
42 Reviews
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The Beekeeper (2024)
The Beekeeper - Jason Statham is the man, the rest of the cast - posers!
23 June 2024
If it wasn't for Jason Statham being tagged to this movie, it would bomb with basic B-movie writing, very little emotion and acting actually done. All the actors had one dimensional characters. They played a simple role. Of course, we are talking about an action flick. Well, in action, this movie doesn't disappoint from Jason Statham's standpoint. Some of the other actors and stunt people did well including Anisette, but the bad guys are clearly untrained posers with no martial arts capabilities and your average thug who you give him a gun he's a badass. Without his gun, he's nothing but a common man on a weekend job before he goes back to his office daily work.
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Worth the wait!
23 November 2023
Just watched the documentary. Really good stories. Throws a lot of different aspects of Sully's life. Not heavily deep on one topic or another. Definitely even keel storyline. Having followed the band from a far distance for many years, there's a lot I learned from the Youtube show during the pandemic and then this documentary solidified my impression filling those gaps. It's not all positive, not all negative either. I hope other fans get to enjoy the movie as much as I did. Thank you to Sully, the Erna family, the bandmates and all Sully's friends who participated in this film and a huge thank you to Godsmack. Your work on the first album and putting "Whatever" out definitely launched your career. That song is so out of this world I remembered when I first heard it in '99 on the radio, I thought "My God! What....the........hell is that?" Anyone who can write and sing that one and I stand alone from the 3rd album definitely has to be good. 7 albums and 24 years later. I loved all the other songs too. 28 Top 10 radio hits. Prop your feet on the recliner with your fiancee in your arms, Sully. My man, you got it made in the shade.
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Wasted Talent (2018)
Wasted talent indeed!
11 November 2023
Why would this fellow who was warned multiple times, who had the foundation for success in his hands, who listened to two very accomplished actors (yes I mean Mr. Palminteri too not just Mr. De niro) working the entire time with him on the film and this little weasel decides I am going to be a big fat loser who plays with guns and hangs with cop killers and steals someone's stuff for drug money? I can understand why Mr. Palminteri didn't want anything from you, loser. You are a deceitful selfish man and sure you can play the part of a naive young man growing as a person but while you were good onscreen not a damn thing in that movie even what you read in your narration meant anything to you, not one thing. Brother, where is your loyalty?
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Good acting and directing but script writing! Way too simple.
5 November 2023
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If you're looking for a film to change your life, well, depending on what change you want like how to communicate with your ex again after bitterness years then this film is for you, otherwise this film is what the title and synopsis tells you so it's not impressing. It's a film for the exes to actually take the time to discuss what happened prior and what changed to get them to where they can speak again and maybe follow in love again. Amusing, fun and unpredictable my ass! It's easily predictable. I am amused at their use of humor with the voiceover but as far as what happens later good question, what just happened now is mine. I'm an engineer and I could have wrote a better script. If you want to be spoiled, don't read a brief summary of the film.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Some Wicked Sh**!
7 November 2022
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I watched Final Destination yesterday and its sequels and man that was insane. This was less grotesque, but the moral compass of this film was equally horrifying. It's great when you have no killer and your death comes naturally or freakish, but when you have someone holding a knife to your kids ready to butcher them. Son of a b****! The acting was ridiculously good, but the storyline was too obvious from the get-go. As the purgers showed up, the family was living as a fraud and they attempted to prove it. Conceptually, the ideas they had in this film were beautiful about good and bad, right and wrong were spot on!
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Awesome film with a fantastic premise!
5 November 2022
This is the last of the reviews I will be posting for now as I seen all the films. Stephen King would be the first in line to get an autograph from this movie's writer and director. The gore was horrendously overdone, the suspense was wicked and had me on the edge of my seat. Having binge watched every film, this has been one hell of a day. Thank you to the film of each of the five films for being a cruel bunch. Anyone who make a film like this is 1) psychotic; 2) a major horror thrill seeker. Frankly, I find the two mutually exclusive, but it was a honor to see this film and its predecessors and glad I did. Great acting. The deaths in this film were graphic, but alright. The subplot by one character was a fantastic twist at the end. Overall a sadist's wet dream. That's all for me. Now I'm going to go change my shorts. Lol. Wow!
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"Are you not entertained? I said, 'Are you not entertained?' Is that why you're all here?"
5 November 2022
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Presently, watching this movie. A real piece of work this film. The accident in the beginning was interesting, but every death since then is insane. I just witnessed one survivor of the beginning die really graphically over halfway into the film. Talking really blood red kind of crap. -Whistles- Holy Lord I'm glad I'm watching this film (no regrets). It lacks in taste (case in point my subject "Are you not entertained? I said, 'Are you not entertained?' Is that why you're all here?" from the Russel Crowe film Gladiator). God damn it doesn't disappoint. I'm not a big fan of graphic horror movies, but trying to keep an open mind and not avoid them all together. This film has some disgusting parts intentionally made to make anyone who is easily squeamish grab a trash can or turn away if you need to. For some reason, I haven't yet and presently eating too. Crazy film. If you can hold your lunch in, enjoy! If not, this isn't the film for you.
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Suspenseful and Moderately Disgusting
5 November 2022
At the time of release, I wasn't a huge horror fan especially when everything is exuberated in gore, thus making me a late bloomer to viewing these movies but it was worth it. The first didn't even try to really gross me out. It was quite normal and just spooky without any gore. This one is definitely different. In some places I think they should have done a little better with the realism (one heck of an oxymoron I realize), but I like the suspense and the screams of those dying and those witnessing appear realistic even though it's all acting. As a fantasy horror made for all audiences i.e. (without the X-rating) this was great and thus far it's actually classier (in a weird way) than I expected.
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5 November 2022
For the last 22 years, I never really thought of this series as good or even remotely interesting and the later ones I have my doubts but will try them out. However this film on its own exceeded my expectations. I thought it would be a simple all blood and guts film designed to be demented and couldn't handle watching, but this isn't that bad. I enjoyed the suspense which was brought on by the movie's score and story telling. This movie is the perfect film. It's beautiful and scary without the grotesque. 10 out of 10. The acting was okay for most of the film, mainly with the main character. The special effects was awesome for a film that was budgeted pretty bad. Overall very smart.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Not bad for a musical with a simple storyline
10 July 2022
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Those who hate this movie probably aren't rockers. On the basis of rock and roll, it's a hit. It's an in-your-face clash against pop and rap. The message is simple: LONG LIVE ROCK AND ROLL! If you can't do that, then expect to be drowned out and kicked off the stage. The storyline is simple, predictable but doesn't matter because the entertainment value across the whole film is great with one notable exception. Catherine Zeta Jones' Hit Me With Your Best Shot. Frankly that scene could have used some work. Not sure if it was the dancing choreography or the fact that I doubt Jones was singing it but it was cringey. Kind of felt she had no clue what she was doing and how to move because it lacked coordination. To make it worse she was dressed in conservative attire which was the point of her character, but proved to be hinderance in the scene. The rest of the film was great.
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I seen better films than this
20 June 2022
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First of all, we all know Craig is done. He's old. He might even wanted more money to make another and as it turns I guess they wanted to make sure he went out with a blaze of glory. Honestly, that died flat in the end. I personally feel cheated because they really didn't do enough to enhance the suspense. They just plopped the whole thing right in front of you and expected you to absorb it in a short amount of time. The movie itself was very long. Nothing about the film felt it had the traditional Bond-esque charisma but then again Bond wasn't 007 in this film. What a pity and it was very limited on the Bond theme song too, another pity! I know it's 2022 and technology is warefare but nanabots. Is that what we reduced ourselves? The storyline may be modern but the nanobots idea really sucked. Rami Malek as the villain wasn't much of a hardcore villain. He didn't prove himself in this film. I gave the movie a 6 for effort but really it's probably a 4 if it had lousy actors because the story while it had a few great scenes lost me halfway through and by the end I was bored.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
NCIS Hawaii is definitely no rom-com
20 May 2022
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I like the format and characters with one notable exception. There's a small number of scenes where two women are in a lesbian relationship. As the season progresses, things go sour. In the latter half of the series, the writers decided to be as lazy as you possibly can. In real life, you bust your butt to get a girl including buying a dozen roses with a 13th one you hand to your love. That states a strong declaration of intent of where your heart is. The one character on this show it took her 5 or 6 episodes to get "I'm sorry" from the other and no flowers yet. Writers, why are you going cheap on us? I know this is a crime drama, but if you're going to use a relationship as a subplot, you got to follow through. Hopefully, the season finale is where we see what we been waiting for all season.
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Good story. More mysterious than other movies.
22 February 2022
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I feel the writers made a step up with this story which while slow and head scratching kept me engaged to why certain things were happening. I personally figured out who was the culprit shortly after the halfway point but it was due to a repeated unusual pattern. It just gnawed at me until I realized it was a significant issue in the film. Everything else was smoke and mirrors. Now the why took me a bit more to find but I realized my conclusion while yet to be revealed was verified.
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Peppermint (2018)
The movie definitely was that of mindless action.
11 October 2021
Everything you would predict in this film you got. If there's a sequel to Peppermint, I hope they keep Jennifer Garner and perhaps take a few more notes from Charles Bronson's work in Death Wish because Death Wish was definitely smarter and stylish than this modern day. Most of Garner's acting was superb. She was real, some of the other actors were one dimensional though. They didn't have to and didn't try to work too hard in their roles which made flat. I consider the movie and the title of Peppermint and what it means as the sweetness of revenge. Well revenge we have. The storyline could have been a bit better, too cookie cutter for my taste.
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Selma (2014)
A Great Film
21 June 2021
I enjoyed the film. The actors were top notch including the actor portraying Dr. King. King was a very intelligent man and his reason, his wisdom came through. The film felt extremely real and wasn't just about the subject matter to make it dramatic. It was altogether realistic based on actions amongst people in request for freedom from racism to have their voices heard at the voting booth.
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The Rookie: Lockdown (2021)
Season 3, Episode 5
Two points for Titus Makin and Brandon Routh in this episode
15 February 2021
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These two officers in a moral race war with one another definitely hits high point. I am glad for this episode to be had. The writers did a great job and certainly inspired people on what being a human being is all about, civilian or government official. I am sure it was a tough one to write and equally tough one to act out but Makin and Routh did a great job making each of their scenes count.
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The mysteries are always very good! However, character development this series lacks!
24 August 2020
I shouldn't be surprised considering this is a TV movie from a weak network like Hallmark. I have no issues with any of the storylines here included, but and I will only suggest this once on a TV episode of the movie series. If you're a spy or secret agent which they'd like to showcase Jane Does as, no one ever should know who you work for or what your code name is ever. I watched 7 episodes yesterday and only briefly did in the first episode and this one did she act completely secretive with her identity. From the moment, Lea Thompson's Cathy Davis revealed Jane Doe, CSA agent, to a witness I knew that would come back to bite her and boy it did so in some occasions. Michael Weston of Burn Notice played by Jeffrey Donovan is a true spy. Jane Doe/Cathy Davis is a free wheeling puzzle solver with a badge and rare use of anonymity. That being said, Lea Thompson otherwise did a good job as an investigator. Frankly, that's all I can say about her role.
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Chicago (2002)
Dislike musicals!
4 August 2020
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There's really no story to this movie at all. Sleazy lawyer tries to get a guilty woman off. Movie over! It's only good and well regarded because it's a musical with hot actresses and actors singing. The storyline itself has no intrigue, interest, etc. Richard Gere has done better work in other movies, including one where he played the cynical lawyer, not the sleazy one. Renee Zellwinger who's character is guilty as hell portrayed her well on script. No interwine though. Catherine Zeta Jones looked hot, but not much to her character either.
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I love this movie! It was very tough in some places to watch but it was great! No regrets seeing it!
19 July 2020
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The movie involves an ordinary man who was raised to stand up for himself and his family, look to shoot for hunting when he was a young boy. This ordinary man, Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle, serves 10 years in the Navy Seals on and off tour while raising his family and managing the ugliness of his work and the lonliness he feels when he's overseas. He suffers a great deal from PTSD as a result of the difficult decisions he made on a daily basis when he determines through a sniper scope who's a threat, man, woman or child. Each time I watched a sniper scene I found myself thinking what I would do if I had the same guts, talents, and wisdom this man had and I was in that situation, juggling all those instincts a human being faced with life and death, right and wrong decisions has to endure. Those scenes were very tense and I applaud Clint Eastwood, director/actor extraordinaire for not rushing it, adding delay to each killing or pull back and view from the sniper scope while Chief Petty Officer Kyle determines whether he is justified in killing the person through the scope indiscriminately, no matter how dreadful it goes against human instinct.

There's nothing about the movie I deem unrealistic. It's saturated in violence and some grisly imagery, but the average person can manage it. There's a dozen movies of war far worse than this.

The main character, Chris Kyle, is not a perfect person as shown in the movie and does make several mistakes, which showcase this. Great acting by Bradley Cooper in that role. It's definitely a challenge for anyone to play a grisly bear character with a heart of gold who's haunted by the war he endured.

Overall, great film!
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This movie is awesome! 6.2 average - you all suck!
9 July 2020
Frankly, the plot is not award winning, but it's still a very funny film with Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine, and Benjamin Bratt all delivering acting performances that make you laugh, cry, get angry with, and laugh again. Storyline is simple, not complex and the title makes it consistent with the premise, but in the end the movie is not forgettable and it's a lot of fun. If I had the opportunity to, I'd propose to Sandra Bullock without fail. She's beautiful, intelligent, graceful, and an extremely hot slice of crazy chick. She is an absolute doll.
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For the plot the way it was, this movie was 1/2 hour too long for me.
6 July 2020
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Honestly, they made The Dark Knight a long one at 2 hours 45 minutes, which like other movies such as Titanic and Saving Private Ryan, both films had points for them to be that long. The Dark Knight rises could have trimmed about four or five scenes mainly in the 3/4 quarter of the film and saved us 30 minutes of screen time. I understand the whole Batman has have a challenge after he was imprisoned and Bain has to take over for some time, but that was 45 minutes that was long and dragged out.

I expected more Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Granted she's not the hardcore Bane and doesn't compete with his strength, so she couldn't have been the main villian or hero, but how did she sign onto this film beats the whopping out of me, because her role in it could easily been written. She's a middle woman with a change of heart. Not a crazy chick like Sharon Stone would have been and Michelle Pfeiffer and Halle Berry were.

In the description, Batwoman fights Catwoman and Bane. Well, my response, not much in this film. More like she's a low rent criminal who decided not to be a coward cohorting with bad asses.
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Monk: Mr. Monk Paints His Masterpiece (2008)
Season 6, Episode 14
Leave it to Peter Stomare to sell a lump of bulls***
28 June 2020
This Swedish born actor is a very underrated North European man who can portray any character any day of the week and twice on the weekend. His natural talent for accents along with his charismatic taste comes off so easily it doesn't look like he's trying hard and the funny part is that he's so good at it.

In this episode, Peter Stomare in typical Stomare fashion portrayed a Russian art dealer/con artist with an ulterior motive for purchasing Monk's amateur paintings and drawings.
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Mystery 101: Words Can Kill (2019 TV Movie)
3 murders - who done it?
21 March 2020
This was one really good film, but right from the get-go, my curiosity got the best of me and I started placing my bets. Sure as hell, I was right about one person in the end. It was definitely worth watching from start to finish to see it unfold, but it was really funny how the innocent look so damn guilty.
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NCIS: New Orleans: The Man in the Red Suit (2020)
Season 6, Episode 14
I like the challenge!!!!
10 March 2020
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Let's face it. Lucas Black did very well for six seasons, but he's left for better things. Everyone knows it. As a man who is either arrogant or self-deprecating, I appreciate this new guy. It's hard for some of us to be right there in the middle and be like everyone else. Since the beginning of the role, the characters have gone through several different stages of building and pushed down, brought back up, the works, etc. The team has though never had a brash ego-driven mother****** join the team. I applaud the writers for how they brought Khouri last season and how they brought Carter in. Everyone who hates changes and hates new characters who are cold, don't forget Khouri was a misfit in the beginning. Agent Gregario never liked Khouri either with her take-charge attitude. Eventually when the dust cleared the team together. When Carter shows his human side at some point, much like he did towards the end of the episode with the female Marine, he will prove his self-worth to the cast and everyone on this board and all the other entertainment review boards will like this guy. We just need the challenge!!!!
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The L Word: Look Out, Here They Come! (2008)
Season 5, Episode 2
Great episode!
17 February 2020
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Plenty of conflict, intimacy and comedy in this episode.

For comic relief, watch Shane's storyline. She lands a sweet gig at a wedding where she's the entire bridal party's hair stylist. In typical Shane fashion, hair isn't the only thing Shane succeeds with. Apparently, the bride, her maids of honor, and the mother of the bride are openly bi and couldn't help but hit on Shane, each looking for their lesbian encounter. Each moment she met with one of them lead to some really steamy rendezvous. Somehow Shane managed to stop the bride from pushing forward and make the worst mistake of her life. After the encounters, Shane tries to get away and move on but eventually the girls find her and swooning for a relationship, eventually chasing Shane who eventually finds Tina & Jenny driving off and joins to escape the swarm of beautiful women.
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