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Don Jon (2013)
Satire at its Finest!
4 January 2014
I have so much respect for JGL. He's obviously an enlightened, intelligent and highly talented human being - his writing, directing and acting abilities are superb.

This movie has many layers of complexity and an extraordinary amount of depth.

I highly recommend watching this only after looking up the definition of 'Satire'.

It looks like a lot of reviewers here just didn't understand this movie.

PS. If you feel attacked while watching this movie, it's a sign you need to level up (open your mind and learn more).
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Great Movie - A Must for Parents and Teachers!
6 January 2013
Wow! This movie is fantastic.

It has a heart warming and intelligent story that everyone can enjoy.

The story takes a while to get going, and this would be my only criticism. If it were an hour or so shorter, it would have been perfect.

However, once the story is up and running, it really brings to light the admirable qualities that make us Human - our creativity, our compassion and our kindness.

I highly recommend this movie.

PS. The English dubbed version was done very well.
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Extreme Right Views
6 January 2013
While Ayn Rand's book has some philosophic value, this movie is just ridiculous.

This movie was created with the intention to use as propaganda to support the Tea Party movement in the USA. Its views are extreme and far right.

What would happen if the wealthiest 1% in the USA disappeared? Would society as we know it collapse? Well, this is what the movie implies - just plain stupid, and only serving their agenda.

Avoid this movie, and if you're interested in Ayn Rand's philosophy read the book.
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The Truth Behind Thrive
19 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Here is a blog post from one of the people (John Robbins - Published in interviewed in this movie. Please allow the post to shed clarity on this horrible movie:


Thrive is the name of a controversial film that asks, and attempts to answer, some of the deepest questions about the nature of the human condition and what is thwarting our chances to prosper. Lavishly funded, it features appealing imagery, beautiful music, and interviews with many leading progressives, including myself. Yet ten of us have signed a statement formally disassociating ourselves from the film.

In my case, the decision was especially difficult because there are aspects of Thrive I find inspiring, and its makers, Foster and Kimberly Gamble, are old friends. Why have Amy Goodman, Deepak Chopra, Paul Hawken, Edgar Mitchell, Vandana Shiva, John Perkins, Elisabet Sahtouris, Duane Elgin and Adam Trombly, as well as yours truly, gone to the trouble of signing our names to this public statement? The statement reads as follows:

"We are a group of people who were interviewed for and appear in the movie Thrive, and who hereby publicly disassociate ourselves from the film."

"Thrive is a very different film from what we were led to expect when we agreed to be interviewed. We are dismayed that we were not given a chance to know its content until the time of its public release. We are equally dismayed that our participation is being used to give credibility to ideas and agendas that we see as dangerously misguided."


It has been painful for me to witness personal friends of mine become caught up in seeing global warming as a lie, and just about everything on earth as part of a vast demonic conspiracy. When I wrote Foster Gamble to voice my disappointment with many of the ideas in the film and website, he wrote back, encouraging me to study the works of David Icke, Eustace Mullins, Stanley Monteith and G. Edward Griffin.

Who are these people, in whose worldviews Thrive has its roots?

David Icke, who is featured prominently in Thrive, is well-known for advocating utterly bizarre theories, and claims that the entire world is run by a secret group of reptilian humanoids who drink human blood and conduct satanic rituals. In a recent interview, Icke seemed to be competing for lunatic of the year. "What I'm explaining now," he said, "is that the moon is not a heavenly body but a construct."

One of the signers of the statement of disassociation from Thrive, former astronaut Edgar Mitchell, has grounds to disagree. As the lunar module pilot of Apollo 14, he spent nine hours working on the moon's surface. Buoyed by lush visual effects and lovely words, the Thrive film has been attractive to many who know how often we are deceived and exploited by the powers that shouldn't be.

The rest of Thrive's primary sources aren't much better. The late Eustace Mullins was the author of a book titled Hitler, An Appreciation. Stanley Monteith, who happens to be a neighbor of mine, has long been involved with Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition, and professes that the environmental movement is a pretext for the effort to create a global police state. He and G. Edward Griffin have long been members and officers of the John Birch Society, a far-right political organization that first came to public attention when one of its founders, Robert W. Welch, proclaimed that Dwight Eisenhower wasn't the genial war hero and popular president he seemed, but rather "a conscious, dedicated agent of the international communist conspiracy." Welch co-founded the John Birch Society along with Fred Koch, the father of today's notorious Koch brothers.


Read the full post by searching "yesmagazine disaster by design" in Google.
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The Lorax (2012)
A Must See for All Children and Adults Alike
16 July 2012
This story is a creatively poetic reminder of how finite the resources of planet earth really are.

All people should and must understand the direct impact we have on the environment. Unless we do something about it now, the future does look pretty bleak..over population, pollution etc.

Imagine a world without trees and natural habitats... it would be a sad world to be sure.

I know for certain I would like for my children (and their children) to be able to enjoy nature at its most vibrant state of life. The diversity of life on our planet is remarkable - lets protect it!

Peace, and let it grow : )
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A Thousand Words (I) (2012)
What's Up With the Negative Reviews??
17 June 2012
I cannot understand why someone would rate this so poorly and call it "an abomination" of a film. These people must like to watch depressing or utter brain dead movies, over heart warming, feel good movies.

Granted this film is not perfect, there are definitely some unnecessary and quite stupid scenes, but this does not detract from the overall moral of the story which makes a powerful philosophical point - a point we must all contemplate.

Eddie Murphy is his funny usual self and the rest of the cast do a great job. Also the cinematography is excellent with some remarkable scenes.

I highly recommend this movie for anyone looking for a meaningful movie. A must watch for all who are positive.

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The Muppets (2011)
Silly Children's Movie
18 February 2012
Incredibly silly humor coupled with a boring story - this, from the perspective of a 28yo guy.

Not worth the time.

For a children's movie, it did have some unnecessary violent scenes. Displaying to children that problems could be solved through the use of violence.

There was also some blatant product placement in the movie, which I found to be quite shameful considering it's a children's movie (Coca Crapa, Red bullsh*t etc).

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Lame, Immature Joke of a Movie
21 January 2012
This movie is an insult to the intelligent mind.

The humor is ridiculously stupid and obviously geared toward the lowest common denominator.

For anyone looking for a stoner film, this movie does not deliver. The majority of the drug scenes are about other harder drugs like cocaine etc. And even then these scenes are just plain stupid anyway.

I feel robbed of my time and a little less intelligent having sat through this lame, immature joke of a movie. I can't imagine the actors are too proud about this one.

1 out of 10 - Lame
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Hot Coffee (2011)
Must Watch Before It's Too Late
1 August 2011
We as a people have to be aware of laws and public policy that is being influenced by big corporations through the use of/and because of money.

Laws and public policy directly affect our freedoms as a people.

This movie beautifully brings this to light, and uses a number of cases which illustrate corporate influence and just downright greedy behaviour.

The narrative is interesting, entertaining and easy to follow. The "lawyer speak" is broken down so everyone can understand it.

I highly recommend this movie! (PS. I WAS one of those "err she's suing over hot coffee?" people.. not any more!)
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Hesher (2010)
Pointless Exercise in Vulgarity with Little Reward
31 July 2011
First up I'd like to say that I was looking forward to seeing Joseph Gordon-Levitt in a new movie, he is a talented actor.

Unfortunately I was let down by the story, dialogue and direction. All of which are sub-par.

Pretty much every second scene had some pointless vulgarity, whether it be explicit sexual descriptions or extreme swearing. In some movies this is called for, and adds to the direction, but in this instance it was absolutely pointless.

The "little reward" I hint to in the title is a cliché moral that is revealed in the end. I did feel moved for moment, but then I just reminded myself of the previous hour and a half, and got annoyed that I sat through the whole thing.

Not worth the time.
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Lame, lame, lame
28 August 2010
This is another movie that panders to the IQ of the lowest common denominator. The humor is ridiculously dumb and it worries me that if the majority of people find this funny and enjoyable, then where is the human species heading?

The movie industry has really let down humanity as of late, and this is yet more garbage to add to the pile. Why on earth is this rated currently 7.1 with over 6,000 votes? It seems as though the majority of people voting on this have very low standards.

I was actually looking forward to a laugh with this movie, and sure there were the odd one or two lines that were funny, but ultimately I was bitterly disappointed.

If you are an intelligent person, my bet is you will not like this movie either.

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Is this where comedy is heading?
16 June 2010
This movie is made to appeal to the lowest common denominator with an IQ below the average. There's projectile vomiting, bare breasts and all of the idiotic comedy you would expect in such a movie.

This movie kind of reminds me of "Idiocracy" the movie, how dumb people are multiplying faster than smart people, and in the far future they're all stupid. There's a scene from that movie that shows what TV would be like for the dumb masses, and all that is playing on it is fart jokes, people being hit in the balls etc. Not too different from some of the comedy contained in this movie.

On a positive note, I thought that Clark Duke was quite funny. It would be good to see him in a comedy where he plays a more central character.

Besides the small positive note, this movie is a brain numbing experience. If you're intelligent it's highly unlikely you will enjoy this movie.

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Religious Propaganda - I wish I knew before watching!!!
30 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is basically saying that people without religion are uncivilized scavengers, and that a book written by MEN hundreds of years ago is the ONLY way for people to learn morals and maintain civilization... without it everything falls apart..

WTF? How on earth can this movie be taken seriously? For someone to believe the message this film is trying to portray blindly, is a worrying thought for myself, and makes me think how much of a disservice they (the person who believes our morals and rules for society can ONLY be learned from a book written by MEN hundreds of years ago, gee whiz I had to repeat that) are doing for the progress of humanity in this unknown universe in which we live.

We now know more than the bible explains about our existence. Plenty of recent knowledge discredits many parts of the bible IE. the core premise/main part. Our ever expanding knowledge has advanced way beyond the word of the bible.

Philosophy is where the "TRUTH" can be found. These texts far outweigh the importance of the bible.

Peace :)
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American elitist propaganda!
25 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was surely intended to work some sort of social engineering. It is racist and portrays the "terrorists" as scumbags who are to be killed.

The number of people killed is staggering. First up, about 30 Asians are killed as easily as dominoes being pushed over by the "American Special Agent" played by John Travolta. Then another onslaught of Pakistanis numbering in the 20's or more.

This whole time there is no mention of what the "terrorists" are after. It just seems they want death and destruction.

This movie also glorifies guns. The way the two American lead actors worship their guns is no doubt a cliché.

I better mention some of the positives. The action scenes were I suppose mindlessly entertaining. The role of John Travolta was different and he made it entertaining.

All in all, that could not deter my mind from thinking in disgust what was actually being portrayed by the movie as a whole. This movie will definitely appeal to the average redneck, gun wielding, arrogant American. People with a thinking mind will see straight through the facade and see the propaganda. The youth of today are impressionable and these types of movies hold us back as a species from uniting and living in harmony.
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