18 Reviews
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Exemplifications of a tradition bound to practices of plurality
7 April 2024
Let me for once treat the reader, the avid reader I must suppose, to a rare empirical exemplification in the confines of an everyday realm of practice (and plurality!). As the boy, let us not speak of the "Road" until further examining this subject in a later chapter, will indeed tread on his mothers wombs if not entitled to any subjugations (again this plurality!). Brentano (again, the great!) did already address this in a late 19th century treatsie entitled "Die Umwelt In Einem Subjekt Als Die Mutter". In the product, again henceforth simply "movie", Brentano moves the borders of this "Umwelt", an assault on all entitlements, falsley imagined as everyday practices, that has come before. A chapter in such an example is when the boy, or Man as the English would have it, strives for perfection in an, according to Bauman, intention of the Mind. The unfolding (no capital) does react in this way as well, only to find the Man entangled with the loss of a hanging body of literature.
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Mean Girls (2024)
Guilt forces demand on both flesh and Mind
7 April 2024
While the reader by now must have understood the true intentions of my philosophical project, the seemingly distant undulations och the oscillating emotion is never quite stirred. A stirring of such an oscillation could be construed as the philosopher (as is I, and the great Brentano!) folding the nature of the life-world (according to phenomenology) into a here-now. However, these emotions need not be tied to the confines of a temporal aspect, rather the opposite. As the spacial flow of a life-world demand further investigations into a true Unfolding (as is my main mission with this book!), the reader will undoubtedly ask the question of how such an undertaking is possible. To accomodate this in this book, I can only refer to the, rather excellent, literature review of Alfred Schutz himself. A phenomena can never be fully appointed in the way the reader might deem necessary, however (as Schutz point out), the body of this work is never complete. The "mean" of the woman, or the "girl", is apparent and links in sections into this body of literature, such is this review process entanglements (plural!).
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Magpie (2024)
Symbolism of an Austrian tradition
7 April 2024
A "magpie", or rather, a "maggot pie" as it is correctly adhered to in eastern literature, is the symbolism of an Austrian (again with this philosopher!) tradition. One reader will never truly adopt this "mag pie" into an unfolding, hence it will never realise its full potential. Why, then, is the maggot pie not a symbol as it were in the writings of late modernity? Bauman would later explain this as an apparition (the reader surely remembers this from previous chapters!). The apparition is in this instance in place of the "other", an other of the pure triangulation of the great Brentano. We have already, rather excruciatingly one might be inclined to add, deconstructed the matters of this folding into, and unto, itself. Hence, the subject never becomes clear in the relation in which Bauman is interwoven, which is subdued in the readers Mind. A moral undertaking is indeed itself an undulaton of the flesh, without the capitalization that seems to often be added to the philosophical attribute (one of astrology, I am sure!). This product, hence forth "movie", would neither enlist nor ease the reader of such a pleasant decoding structure.
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Haunting on Man is a circular instance
7 April 2024
As this certain review does not appear in any of the circular indifferences of Man, I intend to further such a discussion here.

The grave situation in which the same individual (not the name of the father! Or mother!) takes the complex workings of such an attempt and turns it on its head is in many ways an astonishing feat. Let me review what has been said: Is this the future of AI written products? And this, from another individual experience of the here-now: One wonders when hearing and experiencing the story (which is told in movements), which at time relishes in the abundant absence of a true effort (such as the great Brentano!). Some would call this an average account of a failing treatsie, in which I would say back: That is a very high compliment to such a conceptual investigation of the Mind (see end notes on capitalizing). The twist of the unfolding leaves one out of breath! They do not, and this in refrence to Brentano, like each other! An edge is nothing more than an argument dressed in the superficial clothing of a certain review. This leads me to the conclusion: Freud, in his inhibitions of failure, would leave the here-now insofar that it realtes to the siren.
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A triangulation of attempted sorrow
6 April 2024
I have seen this in a dream, where the waking mind has suffered greatly on account of what people suspiciously refer to as "trolls". Although these trolls, and the way they are branded in this movie, are held at arms length, there is a Woman (of the dunes, as prepared by the greatness of Austrian philosophy!) seeking her true offering, her folding into herself a fascinating spectacle. I have never seen any of these trolls, hardly a point to be made. Nonetheless, a troll subjectifies and transcends (again this Austrian philosophy!) the objects of desire, the frail mist of a broken vessel. Did they actually drive the car, one wonders? Leave these questions to the plane of methaporical investigations, these are not words for mortal Men. A man cries, does he not? A woman suffers, does she not? Alas, the triangulation is somewhat complete.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
A relatedness of belonging to the here-now - A treatsie in rising values
6 April 2024
I am writing this section as I am experiencing the here-after, even though the here-now rears as the child of fifty. Ponder this question at will: has the abomination of the clear and sufficient stream of duration been enough for the child? This question is of a different tonal character than what has come before. The history of the English (let us call it that), the abolished and intricate web of flesh, has long since been present in the philosophical inquiry of the great Brentano. I will not be lengthy in this matter, but would withdraw any statements about the "Sho gun" (as it is correctly spelled!) and the "Sho gin" (as is customary for the apparition). Furthermore, this has been explained as a tower, a rising value of effort that encapsulates three different movements (again this magic number!). The way the English, or hereafter simply Man, adapts the here-now as a junction of positions is never quite clear. Nonetheless, returning to this "review" 400 days later, the notion appears sufficient.
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Loneliness is the unfolding in which a child rears its head
6 April 2024
The head is one part of this transition that has yet not been covered. I have not left this out without some kind of intention to return to it. In controlling the workings of the unfolding, a child may never rear its head around forty, while fifty, as established elsewhere (see end notes!) is far too large a number. This is where Brentano, as well as his adept Freud, enters the question of loneliness. How, you may say, does the Austrian philosophies (plural, which is itself an astrology!) attempt this moral resistance of weight and word? I can only say this to such an inquiry: the weight of the world will be whispered in due time. Ponder this as an adaption of this line of thinking. The me-child has gathered the books necessary for inception, which does include the collected works of Shakespeare. In a me-child, one would have to assume the here-now of the situation, the solidness of the flesh and mind. This, however, need not be the case. While this product does not address these solutions, I will engage the reader with these questions in the next section.
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"Hardly, and hardly", said the deafening echoes of a distant formation
6 April 2024
This will of hardening, and branching (towards all sides!), is enough to make one indifferent to the makings of ones own definition. Unfolding is a concept I have long (I am now 213 years of age) tried to simply extrapolate from the everyday structurings that surrounds us all. But "all" is a curious word. It somehow entails the child and the mother, as well as the father, while resting on its own notion of conceptual illusion. The product at hand would never suffice in relating the moment in which I am (the here-now) to the moment in which I will be (the here-then). How to understand this future I will leave to those better suited, sociology is at best the closest neighbour to astrology (that of the true stars!). Did anyone ever whisper this in the darkness, did anyone hear the calls of the inner child, a child which Bridges incorrectly labelled "the intention of intention"? It has to suffice that Freud is a proud mother of the unfolding that has taken place. I continue this argument elsewhere but leave the reader with this. I listen closely to these workings and their outer character somehow scares me.
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Road House (2024)
The house of the guest is the house of the master
6 April 2024
A guest can never appreciate the finer details of his (or her!) masters house in that it does not entirely exist (as we know it!). The dichotomy of "roads" and "houses" does not come into being by simply, and I deliver this judgement harshly, existing inbetween the times of themsleves. They fold unto themselves as would a lesser product. I am a child, and I am a mother, these things I can take for certain. But certainty is itself a mirage which escapes the confines of the lesser mind. Then who is to blame? Surely the escapism of a hollow shell does not fall in line with that of the greater prison of my own making. In singular form, it eventually becomes my own making, one might increasingly argue. Yes, this dichotomy does indeed relate to the "house", not the "road" (if there is such a thing!). Instead, a dichotomy, when pursued, is often found false and does not tell the entirety of the "story". I am, for one, at a loss for belief and restraint. Let my child be, someone begs from the corner of my eye, and I shall let it be.
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Poor Things (2023)
Poularity can be assessed only by the philosopher and the fault of the flesh
6 April 2024
Did one of us already signal the end of the world? The way in which a lonely character, that of the wolf, seems to infiltrate every notion of "popularity" is an appropriate starting point in a journey towards the "middle of the earth", as Plato once so elegantly phrased it. A philosopher (such as myself!) can never explain what is actually happening to the world around them, only the ways in which these happenings depend on subjugation and transformation. However, I digress. The signal is that of a pipe, perhaps closer to the lute, and waves of comfort should, in a certain perverse sense of the word, be looming over the gardens of your flesh. Did this product make a single attempt at explaining the inner workings of the Darwinian tradition? Or did it measure itself to the long scrolls of the Torah, where a single drop of salty discharge might evaporate the whole argument? This is for the philosopher and his infamous stone, the one they hid to attempt a further insubordination of both the blood and the wine. I am looking towards the east for this solution, and will cover this in the following chapter.
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January 1st is a date of dread
6 April 2024
While the Mayan calendar had its shortcomings, the way in which the western world plunges deep into the dates of January (or November for that matter!) is nothing short of perverse. I have, in other reviews, been referring to Hussel, and the way in which morality is an always present element of the life-world (that is, however, Schutz's words, not Husserl's own). I will in this case go even further, reliving my own childhood (I am now 23) and the time spent inside the wombs of my mothers and fathers. An entity is born on fifty, which this movie is referring to, but an experience takes place long before. Let us gather the end of time as a point of reference, and proudly explore, in the words of Sandler Adams, "the great outlier of pure instinct". I have always watched the unfolding of this product, the constant overarching and underarching plots and devices, and I will continue to do so until I have reached January and its dreaded dates.
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Bridges over a violent apparition
6 April 2024
One can only ponder the workings of Husserl, of many believed to be the father of phenomenology, as a violent and shocking apparition is bound to be experienced. I have never, in my 63 years of living, been inclined to comment on something so banal, and utterly useless, as "music". I am, however, in this case compelled by the siren call of a young child, nay, a woman (I'm told), in which a heavily set spectre appears from above to "set the scene" (so to speak). Did hamlet scream his final words in this very way? Did you, as I, write in this "diary" during childhood? Did it compell you to speak to the apparition? Did it make your very flesh shiver and shake, in awe of its gigantic appearance? "Leave the world behind", says Bridges in this movie, "let us move from this phenomenological realm of pure duration into that of the mind, the flesh, the mind". Bridges might be an avid follower of Plato, however, I am not.
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I love all my wives
6 April 2024
A sentence here, a secret word there, a sense of someone brushing up against you on a crowded train. All these familiar feelings come to a towering crescendo in the multi facetted orchestration of the "wedding". We are long told that three is the magic number, which has been retold and remediated through a spiral of despair and hope. In the western hemisphere, people are just three things, of blood, of flesh, and of mind. This movie, which is in itself a manifesto of the flesh, incorporates a classic continental philosphical approach to the meta-physical (which includes the eponymous "funeral" in the title). I would argue that a "wedding" is not unlike that of a "funeral", in which a wife is often held accountable and is forced to travese the river Styx, only to eventually, and unavoidably, be cheated out of her own existance by Caron the boat man. I, however, love all my wives equally, and have no intention of adding to the magic number of three, however hard this product tried to persuade me.
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Subjugations of the old man and the troll
6 April 2024
There is something about the intricate workings of this phenomena that makes me feel simultaneously at home and somewhat uneasy. Remembering my childhood years, curled up with a copy of Hemingways "The Old Man and the Sea", the smell of dread lingering in the air, just as thick as the smell of potatoes boiling in the pot. My mother would ask me about the troll, the small troll with the ring. I would say that I have not yet found this troll, it has slipped through my fingers, slipped my mind, perhaps a product of my own slippery slippings. The troll never came to be, his hairy feet wandering forever, the old man (and the sea) always by his side, until the very end. I did not merely "see" this movie, I was there, curled up inside what has been refered to as the "Mountain of Doom" (which, I have been told, is a place of fantasy!), where the potatoes surely would be boiling. As the troll says in the last minutes of this movie: "My kingdom for a potato, Frodo, my kindom for a potato". A section of this treatsie will in detail cover the unfolding of this conscious steam of durability within the "potato".
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Exam (2009)
Grades are everything you long haired hippie
6 April 2024
I would like to start this deep dive into seating arrangements to tell you to stay in school. Exams are hard work. Timers are stressful. Even Shakespeare, when writing the sonnet that would come to be "Why Didst Thou Promise Such A Beauteous Day", lamented on the workings of chance, fate and the cruel, often unfair, lives we must lead. A job is a job, or so it has been said. While one can think about exams as part of the world of education, there is seemingly high regard for such endeavors also in the corporate sphere (which this movie makes abundantly clear). Do not copy your neighbour, let your neighbour copy you. While words from the bible are a hard sell and a rare commodity in this cultural aspiration, the man or woman next to you might just be there for the same reason you are. Now go get that long hippie hair cut right off your greasy scalp, and let the timer do its thing.
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Triangle (2009)
Let me start again
6 April 2024
End note for reference 18, page 28.

The movie opens on a sunny day in a peaceful neighbourhood in what I assume is somewhere in the US. No wait, let me start again. The movie opens in a somewhat sinister manner with a SEEMINGLY peaceful situation between a mother and her young son. No, wait, wait. Let me start again. The movie takes place on a small boat, where a group of friends and acquaintances are having the time of their lives. No no no. Let me start over. Wait. Ok. The movie takes place in a storm, a violent storm which could only be rivalled by the writings of Homer, where a woman and her friends find themselves fighting for their lives. No, wait, wait, that's not right. Wait. Let me have another go. The film is about a cruise ship, perhaps the oft fabled Titanic (which is, in fact, a real ship from real history!), and the inner workings of a slowly advancing or retreating clock, which is never truly in frame. No no no, that can't be right. Let me start over. Again.
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Creep (I) (2004)
Mid tier influencer tries to sleep with George Clooney
6 April 2024
End note for reference 213, pages 17-19.

A mid tier influencer, in both looks and followers, takes on an oddyssean journey through the depths of hell, painstakingly navigating from point to point in an herculean effort to sleep with actor and super star George Clooney. In what can only be described as an epic journey, rivaling that of Odysseus himself, the influencer chases the white rabbit into London's wonderland, only to find herself lost and confused, looking for a way to her Penelope, her one and true love, who (the viewer must assume this) is faithfully waiting at the end of the rainbow. Friends and enemies come and go, storms are overcome with great sacrifice, the resilient influencer endures the hardships in the smallest glimmer of hope that she will again rest her eyes upon the glorious and soothing face of Mr Clooney.
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Feed (2022)
Technically this enormous unfolding is never the here-now
22 February 2023
While blood might be the first emerging thought of a late child-man, the blood on branches (yes, multiple!) is often considered to be the Freudian day dream. This has not passed lightly through the halls of Austrian philosophy, where the likes of Brentano (the great!) have not solved, neither exposed, the slippery mechanisms of transitions such as this. A transition, between one victim to the culprit, however that may seem, is another sense of being. The sense of the here-now is not of a "movie", it is of a situational relatedness ehere one who could not make this "movie", in fact attempted such an undertaking. Overtly, and I tread these roads as a man of science (of astrology!), the unfodling once again takes place between the water and the underwater. Struggling to attempt a soft approach, these notions may bear heavy on the philosophy of the here-after.
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