
17 Reviews
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30 Year old High schoolers?
19 October 2020
I didn't realize high school in Canada went until 30. It sure seems that way in this series. Not a single supposed teen looks a day younger than 27. And obviously there is no dress code. Aside from that criticism, the drama requires significant suspension of disbelief. The writers didn't put a lot of effort into this. On the plus side, it was good to see that Billy Baldwin can still get acting jobs.
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Blah Manor
19 October 2020
Would have made a decent(not great) 90 minute movie. Instead it is 9+ hours of sleep inducing tedium. By episode 7 I didn't care if they were dead or what, I was in a coma.
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Anna (II) (2019)
Not Bresson's Best, but Not Bad Either!
16 September 2019
Rule of thumb for this site; ignore ALL 1, 2, 9 & 10 star reviews. These are all written by someone with an ax to grind, or a total fan-boy! This is not a remake of La Femme Nikita, although Bresson injects some similarity. And there seems to be a lot of complaints about historical accuracy. Wow.. just so you know, radio telephones were a thing in the 80's. In fact they existed as far back as the 40's!

I personally like Bresson films. While this is not as fresh or original as Nikita or Leon, it has its moments. It is a pretty decent action drama. The flashbacks are not hard to follow or understand, although there are probably a few more than needed. And Bresson seems to have a fondness for leggy blondes in his later films (see also Angel-A). But overall it is worth watching and you won't be bored.
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Be Somebody (2016)
Lightweight but enjoyable teen romance
22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you, like me, are sick of the constant barrage of CGI laden fantasy killer thrillers that seem to be common in today's movie world, this is a pleasant little respite that features some character development and human interaction. I'm not sure why there is so much animosity towards this film. I found it to be an enjoyable if light weight film to watch. One criticism is the film is predictable. Well, it is a lightweight romantic not quite rom-com. By definition those are predictable. Have you ever seen one that isn't? And the acting of the two young leads is very good. I found them both to be appealing and to have a chemistry that made there interactions believable. Maybe the thing that bothers some reviewers the most is that there is no drama. Neither character is facing a 'life or death' trauma. It is just two young people examining the life choices they have made and will eventually need to make.

If I have any criticisms to level, it is that for teenagers, these two seem to have the maturity level of 40 year-olds. And there lives are really too ideal. Emily's parents are too good to be real, and even Jordan's 'momager' shows a surprising mellow attitude. Oh, and any resemblance to that cookie-cutter, made-for-TV 'Starstruck' is superficial at best!
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Mandy (I) (2018)
And I thought I had Already Seen the Worst Nic Cage Movie!
2 October 2018
Nicolas Cage's descent into awful movies just keeps on sinking lower and lower. Once again we get to see the full range of Nic's grimaces of pain, or rage, or sadness, or... actually we get to see all one of his grimaces cause they all look alike. But at least we see his grimaces with his face covered in blood, or mud or, well, it's hard to tell because the film is so badly under-lighted that it is hard to tell what that slimy stuff is supposed to be. It could be an avocado peel as far as I can tell. And an avocado peel would make just as much sense as anything else in this movie. Apparently there is no script so bad, or premise so ridiculous that Nic won't do it for the right money. In this case it looks like he might have got paid at least a $20 per-diem, because they sure didn't waste their money on anything else in this movie, like sets or a script that makes sense. I think the academy should demand their award back!
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Gemini (II) (2017)
It Kept My Interest
30 June 2018
I think it is about time to abolish the User Reviews on IMDB. But until they do, a word of advice; ignore all 1-star reviews. I've noticed a sad trend where the same usernames give just about every film I look at a 1-star review with a 3 - 10 word explanation. It's almost as though someone is trying to see how many bad reviews they can give. As for this film, I enjoyed the muted colors and less than common Holllywood locations. The characters are all pretty vapid, clueless celebrity types that seem to be the norm these days. even the police seem to be pretty clueless. At least the protagonist, Jill, seems to understand the lack of substance and meaning in most of their lives. The plot is not new, but heck, even Shakespeare complained that there is nothing new under the sun. And, for the record, I find ambiguous endings much more interesting than a neatly tied-up solution. I thought the ending fit with the overall tenor of this film.
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Okay... Until the Last 5 Minutes
6 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoiler Alert*** First, let me say that I have NOT read the book. For all I know this could be a perfect adaptation of the book. I watched the movie because I like Britt Robertson, a decent young actress who seems destined to play teenagers her entire career, and it has a good supporting cast. The movie seemed pretty straight forward while watching. A 'coming-of-age' story about a young woman who has some serious flaws. After investing an hour and half in this young woman's story, the movie is turned 180 degrees with a voice-over by the mother in the last 5 minutes. So, the entire tone of the film was totally abandoned at the end with this out-of-the-blue coda.

It left me wondering, what is the point of this film? Is it a polemic about stranger abduction? A warning to parents to watch your kids? I do enjoy films with unresolved endings. But I hate films that end with a total twist. It is like watching a murder mystery, only to discover that the perpetrator is a character who was not introduced during the entire story.
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Veronica Mars (2014)
It's Never as Good as the First Time
4 August 2014
Excuse the use of the Sade song title, but it really sums up my feelings about this film. I wanted to like it, I really did. I liked the TV show, and even contributed to the Kickstarter campaign. I'm not sure what I expected, but what we got was basically a 2 hour TV reunion show (2 hours if you had commercials, the film is only 105 minutes).

In 10 years, the residents of Jupiter have gotten older, but not smarter or wiser. And, sadly, even though all of the actors expressed great enthusiasm for the project, they all seem a little tired. They're happy for the pay checks, but in the end, they are rehashing the same characters, with the same emotions and the same actions as 10 years ago. Kristen Bell always brought that world-weary sense of cynicism to Veronica Mars, even when she was playing a high school detective. Now she just seems weary. I would much rather watch her in 'House of Lies', where that more grown up cynicism shines.

Bottom line is we should all have just moved on, and let our memories of the TV show remain intact. This was not an elegant ending of a good show, but a sad reminder of what we once liked and enjoyed.
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Enemy (2013)
Arachnophobia for the Pseudo-Intellectual
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What was this movie about? I don't know, but plenty of reviewers here seem to think they know, and they all have different interpretations. Clearly this movie appeals to those who think they are smarter than the average movie watcher. While I enjoy a movie that makes the viewer think, or leaves an unresolved ending, I never claimed to be above average.

So many reviews refer to the many dark "plot twists". Sorry, but a plot twist is when an action or character turns the direction of the plot in an unexpected way. A plot twist is not a thread that is left dangling abruptly, never to be resolved or even referred to again. Nor is it when characters act in completely incomprehensible ways that defy common sense. But yes, this movie is dark, so dark that even on a big screen 1080P television or monitor, the action is often difficult to discern.

So, if you think you are smarter than the average movie watcher, and you like to find the hidden meaning in the most ridiculous situations, then this movie is for you. As for the rest of us, it is 90 minutes of your life you will never get back.
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Maidentrip (2013)
A True Coming-of-Age Story
8 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I first heard of this film, I expected it to be a family friendly tale of another precocious teen. But, it is different. I vaguely recalled hearing of this story, but watching it was fascinating. This is more than the story of a sail around the world, it is the story of a teenager, maturing into a young woman. The Laura Dekker we see at the end of this film is a more mature, self-confident and introspective person than the teen we met at the start.

This film is not an instructional video on sailing around the world, nor is it an inspiring tale to encourage others to follow her example. But it is a fascinating character study of one young woman, who seems to have been born to make this trip.

I checked the 'spoiler' box, but come on... It is a real life story, how can there really be any spoilers? She survived the trip.
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Haywire (2011)
Why All the Hate for this Movie
1 July 2012
I really don't understand all of the snarky, hate filled reviews of this movie. Apparently the 14 year old boys who have written the cookie cutter bad reviews don't like the lack of cgi or nudity. The action in this film is much more realistic than the usual fantastical, beyond human capability, action, and the car chase is real world, not impossible cgi enhanced.

As for the acting, well Gina Carano isn't going to sway any academy voters, but she is fine in the role of a double-crossed government contractor, and is a worthy stunt performer. Ewan McGregor, Channing Tatum, and Michael Fassbender are believable, and Michael Douglas and Antonio Banderas have small contributing parts.

So don't be swayed by the 1 or 2 star teenage boy reviews. This is a satisfying, intelligently scripted film. And Steven Soderberg's usual visual creativity makes this a stylish thriller.
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Another Disappointing American Remake
31 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I checked the spoiler box, but I find it hard to believe that anyone interested in this movie has not read the book, or seen the Swedish version. And, frankly I can't understand the glowing reviews from critics and praise for Rooney Mara's performance. Did they read the book, or see the Swedish version? First the good. I did like the ending better than the Swedish version. It was closer to the book, and necessary to set up Lisbeth's antagonism toward Bloomkvist in the second book. But I wonder if they were even thinking about a possible second film, because they dragged at least 2 key scenes from the second book into this film, one being Lisbeth's confrontation of Bjurman about the possible tattoo removal.

Now for the bad. As created by Larsson in the book, and as portrayed by Noomi Rapace in the Swedish version, Lisbeth was an angry, fearless outsider, determined to live life on her terms. As portrayed by Mara, Lisbeth is a waif, unable to cope with life, making her outbursts of violence both puzzling and unexpected. In the book, it is clear that Lisbeth was the stronger character, but that's not the way Mara portrays her. That is the crux of the problem with this movie, and probably the reason for the glowing reviews. A waif-like Lisbeth is much less threatening to the male reviewers, than a strong fearless one.In the book, Lisbeth took charge in tough situations, she certainly didn't need to ask permission from Bloomkvist. The portrayal of Lisbeth, as directed by Fincher, and as portrayed by Mara, is a huge disappointment, and not true to the character in the book at all.

There were other missteps in this version as well. Daniel Craig seemed removed and dis-interested. He seemed to be walking through the performance giving little emotion. Maybe Craig just can't play a role that makes him subordinate to a woman, or maybe Fincher can't conceive of a film like that. In the Swedish version, Bjurman was a frightening character who exuded an aura of threat. In contrast, the character of Bjurman in Fincher's movie seemed more of an overgrown adolescent, who relished his position of authority.

Both versions played freely with the time-line of the book, and by dropping or including different subplots. But, the dropping of the "Kalle Bloomkvist" nickname that was so prominent in the books is curious. Again, Lisbeth used it as an ironic nickname to express her disdain for Bloomkvist, something that the waif Lisbeth couldn't do. Granted it didn't play as big of a role in the first book, but if you were thinking of a trilogy it was needed to set up the later films. I also didn't understand the inclusion of a daughter for Bloomkvist. It served no purpose, and was not in the book.

Overall, if you are a fan of the book, and liked the way Lisbeth was imagined by Larsson, you will be disappointed by the movie. If you feel threatened by a strong independent woman, then you will appreciate the way Fincher has castrated his version of Lisbeth. This was not as good as the Swedish version, which presented a film much closer in tone to the book.
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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Stupid
11 December 2011
Loud, crude, stupid and BORING! The 1st Hangover was barely tolerable. It too was loud and stupid, but it had enough laughs to keep me interested to the end of the film. Apparently the producers figured that being lewd, crude and obnoxious to an even greater degree was all that was needed for the sequel. After 45 minutes of this mess, I had not even cracked a smile. I was even willing to bet that the government of Thailand was seriously regretting ever having issued a filming permit (maybe they didn't issue a permit). In any event, this movie lacked any humor or other redeeming social value. After the tasteless scene in the Ladyboy bar, I had enough and called it quits. I don't even want to contemplate the kind of minds that gave this film a positive rating.
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Fun, Modern Romantic Comedy
27 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am a little surprised by some of the negative reviews posted here about this movie. What did these people think they were going to see, Shakespeare? Ibsen? Shaw? Come on people, it is a romantic comedy, and a pretty good one at that. Clichéd? Uhhh, a romantic comedy is one big cliché. Did anyone really think that ... SPOILER ALERT... they weren't going to end up together at the end of the film???? If she died, or he got hit by a bus, it would be a drama or tragedy, not a rom-com. The two stars showed surprising chemistry in this film. Mila Kunis was articulate, funny, adorable, heck I fell in love with her. Plus she really has a flare for comedic timing. If you compare this film to its ugly 2011 clone 'No Strings Attached', you start to wonder if the wrong actress from 'Black Swan' got the awards. Justin Timberlake was equally effective. I bought these two as a couple. The rest of the cast was certainly up to the task. Patricia Clarkson seems to be getting type-cast as the kooky mother, and Richard Jenkins was good as the Alzheimer suffering, but endearing father. Woody Harrelson turned his 5 minutes of screen time into another over-the-top performance. Over all, this is a slight, fun, modern (plenty of swearing) romantic comedy, filled with enough cultural references that it will feel dated in 10 years. It doesn't pretend to be high art, and you shouldn't judge it that way either.
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The Romantics (2010)
Filled with potential, but ultimately disappoints
19 February 2011
I wanted to like this movie, I usually enjoy small character studies, but sadly this film was a disappointment. Maybe it was too much to expect Katie Holmes to carry the story. Unfortunately her lack of range and/or talent is obvious in this film. And, Anna Pacquin, who is so good and fiery in True Blood, is left with little to do except be a bitch. Malin Ackerman plays a riff on her 27 Dresses role. Candice Bergn is mostly absent in the film. Finally, Josh Duhamel stumbles through the movie with the same stunned look on his face for the whole film. It is hard to imagine either woman in this film would be attracted to him. Character driven films are only enjoyable when we learn and understand the motivation behind the characters, or when we watch them grow and evolve. In this film we learn little of the character's background story or motivations, and there certainly is no growth. Overall the film is a sad mess, and I will not be recommending it to my friends.
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Triple Dog (2010)
A Decent Coming of Age Film
14 January 2011
This movie still hasn't been released in the US, at least not in wide distribution, and that is a shame. Despite the 2 (so far) 1 star reviews, that appear to have been written by the same person, this is not a bad movie. The characters are a bit stereotypical, but, name a teen movie where they are not. And, frankly, the teens in this movie are far more believable than in most teen films. Part of the problem might be that this film seems to be categorized as a thriller, and it definitely is not. It is a coming of age movie. I like that the characters do develop over the course of the film. And, while it is hard to empathize with the main character, Chapin, in the beginning, by the end of the film I did. I am also a Brit Robertson fan from her work on the TV series 'Life Unexpected'. And, why this film got an R rating is beyond me. Oh, and this film passes the Bechdel test(look it up if you have never heard of it). That may be the reason for the unhappy reviews.
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Enjoyable small movie with a European Sensibility
26 November 2010
I'm not sure how I heard of this movie, but I just recently saw it on DVD. Despite a very unfortunate title, that probably discouraged potential viewers, this was a very well done small film. The film kept my interest throughout, in spite of a very slender plot. A pre-'Gossip Girl' Blake Lively is radiant and likable in this film. It's too bad they couldn't find more for Mary Steenburgen and Keith Carradine to do in the film, but an almost unrecognizable Joe Mantegna is a true delight as he steals every scene he is in. The cinematography was a real standout. Great care obviously went into the framing of the shots, as they manage to wring every ounce of beauty out of the sparse central Texas landscape, and barren South Padre Island seashore. About three quarters of the way through, I realized that this movie had a very definite European feel to it. It is vaguely reminiscent of an Eric Rohmer film, one of his slight tales of love, morality and obsession. If I have one fault with the movie, it is that I wanted to know more about the characters of Elvis and Anabelle. How did they become the people they are.

I have to assume that the 1 star ratings given by a couple of reviewers must be from fans of Michael Bay films. Obviously there are no explosions, mindless chase scenes , cartoon-ish special effects, or cartoon characters in this film. So, if that is your preferred entertainment, I respectfully suggest that you skip this movie.
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