end and that is exactly how you want to leave a cinema experience I would be even more elated if this gem got best picture but I can dream
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Lincoln (2012)
Its a film I can say I learnt something
28 December 2012
I found the film heavy going but not being an American found that I was watching History and that was something I really did enjoy as I watched the film unfold and how Lincoln was a very clever and masterful politician in achieving the goal of the 13th Amendment (abolishment of slavery) and how he did that against a background of negativity and prejudice. This is not a film for the faint hearted already 150 minutes long and very heavy in dialogue throughout. It is a very intense film and focuses well on the build up to the 13th amendment which was written into the American constitution which goes to the heart of the American psyche. Spielberg draws out an acting Masterclass from some worthy actors and Sally Field as Mrs Lincoln comes out strong in a mainly male environment. Daniel Day Lewis appears to have been born to play the part come Oscar time if he hasn't won Best Actor I wonder how he could be beaten on this performance he is head and shoulders above anyone else. I go to the cinema to be enthralled, mesmerised or educated, on this occasion I was educated - I don't feel that I know everything about Lincoln what i do know he was a great American and what he achieved and what he stood for is something that Americamns can be proud of- Spielberg does a good job in that sense sadly he uses a few too many clichés but he does a great job of evoking pride in a Nation that now has a Black President.
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Argo (2012)
Another piece of history brought to life
28 December 2012
What a great film, I agree with a lot that has already been written it is a masterful piece of cinema making - having seen Lincoln earlier this week; Argo was yet another film telling a piece of history and telling it well. The film feels like it is being shown as it happened the authenticity of getting that 70s feel reminds me of the 70's. Mr Afleck should be rewarded with Best Director come the Oscars He is great at film making I loved the last two outings very different films but brilliant Gone Baby Gone and The Town. I cant wait to see what he brings out next as i know I'll be enthralled, entertained and on this occasion educated. I just felt gripped by the movie as the story unfolded and having little knowledge of what was to come the tension and the twists and turns in the story were so well done that at times I felt I was there feeling all the emotions that these 6 Canadians must have felt at the time. That is great film making three cheers to Mr Afleck
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Black Death (2010)
Thats entertainment
25 October 2012
This was a nice surprise and well acted throughout- it beats other titles with better casts for the story rolls along nicely as the band of the bishops mercenaries seek out the demons and the necromancer to cleanse the pestilence of the black death sweeping the land. Its just a belter a nice surprise package of goodies versus baddies and you are not sure which is which whether God is ones side or that there is no God or whatever as the case may be. Watch for the entertainment and good acting and thats what the cinema experience should be about not whether this is accurate or that there would be this and what about that and all that cobblers. Just a good old entertaining film.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
11 June 2012
What a disappointment- the long awaited prequel never really grips and lacks the suspense and drama of the original movie. With Ridley Scott back in the helm, there were great expectations there are some moments but they never hold your attention long enough and you keep wondering when is it going to take off when is there going to be any suspense as to what the deadly creature may do or look like or whatever- When action happens; it just happens no build up to it. A film that has great visual and stunning effects but lacks the ingredient that made Alien so excellent- with Alien you were kept on the edge of the seat you wondered what was around the corner. sadly this film you couldn't care less what was around the corner by the time it ends you are pretty well glad the credits are rolling. Sad really, really, sad a great ensemble cast but the script was written in a tea break, the best line concerns a female proving she isn't a robot.
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