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Godzilla (2014)
18 April 2024
Godzilla (2014) attempts to reignite the iconic Japanese monster's legacy but falls short on several fronts. While the film delivers thrilling action sequences, it loses sight of its original premise. The United States, intended to represent the monster, is overshadowed by excessive action, detracting from the underlying story. This overemphasis on action results in the film feeling overly Americanized, diluting its anti-nuclear message rooted in Japanese culture. Ultimately, Godzilla (2014) misses the mark by prioritizing spectacle over substance, failing to capture the essence of its original premise.
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X (II) (2022)
Give it a miss if you expect anything above mediocirty.
5 August 2023
Has to be one of the slowest "slasher" films i have ever had the misfortune to watch and i love slow burn movies.

The story itself is boring and uninteresting whilst making little to no sense due to a real lack of motive.

There isn't a single likeable character in the entire film and I'm not sure if this was written by design or just a bad script.

Prosthetic makeup of the "bad guys" was pretty poor as well which really detracted from the entire film.

The saving grace of the film is the cinematography and practical gore effects which were pretty top notch and the costume department pretty much nailed the time period and setting. I really would not recommend this film to anyone though as it has very little to offer.
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Funny, fun and moving film but...
2 August 2023
The film was quite funny throughout, it had really sad parts which were great and also was generally fun. The major issue is that the CGI in the action scenes is pretty much unbearable.

It detracts from the main points the screenplay and script are trying to achieve. The action CGI is very much blatant. It is also highly overused and at times seems to be forced. There seem to be far too many "oh, look we can now do this with CGI" moments which stand in the way of the really moving or funny parts as simple filler.

I'd far prefer a really coherent story which doesn't need the "wow" moments. The story in itself stands alone very well and its good. The whole CGI thing really did detract me from loving this film.

Still, it was fun and a good film. Worth a watch for sure.
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Pretty terrible unless you want to see a soap opera masking itself as a war film
27 January 2023
If you like films that contain misleading titles, bad acting, bad characterisation, bad fictional military set pieces, revisionism, woke "look, its a bit like the situation in Ukraine" analogies, utterly bewildering attempts at writers justifying characters to be actual traitors.... If all that sounds good to you... then you are in for a real treat!

Featuring all the action the historical battle could have inspired but crammed into about 12 mins of shoddy set pieces and you know what to expect. "Feelings", women being "STRONG" and Skjoldbjærg who clearly wanted to rip off Dunkirk/Nolan but instead falling flat in this turd of an attempt at movie making. Lazy trash.
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Room 237 (I) (2012)
If flat earthers made a documentary about The Shining.
16 July 2022
Just don't bother. It is one of the most hilarious (for all the wrong reasons) piles of junk to be released. Without spoiling (not sure that is possible) it i would say that it reaches so far it is embarrassing. Stay well away from this one if you wish to maintain any remaining brain cells you may possess.
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Must be seen in the cinema to really be appreciated.
22 June 2022
This is a film that must be seen in the cinema. As a child i watched it when i was 15 and it was one of the most scary experiences i had up to that point.

The SFX and the rumbling of the tanks back when i was a kid scared the hell out of me and that experience has never happened since watching it at home. I would go so far as to say it is a different experience all together and when it does periodically come on in the cinema you should rush at a chance to see it.
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Munich (2005)
Great but hard work.
12 June 2022
An all time great but hard work because it covers so many conflicting areas and portrays the contrast in such a way that, by the end, you see the "protagonists" as paranoid anti hero's.

I do understand the political and socio-political side of things but the story just doesn't make for a great film making experience for the viewer (reminds me very much of watching black hawk down and the exhausting experience it was when leaving the cinema at the end).

It almost seems like Spielberg is himself conflicted in what he is trying to portray and maybe that was his goal for us, as the viewer, but it doesn't transpose well on the screen from story to film.

With all those negatives it still remains a great film with great acting, great action and even more interesting intrigue. It just cant help feeling that it left me feeling a little deflated and confused (about the film rather than the history) once the end came. A solid 7 for me.
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A long term ploy by Disney that will never work.
9 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who thinks it is a smart business move at Disney HQ to basically leave out vast amounts of back story or throw already established concepts from a mediocre TV show (Wanda) into the film story so that new viewers have no idea what is going on are moronic.

This little marketing tactic is being undertaken so as to compel re-watch ability by forcing people with even the slightest inclination in knowing what was going on in the film to subscribe to Disney+ to actually understand the story fully. Then, when DSITMOM is released digitally, Disney will make a sweet $ . In theory this all sounds like a really great idea...

In practice it led to a few people actually walking out of the cinema and me being bored out of my gourd for 2 hours whilst trying to keep up with the convoluted, badly written story. No amount of curiosity in what happens in a story is going to compel me to pay Mickey Mouse some cash to watch his underperforming shows on his bad network.

What I have mentioned will become a norm with Marvel films and pretty much shows the series is finished when it comes to telling good stories. I also see a lot of people talking about how great the CGI was in the film. Some parts were very good but others (the weird temple fight/eye ball creature thingy/the entire fight with other "heroes"/mountain fight) were akin to the bad DC CGI from Suicide Squad.

I also love Raimi as a director but one reason is because of his hilarious directing quirks. They do not fit well in a large budget film (see the entire Spiderman series).

The best part of the entire film by a long show was Bruce Campbell.
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1* so far for the chase scene in the forest #crabrun
27 May 2022
As above. That entire scene where they are plodding along like Laurel and Hardy trying to "chase" the kid was utterly embarrassing. A lot of the cast seem to pretty much not understand how to act either. Hoping the rest of the season bumps up this score.

Aditional: After watching more episodes I can honestly say that this may be the worst acted, least interesting Star Wars story I have watched. The acting is terrible, the story moronic and the casting attrocious. I have had more entertainment listening to someone fart.
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
It pushes the buttons of those select, vocal minority who have no sense of humour unless it lampoons their overly sensitive political hates.
25 May 2022
I won't write much more than what I already stated in the header. Gervais is yet again hitting the trigger points of people who can only laugh at politics and forget that comedy is exactly that...

It isn't real criticism, nor politically motivated but just an attempt at humour that a minority of people fail to think is allowed because it "triggers" them.
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The Batman (2022)
Watched it twice. Too long and not as good as the trilogy
7 May 2022
The good... Excellent acting across the board. The main cast put on an outstanding performance, with Farrell standing out for me. The action and mood were spectacular in parts, cinematography top-notch on the whole. The music also really stood out with some memorable scores and the use of contemporary music throughout.

The bad... It was far too long, poorly edited in terms of run time and content, had little to no humour in it, the story was bland, and the grand reveal was totally deflating. In addition, little snippets piecing the story together, such as the neglect of the sea wall at the start of the film, were utterly forgotten towards the end of the 3 hours run time (lots of early plot points suffered in this way).

The real issue for me with this film is that it falls far behind all three of the trilogy films and even behind the 1989 movie in terms of storytelling. It adds nothing really new to the story bar the feature of Batmans' detective skills. The detective side of Batman is for fans, always something that has been craved after in movie form. Still, the big "twist" reveal was such an anti-climax that it deflated the whole experience.

One more thing... I honestly thought the film was about to end around four times from the two-hour mark onwards. This shows lousy editing or too much leeway is given to said editor. I love long films with Gone With The Wind, Saving Private Ryan etc, being some of my Cinema favourites to watch.

By the end of the film, it was becoming unbearable.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
Absolute garbage.
22 March 2022
This game proves how much of a fluke TLOU 1 really was. I watched the entire playthrough via a family member and i played the first game more than once. The story is badly written, badly executed and prove that Druckmann simply cannot write a coherent or relevant story. The guy has become so woke that he injected ideas into a game which should really have been about escapism (all games and films should be about escaping reality). He doubled down on dumb ideas, killed off the most interesting character in the game in a badly executed way and ruined the legacy of a game that really needed no sequel.

The formula should have been easy for TLOU2. And i will detail it...

1:Joel gets found out for his actions in the first game 2:His and Ellies relationship falls apart 3:Joel becomes the tragic antagonist 4:The middle of the game character switch would be you starting to play as Ellie as Joel becomes said tragic antagonist.

That is a simple way to make a decent sequel to the first game but woke old Druckmann jumped the shark and created a turd of a game that will go down as one of the most badly executed sequels of all time. Bravo Druckmann you clown.
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
Another series where...
8 March 2022
I watched but all I seem to hear are constant far noises? I'm not sure why but I just heard the noise of the bum when trying to watch it. Maybe it is not a good series or I am having a breakdown...
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Season 1/2 are great. The rest is trash
22 February 2022
Really good story telling, great cast and a great show up until it all gets ruined in season 3. Then devolves into a wokefest of bad writing, cliché filled nonsense with the most predictable story ever. Stick to the first couple of seasons then stop.

Downvote all you want. The series is trash now and will get cancelled much like westword because of the woke crowd. Well done alphabet crowd.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Really great music and visuals but a terrible story and boring movie
16 February 2022
As the title says the music was great and the visuals very good but the story was utterly embarrassing. Whoever wrote it needs a lesson in screenplay and science. The acting was good throughout but the terrible story really did not hold up well. Worth a watch if you are very bored and doing something else at the same time.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
A good start but...
13 February 2022
But the casting of the British sounding cast members was terrible at best. The characters (as mentioned) cannot act at all and sound so forced it makes their scenes hard work to watch. Sack them before season 2 please.
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Who decided the cast in this episode?
13 February 2022
Seriously, whilst not a bad episode, the casting decisions were embarrassing. The angsty millennials stood out so badly in the episode that it was hard to finish watching.
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A film which was politically and socially unacceptable when it came out
2 February 2022
Apart from Alien and Gladiator, this is the greatest work of Scott. An all star cast, amazing and minimalistic CGI, a great story and a complex film. 17 years on it has aged in an amazing way. Great acting, an ensemble cast and amazing cinematography cover one of the most under looked films of a generation. An easy 10.
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Inside No. 9: Last Night of the Proms (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
Voted for brexit, still agree with my vote like the majority and this episode is still funny.
25 January 2022
It may hit nerves if you can't take it for what it is for but it did make me laugh out loud throughout watching it all. Well acted, funny, great acting and a great story. Very good overall.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
I really like it but...
16 January 2022
I like this series so far. I do believe the typical woke tropes are there, but I like the direction, the main character and the intro song/dance is funny.

The primary issue I have is that they will castrate the "dickhead" character and temper him to be an emotional, deep mess that loses his identity or gains one that doesn't fit the entire reason he was interesting in the first place (he's a dick).

I think it does have promise, but I get a tingling feeling that this series will go in totally the wrong direction. I hope that I am wrong about it.
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Ruined by costume and casting choices but really not a terrible film.
6 January 2022
Although not a bad film on the whole, it reeks of clichés which are utterly off-putting. We have the multicultural cast which stands out like of a thumb of being shoe horned into the film and having just the right numbers. We then have the "girl who is a strong young woman pretending to be a boy/Asperger's/autism" role. Of course she is more intelligent than the adults in the film much like all the kids (this cliché is so old now its embarrassing.

The wardrobe department were going for a mirror of a young Spengler with the girls look but instead it just makes her look like a butch, out of places, 80s throwback.

Soundtrack wise its pretty solid but there are some choices which seem out of place. The rest of the film was very meh and for a kids film also very slow.
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Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
A political lecture made out to be comedy
29 December 2021
I used to love Jimmy Carr but this was utterly awful. A consistent, crowd pleasing clap fest that didn't push any boundaries and instead used populist talking points. You have to risk everything to have an opinion. Jimmy didn't.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Trying to shine a light on current affairs back fires
29 December 2021
A film that tries to shine a light on what Hollywood considers to be "current affairs" but actually ends up showing how utterly out of touch the actors, producers and director really are.

I didn't laugh once throughout the entire film and it was supposed to be a comedy. The entire film tries to show the disjointed view of the public on serious issues but instead underlines how utterly dumb Hollywood is compared to the general public and its views.

The acting was pretty good though, hence the 4.
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A great example of confirmatory bias by Channel 4 - The most biased, leftist TV channel in Europe
29 December 2021
Misleading, badly researched and full of inaccuracies from start to finish. Typical hit piece commissioned by Britain's channel 4 to demonise someone they and their viewers (which are few and far between) tend to get triggered by. Stay well away from this steaming pile of excrement and do your own research if you wish to learn more about Trump.
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Midsommar (2019)
For me a 10 but realistically a 7/9
14 December 2021
You will not like this film if you expect it to be a horror, scary (in a horror sense), fast paced, following normal tropes.

It is very much like the wicker man in most ways (but also very different in pacing, atmosphere and shock value) and that is still a film that is (better IMO) just as divisive. I found it had great music, a really interesting slow build, lots of hidden secrets lodged below the surface and rewatchability if you actually like it.

It is not really a film i would recommend to most people i know because it is very much something you will love or hate. It comes with few answers and can be quite shocking. I love it. Most wont.
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