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Divergent (2014)
Quality sci-fi with a political edge
23 September 2014
I found this film reassuring and refreshing for its depiction of positive white role models who become involved in a healthy and fully reciprocal relationship. Reassuring and refreshing because most Hollywood films are degrading and actively seek to demonise European natives and European culture.

The political nature of the film was perhaps a glimpse at the possible future where unchecked governments may perform wicked acts against their own people in order to assume totalitarian control. We see this today with the creeping effects of globalisation and the often hinted at - 'new world order'.

Solid acting all round yet not the most complex of scripts and minimal visual effects but a resounding message that people power will always win the day!
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Pandorum (2009)
Cyber Action Horror
15 November 2013
Credit has to be given where it is due because this film is original and the execution is flawless. If you have ever played the video game "Dead Space" you are going to love this film! Add to that a better story, true character development and top class acting and you should be reaching for two things, the light switch and the popcorn.

THE MEAT: Moments of obscurity become 'clarity' as the film progresses. While being alone on a space ship can feel very claustrophobic, added elements of surprise generate a lot of genuine fear which does not diminish as the plot unfolds. All the while it becomes clearer that a certain medical condition is central to the theme of this film and by the end of it I'm still left wondering, was it real or not?
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Evil Dead (2013)
15 November 2013
This remake on a standalone basis (in a universe where the original did not exist) would be classified as a gore fest with minimal acting. No real suspense or fear, just blood and guts.

There was a very minimal introduction to the characters and the best actor didn't even get a shout which was a shame. I know it is indeed very difficult, if not impossible to make a completely original film these days, especially one that has as much impact as the original Evil Dead.

For me the real problem was there was no extreme at all, the movie started off on a sour, depressing note and descended into depravity. The real shocker only comes when everything is perfect, blue skies, sun, mild air, the birds tweeting, relaxing and watching a vista then a twig snaps and BAM! darkness falls, monsters emerge from a mist, a pit of fire opens up beneath you and you die screaming all the way to hell!!

Please, spare us the remakes and bring us something with character development, suspense and true shock value.
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Four Lions (2010)
So 9/11 and 7/7 were funny were they?
17 March 2012
A disgusting attack on British culture, trying to humanise the terrorist acts of Muslim extremists who are still active in the United Kingdom, their numbers growing rapidly.

Was 9/11 funny when nearly 3000 people died in the twin towers that collapsed after jumbo jets were flown into them by Muslim extremists? Was 7/7 funny when 52 people died aboard public transport systems after 4 suicide bombs were detonated by Muslim extremists?

I'm ashamed to say I actually liked Brass Eye as this "film" is beyond what any normal westernised citizen would justify as appropriate material for viewers of any age. This "film" should not have been allowed to be shown and it's director should be fined and jailed.
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The Woman (I) (2011)
Original and Twisted
6 January 2012
I was both captivated and concerned with The Woman as she bared all and showed her fangs while being abused at the hands of an egomaniac not afraid to reveal his sadistic nature.

There doesn't seem to be a happy theme or laugh anywhere which makes this film somewhat surreal but in a cool way and that's what I love about it.

The Woman has a well paced story with quality acting, nice character development and an awesome showdown which needs to be seen to be appreciated but be warned this is definitely not your run-of-the-mill Hollywood family film/CGI fest, so if that's what you are looking for go elsewhere.
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Beauty and Sophistication awaits a Morbid Destiny
9 July 2011
Perfume: the story of a murderer is an amazing piece of film which effortlessly oozes a curiously addictive style not before seen.

Character scripting is finely balanced and completely humanistic, coupled with great acting this provides a nothing-seems-forced feeling. I particularly like the unsophisticated and emotive language used by characters as this clearly provides purpose to the story and clarity for the senses.

From poor and dirty urban scenes to the contrast of beautiful château's surrounded by greenery, the incredible cinematography provides a noticeable but subtle ambiance throughout the film. Not only are the sets amazing but also the characters, while both sometimes confined by stylised lighting in cramped areas of the city, they are also released in a natural splendour which any art lover cannot miss out on.

The musical score is magnificent and invigorating while also and always feeling like a curiosity is unfolding.

The penultimate scene feels like it has been delivered by the gods themselves and the ending while strange leaves you pleasantly confused which itself is a strange thing.

Perfume: the story of a murderer is a film which delivers the perfect balance required for a masterpiece, justly deserving 10 out of 10.
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Predators (2010)
A Balanced Equation of Good and Mediocre May Leave You Undecided
5 November 2010
Overview: Potential to revitalise an image within an ageing franchise.

The story itself was quite inventive despite it's simplicity and the visuals were occasionally uplifting. However, it became all too familiar as die hard fans of the original Predator will notice that some scenes and even the acting were copied directly.

Acting: Good throughout but character development wasn't.

Laurence Fishburne was a dead end despite his apparent skills, Topher Grace's sudden twist wasn't amplified enough to justify.

The world: Abundant flora with non-existent fauna.

The world didn't seem alien in the slightest apart from a brief view of unrecognisable celestial bodies. Another final detail that could have made things more interesting is the inclusion of at least one type of fauna on a flourishing world. I mean come on, if there's plants, there's animals!

Ending: Could have been the setup for a better adventure.

Lets just say that if the main character got lucky we could have seen another Predator film set on the Predator home-world!

Definitely worth a watch with good acting and action but don't expect miracles. I would definitely say that Predators is of a higher quality than the sequels to Alien Vs Predator.
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44 Inch Chest (2009)
Disjointed and Uninteresting with Great Acting
24 July 2010
You couldn't ask for more from a quality cast but what they had to play with was neither compelling nor cohesive, the whole time I was waiting for something memorable to happen but it never came. There is however an odd pun and memory flashback which keeps the storyline on track. To sum it up 44" Chest barely stirs enough interest to endure what feels like casual conversation with over the top foul language.

On a seemingly unrelated note, whatever happened to Mr. Black magic's dark world of the east end gangster? I know this release wasn't connected to Sexy Beast but surely now there can be no prequel or sequel.
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Avatar (2009)
Effects Don't Make The Movie
28 June 2010
If you strip away the cg effects from Avatar, it is nothing more than poor scripting and a heavy dose of cheesy, hammy acting. Although I'm a computer graphics artist and can appreciate the amount of work that went into the film, this obviously was where the majority of time, resources and money was spent. What really gets me about this film is the sheer amount of people who "apparently" loved it: having such a massive budget you can guess to the extent of the marketing and paying off of movie reviewers around the world to hold this film in high regard! Other than that, elements of our society who are too young to comprehend proper language yet and others who are intellectually challenged may have contributed somewhat to it's acceptance.

The bottom line is this, a film is only a film for the cohesiveness of the storyline, acting and artistic style. In a great film these elements compliment each other, clearly in this film the effects are the only thing holding it together.

It is indeed a sad day if this is the future for cinema.
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Storm Warning (2007)
Nice visuals and well balanced
27 June 2010
Refreshing opening scenes added depth and setting for the terror to come, Storm Warning felt well acted and had some nicely balanced moments where the air was tense. At no time did it seem that anyone was out of character or over the top, in fact it was a little bit of the opposite where you felt the villains were being played down slightly on their own turf. The gore aspect was well dressed and distributed, definitely worth the wait with more than one eyebrow raising moment, one of which was totally original at the time of production. To conclude, unlike many other horror films, this film has a plot with a backbone which remains unbroken, there's gore and then there's gore with meaning.
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Timber Falls (2007)
Good at times, spoilt at others...
27 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film had me convinced on the quality right up to where the girlfriend bumps into a park ranger as she is escaping the pursuit of her disfigured attacker. It was this moment when it was revealed the ranger and attacker were connected that ruined the whole experience. The ranger character acted poorly and the scripting for this scene was totally mismanaged from the perspective of solid performances being felt throughout from the lead actors. Other than this there were no real surprises, although I did enjoy very much the toying with that the young couple got from the locals early on in the film. The final and most cliché aspect of the film involved the surviving couple (a year later) leaving their newborn to sleep whilst the blade of the attacker was seen outside the window. So, all in all I would say this film had a lot of potential but it felt like the director wanted to make some quick money and just have his name up in lights as it popped up immediately when the credits started, which by the way was so fast it was without any artistic direction or subtlety.
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Carny (2009 TV Movie)
A Travesty
23 January 2010
I had the recent misfortune to watch this "film" which was probably the worst I have ever seen, my initial expectations of a good plot for "Carny" were about psychopathic carnival people luring their victims in with trickery but no! It involved a "monster" that was neither iconic, frightening or interesting to any degree. As soon as the "monster" was seen I knew this was going to be a bumpy ride into the land of cliché, hammy acting and scripting. I wouldn't classify this as a b movie, b movies can at least make you laugh but this was serious all the way.

Quickview: One dimensional characters, terrible script, no suspense, poor effects.
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