
22 Reviews
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Ugly Americans (2010–2012)
Arnt most Americand ugly? (Personality wise)
29 October 2023
Yeah... just another example of how terrible the USA is whilst doing nothing to solve their problems. Funny from an outsider point of view though. Bloody Americans and their crazy acceptation of murder. Dont take responsibility, just pray.

Here we go, btw other countries don't care about the USA unless it is about how they abuse themselves, kill themselves or just don't understand history past their limited 400 year history. Like why are people called African Americans when they are just American, people dont call each other Irish American or English American.

Absolute losers... buut serriously Inwanted to leave a short review and I am still here. I wish that we never populated your genocide.
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Exactly what you expect from this modern version
29 May 2023
Stemming in style mainly from the 2013 fil, this is dark, gritty and gorey with flickers of humour.

My only real annoyance with this film is that the violence had so much potential to bring something new and creative, but back away on occasions from going all in, the cheese grater being a fine example. I am genuinely hoping that a "uncut" version is released that fixes these issues.

What else do I really need to say? It's an evil dead film. Expect over the top gore and creepy characters... That was all I personally needed to know! An awesome bonus that there is further world building and a slight unification of the different versions.

If you are up for a gore fest, then sit back and relax as you are in safe hands.
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Great film, but far too much of it
29 May 2023
Once again John Wick delivers what we want, a scene to scene action packed thrill ride. However its run time is far too long, leaving us with elongated action scenes that could have been cut shorter.

The film really does drag you into its fast paced and violent world, yet keeps you adrenaline going so long that it becomes tiring.

It has a satisfying ending and does a great job at keeping the legend of John Wick alive. I would however take a happy break from this franchise even though I have looked forward to every instalment.

Lets face it, we know most of the cast and they are amazing and skilful as usual and the new members of the cast really do add a lot which is great.

If you have enjoyed the previous instalments then you will most likely love this film, but if you are not really a fan then an almost 3 hour Wick film is most likely not for you.

Enjoy or avoid, just respect the art.
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Amsterdam (2022)
Great film with a great cast
29 May 2023
Whilst not to everyone's taste, this is a really good and interesting film, worthy of anyone trying it out for themselves. The casting of characters and the variety of actors is amazing, all of which did a great job, especially the main three. The side characters are also great from Mike Myers to Chris Rock.

The main downside to this film is the pacing and the length. I would be lying if I didn't agree that this film feels long, but I do believe it is worth it. The story is engaging and the acting crew really do make it something above what it might have been.

I really don't understand the current 6.3 rating, but I suppose that is part of the death of original cinema.

Definitely worth a watch whether it is your cup of tea or not, in the worst case scenario you will be mildly disappointed.
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Dark, artistic and sadistic
6 August 2022
I absolutely loved this film, but.then again I liked. Antichrist. Although it is brutal at times, it does so with purpose. Definitely worth a watch and let me know your thoughts on the ending.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Fantastic entertainment!
24 April 2022
This show has the perfect balance of what you would expect from a comic series and add a whole lot of adult fun into it. Don't take it too seriously and enjoy!
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The ups and downs of a great man and painter
26 August 2021
I have followed his extensive work for some time now (since 2014), whilst I never got to enjoy the experience of a new episode, I know he brought inspiration and joy to generations he wouldn't have ever expected to know his work.

I found this documentary hard to watch at points, whilst he had his flaws like most people, even when he was beaten by life, he tried to bring joy to others. It was shameful what was done before and after his death by those around him.

If you like or care about Bob Ross at all then this is definitely worth a watch. It is pretty slow in places, but it is all part of the story.
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What a blast!
5 August 2021
"The" Suicide Squad doesn't waste much time going over the rules which we had learnt in the previous film and gets straight into the action. Whilst not a direct sequel, it does acknowledge the team and events that we had seen before.

I really enjoyed this film, it was fun whilst being extremely adult with it. The content of this movie (excessive gore/violence, crude themes and a dry sense of humour), is definitely not for everyone, but for those that are looking for some extreme guilt free entertainment, this might be for you!

There are many jokes/elements that you really wouldn't expect to find in a movie like this, but I just thought that added to the character.

By no means a 10/10 film, but I am pretty comfortable with my 8/10.
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Movie 43 (2013)
Idiot, horrific, pointless and yet so much fun!
25 February 2021
This film is essentially if Family Guy did live adaptations of Peter's day dreams. Completely insane, but shocking in their own ridiculously funny way. Don't take the negative reviews too seriously, even the idiots that thought they could write a synopsis for the film couldn't even match the creators name and blamed it on other people in their bitterness. This film is a laugh! WARNING - You need a sense of humour in order to laugh at this film. Might seem obvious, but some people missed the memo.
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What are people on about? This is average at best.
15 January 2021
This is only the first episode, so the series as a whole cannot be judged by this alone. The first episode is just a random take on a 1950's sitcom with no context and background. Spent the whole episode wondering when they were going to give me a genuine reason to be interested. The comedy is classically cringey as well. When I see people saying "Marvel is back on form!", all I can do is question how bad they had previously found marvel content in order to say such a thing. This was mildly entertaining at most... and yes I will carry on watching it haha.
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Tenet (2020)
Nolan has done it again...
29 August 2020
There are very few directors/writers that bring truly unique concepts to the big screen these day's. Yet Nolan manages it time and time again, leaving audiences blown away by the originality of his art. Tenet sends you on a rollercoaster ride that barely gives in at any point, making you question every scene and characters choice of actions. The complexity of this film for most people will surely demand a second watching, as if you blink you will miss it. The acting is incredible from all cast members. Like Tarantino, Nolan seems to have a clear idea of which actors will be perfect for any particular film. I really enjoyed this, leaving plenty for my friends and I to discuss/debate/question in the pub afterwards.
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Different to what I was expecting...
10 August 2020
I really enjoyed this film, it combined a variety of western aspects such as the generic shootouts, the gold rush, bounty hunting, experimenting with new science and of course friendship/family, overall I felt it successfully achieved this blend in an interesting and occasionally emotional story. I can see why others may have not clicked with this film as it is definitely character and performance driven, rather than having a story that compelled you throughout. The choice of actors was amazing, whilst they have all achieved much higher performances individually, especially Phoenix and Gyllenhaal, they were still fantastic together and had their moments to shine.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Slow burner, yet worth it
1 August 2020
This film takes a while to really get going, but once it does, it will have you hooked. This is a grounded and tense take on the Invisible man, landing itself firmly as a great thriller. It has quite a few surprises and doesn't end up being as predictable as you may originally think. Give it a try, you most likely won't be disappointed.
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Action packed!
23 July 2020
Last blood takes the usual Rambo formula and then once again cranks up the violence. The story doesn't quite play as you might expect, taking some of the predictability out, but definitely sticking to the action that the franchise has come to be known for. Yes Sylvester is getting a bit too old to be playing these roles, but the story is essentially based on that. Definitely worth a watch, I am not sure why the critics hated on the film so much.
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An anxious trip to the hangman...
14 July 2020
I recently watched The Hateful Eight for the first time since it was in the theatre and loved it more than ever. Yes the start might be slow (yet charming in terms of dialogue and wit), but once you enter chapter three territory, it is pretty much all go from there! Once again Tarantino puts his stamp on cinema with culturally appropriate dialogue and a serving of exaggerated gore/violence, which I have to expect and is my main reason for being in the cinema for each of his films. This isn't for everyone, but if you want to play guess who and have a few twists and turns thrown your way, well then come aboard the coach! It had me on edge and feeling slightly uncomfortable throughout, due to the vile language of the time and the tension that builds up between characters.
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It is what it is... Cheesey, cringey fun
29 June 2020
By no stretch of the imagination is this a 'good' film, the plot and script are weak and the songs are not quite as funny as I had hoped. Saying that though, this film is a lot of fun. A load of cameos, some cringey singing scenes, Jaja Dingdong, some interesting costumes and surprising disasters all create an entertaining experience, whilst also capturing the cheesey Eurovision feel. Worth a watch, just don't expect too much from it.
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Apostle (2018)
Surprisingly good...
29 June 2020
I made the mistake of reading some of the reviews before watching the film and went into it not expecting much, but ended up really enjoying it. The first half is quite slow, but keeps you intrigued with beautifully shot scenes and an unraveling mystery. Going into the final hour the intensity and violence is significantly ramped up, leaving you scared for some of the characters and seriously wanting others dead. The acting is pretty good with Michael Sheen putting in a great performance, but found Dan Stevens character rather annoying whether he was intended to come across like that or not. The story whilst starting out reasonably grounded does become less so as you get closer to the end, but I enjoyed where it went and there were themes and scenarios that I didn't see coming. If you were to mix the original Wicker Man with Midsommar, Apostle is what you would get. An enjoyable film that still has a few flaws, but never the less is definitely worth the watch.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Not what you might think as a sequel from Shining
12 June 2020
Lets start with the basics - Originally written for my Dad.

This is a Stephen King book adaptation that was a sequel to the Shining, it follows the son from the original film/book now being an adult. He has had to deal with a fair few issues, trying to deal with his "shine". After moving away to escape his issues, he is thrown into a series of events that are stranger than you might think, even considering it is a sequel to the Shining. The cinematography is shot in a consistent and powerful style, with a hypnotising yet forgettable soundtrack. That is apart from the recurring sound of a heartbeat, that successfully adds to the tension of the film. Towards the end, the imagery is slightly too repetitive, trying to link it with the original. This film lends itself to the supernatural side, following more closely to the book, so do not expect the "grounded" level of the original film. It is reasonably fun to watch, with a range of "light" gruesome aspects and a decently good story. Towards the end of the film you see its strengths and weaknesses, leaning heavily on nostalgia from the original. Still it is a useful and nostalgic trick that just about fits, give or take.

Overall 6.9/10
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A cure for wellness... or maybe not...
11 June 2020
A cure for wellness is filled to the brim with tense scores and twisted imagery, as it brings you on a journey to discover the dark history of a treatment centre located in a castle on top of a Swedish mountain - nothing suspicious about that. Through the use of flash backs and hallucinations, the visuals are enough to keep you both intrigued and disgusted, especially if you don't like Eels, as there are quite a few of them knocking about. The pacing is rather slow, but this matches the tone of the film and the degradation of the protagonists mental health. At 2hrs 30mins though, this is not a quick and easy watch, especially as the plot is quite limited, but just when you think things can't get any weirder, they do.

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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
8 June 2020
This was definitely a weird film, with strong artistic decisions and fantastic performances from both Patterson and Defoe. This is not your traditional film in any way shape or form and that is what it makes it so special. The decision to do the film in black and white, along with a square aspect ratio, succeeds in making each scene seem darker, more repetitive and claustrophobic, which in a way is the pure essence of the film. I love films such as this, that feel fresh, intuitive, intelligent and an unaltered vision from the director, which are qualities often missing in hollywood films. If you want a relaxed film or something easy to watch, this is not the film. It is slow, artistic and powerful (a little but trippy too). Overall 8/10
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It was exactly what it set out to be...
7 June 2020
I will keep this short and sweet. This film is full of depth, through its soundtrack, acting and cinematography. It set out to make you feel the characters pain and give you little bits of their past to further show why they are here, or further more why there characters were lost and why they "were never really here". This is not a fast paced film and nor should it be, so if you love marvel and thats your go to, then don't waste you time with this film. It is funny in a sad way that anyone could give this 1/10, they clearly have no idea that films can be art as well as entertaining. Phoenix is amazing, was definitely a warm up and as equally as in depth as a performance as Joker. Overall slow, mesmerising and deep.
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Joker (I) (2019)
This is something special...
8 October 2019
It is hard to describe the content and acting as anything other than astonishing. I felt uncomfortable, nervous and excited all at the same time through both of my current viewings, followed by a chilling buzz during the last few sequences of the film. Phoenix's performance is nothing but perfect, I believed he was Arthur Fleck/Joker the entire way through and find it hard to look at him the same way now, all I can see is Joker. His performance was painful to watch, but in the right way. This is a character that does terrible things, but his journey and struggles are heart breaking to watch, the performance never lets off, you never feel truly comfortable. Tod Philips did a great job of bringing an original in-depth version of the Joker to screen and I have no problem at all with it mimicking past films, it brings them all together is a justified and brilliant way. This is now one of my favourite films ever, deserving the the praise it gets...the critics, clearly they just got offended.
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