
19 Reviews
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Weird Interesting
27 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really good story. Casting choices made it seem as if Upstate New York is filled with some very unattractive women. Like OMG. Sorry
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Dublin Murders: Episode 1 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not French. Not Dennehy.
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Having read Tana French thus far I have pledged to never read her again. She sets up a psychic dissonance that skeezes me out 7 years later. Her dyspeptic resolutions to people's lives are horrific. Not the dead. The survivors. If I never see Dennehy in another production it will be too soon.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Great Story
20 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Appalling casting. Simon is cast with someone vastly more attractive than he is in the book. The entire Bridgerton family is cast by someone whom has never seen attractive white people. Daphne is portrayed by the most insipid girl I have ever seen. Why? I'm wailing. The Bridgerton brothers are attractive at all. There are dozens of more attractive men you could have chosen. Lady Danbury rules!
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Comparisons to Which Book?
19 January 2021
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I haven't read Bridgerton. I have read Bujold's Vorkosigan's Saga. We are all having a wonderful time matching characters from books written in the 1980s to 2010s with a book/screenplay airing now. Tee hee.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Delve Deeper
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Read Chernobyl by Serhii Prokhy after you watch this most excellent series. Diatlov was not the monster that he has been portrayed. He refused to throw his subordinates under the bus. Ludmilla and Vasily were real. Also watch The Babushkas of Chernobyl.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Marvelous Beginning
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the premise. A young lower middle class family in Pittsburgh. An imperfect family. An enormously overweight daughter. A gorgeous talented son. A gorgeous incredibly intelligent adopted son. And then the screen writers just have to throw in improbable amounts of disposable income. We would like these people without the money and nice stuff. I love Jack. I love Kevin and Randall. Actually I love everyone except for Rebecca (ick) and Kate. Oh. If you live in LA and marry an actor why would you be surprised by having to travel for his job. If he "is all in" why isn't she "all in"?
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Love it Almost
8 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Love Zoey. Love everything but the mother. Can't stand Steenburgen. Everything is too much for this woman. Once again TV has blessed us with ridiculously rich people who can't handle the stuff that the rest of us poor people have to take care of poor. I went back to work 2 months after each of my kids were born. Boo hoo her MIL wasn't holding her first grandson enough. I had to go back to work 1 week after my husband died. The fantasy aspect of Zoey's life is wonderful. More singing and dancing. More cowbells. Zoey's mother is useless.
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Nurses (2020–2021)
Worst Medical Show Ever
10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The writers and cast of the show not only had no medical professionals as advisers but have never driven past a hospital. Absolutely appalling. Nurses specialize in different areas of care. We are not free range, wandering around interfering with patient care without understanding the entire situation. Nor do we judge our patients or administer capital punishment based on their actions. We take an oath you idiots. We would rather not lose our licenses, homes or end up in jail over a particular patient's own criminality. The paperwork isn't worth it. Awful, ridiculous show. Do not watch this.
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
An Ideal Presidency.
30 November 2020
When I found myself in times of despair during the 2016 unpresidential term this show rinsed the raw sewage from my brain.
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La Révolution (2020– )
Get hooked!
18 October 2020
I thought that I had seen it all and was supernaturally fatigued. Nope. This series delivers big bang for the many bucks that have been spent. The men are magnificent. The horses are magnificent. The women are beautiful and in charge. Wow! Blows the Walking Dorks right out of the water. No spoilers but whoo! Grabs your attention from the first scene. Do yourself a favor. Get hooked.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Terribly dark subject with moments - quite a few of high camp. A nun in a black pantsuit? A jumpsuit-wearing black Jewish operative with an Afro? Carol Kane in a curly gray wig? A gorgeous young man staring opposite Al Pacino? A Kungfu master 4 tours of duty Vietnam War vet of indeterminate Oriental lineage? Rich fare indeed. Lonnie Flash a - no I just can't explain him. You must watch this.
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Deadwood (2004–2006)
Never gets old
9 June 2019
Rewatching for the Xth time. Each time I find something new. I had forgotten how good it is and how funny.
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Mercy Street (2016–2017)
My Heavens
2 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
every word spoken makes me cringe. the acting is at the high school level. the characters are caricatures. patients not fed? seriously? The head of the kitchens a subhuman worm. some of the doctors barely trained as evidenced by being unable to perform procedures that were in common practice in the middle ages. this a masterpiece classic? they say the patients are to be bathed. with blood red dirty water? has any attempt been made to research the era? this was the age of the dawn of modern medicine. they used chloroform. they used traction devices. but didn't feed their patients? have you seen Ripper Street? this could have been a masterpiece instead of a farce.
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White God (2014)
2 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an excellent choice if you would like to use the DVD as a target for skeet shooting. Other than that I can't imagine any reason for the making of this film. It has no redeeming qualities. There are no characters that I could find any sympathy for. Even the lead dogs weren't that appealing. That was because one isn't given any chance to see a relationship develop between Lili and her dog Hagen. Before this I had never met I dog I wasn't drawn to. Hagen, in my opinion, was justified in all of his actions, but there is no way he would have behaved that way. (I'm trying not to drop to too many spoilers). I am visiting Budapest next month and I hope the people there are not as horrible as they have been portrayed by this movie. There wasn't one nice adult - or child - even Lili forgot about Hagen quickly. Her mother took off with no provisions made for Hagen. She had to know the laws against mixed breed dogs and that Hagen would be taken from Lili almost immediately. The mother had money to spend the summer in Australia but none for the tiny fee that could have been paid to save Hagen and Lili's heart ache. Could there actually be anyone other than a serial killer in training that would murder a sweet little Jack Russell terrier? At the end of the movie I looked at my grand daughter and she said "Well that was pointless!" Well said!
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Outlander (2014– )
Don't allow this trash in your head
26 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have read all of the books. I love Claire and all of the wonderful adventures she gets into. I love her wit, good graces and ability to land on her feet without hurting anyone. I love Jaime. I love his loyalty to his family and friends and his great leadership skills for such a young man. Gabaldon is a great story teller that has her readers coming back time after time.

This Outlander is outlandish and has become purulent maggoty tripe in the hands of the screen play writers who seem to enjoy brutal rape and torture scenes. I am watching "Wentworth Prison" This is horrible. I know what I read and it is not what I'm seeing. This Claire is a whining, useless, skinny hysteric. This Jaime is way too short and is a hot-headed child. I'll not give you any actual spoilers as this whole pot for a plot is spoiled enough. Now I must go and wash out my mouth, ears and eyes.
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Black Box (2014)
Unsafe Medicine!!
17 July 2014
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The stories themselves are very interesting and her ability to solve every medical mystery put in front of her is nothing short of magical. Maybe this show takes place in her mind? I am Bipolar and am very much aware that one day of not taking my medications and - flushing them down the toilet (!?) doesn't flush them out of my system. The very next day she magically gets her medications refilled (I guess doctors can do this. real people with medical insurance certainly can't) and she is all normal again. The one very real thing is that all the doctors and nurses are just as crazy as she is. I have been a nurse for 44 years and yep "everybody's nuts" I love the radiologist - who actually runs the machines instead of just reading the results - who is agoraphobic.
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1 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler Alert!(?) Not sure....... but am afraid to risk it. I had hoped for so much more given the quality of everyone involved with this project. That being said we in the USA have a mixed track record when it comes to making our version of a great British production. I loved our version of "Life on Mars" more than the UK version but look what happened with "Prime Suspect". I will keep giving it a chance until I can no longer bear to watch it. It is good to see so many wonderful actors, writers and directors working with a new project. Having just come back from my very first visit to Detroit it would appear that the outdoor scenes are filmed in Detroit. Heaven knows that beleaguered city could use some help.
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Lincoln (2012)
Eh....Not So Great
11 February 2013
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Save your money! I kept waiting to be overwhelmingly impressed while watching this interminable movie. Never was. Had this been Spielberg's first movie I'm not sure there would have been a second. His nomination for best director while Ben Affleck was ignored by the Academy was ridiculous. This movie was very graphic which could be considered a public service announcement - namely "throwing body parts into open pits may be hazardous to public health and may devalue property adjacent" It was refreshing to see the "great" Abe's realistic family reaction to his wife's mental problems.Kind of like real family members that want people to "just get over it already!" It was the first sympathy ever shown to poor Mary Todd. I wonder if anyone ever considered her insistence on referring to her husband as "Mr President" as the sarcasm I think it may have been. I loathed seeing her on her knees to this Great Emancipator"
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Warm Bodies (2013)
Answers MY age-old question!
11 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I (age 60) went with my 36 year old daughter and 12 year old grand daughter. We ALL loved it. This movie does have minimum gore, the CG is not too obvious, and the story is very sweet. The male lead is adorable even in the deepest of his Zombie-hood. My age old question has always been - What happens when the whole world is either vampires or zombies? Like do they all starve to death? That horrible, boring TV show The Lurching (Walking?) Dead makes little to no sense for that very fact. I'm trying very hard not to be too much of a spoiler here but I do think everyone knows that "love is definitely in the air" in this movie. And, as we all know, love changes everything. (giggle)
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