
13 Reviews
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Species II (1998)
Mo homework done
7 March 2021
First things first, communications technology, they screwed that up right out of the takes on average 12 minutes for communications. Second, artificial gravity? Didn't see any rotation did you? Gee you'd think there were temp. monitors on this container as it was frozen solid. Famke is completely nude AGAIN! Military moronic attitudes ramp-it.. Where the hell did this Sil come from?

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Bright (I) (2017)
My strange addiction
9 June 2020
I can rewatch Bright over and over with the magical sensibility and best off the wall humor! Edgerton did a great job and took to his make up perfectly. Noomi Rapace is THE kick-ass queen.
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The Maus (2017)
9 May 2020
20 minutes in, falling asleep, big bug flying around, fog, dog barks, two strangers, BOOM! The rest sick history. Unbearable to continue.
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Lost in Space: Precipice (2019)
Season 2, Episode 2
Ever A day free of disaster?
1 April 2020
Tedious amount of disasters up to this point. Flaring was a technique perfected by J.J. Abrams so overuse is too much. Taking the fun out of watching when every episode is ecpected to open with a disaster....
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Another Life: A Mind of Its Own (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
31 March 2020
I agree with the majority of negative reviews...I also saw a huge number of script-cuts from very well written movie titles. Not impressed with digital designs, seen better video games graphics.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
10 May 2019
Noir not scifi. That's 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back lol. Couldn't continue...
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What the?
29 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
What's with all the bad jokes and the play...Matt Damon? That was embarassing! WAY too many back references, wasted time. Then there's the music, or I should say lack of it. No real orchestration just synth generated...sad.
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What's with all the negativity?
10 May 2017
To put it simply...I cried in sadness and in happiness. I haven't felt so good about a story like this my whole life. Everyone needs to cherish and love their pets everyday and know that what you give them is a chance at being loved and to love back. I can't believe the split reviews on this! All the negative reviews tell me they either have never had a dog or don't know how to love them. I never had a dog my whole life until 7 years ago when I found my baby girl. People say I rescued her, she rescued me. Please give this movie a chance to experience just small sample of what it's like to be blessed with a dog or any pet.
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Flash Gordon (2007–2008)
For the love of God...why?
29 September 2007
Please tell me our suffering will be over soon. Even the ads are too painful to watch to the extent where I have to change the channel! The one thing that really pains me is to hear Queens' original theme song being thrashed around in these ads and yet, never being used in the series (which is a good thing). So please tell me this is almost over and we can get back to some fairly decent programming, even if it is this point I really don't care, nothing else could be this bad. Even some of the "SciFi Original" movies are bad but at least we don't have to suffer through them every single week and have to endure the ads each and every day. I just caught about two seconds of this weeks episode before quickly changing the channel and saw the original Flash (Sam Jones) doing a cameo...OMG, more than likely for the cash.
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Derailed (I) (2005)
Complete waste of 45 minutes
23 April 2006
I sat and waited for over 45 minutes waiting for something feasible, reasonable and original to happen. Absolute drivel and inconceivable tripe. If Hollywood insists of pumping out these awful metaphorical "storylines" of rape, robbery and deceit, leave it for the headlines of every-day newspapers and newscasts. We don't need to see how ignorant and unrepentant the human race has become nor how unimaginative writers on the left coast are. I actually had to turn this mind-numbing flick off in order to save myself the embarrassment of saying I watched the whole thing, I just couldn't. Unbelievably, if you read my review of "Team America" I actually watched more of that than this one. Lord help us...
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One of the few films that physically moved me
29 January 2006
As I am a 46-year-old male, there are few if any films that have been able to physically move me to tears. The realism and format are the absolute highlights to Spielberg's work here. But the overall sense of pain and anguish are the storyline that so many people missed that rated it less than five stars. I could expound forever on this film but just want to share my reactions. At the end of this film, the pain I felt could only be compared to the similar emotional exhaustion I felt when I was going through a divorce that involved losing my children. The uncontrollable emotion that poured out was frighteningly similar. The tears would not stop flowing. This film brought me to my knees emotionally and I will never forget it, ever.

Thank you Steven.
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Cosmos (1980– )
Literally life changing
19 September 2005
There really is no way to convey how much of an impact this series had on me when it first came out back in 1980. The views of our life here on this little blue marble seemed so insignificant compared to the vastness of the cosmos. It came to pass then my views on science and technology forever changed and turned my life around. One of the most significant features of the series was the selection of soundtrack music. It was also an example of appreciation for the finer things in life that we take for granted. For anyone with even the slightest interest in space and technology truly needs to spend time in the "Cosmos" to get a view of our world from a different perspective. Bottom line, true brilliance and creativity at its best.
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Infantile, insulting, rude and insanely bad
31 July 2005
I have by no means lead a sheltered life whatsoever and have a collection of movies of various genre. With over 600 titles in my collection, I thought I had a few "dogs", but not now. Being middle-aged I'm certain some may regard these comments as coming from someone who is closed minded or "square", not so. I have spent over six years in the armed forces, worked a variety of jobs and am frequently exposed to what the media calls "entertainment". Needless to say, I have a veryopen mind. Also being a non-practicing Catholic (which would probably put me in the heretic category), I still believe in God and honestly feel it's time for Him to put His foot down (RIGHT ON TOP OF US). Bottom line is, please do not bother with this trash, I beg you. I have since thrown this movie in the trash (was tempted to burn it but feared the toxic effects) and have vocally relayed my thoughts and opinions to my work associates that would consider viewing it. I refuse to admit to any others of having even seen it let alone owned it, it's that embarrassing. BTW, this scaling does not go low enough. IMO I would have gone to -10.
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