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Moon Knight (2022)
Simultaneously too convoluted and too simplistic
7 May 2022
Writing a Superhero with Dissociative Identity Disorder can't be easy. Especially when the character was conceived nearly 50 years ago. I went into the show only knowing that he had Mental Illness and was Jewish.

After 6 episodes I'm not really sure that I know much more about the titular character. Even his Jewish background which (apparently) is quite important to his character is almost totally absent in the show.

But the real problem is that the show doesn't seem to have a message that it really wants to tell. Trying to follow what's going on takes way more effort than a popcorn flick (or show) should. But even once you go back to figure out what exactly is happening you realize - it's horribly trivial. It's a story so basic it could have been told in 2 episodes - let alone 6.

The Good:
  • The action is fine. It's very Marvel.

  • Oscar Isaac is amazing. Truly a talent.

  • Ethan Hawke looks hilarious.

The Bad:
  • The Woman who voices Layla cannot hold an accent. After 6 episodes I cannot tell what accent she was trying to do. I think general British? Scottish?

  • The CGI is pretty silly and distracting at times.

  • Ethan Hawke Looks Hilarious (He's supposed to be taken fairly seriously).

TL;DR Watchable, but sadly far from what it should have been. Confusing but without any substance to back it up.
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Really silly, and fun.
30 April 2022
If you're a Trivia Buff this isn't the show for you. The actual questions are asked and answered so quickly if you don't pay attention you'll miss the question.

The charm of the show is watching the banter between all the contestants and Howie Mandel.

DESCRIPTION OF FORMAT: The dynamics of the show are weirdly complicated but understandable. There are 4 contestants at all time. 1 Contestant answers trivia questions. They have to then convince the other 3 contestants that their answer was correct. The other 3 contestants are incentivized to guess if the 1st contest is lying. Once the trivia answerer leaves the game (through winning or failing) the person who guessed their accuracy the most gets to be the next person to play and win money.

It's a bit complicated. But within 10 minutes of watching the first episode you get the dynamic.

The contestants they got on were clearly well vetted for being likeable and camera-ready.

I've been finding a lot of Netflix shows to be duds lately. And a trivia show I was going to assume would be horrible. But it's honestly dumb and fun and quite engaging.

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Sorkin and an all-star cast make this story exemplary.
19 October 2020
If you're against progressive politics you'll likely not find much uplifting or entertaining about this movie.

But for everyone else this film is a shockingly gripping 2 hours of political and personal drama that superbly showcases the foolishness of some, the intellect of others, and the general complexity of war, politics, race, and humanity.

Highly recommended if you want to watch a movie that also gives you an excuse do go down the Wikipedia rabbit hole.
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Gravity (2013)
A visual masterpiece
14 October 2013

I loved this movie.

As a film and theatre student I often find myself ruining movies by being over critical of them. Not this film.

What it lacks in depth of story it surely makes up for in technical and emotional prowess that I've never seen before.

This is the first movie I have EVER seen, where the 3D is not only a defend-able option, but is actually necessary to get the full enjoyment of the film.

2 great things about this movie.

1) It's special effects were not only seamless, but also engaged my senses in a way no movie has done before. At times it was hard to watch the screen, because I felt as if I could actually be falling towards earth, in space!

2) Sandra Bullock. As an acting student I've learned how hard it is to be earnest and real when acting with a scene partner. Bullock would have been doing the majority of her acting with nothing but a green screen. And she maintained full emotional commitment the entire time. Breathtaking.


This film is great. It couldn't be done without the tech, but that's fine. It's a movie that WILL NOT be as good at home, so go pay the extra $20 and see it in IMAX 3D!
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Great for what it is.
5 August 2013
I think the reason so many people disliked this flick was because they went in with the wrong expectations. You hear about a teen sex comedy staring women and immediately people assume something more sophisticated and classy would be the by product.

This is not that movie.

This film is both dry and ludicrous, crass and hilarious.

Aubrey Plaza's one note characters fit this movie well.

What I liked most about the flick was that it finally gave a voice to the sexually confused teenage GIRL population. The movie was written and directed by a woman, and it's pretty clear when you're watching.


It's not an Oscar winner, but it's funny. It's a very progressive movie in the sense that it reverses the normal teen comedy gender stereotypes and gives the audience an unfiltered and unashamed (however hyperbolic) look at female sexuality, insecurities and intricacies.

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Skyfall (2012)
A Mixed Bag
30 June 2013
Not a bad bond in the least.

When compared to Quantam of Solace, this Bond seems profound and phenomenal. That being said I had some issues with the flick.

For one, Craig's bond get's more broody and apathetic in each movie. While some would argue that that type of Bond reflects the Flemming Bond, I compare each Bond reincarnation to previous film versions.

The direction in this movie made Craig seem ruthless and cold. It would have been suited better for a Layer Cake sequel (although that would be impossible).

Some of the dialogue fell flat for me, as it was awkward and felt rushed.

But what was great about this Bond was the reintroduction of classic borderline cheesy fight scene's which worked very well.

TL;DR: A good flick with some odd directorial choices and writing that didn't mesh with. Lot's of fun, and a great summer rental, or download, or...... -_-
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Pain & Gain (2013)
Great, with a side of horror!
30 April 2013
This movie was near perfect to me, and let me explain why: The actors portraying the three (can you call them) anti hero's incredibly well. I don't quite know how accurate they were in comparison to the real criminals but as standalone characters they were pitch perfect (even the Rock, who may have actually stolen the show for me).

Tony Shaloub is no actor to be laughed at, he played such an interesting 3 dimensional yet despicable character that forced me to try to come to terms with how I felt with him being the victim.

And what really made the movie for me was the phenomenal writing and directing combination, there were intensely serious moments surrounded by the blackest of black comedy, something that shouldn't have worked, but it did!

My only problem with the flick is that it IS a true story. From what I've heard it's not even based on a true story, it's just a sensationalized docudrama with added humour... Christ (re read this after you see the movie and then you'll find it funny... I hope)

TL;DR VERSION Not for kids; great movie with great casting, writing, direction, cinematography etc.; But it loses a point for taken such a sad, serious story and making it painfully funny.
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How I Met Your Mother: Weekend at Barney's (2013)
Season 8, Episode 18
Funny Episode!
17 April 2013
I don't have a ton to say about this episode. Here is what was good:

1) The jokes were topical and not completely nonsensical. 2) The actors were all top notch this time! 3) The pacing was quick 4) BUT it didn't overlook important moments 5) Lily and Marshal had their first bit of character development in ages 6) More playbook (in context) is amazing! 7) Ted wasn't as annoying as he has been in the last 2 seasons

Here's what I didn't like:

1) Barney and Robin are a terrible couple when they aren't totally dysfunctional. 2) The playbook was destroyed, it just seems wrong! 3) Ted was still annoying, not as bad as usual, but still annoying.
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Animated comedy at its best!
17 March 2013
It really is. Bob's Burgers is really a fantastic show.

The jokes can be a little hit and miss at time, but for 95 % of the time they are spot on. People compare this show to Family Guy / The Simpsons, which is a most infallible disobedience to the show. If anything you could make comparisons to King of the Hill... But you shouldn't.

It's clear that the voice actors and writers love what they are doing. The show is fun and simple and never makes me feel like it is trying to teach me something.

It is bizarre and it very well knows it.

If you don't like it than... all the power to you... but if you're someone who knows how to relax and just enjoy good comedy, than you'll love this show.

This is why I want to be a voice actor!
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People need to take this for what it is!
19 February 2013
Actually a 6.5 out of 10.

The movie wasn't smart, it wasn't even very good.

But it didn't need to be. It was stupid and funny and predictable. The actors were all more than competent and the script and direction were funny.

There was literally NO substance to this movie. And I think the audience hated me when I started laughing during one of the scenes that were meant to be melancholy.

Go for the fun not for the substance. And you'll be in for a fun night!

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Defies EVERY expectation
27 January 2013
THIS is the reason I want to be an actor, why I am taking acting as my form of higher education.

Everything about this film is just about perfect. The acting (THE CASTING), the direction, the writing, the cinematography. Even the length of the film sits almost exactly at the 2 hour mark.

If you are like me and you were/are thinking "how in the world did a rom-com get nominated for so many awards" you clearly haven't seen the flick.

The movie is hardly funny at all (although the parts that were funny made me burst out in tears), but filled with so much emotion. Like I said before the acting in this film was amazing. I have luckily never been diagnosed with bi-polar, but I know what mental illness can be, and this was a fine example of how one can act the part without making it contrived or offencive.

This isn't the best movie ever made. Depending on your tastes it may not even be the best movie of the year, but my god, it is damn good!

Go see it ASAP!
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This Is 40 (2012)
Would have been great... if it was an hour shorter!
22 December 2012
I think I know my issue with Judd Apatow's movies.

They're always overdrawn. I think Apatow is a true Auteur, and has intelligent, stylish ways of telling a story.

Like almost all his flicks, this movie has laughs, heart and drama.... A LOT of drama.

Apatow should either write, or direct his movies, not both. I have a feeling if someone else took the directors chair/ producers chair, the movie would be significantly shorter.

I don't mind drama in movies, but when the extra hour of the movie is filled up with only drama, then I become irritated.

This is a movie you should rent/watch on Netflix. The writing and direction are both good, but you need to pace yourself, take breaks, come back later after getting some air, because 2.5 hours is to long for a movie like this.

This is all my opinion of course, so take it or leave it.

Regardless of anything, enjoy your night out at the movies, you earned it!
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Nearly Perfect
4 November 2012
I loved every second of Wreck-It Ralph.

The jokes were spot on, the gaming references were plentiful but not overbearing.

The script was tight, and the overall direction, voice acting, and animation were seamless.

The only reason this didn't get perfect was because at times there were some cheesy moments and lines that were painfully obvious.

But then I realized, even though I went to see a 10:30 pm screening with my buddy, this was meant to be a first and foremost children's flick. And with the exception of odd lines like that I completely forgot that I wasn't the target audience, and THAT is pretty amazing.

I wasn't overly shocked to see that John Lasseter was a producer in this flick!

9/10 for gamers and non gamers, children and adults!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
The best Sci-Fi horror movie in 20 years.
19 July 2012
The past two decades have brought many extraordinary pieces of cinema to the world. But as technology builds and becomes more prominent, filmmakers seem less interested in creating an intellectual and pulling film. Rather today we have movies with little to no story and TONS of explosions. Science Fiction seems to be the biggest offended of this.

Rant aside, I sincerely believe that Prometheus is the movie that truly bridges the generation gap of Story Telling vs. Special Effects. The movie has everything from a dynamic storyline, to interesting characters, to fantastic music and superb special effects.

Prometheus (to me) is an amalgamation of the first two Alien movies. It combines Scott's original sense of suspense with Cameron's fast paced, in your face action. Immediately contradicting myself, I do believe the main issue with most people is that when they watch(ed) Prometheus, they were expecting Alien 5.

It's not, It was not meant to be!

The movie is not perfect, hence the 8/10 rating. But I do whole heartedly believe that the movie deserves a solid 8 based purely on the fact that it kept me interested the whole way through, and I didn't leave feeling more stupid than I already did going in!
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The Cleveland Show: Mama Drama (2012)
Season 3, Episode 21
13 May 2012
I watch the Cleveland show every week hoping it will get better. I don't ever mind the jokes, but like Family guy and the current Simpsons; this show was a hollow laugh machine. I like my shows like I like my women, and my beer; something that can make me giggle and choke, but have some substance to let me enjoy it slowly.

Terrible metaphor aside, I thought this episode finally did what the show needed to do for 3 seasons now. ADD CHARACTER.

I won't spoil anything but the final 6 minutes of this episode made me laugh, yet gave me a sentimental grin. This is something now Seth Mcfarlane show had done for me in a long time.

Keep it up Cleveland show team!!!
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Wings: Mother Wore Stripes (1991)
Season 2, Episode 20
Oh wow... (I wanted to put in full caps but IMDb would not let me)
11 March 2012
chances are no one will ever read this review, but I needed to write this one anyway.

I just finished watching this episode on Netflix, and I bawled at the end.

The woman whole play's Mae Hackett was incredible. This episode pushed the limits of drama in a comedy sitcom. The acting was so real, and so intense.

And the writing in this episode was superb, and as usual for Wings, it was a great mixtures of dry subtleties and perfect slapstick.

They don't make heartfelt sitcom moment's like this anymore....
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
Getting Better :D
7 February 2012
The first little bit of Season 9 was nearly strictly sex jokes and mean jokes at Charlie's expense... Probably because the writers and producers were still mad at Charlie the actor at the time of writing.

But finally the Charlie Jokes are done and really nice character development has begun.

Lot's of people are saying that this season sucks and bring back Charlie, honestly the last 3ish seasons all sucked with Charlie in them.

Episode 9 and on have actually been quite entertaining for me, I could do without all the drug references which seem a little off putting, Jake does not need to grow into a pot head!!!

But more than not I am enjoying this season, and hope it continues to improve!!!!
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Finally coming into it's own
7 February 2012
The first little bit of Season 9 was nearly strictly sex jokes and mean jokes at charlie's expense... Probably because the writers and producers were still mad at charlie the actor at the time of writing.

But finally the Charlie Jokes are done and really nice character development has begun.

Lot's of people are saying that this season sucks and bring back Charlie, honestly the last 3ish seasons all sucked with Charlie in them.

Hopefully the season will progress in the right direction like this episode :)
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