
34 Reviews
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1883 (2021–2022)
The best show of 2022 with one flaw
11 January 2023
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So this is by far the best show of 2022 and probably amongst top 5 in the last decade. It shows us a subjects that's rarely covered in movies, which is story about settlers in the USA, and all the struggles they were facing. It's very interesting and intriguing and there isn't a single boring moment in any of those 10 episodes. Acting is very good too, especially Sam Eliott who is pretty much the perfect actor for his role The only flaw that really annoyed me and why I rate it 9 instead of 10 stars is this coming of age story which feels COMPLETELY out of place given the rest of the story... I mean you have only 10 episodes to show us people who travel for 5 months across the USA wilderness, and with so many things to cover you decide to dedicate 1/3 of it to a teenage girl who falls in love with every man she sees on that trip? So many important and interesting things were left out in order to show us something that nobody who wanted to see a western adventure was interested in.
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Midsommar (2019)
2/10 boring
16 June 2022
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Many people have said that this is one of the most disturbing movies ever made so I wanted to see it... Those people have never seen a disturbing movie before. I was expecting psychic powers, sacrifices, witches, aliens, whatever, and I got a 3 hour movie (unfortunately I went with directors cut so I had to waste 3 hours instead of 2 hours and 20 minutes) about a bunch of weird people, members of a made up sex cult whose hobbies are singing and yelling and jumping off cliffs... Seriously? 3 hours and all those costumes and scenery just for a sex cult? Yes, seriously. It seems like now you can buy IMDB ratings just like you can buy YouTube views and likes, because that's the only way I can justify this movie's rating.
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Broadchurch (2013–2017)
1/3 phenomenal
14 February 2022
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Ok, bad things first.

Season 3= 2/10, underwhelming compared to seasons 1 and 2, this-is-a-hot-subject-these-days-so-let's-make-a-plot-about-it kind of thing. I feel like it was made only to send a completely out of place political/religious message, yeah I get it, don't watch porn it will wrap your perception of reality blah blah, it's nothing new, we've already received this message from Ted Bundy's last interview 30 years ago. You didn't have to ruin otherwise amazing TV show with it.

Season 2= 6/10, could've been much better if they focused on the trial instead of Sandbrook case. Court scenes were amazing, and I often found myself fast forwarding through Sandbrook stuff just to get to the court scenes. The brilliant performances of Charlotte Rampling and Marianne Jean-Baptiste made me crave British court dramas. The whole Sandbrook promiscuous kinky part of the cast, again feels out of place just like the whole season 3 does.

Season 1= 10/10, one word phenomenal! Agatha Christie would be proud of this one, real old school murder mystery where everyone is a suspect and we only get a couple of puzzle pieces in every episode. Great performances, great story, incredible plot twists... I binged the first season in just two days, and dragged the other two seasons over the period of two weeks, I think that speaks for itself. I wish the whole show was about the Broadchurch crime, because everything they added afterwards felt unnecessary and not good enough compared to the original story. If you decide to watch it and you are intimidated by the number of seasons, here's the advice: watch season 1, read a short summary of season 2 somewhere online, and skip season 3 completely.
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4 January 2022
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This is a great example of how 2021 Hollywood is a watered down version of Hollywood 20,30 or 40 years ago... The original Matrix was a ground breaking, out of this world movie that won 4 Oscars and it looked something nobody has ever seen before. 22 years later (time really flies) we have this. We have a scifi action thriller turned into romance, scifi-ish drama... We have Morpheus which looks and acts like a pimp, Neo who has became some sort of Marvel superhero and who didn't have a dialogue longer than 3 sentences in the entire movie, we have agent Smith who is now a posh CEO and Trinity that didn't age well at all. As a bonus we have a group of nerd game developer team who are I assume vegans who identify themselves as they/them because political correctness (and the movie tries really hard to make sure we are aware of their life choices). The mere fact that I, as a big fan of this franchise who saw all of the movies several times, didn't even know that this movie is being made until a few weeks after it was officially released, because Hollywood hyperproduction. I give it 6 stars, but it actually deserves only 4, I added two extra for nostalgia reasons only.
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Squid Game (2021– )
8 October 2021
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Ok first and foremost hear me out, it's Jigsaw but made in a larger environment, with bigger budget and more techy stuff, with same poorly executed and barely noticeable subtle society criticism. Is it watchable? Yes it is. Is it ground breaking, revolutionary, never seen before kind of story that people will remember and passionately talk about even 10 years from now; like the overhype wants you to believe? Absolutely not. Acting is probably the worst part of this show, characters are hard to believe and sympathize with with almost no character development, the way you see them in the first episode is the way they stay for the rest of it... All in all, for people who for some reason tend to fetishize Korean production and for people who want to be up to date with what TikTok is talking about this is a must watch, for everyone else watch if you want but even if you skip it you're not missing anything.
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The Guilty (2021)
Not as good as the original, as expected
4 October 2021
I started watching without reading the plot first, and some 15-20 minutes in, it started to ring some bells and I realized I have already seen this, but a better version of it... I guess if you're Jake Gyllenhaal fan you will probably chose this over the Danish version, but if you haven't seen either one of them yet please go and watch the original. Subtitles are not too hard to find these days.
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I wanted to hate it but I can't
21 May 2021
After running out of stuff to watch, I picked this one pretty much randomly, at first it felt like a modern 21st century version of cheap TV movies I used to on local cable TV channels, but unlike those it does show some impressive scenes of upscale living so it's not ugly by any means... The plot is very unique, and although some sensitive people might find it controversial, I think it's intriguing. If they had at least one good actor in the cast instead of two instagram models, a guy who appeared in a single episode of House of cards and a meme convict, and if they didn't try so hard to go full ratchet wherever they could, especially in the language, it would be a solid 9, but the way it is it's 7 minus.
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Incendies (2010)
Is this a sequel to something?
17 March 2021
I feel like this movie is aimed mostly towards the people who already have some knowledge of the political situation in the Middle East. After watching it for 40 minutes and being utterly confused by everything, I realized I don't know what country they are in, I couldn't remember anyone's name and I had no idea what's going on so I just turned it off
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Could've been amazing
20 February 2021
I literally feel bad for this movie. The first 15 minutes are ground breaking, it felt like American Psycho on steroids and I was ready to give it 10 stars right away! But that's where the good stuff ends. Rest of the movie is one biased and (not even low key) misandric mess composed of comedy, romance, watered down drama, revenge whatever... The female American psycho from the first 15 minutes is nowhere to be found anymore. I would probably rate it 4 stars but I am giving it 6 because acting is on point, and some of the conversation is actually quite witty and made me laugh
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Happiness (1998)
98' never felt more distant
29 November 2020
My 9 stars rating is not reflection of me being impressed by incredible story, outstanding performances or beautiful filming style. In those terms I'd probably rate it 5 or 6. I'm giving it 9 stars as an homage to a very different time we lived in that was only ~20 years ago. A movie like this would never, and I mean never, find it's place in 21st century overly sensitive, politically correct, sugarcoated reality, stereotype free, let's analyze every word in the script to make sure nobody gets offended Hollywood production (which is pretty clear from reviews of the ones who rated it 5 or lover, who are probably used to that kind of movie production). There isn't much to be said about the movie itself, it's an equivalent of a 45 year old weird uncle who gets drunk at family dinner and talks about things that make everyone feel uncomfortable. Its humor is an equivalent of attending a funeral and saying "two strokes and he was done" but you're not talking about heart strokes kind of humor, but 10 times darker than that. You will hate this movie but that was exactly the intention it was made with
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Mother (2009)
Painfully slow, easily predictable
24 November 2020
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First off, I see a lot of people talking about "twists". Did anyone actually feel sympathy for mother and her son, and am I the only one who knew from the very first moment that they are two psychopaths? I mean everything about this woman screams psychopath, from Edip's complex kind of relationship that she has with the son, to the way she acts and talks, she's an encyclopedic example of a psychopath. The movie tries so desperately to make us believe that her son is innocent, but it fails miserably, the "twist" where we find out that he actually did commit a murder is no twist at all since I believed he did it from the very beginning. Also it's a bit too long and many scenes are a bit hard to believe, according to this movie Korea is one of the poorest country in the world and nobody ever locks their doors (??) After wasting two hours on this one, and giving up on Memories of the murder half way through because I was bored to death, I think I'll take a break from Korean "mysteries" for some time
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Arkansas (2020)
Clark Duke is Quentin Tarantino from
1 August 2020
You know how you can buy an "iPhone" for $50 which looks like the actual thing but doesn't work like that? Well this movie is the movie equivalent of that phone. I've seen quite a few of Tarantino copycats but this one is amongst worst ones on that list. Which is a shame, the topic is very good, there aren't many movies about Dixie mafia, so there's a lot of potential but unfortunately it remains completely unused. Quirky characters-check, sarcasm-check, nonsequential timeline-check, distinctive soundtrack-check, director who's also an actor in his own movie-check, but the only difference is that all of these points are a 100 times weaker than in the original Tarantino movies
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The Invitation (I) (2015)
Unusual mix that could've been a lot better
24 July 2020
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This movie has 3 parts, well basically 2 and a half since the third part is a plot twist that's like 15 seconds long. Part one is amazing, it's like an atmospheric horror and psychological thriller with a lot of suspicion buildup. Acting is good, music is creepy like it should be, everything works great and it feels like it's gonna be a breathtaking movie. So this part deserves 8/10. Second part is a typical slasher, nothing to be said here except that it really ruined the impression made by the first part, it feels completely out of place and even from a gore horror point of view it's not a very good slasher really, 1/10. Third part is a very short but significant plot twist which, at least for me was unexpected. That part deserves 9/10. So in the end the overall rating is 18/30, or 6/10
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Soccer mom meets cat lady and becomes one person
10 July 2020
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Heart warming family drama, give me a break... There's literally nothing heart warming about this movie, it's an idle hipster family who gets in trouble with Russian mob because the soccer mom cat lady was so idle that she disclosed all of the family's private information to them via some sort of Siri/Alexa/Google assistant knockoff app, and after that she escapes to Antartica? Apparently she's some sort of genious architect who doesn't do anything and has mental issues, and he is a Microsoft nerd who also does nothing, yet they live in a castle that's falling apart and drive a 30 year old car? I mean there are weird movies that are good and their weirdness keeps you interested, David Lynch movies, Andrei Trakovsky's Stalker etc., and there are movies that try so hard to be weird that they end up being ridiculous. It also tries to be funny at some points but the puns and comebacks are as funny as your average dad joke. Kate Blanchett's performance is bland and unimpressive as usual which just contributes to the overall feeling of boredom
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Walk the Line (2005)
Amazing piece of Americana, one less star for incosistency
5 July 2020
I don't think anyone mentioned this, maybe people don't know it or just decide to ignore it but Johnny Cash's first wife was not Caucasian and in the movie she's portrayed by a Caucasian actresses... Now some say she was Sicilan, some say biracial, some say black, but we all know that in the 50s Tennessee she was definitely considered black. That's not a big deal from today's standpoint (or is it) but back in the day I'm sure it largely influenced his life, career, and probably even his music. Now with that being said, onto the movie... Outstanding preformance by the entire cast, especially Phoenix, very interesting story about some different, happier time. I wish they focused more on Johnny's career, than his romance with June but it is what it is. Also I wish it didn't end with the Folsom prison concert as there's so much more to be said about his career... All in all, very interesting movie, goosebump inducting for any country music fan and a must watch any American really, as I often feel like Johnny Cash was the last great American. RIP Man in black, you'll never be forgotten
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Worth watching
10 May 2020
I see a lot of low ratings and they're probably coming from millenials who aren't familiar with this kind of movie. You see, hood movies haven't changed much in the last 30 years or so (and as a big movie fan I respect that), probably because the hood hasn't changed much either. This movie could've easily be made in 1997 just like One eight seven could've been made in 2020... While for example, teenage movies in the 90s were about this kid who lost his dog or built a treehouse with his friends; and nowadays teenage movies are about teenagers collecting Instagram likes or being recruited by the government and transformed into cyborgs. So if you liked hood movies back in the 90s or 2000s, you will like this one too, if not then go find yourself some nice kid-becomes-a-cyborg movie
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16 April 2020
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Australians, stop being patriotic when rating your own movies, you're causing average rating to be unrealistically high and therefore confuse other viewers. Seriously, this is the second time I've fallen into this trap

It's a movie about the Australian most wanted bank robber who lives with his mom and drives a 30 years old BMW. A confused nephew joins them and doesn't say more than 20 sentences throughout the entire movie. Then they kill two cops and the entire investigation relies on that socially awkward nephew and whether he is going to testify against the most wanted uncle who owns a 30 years old BMW and lives with his mom or not. The uncle also kills his nephew's girlfriend but even that is not a good reason for him to cooperate with the police so in the end the most wanted uncle is free. That's it, a very forgettable movie
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Son of a Gun (2014)
Kinda hokey and very unoriginal
12 March 2020
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I haven't seen the trailer so I though this will be a prison movie, gangs, fights, learning important life lessons and stuff like that. Unfortunately it was a prison movie for only 10 or 15 minutes, and the rest of it is a very typical story that we've seen in hundreds of movies so far... Underdog who was neglected by everyone is dreaming of a white fence kind of life, he gets accepted in a gang and immediately gets a very important role in a theft of the century despite having no previous experience, falls in love with some random damsel in distress who wants to be with him but she's dependent on some fat old prick, he promises to save her and give her a dream life and blah blah blah... Acting below average even by the overhyped Evan McGregor, story so forgettable that I forgot most of the main characters names while writing this
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Mushy, watered down Memento
29 February 2020
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There's a lot of movies about amnesia and it's probably hard to bring something new and innovative into that genre. This movie tries by mixing it up with "strong woman vs psychopath" kind of story, and as far as I'm concerned it fails, the strong woman isn't all that strong and the psychopath turns out to be some guy hopelessly in love with her, and he doesn't really do psychopath things till the end nor does she do strong woman things till the end. And after that the movie goes full mushy with family reunion scenes and whatnot. It's hard to call it a thriller when there's only one real plot twist, and it's a very predictable one. Probably a good movie for Nicole Kidman fans who will get amused by a closeup shots of her pupils and her forever frightened facial expression, but true thriller fans should look for their piece of entertainment elsewhere
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Her (2013)
17 February 2020
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Probably one of the most depressive movies I've ever seen. To begin with I will list a few things that are extremely sad but they're not what makes this movie so depressive. Joaquin Phoenix is a seasoned hipster who's probably the loneliest guy in some semi dystopian Los Angeles; he is so lonely that he falls in love with an OS; he is so unfortunate that even the OS dumps him at some point; he cries several times during the movie; he's probably suicidal at the end of the movie even though we don't actually see him comiting it (I guess it would probably kill the vibe). However, what makes this movie so depressive for me is one scary and disturbing fact that 20 years from now a movie with a story like this could easily begin with "based on actual events"... It's one of those sci-fis that feel less sci-fi the more you think about them, and you realize it's more of a near future prediction than a fantasy, and the future is not bright at all Technically wise Her is a very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing movie, it doesn't feel too comicy with drones, robots and whatnot, just some humans with their machines and loneliness.... Acting wise it's top notch, Joaquin is awesome and so is Scarlett Johansson. I didn't expect such an amazing performance from someone using nothing but her voice but true talent knows no limits
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Parasite (2019)
Overrated just like most other movies on this website
22 January 2020
This is not the first movie ever to try and combine 5-6 different genres and be jack of all trades. Each one I've seen so far failed, and this one is no exception... The story is rather simple and movie is simply too long for such simple story. If they made it like, let's say a 90 minutes long gory comedy it would be just fine. probably worth seeing but definitely not a masterpiece or the best movie of 2019
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Locke (2013)
One long handsfree calling commercial
13 January 2020
So there's a guy who drives from one town to another and talks to various people one the phone, using a fancy handsfree technology. If your car doesn't have one you'll definitely feel jealous because it looks mighty cool!! If your car already has handsfree then well maybe you should consider watching some other movie, because I wish I did. Wait, there's a movie going on during this commercial?
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Joker (I) (2019)
Oscar for Phoneix or we riot!
19 November 2019
I'm not a big fan of comic books, as the matter of fact I never read one and I usually don't care about movies based on them, Batman, Spiderman, Captain America, Marvel, DC, whatever... I'm a sucker for psychology movies and that's why I watched this one. And oh boy was it a good decision! If you're expecting your typical comic book-y Joker vs Batman, good vs evil kind of thing you will be disappointed. This is a study of REAL human madness, it's a critic of modern society, it's as real as it gets. Joker is a flawless movie, by far the greatest masterpiece of 21st century, and I am expecting at least one Oscar. And if it gets a sequel as good as this, that sequel deserves Oscar too. I've already seen it twice and I think I didn't have enough of it so I'll watch again
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There can only be one Tarantino
15 October 2019
Drew Goddard, I'm sorry my man... I have no doubt that you're a talented filmmaker but don't do this to me. There are people in every industry that are so unique that they're industry for themselves... There's only Picasso, only one Rolling Stones, only one Mahatma Ghandi and only one Tarantino. This movie is not too bad, if it wasn't trying to mimic Tarantino style I'd probably give it 9/10, but since it's just a bland attempt of that style I can't do more than 6.

Oh and Cynthia Erivo is absolutely gorgeous
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Good movie if this is what you're looking for, but it's in a wrong category
12 October 2019
This movie is a Christian/political drama, it's not mystery nor thriller... As a big mystery junkie I'm always looking for new stuff to watch so I found this one and decided to give it a try. Watched till the end but didn't get what I was looking for, as an apolitical atheist I found this movie extremely boring and lame because the subjects it covers are not something that interests me... Again, if you're into Christian dramas you might enjoy it (I see a lot of people gave it high ratings which means it's not bad) but I can't give it more than two stars.
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