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No bail, no parole, for this prisoner life must mean life.
21 June 2022
This is a horrible, dingy, drab and depressing movie. Yes, every line is an attempted Neil Simon zinger but they fall completely flat in this tepid context.

Lemmon is an actor I have never taken to - I see him as a prize ham who always sets my teeth on edge. Here, he sweatily ups the ante with a five o'clock shadow, damp shirt and crumpled suit, coupled with an irascible, hair-trigger personality that leaves you wanting to shake him and tell him to grow up and pull himself together.

Bancroft does her best, despite being lumbered with a terrible wig (at least I HOPE it's not her own hair) and a script that has her playing a doormat for most of the movie's length. Everyone overacts to beat the band, and the whole thing is so hard on the eye - what must those burglars have thought when they walked into this dowdy, cluttered apartment? So much of what we are supposed to find funny derives from shouting - the running gag about bellowing through the wall at the oversexed cabin-crew neighbours, for example - but I didn't laugh, I reached for the painkillers.

These manic, dental-drill scenes go on and on, reaching their apogee with the snow-shovel sequence - how long does it take to rip the brown paper off a snow-shovel? And...they wrapped a snow-shovel in brown paper down at the hardware store?? No wonder resources are running low 47 years later.

I'm so sorry I subjected my wife to this.

(Avoids a one-star review by virtue of the lovely but all too scarce New York location footage)
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Holding (I) (2022)
31 March 2022
I always love it when the 10 star reviewers feel they need to include attacks on the negative reviews. It makes me realise I'm correct in my assessment and the production under review is no good when its defenders have to scrape around for justification - we plebs just don't "get" it, we were expecting "belly laughs" or that old favourite, "it's Irish humour, you wouldn't understand". Well, as to the last, I'm a fully qualified Gael but don't actually believe in the concept of "Irish" humour, no more than I do Nigerian humour nor Martian humour. Funny is funny and doesn't need to be justified by nationality. As for belly-laughs, I would never expect anything with Graham Norton's name on it to provide me with laughs of any kind, but I had read a couple of good reviews of this.

Dull, pretentious, finger-wagging, the usual misandry and white-bashing - Kathy Burke, a working class Londoner, how could you put your name to this?

The accents are dreadful. At least TRY. There was supposed to be a big point made by the black detective describing himself as a Dubliner but in reality Ireland to its credit has been a melting pot since the Eighties and a person of colour would not raise any eyebrows, much less be asked where they were from! The lesbian storyline was telegraphed a mile off, we had gays, we had every race and colour under the sun...just your typical Cork village!

Well, I guess I'll just have to stick to Mrs Brown for my belly laughs and something my tiny brain can cope with!
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Goodbye Jack, sorry it had to end this way.
1 February 2022
As a lifelong fan of Jack Nicholson, I sought this out because it appears to be his final movie. What a sad farewell to possibly our greatest ever actor. He does nothing wrong with the little he's given, and it's so nice to see him onscreen, but my, what a sorry excuse for a movie. Reese Witherspoon, a pretty lady, spends a lot of her time wearing the ugliest shorts I've ever seen. This is emblematic of the movie - take some good ingredients and make them unappealing.

A story that is barely there, meandering like a confused senior in a department store. Incredibly slack editing - two hours?? Ye Gods, this could have lost 40 minutes and still seemed like a slog. Scenes go on, and on, and on, Rudd and Witherspoon exchanging dialogue that is as sharp and witty as the list of ingredients on a soup packet. Special mention for the obnoxious performance of Owen Wilson - a character that is supposed to be shallow, I get it, but played with smug disdain by an actor who almost seems to have one hand out for his cheque throughout.

So goodbye Jack, thanks for Chinatown, thanks for Cuckoo's Nest, thanks for all of those great moments. We forgive you the choices you made to bulk out your bank balance so you could afford to make The Crossing Guard and Blood and Wine. We even forgive you for this aberration.
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Clever people - you're not as clever as you think you are.
1 February 2022
I see so many smart people writing reviews here, telling those of us not as impressed with TWITHATSFTGITW as they are that we don't get it because OBVIOUSLY IT'S A SPOOF.

Well listen guys, we get it - with a title like that, who couldn't? - it's just that it's not a very good spoof. The title sets the tone as a Naked Gun style crazy romp, but the actual series then overplays the drama (it reminded me of Dead To Me) at the expense of the woefully underwritten "satirical" elements. The jokes really are lame - like jokes written by committee. Then I see Will Ferrell's name in the end titles as Executive Producer - ah, of course, if ever there was a humour repellent, it's our Will.

Kristen is fine, and this is generating so much heat it will give her a boost. No one else really covers themselves in glory. The attempts at humour are so heavy handed that they all labour under the weight of it. The twist was ridiculous, of course it was, this is a spoof after all, right? It's just that the writers have no clue how to gauge or balance the tone of a script. It's as though a Dave Chappelle show ended with a Monty Python sketch.

So keep patting yourselves on the back for "getting" it people - perhaps I could interest you in a subtle satire I've discovered called the Three Stooges?
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Star Dreck
28 July 2021
Without doubt one of the worst things I have ever seen. I will never watch Family Guy in the same light again - the scabrous, don't-give-a-fig creator of that show is now revealed to be a soft-centred, desperate to please simp.

The clues were there in the Star Wars episodes of Family Guy - though there was satire, what mainly came across was McFarlane's love for the genre, the pleasure he took in creating those giant spaceships and battles, like a schoolboy drawing in his notebook instead of paying attention to his lessons.

And lo, the schoolboy is given the keys to the sweetshop! "Create your own Star Trek/Wars, with a flight deck identical to Trek and characters straight from Wars! A camp, high pitched robotic humanoid? A giant, gruff alien (don't make him hairy though, we don't want to be too obvious)".

Let's have a fourteen year old girl who can take charge of the ship and punch a giant alien out of a boxing ring, to, like, inspire the young girls. Let's sneak in a gay relationship but not call it a gay relationship in case we put some people off. And Seth, make yourself captain, barking orders from your armchair like Captain Kirk!

After episode three I could take it no longer - the gay couple hatch a baby, it's - gasp - female! Das is verboten on their planet so it must be surgically changed to a male (subtle!) They change the mind of one of the aliens by showing him a Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer cartoon! "What was thought of as a disability was actually a strength!" On top of that, all I can think of when McFarlane is talking is Brian the dog. Now if he started humping the leg of his vice captain/ex wife, we might have a show...
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Freaky (2020)
Laughy Dearth Day
14 July 2021
Commits the worst sin any horror movie can commit - it's boring. Maybe a judicial trim of 20 minutes would have made it an interesting romp, but as it is it's flaccid and dull. The acting is poor, but that's sometimes not an obstacle in a potboiler like this. Here, the longeurs really underline the wooden performances. Vaughan isn't as great as others have said playing the female-possessed killer. It's pretty much a by the numbers "camp" performance.

I saw it in the theatre or I might not have got past the roll call of cliched high-school characters. The bad girls, the sassy black friend and yes, the gay pal who actually does say "B*tch PLEASE".

The female lead is presentable but untalented. The plot limps along (the well known serial killer traps two friends in a basement and after he sustains a light beating with pots and pans he convinces them in SECONDS that he's not a killer, not even a MAN, he's their friend!), the script is dull, flat and joke-free and the climax is as underwhelming as one had come to expect, false ending and all (we're still doing false endings?).

The two Happy Death Days movies were great, and that is why I ended up seeing this. I regret my decision.
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Can't you smell that smell?
15 July 2020
It hurts to write this, it hurts to kick Artimus, but this is dreadful. I just hope he got a nice earner out of it because the movie has no merit whatsoever and helping Artimus stay afloat is the only positive I can glean from it. In the first scene Artie (or the actor playing him) is playing drums and his wife alerts him - "Ronnie Van Zant is on the phone!" "From Lynyrd Skynyrd?" he replies. No, your DENTIST Ronnie Van Zant! It starts as it means to go on. Artie bookends the movie, giving his band APB a plug at the end, and boy, does he inhabit the movie in between. He's an expert pilot ("Four years in the marines!"), he can do emergency surgery, he can struggle for miles with serious injuries (I'm happy to say he suffered torn cartilage in his chest and nothing more serious in the crash) then help with the rescue effort blitzing anyone who stands between him and his bandmates (at the crash site and at the hospital). It's all about him! When I heard the band launch into (a really poor version of) Call me the Breeze early on, I thought good, stories of no access to the music were untrue. Then I found that that brief blast of music was all there was - it being a cover version they were allowed to play it. For this reason Skynyrd opened the show with it (!)at one of those totally unrealistic movie gigs - you know, social distancing where a mosh pit should be, Skynyrd at their peak playing a stage the size of a cigarette packet. As a means of making life easier for Artimus, great - as a movie, virtually worthless.
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More Zombies, Shaun.
15 July 2020
Normally reviewing a bad movie there's something to get your teeth into, examples of the inanity or sheer woefulness that you can chuckle about. With this though, there's nothing...it's a vapid, frustrating vacuum. There's simply nothing there. Things float briefly into sight...there's Juno Temple! There's Shaun of the Dead! Doesn't he look rough? A snotty Katy Perry style rock star drifts by...Shaun has voices in his head (mental illness, see?). Juno learns to sing a tearjerking song with the lights off because Shaun taught her to. That's it. I paid to stream this, and consider it a waste of money. Shaun and Juno have done far better work, and will again, but this is an aberration.
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Bob & Rose (2001)
When you're ready, Season 2 please...
13 July 2020
I wish I could give this more than ten stars. How did I miss this? Was it my (justified) anti-ITV drama snobbery? Probably. I found out about it in a freakishly accidental way - Alan Davies mentioned it in passing on his (wonderful) Arsenal podcast, The Tuesday Club (I'm not even an Arsenal fan but this podcast is pure entertainment). I found a cheap copy and bought it, and was so glad I did. Six one-hour (minus ad-breaks) episodes is just simply not enough. I see it is dated "2001 -" with no cancellation date, so I live in hope, 19 years later... I have never really paid much attention to Russell T Davies' stuff before (I'll keep my thoughts on the All New Dr Who to myself, and I don't think the title of Queer As Folk was designed to entice a middle-aged straight man like me). The writing in B&R is some of the best I have ever seen. Every character has a depth and personality (maybe excepting the chattering girls and boys in the respective circles of friends) - there are strong, resonant plotlines involving not just the main characters but their families, their exes, and Bob's reluctantly ever-so-platonic friend Holly, played by the stellar Jessica Hynes - a flawed character who doesn't always act in her friends' best interests, but who breaks your heart all the same. If it were not for the stunning performances by Davies and Lesley Sharp as the eponymous couple, Hynes would have stolen the show. I had been put off Sharp by the poisonously man-bashing Scott and Bailey, but she is so, so good in this, whether hilariously throwing dignity to the wind by hanging around outside Bob's house like a lovelorn teenager, throwing a strop at her mother's get-together, or canoodling with Bob in a non-sickly, natural way. Even in 2001, this was a brave choice for Alan Davies. Once again, I hadn't seen much of Jonathan Creek but I did love his Chef comedy, Whites (still waiting for a new series of THAT, too! Only ten years in this case...) He is outstanding as Bob. Human, humane, kind, weak... The supporting characters have great storylines - there is a wedding scene that is as tense as anything in Breaking Bad, and the respective mothers are funny, honest and, again, heartbreaking. Finally, the Manchester locations are lovely. Please buy this, enjoy it and lobby for a new series.
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Ideal for a rainy Sunday.
18 June 2020
A beautifully shot, superbly written little thriller, set in the East End (and with plenty of lovely old location footage). Great performances - a tad stagey and creaky as you would expect from the time period, but all the more charming for it. Some nicely adult themes - characters are shown as flawed, just like in real life. At a compact 92 minutes, definitely worth a viewing.
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Space Force (2020–2022)
T Minus Laughs
18 June 2020
Ugh. About as funny as an autopsy report. Truly inept writing, performances that should have been dialled WAY back and an overbearing sense of totally unjustified smugness. Alarm bells rang for me in Ep 1 when Carell (even he can't save this - mainly because he's lousy in it) inexplicably dances to the Beach Boys' Kokomo. However, I persisted for four episodes and couldn't quite make it to the end. If this gets a second season then all hope really is lost.
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Bloated but good in parts.
18 June 2020
Far too long, and meanders away from the plot - an excellent story which should have been more closely adhered to - but overall goodhearted and entertaining. Bill Burr shows what a capable actor he is developing into and Marisa Tomei is, as ever, beautiful and affecting.
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Gentleman Jack (2019–2022)
Fleabag Origins
18 June 2020
What a laughably inept production. So woke it's painful - Suranne hamming it up as she has a tendency to do sometimes, the whole thing looking like it was made by a group of solemn freshman students. I would rather sit outside Television Centre and watch Beeb executives throw my money down a drain.
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My mother was, in fact, a hamster.
13 May 2020
A beautiful, romantic movie but really...you can't get Monty Python out of your head while watching it! I'm not even sure if this is deliberate - Holy Grail was released the year before, and the similarities are many. Anyway, do your best to set that aside and enjoy this elegiac, sun dappled, lost Seventies classic. Connery and Hepburn are so good - he the ultimate macho man, visibly aging and tiring, she so, so beautiful but at an age where, physically, the only way is down. The message is that love survives the deterioration of the body. A life-affirming message, depicted onscreen like a painting by Antonio López Garcia. I started watching Lester's The Knack...the night before and switched off after half an hour. A decade after that movie he had perfected his craft.
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Avast! For a vast epic...
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You watch this movie and wonder at a bygone age where a three-hour story about a gunboat patrolling the Yangtse in 1926, featuring only a couple of token female performances, would get greenlit. And we today are missing out as a result - this is moviemaking at its swaggering, unreconstructed best. The language used by the sailors and the racist epithets employed are no doubt accurate, toned down even. The depiction of the "So sollee!" Chinese is very 1960s, but that aside, this is very strong meat. We have a Chinese worker eaten by the cogs of the boat's engine, another Chinese crew member strung up and graphically tortured by a baying mob, a young prostitute humiliated in front of, you guessed it, a baying mob, intoning "Strip her! Strip her!" and a crew of mutinous swabs chanting for Steve McQueen's character, Holman, to hand himself over to the Chinese for lynching to save THEIR necks. The three hours fly by as this old fashioned yarn (with some political exposition) unfolds. McQueen, always a wooden but "man's man" presence, is wonderful and is given good support (Candice Bergen is given very little to do, though Emmanuelle Arsan, author of the Emmanuelle novels, as the local prostitute, gives an affecting performance). Richard Attenborough's accent keeps wandering between the Bronx and Kensington in one of his less convincing performances. From an era when That Darn Cat and Fantastic Voyage were more representative of the cinema of the day, this is proper, grown-up movie making - creakily showing its age at times, but with a quality and authenticity that will endure.
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A solid enough documentary.
13 December 2019
I'm not a huge fan of Janis' music, but I do love a music doc, especially from the late 60s and early 70s. This fit the bill nicely. A lot of it is previously seen and to be honest it doesn't add a lot to 1975's "Janis" - her friends and family aren't going to have remembered any new insights 40 years on, so it's the same stories, told by older people. I've always thought her singing is out-of-control screeching, but that had she lived she would have learned some restraint (and hopefully kicked the lifestyle habits that sometimes affected her performance) and used her (admittedly wonderful) voice to better effect - Maggie Bell springs to mind. However, the concert footage here did inspire me to download some of her stuff and give it a listen, so the movie must qualify as a success on those grounds.
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Not quite the tribute Lee deserves.
13 December 2019
A slightly disappointing documentary about...well, what? It's not really the LIFE of Levon, it just follows him around for a few days and allows him to hold forth about the music business and certain former associates. I know he was a cantankerous cuss, that's fine - I don't want saints, I want geniuses whose music can move me, and that's what Lee's always did, along with his Band-mates, including He Who Shall Not be Named. There's some painful (in every sense), poignant footage of Lee having a camera put up his nose (and down his throat) which obviously causes him a lot of pain, but he bravely allows the footage to be shown. We also see him smoking a cigar, and laughingly bragging about his weed use - this from a man whose wonderful vocal chords were ravaged by cancer, and who was to lose his life to the disease. Everyone around him laughs at his every wisecrack, and his wife REALLY wants to go to the Grammys (Lee obstinately and foul-mouthedly refuses), but there are some fabulous moments too. All too brief clips of the Band playing, of Lee and his latter day band playing (full performances in the DVD extras would have been nice), the aforementioned medical procedures which show us Lee as a vulnerable, frightened old man - still with the time to sign an autograph (and write a message) for the son of a staff member at the medical centre, himself a drummer and fan of Lee's. There are some nice shots (perhaps a little contrived) of Lee working the land, sharing out the turkey and ham sandwiches. I'd love to see a substantial, warts and all biopic of Levon Helm, but this isn't it. A good, well-intentioned attempt though.
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Where the jokes at?
13 December 2019
Really weak-kneed comedy, desperately trying to be edgy. I believe he plays stadiums now, and in this intimate setting he still gives it the full stadium overkill. Compare to the subtle mutterings of Stewart Lee (unfair, I know) and Howard comes off like Cannon and Ball. A couple of titters, then I realised the audience were just going to fall about at anything he said - if he wasn't going to make the effort, why should I?
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No One Lives (2012)
Gore Blimey
21 November 2019
An entertainingly schlocky b-movie, with some of the most explicit gore since Bone Tomahawk, and with appropriately poor acting. I have never heard of a single one of these people, and that's fine. The girls look good, even when they're dead, there are more twists in the first half hour than in a dozen Hitchcock movies, and the blood and (quite literally) guts just keep on (quite literally) flowing. It tails off a bit towards the end, but perhaps that's for the best. The horror had already been turned up to 11 - any more might have been bad for my health.
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I want my money Bach
19 November 2019
Scrapes three stars for the mildly interesting "gangster" plotline. The connection with the agonised piano tuition scenes? You'll have to go and read those clever 10 star reviews. I'm sure there IS a connection, a parallel, but please, I work for a living - I don't want to have to do homework when I put on a movie. Challenge me, bemuse me by all means, but throwing together moody scenes of cigarette-smoking hunks brooding on the streets of Paris, a frustrated piano pupil and violent beatings is the kind of thing that Monty Python and Not the Nine O'clock News (UK) were satirising 40-50 years ago. "Baseball Bat...by Lentheric" you imagine the voiceover saying. I'm glad you loved it cineastes, give yourselves a big pat on the back.
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Escapism? Anything but.
28 October 2019
All of the other 10* reviews will tell you all you need to know so I won't replicate what they have to say. This is a compulsive, addictive 8 hours that feels more like ten minutes. EVERYONE gives career-best performances, including Stiller. Who knew??? (If you want a giggle, look at the 1* reviews - "too slow" they say! These are the people who would bemoan the lack of superheroes in Citizen Kane).
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Karla (2006)
A filthy lie of a movie.
28 October 2019
Anyone with the merest familiarity with this horrendous case will start to scratch their head almost from the start. You'll be checking the box, checking the disc to confirm you put the right one in. This movie portrays the titular character, a cold-blooded psychopath who participated in the mutilation, rape and murder of her own sister for the sexual gratification of her husband and herself, as a victim, an almost heroic character. Watch as she cringes, blanches and can't bear to look as the husband carries out the atrocities. Nothing to do with her! She was a battered wife, too terrified to prevent these crimes. If you're tempted to watch this garbage, and I recommend you don't, at least read up on the case first. The whole movie is then undermined by the intertitles at the end where, in a few lines, we are told just what the judge at her trial thought of Karla. Apart from that, the acting is abysmal, the cinematography is headache inducing and the dialogue was obviously scrawled on a cigarette packet just before shooting started. It appears to have had the budget of a school play. Treat this movie like a pool of vomit on the pavement, and give it a wide berth.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Holy Cesar Romero's Moustache...!
21 October 2019
I always go to the one-star reviews first, as the ten star reviews of movies I like will just echo what I think. I like to see what someone who DIDN'T like the movie has to say - "OK, convince me". The one-star reviews are hilarious - they range from the "I'm different to everyone else!" cries for attention to the jealous, possessive moans of those people who think that THEIR character or story has been taken from them and turned into something they don't like. Basically no-one convinced me - I didn't read a single thing that maybe think "Hmm, maybe they have a point. I hadn't noticed that". For this is a perfect movie. Even to a superhero agnostic like me. The performance of Joaquin Phoenix beggars belief - from his physical transformation to the acting turn he puts in. I can't imagine anyone in the history of acting portraying this character to such devastating effect. I won't go on, because, as I said, it has all been said in other reviews - suffice to say that I'll be amazed if another movie tops this in my view in 2019. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood might have run it close with 20 minutes shaved off but as it stands, Joker reigns supreme, awards season notwithstanding. I wondered why the left had took agin this movie, which is no more or less violent than many movies, superhero or no. (And speaking of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, I heard someone on a podcast say they walked out when someone started inflicting violence on a woman. (This was a woman intent on slaughtering people, including an unborn child) So you waited till ten minutes from the end to stage your big protest!?) Then I found out. Apparently Todd Phillips said "Woke culture has killed comedy". Big mistake! The memo went out. The Hive Mind was apprised. Nothing he did was ever to be favourably reviewed again. Good. More room in the cinema for me.
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Must Be Great
29 September 2019
Just heard Kermode on the BBC having an attack of the vapours about this and telling us not to like it, so I thought I'd give it ten. I'll get round to seeing it one day. It's probably good. More words required? See this movie! Kermode doesn't like it! What are you waiting for?? This is the guy who reviews superhero movies like they were Battleship Potemkin (money talks) but sneers at the movies that ordinary people like to watch after a week doing a proper job.
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It's hard to be a saint watching this.
21 August 2019
An insulting, and insultingly bad, movie. Badly made, badly written, acting that kids in a school play would be ashamed of - what was Springsteen thinking signing off on this? Was he blinded by the virtue signalling, and did he consider that two hours of "Yah boo sucks to the racists!" outweighed the cheapness, the naffness and the naivety of this pitiful outing? It repeats the all-too-familiar tropes we've seen in previous Asian-themed movies - the overbearing parents who just can't help saying the funniest things, for example - but with the weary, worn-out look of a fifth generation photocopy. The movie can't make its mind up whether to let Springsteen sing his own songs (while the lyrics appear onscreen for our enlightenment!) or have the characters blurt them out, High School Musical rap style. (Note to writers: the former). Possibly the most cringe-inducing moment of the movie (from a large field) is when our heroes "confront" three stage-school thugs in a café by declaiming Bruce lyrics at them. Why on earth didn't we think of that 40 years ago?? The movie pats itself on the back for its excess of virtue. The racists are easily spotted, because they ALL wear braces, half-mast jeans and bovver boots. The lead character goes to an idyllic school where there are NO racists! Not a single fellow pupil calls him names or bullies him. It's all singing, all dancing saintliness at this place of learning! There's a scene where a bunch of market stall holders (yes, that's MARKET STALL HOLDERS, famous for their liberal views) and their customers sing and dance with the Muslim and Sikh leads, and another in the town hall square that couldn't be more of a rip-off of (the wonderful) Sunshine on Leith if it tried. There's a one dimensional love interest - she's feisty! She hands out leaflets - the lazy movie-maker's shorthand for "she's an activist". We first see her slouching defiantly at her desk, but when the teacher badmouths "Maggie Thatcher" she sits up and smiles, having found her tribe - her surliness lasting all of ten seconds. Speaking of Thatcher, another hilarious scene has our hero purchasing an NME (glossy full colour ad for a Bruce tour on the back page? WRONG!) at a news stand, emblazoned with "placards" that look like A4 sheets from a printer, displaying an Eighties' Greatest Hits of headlines - "Birmingham Six Appeal Denied!" "Thatcher Elected Longest Serving Prime Minister!" etc. It's absolutely laughable. The "climax" is an NF march that looks more like a bunch of kids being led to the swimming baths by school staff. Someone gets a bloody nose! OMG! Weren't the Eighties dreadful?? I won't say "avoid", because there are laughs aplenty to be had at the amateurishness of it all. But shame on those "respectable" reviewers who praised this - have some guts and tell the truth, for goodness sake.
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