
12 Reviews
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The Happening (2008)
Dull, pointless, and almost more comedic than thrilling
15 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
...............This may contain spoilers...........................

From the man who brought us The Sixth Sense comes The Happening. Across New York, people for no reason start committing suicide. As it spreads, people run trying to escape the cause of this event.

This movie was supposed to be a thriller. Unfortunately, there is a lot of bad acting, no true plot explanation(which I can almost accept since they don't know what is causing it), no plot resolution(it just ends), no real character development(introduce character...kill character), too much humour, and bad timing on that humour disrupting the flow of the suspense. This movie is easily worse than Catwoman. Why did Mystery Science Theater 3000 have to end? This would have been a perfect source movie for MST3K. But, as a regular movie, it was a waste of time and money. Just wait for this to come on SciFi channel some Saturday afternoon if you want to see it. It will probably air between Mansquito and 10.5 Apocalypse.
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Iron Man (2008)
Best Marvel Adaptation yet
4 May 2008
Awesome movie.

I was a fan of Iron Man after reading the "Armor Wars". I kept up with it until about the mid 1990's. I was kind of worried Marvel may mess up another series I loved. Namely like The Fantastic Four. But the movie was well done, incredible effects and great story.

I like the fact the story was able to be modernized using our current conflict in place of the Vietnam storyline that started the original.

It is a touch violent and slight suggested sexual references, so I would be wary of taking kids under 13. Though, I definitely hope that their will be sequels. Also, stay through the credits...
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Hellboy (2004)
Pretty good movie
30 October 2006
When I first heard that Hellboy was coming out, I had also heard it was being made by the same guy who made Blade 2. I was a little less than enthused about seeing Hellboy. I was pleasantly surprised.

After seeing the previews and hearing about how this was a comic book based movie from one of my co-workers, I was a little more interested. Unfortunately, I had never heard of this particular comic, but I am always up for seeing a new comic book based movie. Then it probably helped that it had a few "names" in the cast list too.

Then I saw the actual movie. The story was a little weird at first, but keeping in mind it was a comic book, it was easy to maintain that sense of the story. The story was entertaining, the action scenes were good, the occasional comic relief mainly in one scene in particular was cute too. Overall, it was really good. My only complaint would be that he special effects were decent, but not spectacular.

Since I have never read the comic for this series, I don;t know how true to the story it was, but as a movie, I thought it was pretty good. I'd recommend this movie if you have already seen the bigger budget Spiderman, X-Men and Superman movies and you are looking for something fresh.
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Not bad, but not quite up to Shrek standards
28 October 2006
I am a big lover of the animated movies, but this one suffers the same plight as Madagascar. The story didn't have a feeling of having a purpose. I would be lying if I said this movie didn't have funny parts. The humor, whether subtle or blatant was very funny and tastefully done (ie...this isn't a 90 minute fart joke that never ends). The animation in this movie is also very well done. But the bad part is the overall story. While in small chunks, the individual scenes are great, but it just didn't feel like an story was being told.

I think this movie would be great for a child 8-12. For an adult, it is a nice diversion if you catch it on cable, but I would save my money for other movies.
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Elektra (2005)
Better than expected
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
For all the bad I heard about this movie, I was pleasantly surprised. I had seen so many bad reviews and the fact it was a spin-off of Daredevil had made me very hesitant to see this movie. But as an action film, it had good fights. As a comic book based movie, it had some interesting villains.

But there were a few problems I did have with this movie. Some parts of it felt rushed, while other parts felt drawn out.

***************POSSIBLE SPOILER****************************

Unless this movie was meant to have a sequel, the movie wasn't complete. The head bad guy never even encountered the main character. Hopefully there is a sequel being thought of to remedy this situation.

Also, I would have liked to have seen more of the character backgrounds of either Elektra or the family she was trying to protect.

****************END SPOILER**********************************

All in all, this was a good movie to pass some time with. I am glad I didn't fork over $20 for a ticket, popcorn and soda at a theater. But, if you see this movie on HBO or Netflix it.. it is definitely worth the time.
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Lack of direction
9 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't to totally knock PotC2. It was an enjoyable movie with the bits of humor that we would expect to see. Unfortunately this film felt like it lacked cohesion or direction. It honestly felt like 3 different writers were put into different rooms to type out a script. Scenery changes seemed to happen without explanation. It also felt like they were trying to tell too many stories at the same time.

POSSIBLE SPOILER In one scene we see Jack fearing for his life with a sea monster after him, then the next scene he is being treated as a god to some aboriginal tribe. How did they get there? Why was the ship beached? Why was he thought of as a god? Why were they there in the first place? This wasn't the only time the movie felt like it jumped to a different story.

I am thinking there were some small scenes that were cut out to save time that helped explain this. That is the only thing I can assume.

I think this movie was cute and funny at times and action filled at others, but if there is anything else you would want to see, see that first.
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Doogal (2006)
Was a big waste of time
26 February 2006
After coming fresh off of a pretty good movie with Hoodwinked, something fell totally apart when it came to this movie. This is the first movie in a LONG time where I was constantly checking my watch to see if it was almost over. And at a short 85 minutes, that is pretty sad.

Let me say a couple good things about the movie. The pre-movie cartoon was really funny. The animation kept the cute, and simplistic CGI style found in Hoodwinked.

Unfortunately, there was a lot of bad parts to the movie. The thing that bothered me the most were the number of puns and pop references. I think it is good when they are used, but they went overboard. They didn't always even fit in with the situation. I would have to say, they were almost forced. Then the references would be above most of the 'target' audience. Another problem is that I don't care much for 'fart' jokes. Unfortunately, about the only time I really heard any laughter from the kids in the audience was when a flatulent character was on screen. Even the story was pretty weak.

It was a shame considering that this movie had such a great cast. But I would have to recommend avoiding this movie unless there is absolutely nothing left to watch that you can take a kid to.
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26 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This might contain spoilers(though will try not to list anything)

I must say, it is finally great to see a gay-themed movie that doesn't fit into the traditional stereotypes. Usually, the movies tend to be 'tweaked out club slut finds straight acting virgin, they hook up, break up, yet find true love at the end'. European films have shown a few good ones too, but this is the first American one to break the mold (though there are many small ones that I may have missed).

Even if it wasn't a gay themed movie, the story was very good too. (POSSIBLE SPOILER) A story about two people who fall in love, yet can't come to terms with it, so they go about their lives with different people that they don't truly love. (END POSSIBLE SPOILER)

I would definitely recommend this movie to see at least once.
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Timeline (2003)
Not bad as everyone has said
15 October 2005
Last night, I finally got around to seeing Timeline. I've had it on my TiVo for about a month. It was something I didn't want to subject my roommate to since I saw so many negative reviews on this movie. I must say...I was quite surprised.

I thought the movie was quite enjoyable for a quasi-suspenseful action flick. Of course it had a few plot points that were a bit silly, but overall the movie was pretty good.

Disclaimer: I do have to say that I never did read the book. But if people say the book was so good and this movie sucked...well..then I'll have to add that book to my "To Do" list.

Overall...I was teetering between giving the movie a 6 or a 7. I think 7 was worthy for this movie.
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White Chicks (2004)
Have mercy on us....
22 June 2004
My god...what have we done to have a plague like this wrought upon us? This was by far one of the worst movies I have ever seen. There will be no spoilers some references will be kind of vague.

As comedies go, the jokes are few and far between. You almost wonder at times if this was supposed to be a comedy or just a stupid movie. Then, in a few parts, the jokes or scenes were too drawn out. If it was a funny scene, they would kill it by keeping the scene going. In other times, it seemed to be just pointless filler.

As films go, what happened here? There were at least 2 scenes edited for the worse from the trailers to the final product. In fact, one scene that was changed, the editing was so horrendous that the quality of the picture looked like someone was using a home movie camera. Then when the scene went back to the went back to normal. Then there were at least two scenes in which the microphone is just hanging in the middle of the screen. Considering the Wayans family has been in this business since at least the late 1980' think they would have this down pat.

A poor comedy with just as bad bad filming and editing... this rates a whole 2 / 10 from me.
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21 Jump Street (1987–1991)
fun shows of the past...
5 January 2003
I remember this as on of the shows that helped launch Fox as a network. Between this, Adventures of Beans Baxter, Werewolf, Traci Ullman and Simpsons.

I really enjoyed this show for most of it's run. The last season with Grieco did not leave me with too many fond memories. But for the first several seasons, I definitely made room in my Sunday lineup to see this show. For the most part, the stories were good. I just wish there was someplace that showed re-runs of 21JS. With the deluge of cop shows nowadays, i still think I could make time to see 21JS
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Things do get better with age
3 April 2002
I remember when I had first started watching this new series in the Star Trek Universe. I was first thinking how nothing could replace the original crew. But then after seeing the first several shows, I was sure that that The Next Generation(TNG) would soon join The Original Series(TOS) in cancellation. There were a few good episodes in season 1, but for the most part, they were bad. Purely poor story lines, bad special effects, and poor dialogue. Then came the second season. My god...what couldn't get worse actually did. The introduction of Dr Pulaski. Granted I feel that she wasn't a bad actress, but the script given to her was horrendous. But then..something miraculous happened...TNG got a third season. And amazingly...TNG had become a good series. The introduction of Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan was somewhat a weak role for her being the intergalactic-almost immortal-alien bartender, but outside of that...trekkers and trekkies alike had been introduced to the most menacing villain of the Star Trek Universe...The Borg. We also saw the return of Denise Crosby(Lt Tasha Yar) in Yesterday's Enterprise...alternate universe/timeline stories have always been my favorites. Then...with each successful year, all of the plagues of the first two seasons had been remedied, the special effect have greatly improved as did the stories. In fact, the best part of some of the stories is that some events that had occurred earlier in the series had some bearing upon the current episodes. At the beginning of the series, I couldn't wait for it to end, and then when "...All Good Things..." aired, I was upset at the ending of such a great series.

There have been a few other expanses into the Star Trek universe...Deep Space Nine and Voyager which also got better with time, but never achieved the greatness of TNG...hopefully Enterprise will restore that sense of adventure into the Star Trek Universe.

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