
8 Reviews
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The Office: Pam's Replacement (2011)
Season 8, Episode 7
Worst episode of the series.
24 November 2020
I love The Office, but this episode is awful. Neither story line is interesting, but the Pam/Kathy/Jim/Dwight story line is beyond tolerable. The character of Pam has been steadily declining since the beginning of season 5, but this episode culminates all her annoyingly bad qualities into one wretched episode centering on her. She's selfish and sneaky most of the time (think of how she got her current position, or "pricing shredders in Carbondale" but went to the movies instead) but it's her whining and bitterness that takes center stage in this episode. Her insecurity is so terrible it doesn't provide a single smile, much less a laugh. Way over the top.

And while Andy/Darrell/Kevin's music storyline has promise, it's ruined by the introduction of Robert California (like most story lines in season 8) and Robert's friends who are inexplicably added into this mess. The best part of this episode is the end, when Kevin and the Zits go back to their roots.
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Vanished (2019 TV Movie)
7 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I feel that the description of this documentary is misleading. The show covers only two people who have disappeared in National Parks, and both stories come to the conclusion of the supernatural. While I'm not disputing the theories that the Mesa Verde NP and Mt Shasta have possible unexplained anomalies, that's a different type of documentary. This would have been more interesting if the time spent discussing wormholes and portals was instead spent on discussing the actual searches for the missing men. I feel the ball was dropped with this one. It could have been good- just because you can't find any evidence of fact doesn't mean you should take the easy way out and claim the unexplainable.
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Vivarium (2019)
You have to possess at least half a brain to enjoy this...
23 July 2020
And if you don't have at least half, you'll give it an undeserved poor review. This movie was definitely a fresh take on the idea of being quarantined (even if it wasn't meant to be) and being stuck somewhere against your will. The storyline is very interesting and there are enough creepy parts to make it even more enticing. It kept my attention through the whole thing, and that can be difficult to do with movies/tv. Definitely deserves a higher rating.
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The Kid (II) (2019)
Doesn't deserve the bad reviews
19 March 2020
It's a MOVIE....not a documentary and, as such, not subject to accuracy but rather creative license. This was a very entertaining way to spend an hour and forty minutes. Dave DeHaan is incredibly convincing as Billy the Kid- and his portrayal of a conflicted, very young man might just be the most accurate part of the movie and it works. Again, if you're looking for accuracy, go to the History Channel. If you're looking for entertainment, you found your movie.
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Timeline (2003)
The only review you need to read.
22 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Timeline is one of my favorite books. After seeing the reviews on IMDb about the movie, I was hesitant to watch it. However, I have to ask- did the other reviewers even READ the book?? Lets be honest people- it's almost impossible to make a movie that follows the book exactly, word for word. It would be a 12 hour film! In my opinion, and this is stated from someone who has read the book numerous times, the movie Timeline does a good job picking up the highlights of the book, keeping as close to possible to the original story. Some of the mumbo-jumbo technical stuff is glossed over in the film, and I praise the screenwriters for that, as adding it would have made a confusing, boring mess to the movie. One of the greatest parts about Hollywood is the use of creative license. Yes, the film uses this during spots, but NOT enough to detract from the book plot. Yes,the acting is definitely not the greatest (with maybe the exception of Matt Craven), but again, NOT enough to detract from the book plot. This film takes what the readers loved about the book and changes very little. I could easily correlate the two. And I challenge the negative reviewers to find me a movie that doesn't change some parts of the book it is based upon. If you like the book, give the movie a chance.
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6 Souls (2010)
Trust me.
22 July 2014
I am beginning to think people are paid to write bad reviews on IMDb. This is the second movie I've watched in a week where the reviews on IMDb aren't as high as the movie calls for. The purpose of my review isn't to rehash 6 Souls but to let people know that as far as entertainment value, it is much better than the 6.1 stars given. 6 Souls has suspense, above average acting and a plot that kept me guessing. Some reviewers have discounted the ending- but I guarantee that they never saw it coming. Therefore, the movie is also unpredictable. If you are looking for a movie that will give you a few jumps, has an interesting and fresh plot, and is genuinely creepy, you could do much, much worse than 6 Souls.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
To all the whiners about "historal inaccuracies" go watch PBS
2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to be highly entertained, watch "Vikings" on history:

Many people who are giving "Vikings" poor or mediocre reviews are doing so because they claim "historical inaccuracies". They do not seem to realize that history is, at times, somewhat boring and Hollywood spices up historical accounts all the time to keep the audience entertained. No where does "Vikings" claim to be a documentary. Therefore, creative license is not only allowed but welcomed as well. Not only that, but accounts of Viking history differ and are often contradictory with many experts claiming much of the history is unknown or unaccounted for.

This show promises an interesting look at a group of Viking people and their lives. This show delivers its promise. The storyline captives quickly and the timing of action verses slower scenes is balanced nicely. I am anxious to see what path each episode follows as I believe this show has great potential to have many seasons of success. "Vikings" started its first episode good and has steadily gotten better over the next four episodes.

I watch this show as I watch all non-documentaries: strictly for entertainment purposes. If you want historical accuracy (which will be difficult as Viking history is not the most documented in the world), read an encyclopedia. If you want great action intertwined with interesting and complex yet understandable plot, watch "Vikings".
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Guess ski season is out for me this year
17 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie over a week ago and I've decided that the only way to get it out of my mind is to review it. So here goes.

I generally am attracted to action, unpredictability, suspense and surprise. This movie really had only one of those elements and that was suspense. It started with a yawn, there was hardly any action, it was completely predictable and lacked really any surprise (at first, the only surprise to me was the semi-high IMDb rating). The acting was what you would expect with a B grade horror flick and I doubt I would recognize the three leads in another movie. I admit I didn't really pay much attention to the beginning of the movie and only gave it my full attention when they began to ascend the lift for "one last run". This scene is where the movie stops being a low-grade FearNet flick and becomes a nightmare where the viewer is yanked from the couch and suspended 50 feet in the air in sub zero temperatures with no one on Earth knowing you are there, and no one expected to find you for 6 days. At this point in the movie, as the actors portray, the first thought in the viewer's mind is to jump from the chair lift to the ground. This, of course, turns out to be a very bad idea. I will never ever look at a beautiful wolf the same way again, and I must add, the director did a superb job convincing me that wolves are as close to evil as an animal can get. Even when the wolves come for round two, I held on to hope that they were still full and not ready to attack so soon, and an escape was being exercised. Sadly, this hope was false (and deep down you know it is a false hope, but cannot help it). The end was almost as boring as the beginning. Yes, she makes it down the mountain, and very quickly. That she was even able to make it past the wolves unscathed was a bit stretched, and how easily she made it to the road was almost ridiculous. That being said, the end (unlike with most movies that make you truly think) isn't what will make the viewer for days wonder what they would do in that situation. I dare you to take a ride on a chair lift immediately after watching this movie. In the end, it seems to be equal parts movie and impossible survival situation that keeps me thinking days later. There are truly horrific scenes (watching the lights slowly shut off one by one behind the skiers is wrenching) and there are truly horrific situations that could become real-life extremely easily. What would you do??
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