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Basically this is why I don't like Jim Carrey
30 August 2008
It's mainly because of Ace Ventura. He's just too much here, too much to the point where it's just stupid and VERY annoying and just not funny. He was a lot better in The Mask and Bruce Almighty, but here, it's just too much. I don't understand why people find Jim Carrey doing dumb faces or saying dumb things hilarious, it's really not. It's just stupid. How was this a hit film? How did it do it? Did people really watch crap like this? Because honestly, that's like watching Chris Crocker kiss another man, I mean seriously, it's just NOT FUNNY! It's just so bad, and people are saying "no it's not Jim Carrey, he did amazing" no, honestly, it WAS him, because he was just too much here, and it's just not funny, it's stupid. Definitely a 1/10, an abysmal film, watching it was worse than cutting up my butt with razor blades and rolling in a pile of salt.
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Mario Kart Wii (2008 Video Game)
Great game for the newcomers, for the veterans, kinda disappointing...
5 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Now let me just break it down for you.

Graphics: Kinda disappointing, looks just like the Gamecube version but with a washed out look and less vibrant colors, although the N64 courses look very pretty.

Soundtrack: The new Rainbow Road sounds very nice, but overall, the new songs are kinda mediocre, nothing special, nothing that stands out, yeah there's some catchy songs, but it's nothing memorable. However, the retro songs are pretty much why the soundtrack is good. Most of the retro songs were brought back, maybe fixed and better balanced, but besides one SNES song, one DS song, all the GBA songs, the rest of the songs are direct rips, yes, even the N64 ones, and since they have Mario Raceway in there, you're gonna be hearing the same Raceway song you heard in Mario Kart 64, just a bit clearer and fixed.

Gameplay: Now there's all these cool features, but this is where Mario Kart Wii is kinda disappointing. The game is too much luck based, so it's hard to get "good" at this game. The new items in this game really don't help either. But other than that, it's still the same old Mario Kart, tweaked quite a bit not so much better, but it's still fun.

Alright, now let's go into detail with some stuff about some features in the game. Battle mode sucks now. You're forced to play in teams, so there's no more "last man standing" thing, which really sucks. It's online, yeah, but if it's butchered, who cares? And the retro course selection is mediocre, they have some really good ones like DK Mountain from the Gamecube, Bowser's Castle 3 from the GBA, Bowser's Castle and DK's Jungle Parkway from the N64, but you've got some really just..OK courses, like Peach Beach from the Gamecube, and all the DS courses. This is just obvious that Nintendo's getting all the old ones out of the way and they're thinking ahead to future games so they can save the best ones for last, I mean seriously, Desert Hills??? PEACH GARDENS?? where's Waluigi Pinball??? or Wario Stadium??

The online works very very well. It's just about lag-free, you don't have adjust everything to get it to work like in Brawl, so that's a huge plus for this game, and the Mario Kart Channel and the tournaments, yeah there's no missions, the tournaments are basically the missions...it's so well done.

Alright overall, Mario Kart Wii is another solid addition to the Mario Kart series, I think it's a good game, but I think they could've done a lot better. It's great that Nintendo wants to attract all the newcomers and casual gamers...but that doesn't mean you have to forget about us hardcore gamers. But it's still a great game, easily my second favorite game on the Wii, even though it couldn't beat Super Mario Galaxy, but it's still great, but could be better.

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14 June 2008
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Now there may be spoilers here, but let me just say that I am NOT a fan of movies with just a lot of special effects, but I must say, I was very impressed with this one, mainly because it was a mix of both, it had a lot of real choreography AND some special effects, and I love it, it's the kind of choreography that's hard to follow because it's so fast, and it's just so well done. The part where Jackie Chan and Jet Li spar is one to remember, I was at the edge of my seat there, so awesome. Now the main guy who's like a teenager here, I've never really been a big fan of him, mainly because he was in a not-so-great movie, some Disney movie that I didn't really like, but he didn't do too bad here. The story of this movie is very good, acting, superb, and just everything, man, this movie is amazing! It seems a bit underrated here, I seriously think this movie deserves at least an 8/10. My rating? 10/10 easily.
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Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (2003 Video Game)
My favorite Mario Kart, even better than the DS one in my opinion!
19 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Mario Kart: Double Dash is an excellent game, stunning graphics (back then), great music, and addicting Gameplay! So this game is my favorite in the series, why? Because I don't like the hand-held ones, they're not the same when you're playing on the TV, I don't care if the DS version has Wi-fi or the old courses, it doesn't beat Double Dash! The fact that I can play as Mario AND Luigi at the same time is so cool! Since there's two players in the same kart, it adds a bit more strategy, which I love. The only complaint about it is that playing by yourself can get boring fast, which is the same with all Mario Kart games, and will hopefully be fixed in the Wii version. The multiplayer is what KILLS me about this game, playing with your friends is SO much fun, it's a great party game! So overall, Mario Kart: Double Dash, I think is the best Mario Kart so far. Hopefully, the Wii version will be better, because it's not portable, it's for a home console, AND there's Wi-fi, AND it has the old courses, done better, AND the controls seem interesting. Anyways, if Mario Kart Wii turns out any better, this will still be my 2nd favorite Mario Kart. So if you've got a Wii/Gamecube and want a Gamecube game and don't have this? There's no reason why you shouldn't get this game, unless you don't like racing games, it's fantastic and a must-own Gamecube game.
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Super Mario 64 DS (2004 Video Game)
The original is better
19 March 2008
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Super Mario 64 DS is a great remake of the original, but there are things that make the original better. So let's start out with the bad stuff. The controls are kind of clunky, it's a bit weird using the Touch Screen as an analog stick, oh, and in order to get to play as all the characters, you have to unlock them (EVEN MARIO!!!), and then the graphics, even though they're better overall than the original, slightly, and they look great...from a distance. Up close all you see is just a bunch of pixel squares. My final complaint about this game is probably the big one that REALLY makes the original better. It's the difficulty. Since this game features Yoshi, Mario, Luigi, and even Wario, the game's a lot easier, and not just the characters, the power-ups they have.

So in the original, Mario has three power-ups, the Wing cap, the Metal cap, and the Vanish cap. All of those have returned, but first of all there are no caps, this time it's a flower which kind of sucks, and they're split up with the other characters along with some new ones. So Mario has the wing cap AND a new one which is the balloon which makes him float. He's the only character to have two power-ups, because nobody else can use the wing cap. The Wing cap is obtained by a feather...not a hat, and then the balloon is obtained by the flower. Mario is the balanced character, who can break bricks, he can jump quite good, and is pretty fast, and can also perform the wall kick. Luigi, who's power-up is the Vanish cap, which of course, is obtained by the flower, and can run through enemies and certain walls. Luigi has the best jumping skills, he can still break blocks, he's pretty fast, and his jump is fantastic. He can walk on water for a bit, too. Now Yoshi, has the other new power-up which is to breathe fire. Yoshi can't break bricks, but has very good jumping just like Luigi. Now Wario, who's power-up, you may have guessed is the Metal one. He gets the flower and turns into Metal Wario. Now, Wario is VERY slow and sucks at jumping, but can break blocks others can't. He's the strongest guy, and really shows that with his power-up. So as you can see, all the power-ups were split with the different characters.

Now I'll give you an example of one of the power-ups making it easier, in the original Mario 64, there was a level called Dire Dire Docks where in one of the tasks you had to go in the canon and aim it at this thorn pole thing you grab on and make Mario land on a platform to get a Star which is in a box. In this one, all you can do is just get the power-up and float there...even though there's 30 new stars, it's actually easier to get them, especially since this time there's a map on the Touch Screen which tells you where the star is located.

The game has some new levels, but not much. They're not those big levels where it has like the 7 star task thing, it's those ones with one or two "secret" stars.

Overall, this is a great remake of the original, but is not as good as the original. If you own a DS, there's no reason why you shouldn't have this game!
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Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (2003 Video Game)
Oh come on
28 January 2008
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8 out of 10? This game deserves better! Mario games are never known for their story, but this game has a better story, normally the RPG Mario games always have better stories. So this game is pure joy for me, and it's one hell of a long game, I'm not sure on hours, but I know that it's not short, but on reviews, some said for an RPG, it's short, but I don't care, this game is easily my favorite Game Boy Advance game, and one of my favorite Mario games ever. The puzzles are so addictive and they just made me wanna play the game more and more, if I play the entire thing straight through, I could probably beat it in like 3 days, if I played it for a couple hours a day like before it took me a couple months. It has a good length, because there's so many places where it feels like the game's over, and after you played the entire thing it's actually still the only half the game. The game's very funny, it has it's laughing moments, especially with Luigi, and then the music in the game is quite amazing, especially since they added some old Mario music in there like the flying one from Mario 64 and of course the regular Mario theme from the original Super Mario Bros.

Overall, I think on this website, the game's underrated, it should have at least 9 stars like on its average rating on gaming websites (average rating meaning ALL the websites' ratings averaged out on one final rating). Because for me, this is #7 on my Top 10 Mario games of all time list. And I think this is the best game on the Gameboy Advance.

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Super Mario Sunshine (2002 Video Game)
One of the Worst Mario Adventure games
27 January 2008
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I don't know why the "also known as" thing has "Super Mario 64 II" there because this was NOT a sequel to Mario 64 in any way and will never be worthy of being one. Mario Sunshine was just downright frustrating, it's not that it's too hard, it's just not fun. It's less fun, and more challenging, it's hard, like, stupid hard. Not like Mario Galaxy where everything was fun, and challenging at the same time, it only felt easy because I had such a great time playing it, but this? NO! I advise you to skip this Mario game like one of the comments said, first of all they added all of these dumb characters, like the Piantas which have like huge noses and then a tree growing out from their head (what's up with that???) and then they added almost NONE of the older Nintendo characters like Goombas, Koopas, they added all these new enemies. Then you have this guy named FLUDD who is your helper the entire game which is like this water backpack and he's so annoying. All of this new stuff is just crap man...this game is just a big disappointment, and doesn't deserve good ratings like some of the comments below me. Now not everything in the game is terrible, the music is cool, but not any memorable tunes, and then of course, in these platform levels, the Mario Theme will be playing which I thought was cool, the graphics are really nice, and SOME of the challenges in the game are fun, that's...in the beginning of course, the game just gets too repetitive, collecting EVERY single blue coin just to get all the Shine Sprites? PLEASE! Why can't it just be more simple like Super Mario 64? Oh and also being repetitive are all the levels, they're all the same kind of theme, island theme...you know, on a beach, on the sand, tropical setting, but I mean, even though it all takes place on an island, they could've added like...you know, a Cave level maybe? Some kind of rain forest or something? Or a level that's just all Underwater? I mean come on, not JUST some island theme levels. So yeah, this game is not good.

4/10 Poor

If you want a Mario game, get a Wii and get Mario 64 on the virtual console, or get Super Mario Bros. 1, 2: The Lost Levels (THE Japanese VERSION, NOT THE US VERSION), 3, or Super Mario World, or Mario Kart 64, OR get Mario's newest one, Super Mario Galaxy! Just get anything BUT Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Bros. 2, AKA Doki Doki Panic.
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Assassin's Creed (2007 Video Game)
27 January 2008
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This game was terrible. I think they worked too hard on the visuals and didn't do much with the gameplay, which is the most important part. I mean, the visuals look incredible, but is the game really "fun"? NO! I mean it's like "hey let's jump off buildings" and all I'm doing is holding up and A/X. The game play just isn't there, and I don't agree with what Ubisoft did, because they had this hot girl (the producer of the game, Jade Raymond), and they were like "OK we've got this hot girl, let's pimp her" and if you go to gaming websites, you're not gonna see gameplay stuff of Assassin's Creed, you'll see her face with a microphone and it'll be like "We interviewed Jade Raymond about her favorite cookies!" It's like man, shut the F*@K UP WHO CARES?! Apparently...a lot of people do, because they bought the game and like it...I mean compare this game with Super Mario Galaxy. A Wii game that really doesn't abuse the Wii Remote, but STILL is very innovative and delivers in the most important part, GAMEPLAY! They were able to do a bit of everything with Mario Galaxy, the graphics were still stunning, the music in the game was orchestrated and sounded amazing, and THAT'S a game that deserves game of the year. NOT Assassin's Creed, man, it doesn't even deserve to even be a NOMINEE for Game of the Year. The hype around this game where it was like "oh it's the next generation of gaming"....really? I think not! So let me get this straight here, because I think the people liking this game are only liking it because they're Jade fans, so I'll tell you guys, JADE WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU OR ANYTHING IF YOU LOVE OR DEFEND THIS GAME! If you want a REAL game on the PS3, get Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, if you want a REAL game for the Xbox 360, get Call of Duty 4 (and a ton of other games too), and if you want a REAL game just in all the systems? GET SUPER MARIO GALAXY! I know this comment will be hated by many, but seriously, pressing two buttons for doing all this cool stuff, is that REALLY a fun game? The only reason why other games make it more complicated is because after it'll end up being more innovative and fun. And this game just isn't it.

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This game's WAYYY better than the US one
27 January 2008
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Even though people say that the US one is much different so it's a better sequel...but this one's more of a "Mario" game. I mean, the other one isn't even a Mario game, it's part of the Mario series, yes, but is it a Mario game? NO! That game was such a lie, all you're really playing is Doki Doki Panic but with the Mario Characters slapped in there and some other minor changes like the Sub-World music is the Mario theme and the magic lamp thing or whatever changed to a Mushroom. I don't know why challenging makes it "hard" because honestly, I think the game is great the way it is! So what if it doesn't have a different plot? Are Mario games known for their plot anyways? And so what if it didn't have different music? The original music was good anyways! I think this game's better also because they added a new power-up, or should I say, power-DOWN. If you're Super Mario (the bigger one) and if you get the poison mushroom, it'll power you down back to regular Mario. Then they added Red Piranha Plants, which come out of their pipe even if you're standing next to it or on top of it. And the levels are pretty damn hard, I could say that already World 1-1 is already like a World 5 difficulty. I still give it a 10 out of 10 because it's a worthy sequel to Super Mario Bros. and if you can beat this game, then every other game you play will be easy.
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Death Warrant (1990)
He's not a bad actor....but
10 December 2007
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The fighting is just too fake. Trying to look like a hero but he looks so bad. He gets beaten up too easily and totally fakes it. The fighting choreography looks so fake. It looks so staged. The guys just stand there and so expect to get hit. I mean, he's no Bruce Lee obviously, but look at Jet Li's choreography! This fighting is so easy to follow it looks so boring and fake. Jackie Chan's choreography looks so great too, his is funny. His acting is okay, but the fighting is just too boring. It puts me to sleep. Please man, no wonder this movie got its rating. This guy is not creative, he shouldn't do any more action films if the action puts you to sleep. Look at all his movies! A lot of them get low ratings! Come on guys, if you call THIS good then you haven't seen nothing yet.
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Super Mario Galaxy (2007 Video Game)
Looks like this game will start turning the tables for Mario
22 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
*THIS COMMENT WILL PROBABLY HAVE SPOILERS!! I CHECKED THE SPOILERS BOX JUST IN CASE BUT IT MIGHT NOT HAVE SPOILERS, BUT BE AWARE ANYWAYS IF I SAY SOMETHING THAT YOU MIGHT CONSIDER A SPOILER AND I DON'T!* Wow...best game since Super Mario 64. I got this game the first day it came out, and before I got it, I went on some gaming websites to look at its ratings (yes, they already reviewed it before it came out), and I was shocked. I was expecting something like Sunshine because lately all the Mario games have kind of been getting worse and worse. But this one totally beat the other games. The scores on this game even beat Halo 3! It's simply amazing.

STORY: Not the best, Mario games are never known for their plots, and this one isn't really much of a difference. Bowser once again kidnaps Peach but this time invades the Mushroom Kingdom on a festival celebrated once every century and gets a flying saucer and it shoots lasers on the ground and then they put anchors inside the ground and rip off the castle and its foundation into outer space.

GRAPHICS: Absolutely gorgeous, the best graphics on Wii so far. The water effects are really nice too, if you ever see the water, it looks so real because the effects they put in it.

MUSIC: Simply amazing, the music in this game is orchestrated. Not all of it, but even the ones that aren't orchestrated still sound very nice.

GAMEPLAY: Very entertaining, keeps you wanting to play more and more, and for me, since usually I tend to be very frustrated with games if I die a lot, I mean, I'm definitely not the only one, but this game for me didn't have that a lot. Now it still kind of did, but not to the point like Mario 64 where I totally go crazy and end up turning off the game because it made me mad, this one never did that.

DIFFICULTY: There are two types of difficulty, because you can just technically beat the game with just 60 stars, which I think is kind of easy, but to beat the game 100%, you have to get 120, like always, and that quest is way harder, but at the same time still very fun.

LENGTH: Good length, definitely not too short. It took me around 15-16 hours to beat it with just 60 stars, but 120 took me more like 45-50 hours. Now I didn't play it constantly that much, I played first a lot one day, then the next couple of days just a couple hours each day, then the next two days I played it all day. To me though, I think the quest for 60 stars was a tiny bit short, so if you want a long game, I suggest getting all of them.

PRESENTATION: Now, the cinematic scenes in this movie are superb. The way they are, it just looks so much like something I would see in the theaters. They are hands down the best cinematic scenes on any Mario game so far.

OVERALL: This game is definitely a great game, and I advise you to not wait until Christmas, get it as soon as possible. This game also is a good mixture of old and new, you'll have some sidescroller levels where you move just side to side, or up and down because they'll change on gravity, but even the music has some old classics in it. So this game seems to be like a masterpiece. To me, it's my favorite Mario game of all time, but others may disagree. But it's still a great game. I recommend every gamer who wants to have fun in a game to get this.
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Fist of Fury (1972)
My favorite Bruce Lee film
2 October 2007
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I don't know what everybody's saying about Bruce Lee, with the "laughable acting", are you kidding me? Somebody else said to watch Jet Li instead, wow...you obviously are a Bruce Lee hater...Jet Li can't even act, that's why I like Bruce Lee so much better. And please don't hate on this film because of the dubbing, there are other versions of the film, so don't just judge the film from watching that version, if you watched the Cantonese with English subtitles version, you would've commented this better. Usually on movies I would get mad if it had an ending where it just sort of ended without actually knowing what happens, but this one was just classic. The fighting was so good too because I love watching Bruce Lee fight when he's angry. Definitely Bruce Lee's best film right here.
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2 October 2007
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I love this movie because of its quality and how Lee speaks English in this one. There's a couple things I have with this movie though. Number 1, there's not enough Lee fighting, the fight with Roper and Bowlo should've been Lee and Bowlo. There's too many other fights with the other guys it's not with Bruce Lee. I mean come on, they should've had more fights with Lee, there's only three fights with lee. The one against Bob Wall, the one after Roper beat up Bowlo, then the one against Han. The rest are just him fighting, but I don't exactly consider them much as "fights" because it's just him sneaking around and encountering a bodyguard and then just beating him up with a couple punches to get him out of the way. Other than all that, I love the movie because of its quality, and Bruce speaking English was great because I hate the ones where his voice has to be dubbed.
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Bruce Lee was NEVER beaten up by some guy.
27 September 2007
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He got a back injury from lifting weights and not stretching properly before that. Nobody ever beat him up, that's false. Also, I don't think he started Martial Arts as a little boy, he started when he was 13 after getting beaten up by a street gang. There's also another thing I have with this movie and that is Jason Scott Lee. He doesn't exactly fit the same Bruce Lee I'm used to seeing like in Enter the Dragon and Fist of Fury. This guy has muscle which is a way to start, but Bruce wasn't buff like him, Bruce was lean but still very muscular. This guy doesn't look like the clever Bruce Lee I know either. Well the movie was alright I guess, it's cool to see a lot of the stuff I read about him on screen, but a lot of it is false.
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War (2007)
One thing will disappoint you, but it's not bad.
22 September 2007
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I did enjoy this movie quite a bit. There's one thing that bugs me quite a bit in this movie. The action scenes are great, the thing is, if it's a movie with Jet Li, usually you're gonna expect more martial arts fighting, not just pure gun shooting. I mean there IS some, but not a whole lot, just a couple scenes near the end have some. But the movie was alright, a bit of a difficult plot, but it's very interesting and the suspense keeps on building throughout the movie.

Overall, I think it deserves 8 out of 10. It wasn't bad, so I don't know why the overall rating on here is like a 6. A little underrated to me.
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Pokémon: Red Version (1996 Video Game)
DEFINITELY NOT as good as Super Mario Bros.
1 September 2007
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The first Pokemon games were classic, but not as good as Super Mario Bros. Pokemon's Sequels got quite old, Ruby Version? Sapphire Version? Ever since those 2 games came out I just lost my taste with Pokemon because they're just too boring now. Red, Blue, Yellow, Green (yes it does exist), Silver, Gold, Crystal, those are the good ones, the ones after that are just boring. Mario didn't make 5 sequels to the Super Mario Bros. games, they actually invented different plots, well I mean, Bowser kidnapping Princess Peach is always the plot, but I mean it isn't always doing the same exact thing, I mean, in every game, it's not always jumping over obstacles and enemies to get to Bowser, they invented different kinds of ways. Pokemon it's just catching every Pokemon, beat 8 gyms (or 16 or whatever). The battles aren't all that amazing, I've seen way better from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. Pokemon's just getting too old, the TV series now is just crap because they changed the voices and it's really not that great anymore. The games are getting old. If you want a good Pokemon game, stick to the old ones, and I know this comment is getting out of the subject of just Red and Blue, but I was also talking to the guy who was saying Pokemon was better than Mario. I doubt it, because if Pokemon knew better, they would just stop the TV series and stuff because it's really getting old, The Mario Series' TV show knew when to stop. Well overall, the Pokemon series is kinda bad because now they just keep on going with the new stuff, but about Red and Blue version, THOSE were the good ones, stick to those, not the new ones.
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Hey people! This isn't the movie, it's the game, stop reviewing it as if it's the movie!
13 August 2007
(This comment is on the Wii version) The Wii, I think (and others probably think so too), is the perfect system for this game, and maybe for the next 2. The controllers on the Wii now make it feel like YOU'RE the wizard that's casting the spell, which is quite fun and cool. The graphics are amazing and the place looks just like in the movie. There's so much detail and so much to explore. I'm also glad that the real people from the movie (most of them) voiced the voices in the game. Another thing is that there are some things fro the game that actually go with the book, things that weren't in the movie. But there are some bad things too, like the camera was kinda bad because it sometimes gets the wrong thing that I'm aiming at, the game seemed a little rushed and like 3/8 (maybe more) of it is just scenes and skips around and stuff. But overall, this is a great game, I'm not sure how it is on the PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, or the PC, or any other system it's on, but it may be great because how much more of the castle and stuff there is to explore. But I recommend the Wii version because you get into it so much more than the others. Oh, and another thing, people, why are you reviewing this as the movie? This is the video game page! That's why in parenthesis it says VG.
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19 July 2007
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The plot was just OK, but first of all, why is Daisy in this? She's not the mushroom kingdom princess, and were special effects not invented back then? Why is every "creature" not special effects? they're just people wearing costumes! The only creature I liked was Yoshi. And who's Daniella? Where's Peach? And I thought King Koopa was some sort of Turtle, not a Dinosaur, the dinosaur is Yoshi. And Toad is a guy with a mushroom head, not a human with weird hair and that sings weird songs on the street like a hobo! Finally, the main thing i have with this is, WHERE IS LUIGI'S MUSTACHE!? THE MARIO BROS. ARE KNOWN FOR THEIR MUSTACHE'S, HOW COULD YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT LUIGI'S MUSTACHE! WHO CARES IF THE REAL GUY DOESN'T HAVE A MUSTACHE, CAN'T YOU JUST PUT A FAKE ONE OR SOMETHING? I MEAN, OBVIOUSLY YOU GUYS CAN AFFORD THAT, RIGHT?

Overall, the movie isn't the worst movie I've seen, but it's definitely obvious that there needs improvement, GREAT improvement.
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