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The title vastly oversells this movie
2 March 2024
After seemingly waiting years for Amazon to drop the prices of this movie, I'm totally disappointed in the first (and hopefully last) Wolfhard/Eisenberg collaboration. I thought it was going to be about a bright kid who was actually "trying to save the world." In fact, Wolfhard's Ziggy is anything but - "stupid" might not be PC but that's how I'd describe him.

The music Ziggy performs to "20,000 followers" is so awful it's hard to imagine anyone would follow him except to laugh behind his back. Making money from it? Again, make me laugh!

His interest in the "political girl" is never explained, so her disinterest in him is the most credible part of the story.

I think most of us are most interested in Ziggy's story, yet his mother's story actually dominates the movie. People say she's trying to "mother" the teen boy she meets in her shelter (if the boy has a good relationship with his father, why is he living in a shelter?), but honestly it seemed to me she wanted to MILF him. Speaking of - anyone hoping to see "more" of Finn Wolfhard in this movie will be disappointed. There is a shower scene, but it's his mother!

French Canadian teen writer/director/actor Xavier Dolan made a brilliant movie on a similar son-mother relationship ("I Killed my Mother") and Ziggy's awkward ambition occasionally reminded me of "Scott Pilgrim." But apparently, an "original audio book" is even lower than a comic book as inspiration for a movie, and at 87 minutes, "When You Finish Saving the World" is still 86 minutes too long.
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Persona (1966)
A previously unmentioned contoversy
17 June 2023
Watching "Persona" for the first time tonight, I was certainly struck by the power and beauty of the film. Or perhaps, two different films, as there was the main story of two women, and seemingly unrelated "shocks and tricks of cinema" at the beginning, middle, and end - accompanied by music that seemed more from "2001" than a Bergman classic - although in truth these films were only two years apart.

But I wanted to mention one disturbing implication that is not often discussed: the inclusion of images from the atrocities of two wars; one generally associated with Nazis and the other with America. Neither image told the whole story, but the image from the American war (in Vietnam) was far more horrible.

I don't think there's an American alive today, or then, who would equate the war atrocities of Americans with Nazis, but here it is, on the screen, with real pictures. (True, Americans did not set those monks on fire, but it can be assumed that our Napalm did in scenes that were not filmed). Also several future American wars that Bergman could not have imagined. Of course, our goal seems noble: to liberate people and give them Democracy. How many people did we kill to give the survivors Democracy? (And what does this have to do with the story of "Persona"? I have no idea. But Bergman put these images in the film, not a server glitch).

A final, unrelated comment: I've never objected to subtitled movies, but when the movie is very talky, and also very visual, there is some difficulty giving the both the titles and the picture your full attention. And, with Swedish not a world language (no offense), it seems the vast majority of the word's viewers who've seen this film, have coped with the same limitation... very few of us have been able to actually WATCH the film.

Highly recommended for people who are already very confused about life, and wish to be further confused.
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Mommy (I) (2014)
"Killing" mommy was better than living with her!
7 August 2022
I've now seen four Xavier Dolan films; "I Killed my Mother" was my first (his too ;), and I thought it was a much better film. Although there are great similarities in the characters' dynamics, the characters in "I Killed my Mother" were simply more believable, and that made their plight - and the story - more interesting.

"Steve" in this movie has such a weird mania: he seems to know when he's being super-anti-social but simply doesn't care. (Is it possible he's named after "Steve-O"?)

I was surprised, in "I Killed...," how unlikable Dolan made his own character, but that story - about two people who had absolutely nothing in common but were forced to love each other anyway - seemed like a much truer story, and that movie also had genuine emotional moments - particularly the line "I would die tomorrow" (if you've seen it, you know). Where that movie was emotional, this movie is merely cringeworthy.

I've seen 4 Dolan features so far (not in the order he made them), and this is the first one for me that didn't (a) feature Dolan himself in a staring roll, and (b) have a gay sub-plot in the story. Both of these were disappointing to me, although he does replace himself with a young actor who would be simply stunning, if he wasn't constantly mugging for the camera - which is still fine for the movie, since we see it as part of his mental disorder.

Having seen previous Dolan movies, I've come to believe he "widens" the screen for fantasy scenes - this is clearly shown the second time in "Mommy" that he widens the screen, but I mention this to suggest that the mid-movie "Wonderwall" montage, which others have suggested was showing progress, is actually a fantasy.

Speaking of screen shape - this movie may be square, but on a wide screen, it appears vertical. Obviously, Dolan was trying make us feel visually "trapped" in the story, the same as his characters. Like wiring theater seats for an electric shock, this technique does work, but whether it makes this a better "movie" is debatable. It's not a deal-killer, but I think it honestly makes the movie less-fun to watch, and what do we watch movies for, if not to have fun?

Final comments on the beginning and ending (not really spoilers): The "alternative Canadian law" thing in the opening titles seems completely unnecessary, as "Steve" was more than dangerous enough for involuntary psychiatric commitment with or without an alternate universe. And the ending! Well... it seemed inevitable through the whole movie that it would end this way, because it really didn't have anywhere else to go. Even the final shot: seems it's been the final shot in many other movies with a similar subject. MANY other movies.

So, not a bad art film, to be sure, but in my opinion, it's hardly Dolan's best movie, and certainly not his most accessible... I would NOT recommend it to anyone who's not already a fan.
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Annette (2021)
Wanted to turn it off and rush out to the theater
4 September 2021
Many people have walked out on this movie. I do not understand people who feel they have the right to review a movie that they haven't seen to the end - what if an amazing ending justified the parts they didn't like?

I had the opposite reaction. Because I was finding it difficult to watch at home (terrible "false contouring" on Amazon video, too much dynamic audio range to watch at night, and too bizarre to keep my attention), about 25 minutes into the film I was Googling around, and noticed it had just started at the Landmark Theater, five minutes away. I seriously considered turning the projector off, jumping in my car and heading to the theater - with 10 minutes of previews I figured I was sure to get there with some overlap. I WANTED to be forced to watch this movie, like a movie was intended to be watched.

But because of Covid, I don't do things like that anymore. No way, no how, now even, not now! So instead I spent the next few days slogging through the movie to the end.

It was not worth it.

To say "Annette" starts out slow and then sputters out all together might be stealing a line from Stephen Stills (just as "Ape" steals a few lines from Tom Leher), but that's how I felt. I was hoping "Annette's surprise gift" was to bring people back from the dead! (Why not?) But that was pretty-far off.

By giving up his comedy routine, "Ape" lost the contrived tool of character self expression that might have made the second half more interesting.

And the final ending, so cold... yes, I understand that was the point, but it really left me, the viewer, wondering what I had learned about humanity or anything else, and the answer seemed to be: nothing.

If these auteurs wanted to make an entertaining film, perhaps "Ape" could have continued to perform AS his life went down-hill, leading to a final, hopefully hysterical performance in (can't say where he ends up, that's a spoiler) but you get the point.

But the point. I didn't get it. Thus the 6-star review.
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Tom Cruise will be second
27 December 2020
Although the location, sets, and special effects are all first rate, and the acting adequate, the second half of the short script isn't really funny enough to carry the film. Richard, you should have hired a better writer!

Still, the most audacious short film ever made.
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Plot just wasn't interesting
15 August 2020
The problem with this movie, is that nothing happens in it that's interesting enough for even the 90-minute running time. No wonder it went "straight to streaming"! And watching this 2019 movie through 2020 eyes - talk about white privilege! Major drug deals and just a "slap on the wrist"!
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The reason he used the RC car to steal the Plutonium
4 April 2020
Other reviewers have suggested they added the hole-in-the-wall laser and RC car only to add lasers & complications to the plot. But the reason is obvious to me: I'm sure there was a radiation detector at the front door, and he'd sound the biggest alarm in the place if he tried to carry it out the front.

That said, the kid is remarkably lucky to have his plan(s) work perfectly on the first try, without much access to make the plans.

This is a fun movie, just humorous enough and very smart, and if you always wished you were a nuclear physicist as a kid, you will enjoy it!
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Sanctuary (2015)
If you doubt the authenticity of this film...
12 March 2020
Check out Wolfgang Petersen's 1977 film "The Consequence" (currently free at Amazon) which tells a very similar story of how parents could commit their "incorrigible" teens to these brutal institutional schools.

And if you make it to the end of "Sanctuary," you'll see that the German government has admitted these things were happening, and has paid restitution to some of the victims.
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Gay teen movie for people who hate gay teen movies
10 March 2020
I'm sick of the trend to make "G-rated" gay movies. The gay leads are barely even in the movie together - perhaps 2 minutes total! The rest of the movie is about palling around with other people. And most non-gay HS movies are sexier, this was just a waste of time.
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Redoubt (2019)
Dances with Wolves
29 January 2020
Wordless. Stunningly beautiful. Enigmatic.

If the Mona Lisa is high art, "Redoubt" is for the same reason - no back story, little "front story," but enough mystery and beauty to hold your attention for 134 minutes (can the Mona Lisa do that?) One of the few movies I've wanted to see again, immediately after seeing it.

A trio of hunters, an older couple who make art from metal, and a forest ranger - three groups that barely interact in the snow-covered mountains of Idaho (of all places!). The hunters are played by beautiful women which certainly adds an element that will please most viewers. One is a firearms expert; the other two spend the film moving in very odd ways that could be called dance.

The setting and story are full of mystery, and although "something" does happen in the final act, it hardly resolves the primary mystery: who are these people and what are they doing here? The hunters, in particular, seem to have no abode - they live in trees in these mountains, seemingly hundreds of miles from any source of electricity - and electric light - except what you bring yourself.

The modern (solar panels, wildlife cameras), classic (high-powered rifles, electroplating) and ancient - the hills which are thousands if not millions of years old, share an uneasy but necessary symbiance.

If you have strong feelings against hunting or the glorification of firearms, these issues will probably prevent you for enjoying this film.

The credits indicate that the hunting scenes were simulated, but everything else is real. No CGI, composites or matte paintings were used, and no handheld or Steadicam either - although drones provide the wonderful aerial views.

"Redoubt" draws comparisons to "The Revenant," "Tree of Life," and Tarkovsky's "Solaris" and "Stalker," none of which I cared for, and "Koyaanisqatsi," which I like very much. Speaking of which, the music in "Redoubt" is even more avant-garde, and certainly helps to carry the film.

There were two shots - a generously-exposed view of the night sky, and a tree-climbing sequence, that were so amazing I could have watched them for the entire length of the film (in fact, I believe I said "WOW!" out-loud to the tree shot), but director/writer/imagineer Matthew Barney continues to find new things to show us, even into the sixth act (or "hunt" as he calls them).

Perhaps a knowledge of the mythology of hunter Diana would help to understand the film - perhaps the title means something (re-finding doubt?) - but without really understanding any of it, I was mesmerized by this film, and I recommend it highly to anyone who wants to experience a completely alternative view of life on Earth.

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Toy Story 4 (2019)
If you didn't like the ending, maybe you didn't see it!
27 November 2019
I thought this movie was mostly unnecessary, and "getting the key" was one of the only original (and very fun) sequences. Also Forky!

But I'm concerned that many people think the movie ends with Woody and Bo uniting, just to stay behind.

In fact, there are two more major scenes in the credits, each wrapping the picture far better than the "pre-credits" ending.

And finally, there are several gags on the closing Pixar logo, that will make cinema nerds glad they stayed to the end! --gdavisloop
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Home Movies (1979)
Waste of talent, and insult to the audience - should have remained a student film
24 October 2019
"Home Movies" is an anomaly for a director who had already made top-quality pictures like "Carrie" and "Phantom of the Paradise." Stylistically, it's reminiscent of his earlier "Greetings" and "Hi Mom," except that those movies are brilliant social commentary, but this movie falls flat, with just a few good laughs at the end.

De Palma could blame his student crew, but De Palma takes credit for the story and the directing, which are clearly the weakest elements of the movie (along with the acting and lighting). The credits say it was shot on a Panavision camera - what a waste!

Perhaps the movie's only pleasure is how incredibly young Kirk Douglas looks - I kept double-checking the credits to see that it was really Kirk and not Michael. But unfortunately, his story element - the "wrap-around" - is by far the worst part of the story.

Also, the "Artiflx" DVD version of "Home Movies" looks like a home movie - blurry, dark, with video noise and ringing. The "official" version is hard-to-get and expensive. Save yourself the trouble and don't get either!

I gave this movie three stars on the prodigy of its actors and director, but without that context, this would be a one-star movie - at best!
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A strange dream - a very low key "mind-blow" in 1/2 3D
9 May 2019
This movie is so much like a dream, that like a dream, I've already forgotten most of it just an hour later. It's not completely uninteresting, but to the casual viewer, the "story" lacks coherence, especially as it approaches an ending.

My biggest complaint: the camerawork, which might have been amazing (especially in the second half), is almost unseeable because it is so dark - made darker by the polarizing filters over the projector, even during the first half, and darker still when you put on your 3D glasses for the 2nd half.

I was really hoping the movie would become brighter and livelier in the 3D section, but in fact, when the man walks into the 3D theatre, he falls asleep, so we are not seeing the 3D movie, but rather, his 3D dream during the 3D movie he didn't see.

I honestly can't decide if I'm glad I saw it, but if this was the last movie on Earth, I would definitely see it again!
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2 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Although we pretty much know the ending going in, seeing it on the screen, as presented by these filmmakers, was simply devastating.

I'm sure the lawmakers in Michigan (and nationwide) felt they would save lives with their strict drug laws, but they overlooked the lives they would ruin in the processes.

The rest of the film was not much fun either, and some of the dialog was hard to follow. Although it would be unfair to say this was not a "good" movie, I do feel my life would be better if I had never seen it.
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Han shot first!
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As others have said, my overall feeling is this movie was "unnecessary," but I did find a few memorable moments:

First, the ending, which seems to irrefutably settle the argument that Han shoots first.

Second, the scene with Han and Chewbacca together in the shower, was worth the $5.50 I paid as a "senior" ;)

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Truly Awful - Surreal without Sense
4 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A mash-up of "Dead Man," "Swiss Army Man," and "Birdman," with none of the charm of those films, in the end this never-explained mystery seemed more like "Blair Witch, now in Color!"

Viewers familiar with the biblical story of St. Anthony might find a plot where I found none - What I saw was a series of improbable/nonsensical events, thrown in a blender, with a dash of male and female nudity to get the sheep into the theater.

The only aspect I found interesting, was the combination of timeless elements (lost in the forest, the struggle for survival) with timely influences like cellphones and lots of plastic water bottles.

Adding to the confusion: despite losing most of his supplies, his food and his meds, the lead character doesn't seem very interested in rescue. He receives text messages on his phone but never tries to reply, ignores a helicopter overhead, and turns down an offer by a group of topless women to literally call him a ride.

Is our protagonist, a self-avowed atheist, trying for a spiritual journey? This viewer was left in the dark.

In the final shot we have returned to the city, but have our lead characters (now a couple) survived, died, or transformed? The end credits clearly offer a clue, but it only made the movie more mysterious - and less palatable - to me.
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Losers !
27 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
FYI, this review will contain spoilers, so please don't read it if that's an issue.

The biggest problem with this film, for me, is that the people in it are LOSERS. This was really punctuated in one of the final scenes, where young nephew Patrick says "I'm not going to college" and no one objects.

Likewise, lead character Lee, who "Wikipedia" describes as "mild-mannered," actually gets into bar fights for no reason whenever he gets a chance. And his lifetime dream seems to be, being a janitor with responsibility for LESS buildings.

I didn't get his reluctance to retire young and live in Manchester by the Sea for a few years, but apparently, he was so traumatized by killing his first family there (in a flashback house fire) that he can't stand the place. I did NOT get this from the film - just that he didn't want to be responsible for his nephew.

There is one shocking scene of absolute brilliance in the middle of the film, but it lasts barely 15 seconds, and towards the end, there is one tiny part where the characters, who have spent the whole movie working against each other, find a tiny moment of cooperation.

I've got nothing against slow Casey Affleck films - in fact "Gerry" is one of my favorite movies! And this honestly wasn't a bad movie. But it wasn't a great movie either, and if you make a movie with so little happening, you really need to make it great or you've made nothing at all.
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Victoria (II) (2015)
Awful !!
11 October 2015
"Victoria" is not the worst movie I've ever seen at the Nuart Theatre.

That distinction belongs to "Blair Witch Project," and although "Victoria" is almost twice as wide and in color, its failed "experiment" is similar in several ways: faux-amateur camera-work, not much plot, endlessly tedious, and hugely over-hyped to get me into the theatre in the first place.

Let me add, I love German movies with more feeling than plot. I just paid for a VHS copy to get an early Wim Wenders film! But "Victoria" is missing more than just plot and action: it's missing heart and soul and really ANYTHING appealing for the audience.

It's virtually an hour into this film before the "plot" even begins, and the only suspense towards the end was "when will this film be over so I can go home?" Like "Blair Witch," the ending was both inconclusive and unsatisfying.

The much-ballyhooed "single-shot production" is also a failed experiment, in my opinion. Other than keeping the 2.33:1 frame quite level, the camera-work (I hesitate to even call it cinematography) was kind of shaky, utterly without interesting moves or views (except the opening disco lighting), and speaking of lighting, they perfectly duplicated a nighttime, underlit, natural light look. Or perhaps there was no lighting - that's how it looked. In fact, only the occasional dramatic focus-pull reminded me that there was a camera operator and not just a guy with a camera.

Had the cameraman been a character in the movie - one of the guys that couldn't stop filming - that might have made sense. But instead, it just seemed like really uninspired - nee - bad - visual work.

SO getting the whole movie in one shot is "amazing," but if it didn't make a good movie, what's the point, other than proving you could do it?

I realize I'm up against a tidal wave of reviewers who think "Victoria" is amazing in a good way, and not just amazingly awful. But for a corraboration, seek out Kenneth Turan's review in the Los Angeles Times, October 9, 2015. I'll conclude by quoting a few lines from his review:

"... Tedious and lacks Drama.... would have been a much better film if the first hour had made us CARE about the characters instead of... fatally alienating us from them." (KT)
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21 April 2009
I understand this is one of Uwe Boll's better films, which is like saying Auschwitz was one of Hitler's better concentration camps.

Every moment and every character is horribly cliché'd, and nothing is terribly interesting.

Like all Americans, I'm somewhat protective of my country, and if you're going to make a film about America from an outside perspective, you better have something interesting to say. If all you can do is repeat endless clichés that other have already said, that's not art and that's not insight, it's just insult.

And insulted is how I feel after watching this film.

Oh, and the main theme music is a ripoff of Led Zeppelin.
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Mirage (1965)
DON'T miss the first 10 minutes!
2 June 2004
Contrary to what the previous person wrote, the first 10 minutes do not give away the story! Why would they, this is a thriller, not an instructional film.

But more importantly, you will miss this film's "signature" shot of a man falling from the top floor of a Manhattan skyscraper! The previous reviewer couldn't know this because... he missed the first 10 minutes!

Since IMDb requires me to write "10 lines," I'll go on to say, that after seeing this movie you will never think of cost accountants the same way again... as if you think about them now...

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