
36 Reviews
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Elektra (2005)
Truly a "cinematic suppository"
27 May 2024
What's wrong with this movie, you ask? EVERYTHING.

First off, the script is rubbish. Trite plot, lazy writing and lame execution. The plot is hanging by bare threads. It makes little sense, and the whole "mystical" angle is ridiculous. Honestly, it sounds as if a couple of stoned high schoolers wrote this. Regardless, everyone involved in this flick should have their union cards revoked - the director, the lighting crew, the sound crew - all of them.

Secondly, the acting; oy, vey, where do I begin?! Jennifer Garner is just HORRIBLE!! How did she become famous?! She can't act!

The girl Elektra gets involved with is utterly insufferable. Halfway into the movie, I was rooting for the bad guys...then... it occurred to me: just WTH was A-lister Terrance Stamp *doing* in this rancid tripe of a film?! Was he blackmailed into it??

It boggles the mind!

This movie doesn't belong in the trash -- all copies should be obliterated. It's best to pretend that it was never made.
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TWD and its spinoffs are too much
16 September 2023
I don't understand all the great reviews - I really don't. Yeah, the original series started out strong...but it went on for too long. They could have ended it 3 seasons earlier. They shouldn't have bothered with all the spinoffs like FTWD.

Now, they're continuing with even *more* spin-offs. Oy vey! I watched the first episode of Negan and Maggie, and now Darryl. One word describes both spinoffs: BORRRR-RIIIIING!!

Boring, reductive and just plain mediocre. That is the only way to describe it. I can't even give any spoilers because I found it to be a snoozefest. I literally dozed off.

I have NO interest in continuing with either.

Without Frank Darabont at the helm, the whole TWD universe is bland and a waste of time.
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This is a spoof, right??
15 July 2023
This has got to be a joke, right? It must be!

Exorcism is a very serious thing that takes faith, strength, patience and time. This is almost formulaic- non-ordained "exorcists" battle demons and very quickly expel them. All live happily ever after. Yeah, not convinced.

Also, real exorcists are not allowed by the church to talk about their experiences in such a cavalier manner. This topic is closely guarded by the church, as it should be. It's not exactly something that should be considered entertainment.

Sorry, Eli, but this is very disappointing. You shouldn't have taken such a heavy handed, schlocky approach.

Skip this one, folks. There are better things out there.
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Way of water...rinse and repeat
12 June 2023
So, Cameron took 13 years to come up *this*?!

It's basically a water-logged version of the first one. If I had to guess, he spent 6 months on this and hoofed around for 12-1/2 years.

The cast is good, overall. But, there are some nagging plot holes, which I won't list here. There is some wooden acting, some pointless dialogue and an overly long run time. The CG looks a little cartoonish at times, but overall, Pandora looks beautiful - but that's not enough to make a movie.

One final complaint: the green water Na'vi are kind of ugly. I would have thought Cameron would have made them more attractive.

Very disappointed with this one. I'm just glad that I didn't waste money at the theater on this dud. As is, I'm not happy about losing 3 hours of my life on this.
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From (2022– )
25 April 2023
I'm of the mindset that 90% of movies and television is utter garbage. Reboots, remakes and plotlines that have been done to death. Then... I discovered this show.

I don't want to give anything away for those who've never seen it. It's an original plot, great writers, underrated actors, solid acting and always keeps you wondering, just **what exactly** is really going on?? On top of that, the town has that errie, rundown vibe.

I'm glad to see that Harold Perrineau has got a series worthy of his talent. All of the other actors are new to me, but they turn in good performances.

After binging on season 1 last year, I impatiently waited for season 2. I've got my fingers crossed that the writers can keep it up.
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Oy vey! *facepalm*
19 February 2023
What can I say that hasn't already been said?? Lowbudget, silly, cheesy, ridiculous special effects, wooden acting - I could go on.

But I will just say these 3 things:

1) this film would make Ed Wood proud.

2) Proof that Hollywood hasn't had an original idea in decades. The Lost Worod did it better.

3) This film is proof-positive that drug use among Hollywood writers, producers, etc. In the 1970's was rampant.

4) Either Richard Boone was desperate for work, or he was blackmailed into doing this.

Don't waste your time with this. I'm thoroughly convinced that this kind of rubbish will lower your IQ. Watcher beware.
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Misleading rubbish
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer leads you to believe that governments have finally leaked substantial documents that detail all that they know of alien visitations. Nope!

This was a major disappointment. It's nothing but hippy-dippy-crystal-gripping New Age nonsense mixed with aspects of Christianity -- with aliens replacing God!

Utter tripe. Don't waste your time.
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Outer Range (2022– )
'LOST" set in Wyoming
29 April 2022
I know many people love the show Lost, and will think that this show is a great follow up.

I, however, am not a Lost fan. It p1$$Ed me off, frustrated me and annoyed me with its lack of disclosing the 'secrets'. This 8s the same thing. I'm on episode 6 AND STILL don't know what the he11 is going on!

Somebody needs to tell the writers that they have to slowly dish out hints and clues as they go along.

I'm done with this mess.
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1883 (2021–2022)
Started out good, but..
16 April 2022
It went off the rails after the 4th episode.

Inaccurate, questionable writing and lacks any real direction. Devolves into a teen fantasy romance.

Elsa needs to go! Very irritating!
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This IS NOT a Western.
8 March 2022
I absolutely **HATED** this movie! An utter waste of time. Too slow, too boring, too odd. Cumberbatch was a poor choice for lead - not believable in the least.

This isn't a Western - it's a woke farce.
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I feel like i'm the victim of a prank
2 February 2022
I just watched the entire season. It was actually interesting until the final episode.

There are bits of dark humour, but not what I would consider enough to make it a comedy. But there are some parts that don't fit for a mystery.

But that final episode was a suckerpunch. I guess they were shooting for something a bit funny...but it failed.

Don't waste your time.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
This is what REAL sci fi is!
28 January 2022
Forget Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. This gritty show is how sci fi should be done. Solid plot, well-written story lines and no sappy sugar coating.

The first season is a little bit slow starting out, but it does find its legs. It gets stronger as it goes on.

The characters are developed and realistic. Unlike Star Trek, no one is perfect looking, perfectly dressed or perfectly adjusted. You believe that this is what humanity would be like in the future: flawed, adventurous and complicated.

I am truly addicted to this show. It just kills me that it was reported that there will only be one more season! I'll probably freak out and shave my head bald after watching the final episode!
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What a mess
29 September 2021
What sounded good --and looked like potential-- quickly evaporated after the first 20 minutes or so.

This was such a mess, I don't know where to begin. It's very obvious that the director and producers weren't sure who their target audience was. Teens? Women? Horror fans? Fantasy fans? It was muddled.

In short: not scary, not suspenseful, not fantastical and not well-written. It's just lame!

Oh, and one last thing: can *anyone* tell me just WTH was Milla Jovovich supposed to be?!
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Samurai Cop (1991)
So bad it's good? No, just BAD
6 September 2021
Where to begin?? This celluloid suppository never should have seen the light of day!

Sexist, bad script, bad concept, bad acting and obnoxious characters-- it's painful to watch.

The ONLY way I could watch this was with Rifftrax. I needed the laughs to get through this garbage.

"Just remember, it's not racist if it's incoherent.
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Subtle pro-China propaganda scattered
9 July 2021
Not at all what I expected. I was expecting Umbrella Corp., Alice, etc.

This had very subtle pro-Chinese propaganda. One particular scene made it sound as if our government was afraid of offending China! They made it look as if we are naturally corrupt and weak. Typical leftist Netflix

Great animation, garbage story.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
Started out great....
20 June 2021
The first season was good. It had that time warp/worm hole vibe going. It kept you guessing.

The second season-- not so much. What started out as a good mystery turned into a hokey, predictable borderline soap opera. Weepy and a bit unrealistic. I can suspend my belief for just so long.

I can't help but want to smack the crap out of Michaela.
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BOMB! Not worth your time
1 June 2021
The premise sounded halfway decent, but the actual movie is anything but. Bad acting, highly unlikable characters, poor writing, bad directing-- this cinematic suppository strikes out on ALL levels. After 25 minutes, I wanted to strangle Mimi. I turned off the t.v. And grabbed a book.

Whoever keeps saying that this is a throwback to the 80's is full of it. The 80's movies were actually FUN. This is about as fun as a root canal.

ANYONE who gives this toxic waste a rating higher than 2:

1) has no taste and is a very immature 14 years old,

2) has an IQ below 75, and/or

3) was paid by the producer and/or director for a vood review.

I will never get that 25 minutes back. Complete unmitigated garbage!
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Hollywood, PLEASE blacklist Zack Snyder!!
22 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't even finished watching this, yet I had to out in my review.

Aye yi, yi, where do I begin?!

Plot holes, bad writing, bad acting, annoying characters and, yes, even a pregnant zombie! (Whoever came up with the idea of a pregnant zombie should be beaten with a wet salmon!)

Don't waste your time. This is just dumb.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
7.5?! What??? Too high of a rating!
3 March 2021
The ONLY reason I gave this a rating of 5 is because I like the character of Coulson.

The plots get cheesy sometimes and the acting isn't great. Skye is a particularly annoying character. There is very little to like about the other characters -- probably due to the fact is that the writing and development of the characters is pretty 1-dimensional.

Overall, pretty disappointing. Certainly NOT a binge-worthy series to watch on Netflix.
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Phantasm (1979)
How does this have a rating above 4?!
18 February 2021
I saw this years ago when I was dating a guy who was practically obsessed with this movie.

After an excruciating viewing, I felt like my IQ had dropped a few points. Poorly conceived, pointless scenes, bad acting and VERY amateurish. It's muddled, to say the least. I get the feeling that it was hastily put together to showcase only 2 scenes: gratuitous nudity and the sphere.

How this movie has a fan base is beyond me. A total waste of time.
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Warrior Nun (2020–2022)
Great photography, BUT--
19 August 2020
Beautiful scenery, great cinematography, but be prepared for a weak premise, questionable plot and (as usual with Netflix) regular doses of liberalism/snowflake propaganda.
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Absentia (2017–2020)
I'm really digging Emily!
24 July 2020
This isn't your typical cop show. And the lead character, Emily, is no wilting flower. She's flawed, has some emotional issues, but she's a badass. She doesn't suffer fools, and tolerates no BS. Too many shows have weak female characters, or they're just really whiney and b!+@#¥. The writing is good. Granted, there have been some holes in it here and there, but overall, it's done pretty well.

Take a look at this one.
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Enter Nowhere (2011)
Don't believe any rating under 8!
2 February 2020
I don't want to give away any info on this movie. Suffice it to say that it's engrossing, original and unlike any other movie out there. Scott Eastwood has some solid acting chops. It's listed as sci fi, but I would classify it as more of a fantasy flick. I thoroughly enjoyed this film! Watch it! Whoever gave it a 6.5 rating ia just a weenie with no taste.
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Australia (2008)
Ultimately falls flat
31 December 2019
This movie could have been so much more. The subject matter could have been expanded and other silly scenes could have been cut.

Only 3 things you have to know about this movie:

1) Kidman is very distracting- and not in a good way. Bad plastic surgery and too much botox. She looks horrible! She crossed into "Michael-Jackson-territory". Her appearance is really one of the bad points about the movie.

2) This is a long movie; it's almost 3 hours. To me, it seemed to be light on character development and heavy on the scenery. If you're going to watch it, make sure you can pause it for breaks.

3) About 1/3 to halfway through, you will realize that this is really a typical chick-flick: sentimental, predictable and the obligatory crying at the happy ending. Trite and by the numbers.
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Hap and Leonard (2016–2018)
How a great tv show *should* be
14 March 2019
This is only 1 of 3 shows I watch on the boobtube. Great chemistry, great writing, talented cast and crew --AND thought provoking at times without being preachy or pushy. It doesn't get much better than this.

I am thoroughly P.O.'d that Sundance cancelled this for no valid reason.

Attention Netflix or Amazon: PLEASE PICK THIS UP!!
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