
39 Reviews
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Spirited Away (2001)
Beautiful film..
4 December 2020
One of the best animated movies I've ever seen. A magical story that has some universal lessons, presented in a delightful way. Highly recommend!
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Possibly the worst movie ever...
22 November 2020
A confusing jumble of events for the plot, miserable acting by all, and cinematography that appears to be shot for a grade d television show. I don't want to waste more time writing about it. Don't waste your time watching it.
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Mulan (2020)
Not terrible, mildly entertaining
6 September 2020
Mulan is not as bad as some reviews indicate. I think some were overly harsh. It wasn't the most wonderful movie, but had beautiful cinematography, some and reasonably solid acting. The script should have been stronger, but the principal actors did a serviceable job. It was watchable for the most part.
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Great story, great acting
27 July 2020
With a script written by Paddy Chayefsky, this movie presents strong ideas about the nature of war. I think this is one of James Garners best acting efforts, and is a kind of stretch for him away from his light romantic comedies.. Julie Andrews is perfect as a prim, proper British woman who evolves gradually over the course of the movie. Garner and Andrews play off one another, and have some good chemistry going. Definitely watch this movie!
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Stephanie (I) (2017)
Surprisingly good...
23 April 2020
This movie is on Netflix so I gave it a try. I was glad I did.

It's a horror/mystery/maybe sci-fi story, with some twists and turns as the plot unfolds. The first 30 minutes are a little slow, and you might wonder what's going on here. Stick with it though. As the film unfolds after that point, you'll probably figure out what's happening, however, don't be too sure.

This is actually quite a good horror/ mystery/sci-fi movie with a pretty original story. It was directed by Akiva Goldsman who has had a good career making engaging movies. This one will definitely keep you involved.
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Kind of twisted....
18 April 2020
I think this is a twisted, unnecessarily convoluted reimagining of the old TV series. The movie didn't do anything to improve the concept of Fantasy Island, and instead loads it down with an idiotic story, poor to only fair acting, and a half baked conclusion. See it if you're desperate to waste time.
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Queen & Slim (2019)
Uneven film....
7 April 2020
From the opening incident that catapults Queen and Slim into an unevenly told story, to the final scene, I found quite a bit to admire about the movie. Some sections of the movie were wonderful, other scenes not so much. I would say if the way the story was told was more cohesive, and not so split off in parts, this could've been a great movie.

To me, it started out being a film about racial injustice, with a police officer acting in a horrific way, with an incident that I think we all recognize from many news stories that happen frequently. After the opening, the film becomes another movie about the relationship between two very different people, unexpectedly thrown together, and experience personal growth and love for one another.

It was good, but fell short of the mark. The acting was very good, so I can't fault their performance. I say watch the movie and appreciate the best parts.
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Let it end here...
23 March 2020
This should've been a much better movie, but it had some good scenes. The plot is like Swiss cheese - full of holed. People dying and wounded, then brought back to life by "The Force". Back and forth crazy battles between the dark force and light force. Characters from past Star War movies dropping in and out, and what seemed like serious internal conflicts of the characters magically solved without much effort.

Still it wasn't that bad. Some good battles, some CGI was ok, it was nice to see cameos from the older movies. I found myself kind of hoping they'd resurrect Yoda. If you're a Star Wars fan watch it, just don't look for a high quality film..
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Bombshell (I) (2019)
Complex story almost covers the takedown of Ailes.....
11 February 2020
Bombshell is a try at tackling a complex, layered history of the events that led to the removal of Roger Ailes at Fox News.

Many viewers are probably more or less familiar with the news coverage at that time. I think this movie fills in at least some of the impact Ailes' long term sexual harassment had on many women at Fox.

Ailes appeared to be a sick, twisted guy who never really owns up to what he did, and that he seemingly believed that his sexual predation of the women at Fox was actually not so bad.

Charlize Theron knocks it out of the park in her portrayal of Megyn Kelley. There were moments watching her, that I'd swear it was actually Kelley. She helped make this movie work. Margot Robbie and Nicole Kidman both gave stellar performances as well.
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Ma (I) (2019)
Craziness at a snails pace.....
9 February 2020
With such acting talent as Octavia Spencer and Juliette Lewis, you'd think the screenwriters would take advantage of an opportunity to play out something of a compelling,psychological thriller/horror film. But it didn't come to pass. The movie slowly creeps along for around 45 minutes until anything interesting happens. Then the story kind of dribbles along and limps into a disappointing finale. As it is, Spencer, Lewis, and a few others do the best they can with flat, tired material. Without them, I would have given this film one or possibly two stars.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Has some moments, but.....
12 January 2020
Countdown was not even close to being a Grade C horror movie. It started out with some absurd hooks to hang the story on. Even so, it was approaching almost watchable, but it soon just pooped out at around a quarter of the way through.

There were a few comedic elements, which made me start wondering if they were going for a "Scary Movie" type amusement. Those weren't good enough to save the movie though. Actually, if they had gone down that road totally, it might've been a better movie.

So, a couple of tense moments that passed quickly, some very cheesy effects, and mediocre acting, all added up to a forgettable experience. Watch it for a couple of amusing pieces, but don't expect more.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Love it or hate it....
3 January 2020
There appears to be sharply divided reactions to this film. Reading some of the other reviews, people thought it was brilliant, or a piece of garbage. My own opinion - I hated it. The best aspect of Joker is Joaquin Phoenixs' acting. He did a great job with a crappy script and a mostly incoherent story. Forget any relation to the Heath Ledger portrayal of Joker, which was smart and perfectly played. This version of Joker has little to do with Batman, although there are scattered connections in the film. I'm sorry I watched this. Guess I hoped it would get better, but for me, it just stayed at awful throughout.
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Too little, too late
29 December 2019
Considering that this movie was made on a $3,000,000 budget (according to IMDB), they did the best they could with very limited resources.

I believe rhe actors did ok with a mediocre script, and the addition of two veteran actors, Michael Ironside and Gil Bellows, helped quite a bit. There were some attempts at being intentionally conscious of some sci-fi cliches.

In my opinion, the last 25 minutes of the film was the best, most interesting and imaginative part, with a not totally expected twist ending. Wish they would've been at this level throughout..

It might be worth watching if you can keep your expectations on the low side.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Better than expected.....
21 December 2019
I was surprised at what a great job they did getting into the world of the witcher. I've read some of the books, and played the video games. It was smart of the show producers and writers to not try to reproduce the game. It has some elements of the games, but to me the show has more of the feel and spirit of the original witcher stories. Just finished episode one, and looking forward to seeing the next.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Mildly interesting in too few scenes.....
9 December 2019
I didn't think this was an entire waste. It didn't rely heavily on CGI, which to me is a good thing. There were some good effects, and some good depictions of locations. A couple of action scenes seemed to have nothing to do with advancing the story. Looks like they were thrown in to add a little excitement.

It's extremely slow paced. Some good actors were in the movie, but they seemed like they were sleep walking. Tremendous waste of good, talented actors.

This was a movie about relationships, and only incidentally a sci-fi movie. Too bad the story was so poorly written.
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Moderately disappointing......
30 November 2019
This movie had some potential. After looking at some of the reviews here and seeing some 8,9,and even 10 star reviews, I thought I'd give it a shot. As some of the better reviews mentioned, I liked the slow pacing and the avoidance of the gratuitous use of CGI.

Unfortunately, the story built slowly, slowly, slowly, but finally ever so slowly just dribbled out into an empty ending. I was kind of hoping around mid film the pace would be building towards a dramatic climax, but it never happened.

Some of the acting was just fair (barely), but far from inspiring. I don't really blame the actors - they weren't given anything to work with.

The 4 stars are for a mildly interesting tale. It's missing the other 6 stars for not fulfilling the potential of what could have been a good exorcism story.
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Star 80 (1983)
Tragedy personified.....
29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A very difficult movie to watch. Based on a true event about the murder of Playboy model and actress Dorothy Stratton, it's one of those movies that begin with the ending. We know what's coming as the story unfolds. Eric Roberts and Mariel Hemingway both give riveting performances. Roberts does a great job of portraying a complex character whose mental illness leads to violence, and he becomes psychotic. Hemingway portrays Stratton as a sweet, beautiful, and naive young woman who is swept up into a public life she is not prepared for, and at the same time, in a destructive relationship she can't manage. Part of this tragedy is that there are people on the periphery of the core story who had some insight, and might have intervened at certain points, but for different reasons didn't quite know how. For me, the way the film ended fell kind of flat. After building intensity, the final scenes appear somehow hollow.
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Dark Tide (2012)
Someone should feed this movie to the sharks...
21 October 2019
A minimal plot, acting was way below par. I generally like Halle Berry, but she should've sat this one out. A made for TV movie - maybe. Otherwise, total trash in my opinion. Two stars (being generous) for the few minutes of stock shark footage. And for Halle Berry fans - don't be fooled by the bikini photo. Mostly she's wearing baggy sweatshirts.
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24 September 2019
I sat through the entire movie hoping it would get more interesting. Unfortunately, I finished it feeling disappointed and wondering why this movie was made.

The dialog was taken out of a 1960's "B" movie, and there really was no substantial story. No depth, no original thought - only a tired, barely functional film. As others have mentioned, there was some good cinematography, but not enough to carry the movie.

They just trotted out old themes that have been done way better by many movies. The corruption that comes out of power, the old question of - is it better to rule by fear, or by gaining respect from people by acting nobly?

After the movie was done, I was left thinking the Roman empire flourished despite being founded by two crazy brothers - Romulus and Remus.
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Stardust (2007)
Entertaining and fun to watch......
24 August 2019
Sort of a fairy tale for grown ups, with a great cast. Robert DeNiro is amazing in a supporting role that is a big stretch away from many of his other films, and he does a perfect job. I think he comes close to stealing the movie. Claire Danes and Michelle Pfeiffer both are terrific, and enjoyable to watch as they manage their respective characters. Not too many special effects - just the right amount to advance the story, not to be an end in itself.

Caught this as an unexpected gem on Netflix. Highly recommend this film
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Soul to Keep (2018)
Not that scary, but they tried....
3 August 2019
This is an effort to do a demon possession film on a shoestring budget. It kind of fell short of being totally scary, but had some scary moments. The actors did what they could with the material they had, but couldn't overcome a so-so story. I thought Kate Reynolds stood out for her portrayal. It's watchable, but the first 40 minutes were hard to take. After that, it got more interesting. I thought the last few minutes were a let down. Check this movie out if you have 90 minutes to spare.
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Doesn't quite hold up....,
23 July 2019
This was almost a decent horror film, but I thought it lacked a cohesive, compelling story. The viewer gets a fragmented telling of a story that owes some elements to The Omen or Rosemary's Baby, but never gets close to either of those in terms of a suspenseful horror movie.

Catalina Sandino Moreno, and some of the other actors, do their best. However, even some decent acting efforts can't save this movie. Might be worth watching, but keep your expectations low.
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Hostiles (2017)
Mostly a good movie, but.....
14 July 2019
A movie about bigotry and redemption. Unfortunately, in my opinion the story line went haywire after the first 45 minutes or so. I just found it unbelievable and way too easy, for these characters to make such big leaps in hardened beliefs. I thought Rosamund Pike did a great job with her part. Christian Bale was ok, but not as outstanding. The cinematography was fantastic. This wasn't a bad movie, but it fell short of what it could've accomplished.
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Oleanna (1994)
Interesting, but very "heady"...
30 June 2019
Amazing performances as the two actors carry the whole movie. The professor and a female student start by having sort of an "extra help" session, as the student complains that she feels lost in the profs class. The story follows their dialogue into an intellectual, and finally an emotional, hell that has disastrous consequences. Their "journey" touches on sexual harassment, the relationship between student and teacher, the value and purpose of higher education, and other sort of social ills.

Without revealing too much, it's a bit like watching a slow moving train wreck. William H. Macy's character talks his way deeper and deeper into disaster. I think the character was so full of himself, that he completely ignores the clear signs given to him by the student that they were heading into dangerous territory.

I like David Mamet's work. I just felt this one got weighed down by all the verbal gymnastics.
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4/20 Massacre (2018)
Could have been a halfway decent movie...
24 June 2019
The acting wasn't bad for the most part. The story and dialogue had a few interesting moments. I'll leave out how this movie develops and then turns out, to avoid spoilers, but I thought the last 40 minutes or so just plain sucked. Looked like the writers just phoned in the ending. The actors deserved a better script.
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