
10 Reviews
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A Movie That Makes You Both Sad And Happy
10 January 2010
I usually don't like this type of slower paced, heartfelt, dramatic tragedy love story, but this one was different and I honestly can't explain why. The story itself is well written, and realistic when the film is not in the other world view. A young schoolgirl in love with her first boyfriend, a dad with a special relationship with that firstborn daughter and a normal nice family living their life in a simple normal town, and along comes something wicked. I actually felt the families pain, particularly the dad's even more than the murdered girl herself who was watching over them in some type of altered dimension. Even though this film is described as a murdered girl looking down on her family and killer from heaven or a place in between, struggling to decide to do whats right, the movie itself never mentions religion or god, a few people mention heaven once but the film itself never tells where the girl is or where she is going and has no religious tone, I actually loved that being I don't believe in god and a person can imagine their own form of what heaven or afterlife would be. It was a spectacular altered dimension with pretty good special effects, it was overwhelmingly beautiful with a sense of evil lurking in the distance because of the unknown that awaits her. It is a bit slow in the beginning but well worth the watch.
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Bug (2006)
Very Under-Rated Weirdo Thriller.
19 December 2009
A great unknown film about the madness that can ensue when one freak meets another, or was it the bugs? Other than a very few short scenes the environment of this movie is claustrophobic, which leads to great psychological thriller/horrors. Ashley surprised me with the helpless yet crazy personality of her character, throwing Harry in there as her ex-madman and having Shannon playing the mysterious and very creepy new guy was perfection. I could almost feel how it was going to end before there were any signs of it, and yet it was still shocking. It leaves the inattentive and unintelligent scratching their heads at the end, but I understood it perfectly.
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Invictus (2009)
Eastwood, Freeman and Damon equals BOREFEST
19 December 2009
Not only does this movie lack excitement of any kind, it dumbs down the apartheid issue, among others, to some silly game that nobody cares about. What on earth is Eastwood thinking here? It's like he has become a preacher, it's a total sermon instead of a story, one could not find this interesting even if it had Eastwood come out at the end running across the field with his .44 magnum shooting at Freeman while he blocked the rounds with Damon's ball. Just a waste of over 2hours. If one is going to tell a story, tell it like you mean it. This is a movie about sports, not life! Very disappointed, the ending was like a long drawn out conversation with a dirty wall. One of Eastwood's worst! How this is getting ratings of 7.5 I have no idea.
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Triangle (2009)
The Very Bottom Of Bermuda Triangle Films
24 November 2009
It starts off well, a group of people boating out into the ocean, a weird storm and an abandoned ship, but the moment the usual weird stuff starts happening after, you'll see this story was written by someone who should be washing cars or flipping burgers for a living. At times I wanted to just turn it off, the repetitiveness of the events that are suppose to lead to some rhyme or reason fail completely, the end made no sense whatsoever not that it ever could. The actors, setting and idea were fine, it's the story that killed the film. Similar to Ghost Ship and The Triangle the movie and The Triangle the mini-series, but in a whole other class, not the good one.
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Most Important Film Of The Century, And I'm Not A Liberal!
21 October 2009
I love how it says "ratings down 45% this week." Whenever you see a ratings drop or rise that large it's ALWAYS do to spam raters, which are people who create multiple IMDb accounts just to attack or prop up a film whether they've seen it or not. These pathetic actions alone prove how important this film is, it also proves there are a lot of ignorant folks in the world.

This film goes after the two-party system as a whole which I love, democrats and republicans alike along with the lobbyists and corporations get justifiably nailed in this film, as they should. It exposes the truth of how this nation is truly ran, and it's both frightening and disgusting. Moore isn't going after capitalism itself, he's going after the entities and people who have corrupt it. Why do so many not understand this? Whether you're liberal or conservative, a democrat or republican, an independent or a libertarian, go see this film or rent it when it's released on DVD. It's an honest film. You don't have to like the director to enjoy the film, those who decide to not see and/or judge this film negatively simply on the fact they don't like Moore, are the real losers here. Our country is on the verge of economic collapse, and it's the people who are and were in charge of this capitalist economy that brought us here.

The politicians belong to the people, unfortunately, they're owned by the banks and corporations. We need something different whether you believe it or not.

Amazing and honest film! 10 stars
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One Of The Worst Horror Movies Ever, Or So I Thought.
21 October 2009
Theater Review: Can someone yell conspiracy? I've read so many reviews on here and other sites that praise this film for being "the most scary film ever!" In my opinion and many others, this is just not true. The almost 8 star rating on here is very suspect, one can almost assume many of the good ratings and reviews could be linked back to the filmmaker or to people who haven't seen the movie, or to people who have no idea what a scary film is. The current 7.9 rating, which for any horror film that has over 1,000 ratings would be remarkable, is fraudulent in my opinion. I understand people's taste in films differs, but the horror genre fans tend to mostly agree with each other when a great horror film presents itself to us, and this is simply NOT a great horror film, nor is it even near great. I cannot prove fraud here, but I can sure smell it. I remember how disappointed I was with Blair Witch, the film had some scary parts, but for all the hype it got, just like Paranormal Activity has received, it was a true fail at horror. The majority of the episodes on the Discovery TV show "A Haunting" is scary than this film.

Conclusion: This film is over-hyped, over-rated and not a bit scary. I only gave it a 2 for the filmmakers attempt at showing the big studios the small guy can make a better horror film with only a fraction of the budget, the attempt failed miserably.

Home review/New Conclusion: My above review that came with an original rating of 2 was based on my experience of seeing this movie in a packed, uncomfortable and ridiculously loud theater after more than a few drinks, and of course we had the occasional warning before a scary scene from some dummy who had seen the film the night before. One of the worst theater experiences ever. The very next night I was lucky enough, although, one day too late, to possess a legal high-quality DVD screener of this film. I watched this film sober in my home, in the dark, alone. The first 20 minutes of course are a snooze-fest but I forced myself to get into it and by the 30 minute mark I was enjoying it without effort and appreciating the long first 20 minutes a little more. The pace of the movie is perfect, more and more activity progresses with each night and the video evidence gets stronger and much more frightening. There is a scene where the entity makes itself very known mid-way on that made me almost jump out of my seat even though I had just seen this the night before. I do have a problem with one of the scenes that's not the couple, but something they're watching, it's so unrealistic it almost ruins the pace and feel of the movie for me. Soon after though the movie picks right back up and begins to become absolutely frightening, the point where the entity becomes physically present is one of the scariest parts in the entire movie. This did have the Blair Witch feel no doubt, the choices the couple makes gave me that frustrating feeling I had when the girl and two guys in Blair Witch turned into idiots and just yelled, cried and lallygagged their way around the forest they were trying to get out of, but under the circumstances of the categorization of this entity, I understand their actions but disagree with how the director interprets what a normal couple would do in that same situation. The ending is not something I could of predicted even though it lays itself out well before the film is over. HERE'S THE DEAL! If you love being goofy scared and having that packed theater feel then go see it, but if you truly want to be scared and enjoy this film to it's fullest potential, DO NOT watch this in the theater, watch the DVD at home, in the dark, alone. I will never watch another horror film in a theater again! I apologize to all for my original review and rating, the horrible theater experience along with my alcohol buzz totally ruined this film. I may just give up on theaters all together. I upped my rating from a 2 to a 7.
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Sick Girl (2007)
Absolutely Terrible
26 September 2009
Did Uwe Boll direct this? What a worthless piece of trash. The murder scenes were amateurish and predictable, and there is no story whatsoever. If it wasn't for the penis scene, I would of gave this a 1. It's hard to believe films like this even make it to script let alone DVD. I guess I can keep talking being I can't post this comment until I get 10 lines in. What else can I say? The Christina Ricci lookalike did a decent job of acting like a white trash psycho, but the writers and directer should be ashamed of this mess. Do they just let anybody direct nowadays? I have a 3 page script about the same subject that has a lot more potential than this entire film. If you're going make a revenge/slasher/gore kinda flick, either get some good fx guys or have a half-ass story.
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Kept Me Interested But Definitely Not Your Typical Tarantino Film
25 August 2009
Went on too long.

Kept me interested just enough to make me want to finish it.

A ridiculous and fictional story which is a Tarantino trademark, but it failed to be shocking, goofy or smart.


Marketed as a Brad Pitt Nazi killing movie that I'm sure many were hoping to be a Kill Bill World War II flick, but it had neither enough Pitt nor the killing.

Ending was about as creative as a made for TV show.

Gave it 5 stars even though it deserved less.

UPDATE 9-29-09: This film is now at a 8.6 rating on here, to me this is not proof of a good film, it's proof the movie industry as a whole has hit rock bottom. I love Tarantino, but this film in no way deserves an 8 star rating. Hopefully Hollywood changes for the better soon, new ownership of movie studios would be a great start.
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The Broken (2008)
Enjoyable and almost intriguing, but definitely incomplete.
5 April 2009
From the beginning this film had an eerie dark feel which I love, although the first half is quite slow and I was disappointed with the numerous musical pieces that lead me to believe something was about to happen, but did not. The story itself tells little about anything, and of course makes no sense, even the characters or the menacing force that's intruding into their lives is faceless, but I will say it has a "body snatchers" and "the astronaut's wife" feel. I understood the ending, but it still leaves one to wonder what the hell was going on. It's one of those films where you kinda want a sequel to continue the story in hopes of understanding it, but at the same time you know one is not coming, and even if one was, the characters are all pretty much used up anyway. For an independent psychological horror I loved it, but it leaves one asking for more than they should have to. Maybe that's the idea of the film. For me this film is conflicting, I originally gave it a 6 but had to bump it up.
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Blue Chips (1994)
Most Underrated Sports Movie Ever!
5 March 2009
I'm not a big sports movie guy, so I went into this not really expecting much other than killing 90 some minutes. I loved it! To see the struggle of a school and coach as they attempt to create a legit winning team in an environment of corruption was interesting. Then when they join that corruption it becomes exciting, you just know it's gonna blowup some time. Nick Nolte carries this film throughout it's entirety, and amazingly the real life players do a great job of acting and the rest of the cast is perfect. I love how they took real players and coaches and brought them into this film, it fits perfectly. The last 35 minutes of this film is brilliant. I've seen many people here talk of how bad this film is, I wonder if they just don't care about sports that much like myself, or have some underlying bias about admitting the corruption exists and always has in much of college sports. I don't care for sports! But I loved this film. The ratings this film gets on here really ticks me off, what is it, a 5.5 star average? I've learned one thing on here and other review sites, if you let others judge for you, you'll miss a lot of good movies.
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