
16 Reviews
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Heckler (2007)
good into this world of a-holes
10 August 2012
this documentary goes into hecklers to critics to a-holes like us on the internet. one of the more interesting things i thought was in this film was about the movie critics and self proclaimed movie critics out there on the internet that claim they are being honest but are really writing crap about the person that made the film or the actor.

a few things they mentioned was Malibu's most wanted which even i remember people saying it was the worst movie they have ever seen. which to me i wouldn't say it was the best but i thought it was funny because i knew many kids that acted that way and saw the humor in it by dragging those kids in to watch it.

only thing i feel this film should of gotten more into detail about was the subject of critics and people writing bad reviews about movies they have never even seen. for example i remember listening to howard stern talk to a person who bashed his film, private parts, in the news paper and also said she never seen the film and never would.

overall i enjoyed watching this film and loved it when some of those hecklers got in the boxing ring with some "critics"
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only reason why i saw this was because it came in a 4 film collection box for 5 bucks
2 February 2012
well if i knew what i was getting into when i popped it in after seeing the first film i probably wouldn't of watched it. it was so bad it was funny. only reason im giving it such a high rating is because of how much i laughed through the whole movie.

starts out with a school going to have a prom and an infection breaks out just like in the first movie. from the beginning you are knowing its a messed up situation from when the guy gets a bj in the bathroom to when the fat girl is making punch. the whole movie will gross you out so much you will laugh. think of it as a dark comedy and you will enjoy it enough to not want to watch it again.
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The Grudge (2004)
it was bad. funny. but bad.
2 February 2012
i was in high school when this movie came out. i remember seeing The Ring and being pretty creeped out so when i heard The Grudge was scarier i knew i wanted to see it. the movie trailer even creeped me out.

well i was hanging out with my girlfriend at the time and her friend and her friends boyfriend. maybe a few other people there but thats not important. when the movie started i was getting excited. i knew i was in for a scare. well once the ghost kid starts showing up i couldn't hold it in anymore. i started laughing so hard people who were actually scared looked at me like i was nuts. especially when the little ghost kid meowed like a cat that cracked me up. i just couldn't take the movie seriously anymore. it was so horrible i wasn't even scared.

the next day my other friends were talking about how it was the scariest movie they had ever seen and asked me if i saw it. i just told them "i didn't know if i was watching a comedy or a horror movie"
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Action from beginning to end
2 February 2012
well i remember watching this movie a while back and i was in the video store actually looking for it. sadly i couldn't find it because i would very much like to watch it again and add it to my movie collection.

some of the people who criticized it to me said "its just Call of Duty mixed with Independence Day. They want our resources? sound familiar?" well why else would aliens come to our planet and destroy us? These days its hard to come up with new and original idea's which is why we are seeing so many horrible remakes.

this movie follows a squad of Marines that are trying to survive the battle of los angeles. from the start of the movie i was getting pumped up. it was like the aliens are invading us so were flying in to kick their ass.
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Battle of Los Angeles (2011 Video)
so horrible
2 February 2012
this movie was so bad i decided to make a booze run because i had to be hammered to even watch it. like with everything i watch i don't base it off of crappy graphics (which there were plenty of) i base it off of the story which was pure... well i would say sh*t but thats not even bad enough to explain how horrible it was.

seriously whoever though it would be cool to bring a katana to a alien invasion and attempt to make it look good must of been retarded or watches too much anime.

The Title of the movie often confuses people with Battle: Los Angeles which was awesome. if you see this movie thinking you are going to watch Battle: Los Angeles then you will be disappointed.
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Ghostbusters (2009 Video Game)
who ya gonna call?
27 September 2011
I've been a fan of ghost busters since i was a kid. i saw the movies, watched the cartoon, i was even a ghost buster for halloween when i was 8 years old.

well i was looking through game demo's on xbox live and saw that there was a Ghost Busters video game. so i downloaded the demo and played it. at first i wasn't too impressed. catching the ghosts were fun and awesome but i felt the demo showed it as more of a puzzle game. well 2 years past since then and i was in the store looking for a cheap game to entertain me and i saw it on the shelf and it was pretty cheap. so i decided oh well i guess ill get it. it will entertain me for a while.

while playing it i actually got into it. the characters were just as i remembered. especially Bill Murray's character. and i got really excited to fight the Stay Puft marshmallow man lol.

well yea it is sort of a puzzle game and it seems even more ridiculous than the ghost busters movies but you got to remember Ghost Busters is not supposed to be a horror movie or game. its supposed to be a comedy and this team of misfits just gets into this kind of trouble while investigating and catching the paranormal.
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L.A. Noire (2011 Video Game)
not bad for how simple it is.
27 September 2011
When i first went to the store i was actually looking for a different video game to waste my time on but i couldn't find what i was originally looking for so i kept browsing. the guy at best buy (like they always do) decided to bug me and i usually just blow them off. he said "did you know the new LA Noire came out today?" i heard about it but i wasn't sure what it was like. when i looked at the game he said "its similar to GTA except you are a cop instead". i like games kind of like GTA where you drive around and complete missions so i decided to buy it.

when i got home and opened the game i saw it came in 3 disks which i thought were just bonus disks. I've opened a few games that just had a disk for upcoming games before. when playing the game i started to think wow so far this is pretty good but the best buy guy was completely wrong about it being just like GTA. instead you have to find evidence and look for clues, interview suspects and decide if they are lying or not by reading their face and tone of voice and if you don't have the evidence to support them lying you must doubt them. or they could be telling the truth.

overall i liked the game. 3 game disks that are for different chapters in the detectives life but you must beat the first disk before using the 2nd. i give this a 8 out of 10 because i guess i was hoping for much more action and gameplay than story. but still i would recommend this as a game to buy more than a game to rent so you can go back and replay stories and try to get them perfect.
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Gears of War 3 (2011 Video Game)
Story gets better.
27 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
well i was just home one day looking for a job. tired of filling out applications so i turned on my xbox and saw that there were some gears of war 3 clips on so i downloaded one of them to check it out to see when the game was going to be released. little did i know the game released that very same day. so i grabbed my wallet and ran to the store for another Gears adventure. one of the first games i got for Xbox was Gears of War. (actually it was Dead Rising, and Gears if War). i loved it from the start.

unlike Gears of war and Gears of war 2 this game has a little bit more of a personal touch to it. the first game was more of a "hey lets kick some ass" feel. the second game was more of "come on team lets work together and kick some ass". this game is more personal because they continued the struggle with Dom who lost his wife, Cole goes back to his home town, and Marcus is out to find his father. im not sure if i gave too much away in the story thats why i put the spoiler alert on it.

the gameplay was good but to me personally i feel there was too much story and not enough game play. thats one of the problems i have with games. i don't want to watch a movie i want to see short clips and then go back to shooting. BUT after saying that i actually did enjoy the story. it didn't seem like there was too much action compared to the other games but it was satisfying enough to make me happy. there wasn't very many new weapons. there is a sawed off shotgun that seems almost useless. the Retro Lancer was awesome even though its different from the normal one.

so even with its slight hickups in my opinion. i give gears 9 out of 10
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Mystery Science Theater 3000
18 September 2011
well there isn't really much of a plot to this show. its about Mike Nelson trapped on a space ship with his robot friends and a evil scientist sends him and his robots old cheesy movies usually ranging from the 60's and 70's and throughout the movies the robots and Mike comment on it.

i never watched this show when it was on TV during the 80's and 90's. i never really heard of it until i was dating a girl that sat me down and we watched it and i couldn't stop laughing even at the cheesy jokes during the movie. since i got netflix its made it easier for me to watch other episodes of it and some late nights i do.

if you are in the mood for a cheesy movie and cheesy robots giving funny commentary then check it out. its worth it.
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American Pickers (2010– )
my reason for the 5 star rating
14 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK so lets summarize the show real quick. 2 guys go around the US and find items people call junk and they are willing to buy it. simple enough. my dad does this sort of stuff all the time as a hobbie.

personally i do like watching the show to see all the cool stuff they find. it reminds me of when my dad and i would go to garage sales, estate sales, or junk yards looking for cool items such as old signs, toys, cigarette machines, phones, etc. i like that and i like seeing it.

but the main thing that bothers me with this show is when they pretty much rip people off. yes most of the time the person that owns it doesn't know the real value and mike is like a shark praying on them for it. i saw an episode where mike offered 30 dollars for something and got it for 30 dollars. but in the end the value of the item fully restored was well over 600 dollars. now i also understand what restoration costs can be and they are running a business for the purpose of making a profit. but 30 dollars is a total rip off and I've seen it done several times on this show.
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The Shield (2002–2008)
one of the best cop shows out there that is hardly recognized.
14 September 2011
When watching the shield you really have to start from Season 1 to understand what is going on. i was one day sick and my friend let me borrow season 1 of the shield and i watched it all day. at first i didn't know what to expect. i thought "well this is probably going to be another stupid cop show like CSI that has a lot of one liners and overused plots". the shield was different. they weren't afraid to put real horrific crimes out there and not make everything so obvious by over explaining.

as someone who already wrote a review said. "there is no good guy/bad guy in this show. they are only humans." in this show the cops act almost like most cops i have known personally and even deal with real issues. the main issue of the show is corruption. it is very loosely based off and inspired by the rampart corruption scandal
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Paranormal Challenge... a game show with "bragging rights" as the prize
14 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
well im not really sure where to start with this one.

its pretty much just a gameshow about 2 paranormal teams that go into locations that the Ghost Adventures crew have already investigated and they are given a very limited amount of time to gather evidence of the paranormal.

now personally i like paranormal shows. ill watch ghost hunters and ghost adventures and my ghost story, the haunted which was on animal planet... i really dislike this show. to me it feels like a game show with no prize and the only people that profit is the creators. plus when you think of paranormal investigations you don't think of a time limit. you are inside a place and things either happen or they don't. you cant assume just because it happened once that it will happen again. 2 hours to investigate is not enough time to even set up. plus the idea of turning a paranormal investigation into a gameshow is just a horrible idea even for a spin off. i give this 3 out of 10 and 3 is speaking generously. i still feel it should be lower
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Paranormal Witness (2011–2016)
just another syfy paranormal show just like a show that already exists
12 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
well i like watching paranormal shows depending on what they are doing. i heard this show was new and coming on syfy so i figured id check it out. the show starts off just like the discovery channels TV show "the haunted" where they have the people who witnessed the haunting and people who act out the story dramatically. at first i just i said in my head "oh god not another show like the haunted". where the actors look better looking than the real people and they are horrible actors. but instead they were better looking actors that actually were decent actors acting out an over exaggerated story some of which sounds like an urban legend or made up story.
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worst SST movie ever
29 August 2008
when i first heard they were making a SST2 i was excited. in my head i was thinking "cool more bug killing action"... what we got was the exact opposite. the guns weren't even cool, the characters were stupid the only thing that was cool was the idea that a bug can take control of your body and they even screwed that up. the guns weren't cool because they appeared to be shooting out beams of light and they didn't even sound like a real gunshot. they turned a action movie into a cheap and horrible horror/scifi zombie movie. i was surprised they got one of the actors from the 1st movie to play a different role in this movie. this movie isn't even worth renting in a videostore or even wasting time watching it on free TV.
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don't have high expectations
29 August 2008
i have been hearing a lot of posts about how horrible this movie was. when i decided to watch it i didn't really have high expectations for it. the movie was actually better than i thought it would be. definitely not as good at the first movie but way better than the second movie. there is lots of action the story is at least decent for a scifi movie. before you watch it know that it isn't going to be one of the great scifi movies and the some of the characters are going to be corny. it is only going to be a decent movie if you don't really expect a lot from it like some most people did. there is a reason why it went straight to DVD. that being said the graphics aren't that great. they are actually a step backwards compared to the first movie.
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Company K (2004)
One of the greatest war stories ever told.
27 August 2008
OK i have to get this off my chest first of all to the people saying its the greatest war movie ever made. the movie itself i felt was poorly made. mostly because of the bad acting. the acting is pretty bad even for a Indi film. but besides the acting being bad it really isn't that bad of a movie. there's lots of action, the story is easy to follow, and the characters are even likable which is surprising by their acting. another plus is that it is a World War 1 movie. you hardly ever get to see or even hear about World War 1. this movie definitely got what war can do to a person mentally. this movie also is good for accuracy. overall if you can overlook the bad acting this is still a really good movie.
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