
22 Reviews
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The Nines (2007)
Nothing Funny About It
20 May 2024
I only had the fact that Melissa Mccarthy and Ryan Reynolds were in it when I decided to watch this movie. So, I mistakenly expected a comedy. I did not expect some weird, confusing, mishmash of ideas tossed into a salad spinner, and somehow called a movie. I am not rating it poorly due to it not being what I expected. I am rating it poorly because it seemed like it was a couple of incomplete and random ideas very loosely tied together, and called a movie.

I didn't give it a lower rating because I have seen way worse movies. I expected more from some of my favorite actors! I would say this is absolutely the worst thing I have ever seen Melissa Mccarthy in, but she didn't do a bad job acting in it. Considering the role she was given, I think she did actually do a decent job. Ryan, on the other hand, could have been better? Although, apparently a lot of the movie wasn't even actually scripted? So maybe he did what he could with what he was given?

If someone asked me if thay should watch this movie, I would say, "Absolutely no, please don't waste your time!" The actors in it are definitely not at their best in this film, and the plot made me curious if the writer was doing the drug mentioned in it. If so, and if I tried some myself, maybe it would make some sense? There are so many better options for movies for the main actors involved, so watch any of those, and save yourself the time suck that it this, whatever it is.
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After Hours (I) (1985)
How does this "Comedy" Have such High Reviews?
14 April 2024
This movie has actually a pretty high rating, and I can't for the life of me figure out why! I was told it was a comedy. If this is a comedy, I'd hate to see what constitutes a horror by that standard!

The main actors eyebrows were so inconsistent that I almost thought it was a different person; maybe that's what people were laughing at?

There was no character development or story arc. The plot just meandered on and around, and basically circled the drain. Yes, there were synchronicities and coincidences that could have been amusing if it wasn't so downright boring and miserable.

So, what am I missing? How are people so impressed with this movie? Comedies are supposed to make people laugh, and this didn't come close.
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Wilde (1997)
It Was So Forgettable
31 March 2024
I realized I had watched this movie before, but wasn't completely certain untill the end. It was so empty and hard to follow that I'd simply forgotten, and wasted yet another two hours on it. I kept expecting more substance, but was disappointed. I learned little about the characters beyond Bosie and Wilde, and honestly really only that they were gay, and that Bosie was a narcissist.

The story jumped around too fast to be coherent, and left me with far more questions than answers. It also started much later than I might have preferred. I would like to see a movie that actually showed his life more completely, and not just made him out to be the sad obsessed follower of a spoiled boy (I would like to have put that in different more accurate words, but as some of the words are inappropriate for young readers, I will refrain, and hope you understand my meaning.)

Jude Law stands out with a stellar performance. Fry was decent maybe, but I could have sworn Oscar Wilde was historically a more intense person. I could be wrong, I suppose. I found most of the other characters to be too limited in their appearances to get the opportunity to be stellar. This is sad, as most seemed like they definitely had the potential to be spectacular if given more screen time.

Overall this was a mediocre window into the life of a famous author who suffered greatly for, "The love that dare not speak its name." The movie had the opportunity to be something special, but surprisingly many people seemed to like it. I feel it missed the mark. It was simply too forgettable, confusing, and incomplete. I wished it had been better, as I think Oscar Wilde was a fascinating person.
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Sing Song So Slow
31 March 2024
I really liked "The Flintstones" cartoons growing up. I watched them in reruns, as I wasn't alive when they were new. Although this had some of the elements of the old cartoon, overall it almost sent me to sleep. I had to fast forward a few times to even finish it. I still occasionally watch reruns of the cartoons, but I guess cartoons are sorely lacking in that certain something when people try to stretch them into film length.

It probably would have worked fine if they had let the characters enjoy the places they went for a little bit. They also may have wanted to enhance the plot, and up the suspense and comedy bits. There were some funny moments, and some potential that wasn't quite actualized. Mostly, they should have skipped the very boring, and generally poorly sung songs! Other than Pebbles' voice actor the singers seemed a bit unskilled at singing, and don't get me started on the lyrics! Improv people could have done better than that, and they don't have a script. Oddly, even though the voice of Pebbles' song was the least bad, I think the lyrics for it may have been the worst? Although, since I started skipping the songs, I'll admit to not being certain on that point.
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Agreed "Stay Away"!!!
24 March 2024
This movie is terrible and incomplete. Why, just why? Why would someone spend money to make this horrible thing? I can't even call it a movie. Movies are generally around two hours, and have this weird thing called an ending!

Why would they do this? Why put out a terrible movie, and not even have the decency to give it an ending? How did they even get funding?

I could rant about other failings in this umm, whatever it is, but as the only other current reviewer already did that I think I'll focus on the thing that angered me the most. I admit I should have listened to my gut, and stopped watching early on when it was kind of boring and slow. But I figured it would be something to have on in the background while I did other things. So I stupidly continued. Then, towards the end, I was at least curious how it would all end up, and then it said, "to be continued," continued where?
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Introducing the Cure 4 Insomnia
31 January 2024
Yawns, well at least on tubi you can speed up the playback speed. Note that even at the fastest speed it seemed like a half hour before the movie started doing, well, anything really. So something good about the film... There's a cute back and forth between the ghosts... I kinda like the idea of the sheet. This movie would have actually been pretty good as a 20 minute vignette?

Okay, so I'm starting to wonder why I watch independent films anymore; I've seen a couple really good ones a decade or so ago... but nowadays really what's up with how terrible they are? Why was this drawn out into a full length film? It really could have been decent as a much shorter episode of something. It really was way too drawn out.

It had a bit of potential, but not as a full length film that was a bit hard to follow and didn't even show you what you wanted to see in the end. I feel that the film had some nice creative elements towards the end, but that most will have already given up watching by then. Also, they aren't enough to salvage the wasted time and money I assume someone put into making this snorefest.
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Talk About a Tear Jerker
4 December 2023
I'll be honest that I don't know what it's like to be addicted to drugs or alcohol, and can't speak to the accuracy of the film in that regard. So I am reviewing the story on things such as artistic feel, acting, plot progression, etc. I did really enjoy this movie, which is surprising considering its content. The characters and their struggles felt real, and the movie had enough balance in the drama to not drag you down too low.

I felt that the artistic elements were beautiful and made sense to the plot. The characters seemed reasonably well acted. I admit I may be biased though as a "Two Broke Girls" fan. I actually thought a lot of the supporting cast were really good too though, and weirdly the person driving the rickshaw seems like their character's story should have been in there a bit more, as it was hinted how important they were to Renee's character, but not as well covered. I did think the person who's place she stayed at seemed a bit more shallow than their character should have been, and am uncertain if that was writing or acting.

Some people have considered this as an anti drug propaganda film, and maybe it is, I can't say. It's based on a true story, and as all films based on true stories we will never have the whole story, not just because the 2 hour time limit, but because there will always be more to the story to the people who actually lived it.
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It Felt Like Hate
26 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I Sometimes I watch random movies, without looking at anything more than the titles. I wish I had looked at more than the title with this one. I felt bored, creeped out, and embarrassed watching this. This film is inappropriate for younger viewers, but that's who the movie seems geared towards? So kind of a little bit of confusion as it felt inappropriate for adults too.

I am reviewing this so you can avoid my mistake in viewing choices. Frankly, I almost stopped watching it several times, and really wish I had stopped! I had really hoped that the film would turn around, and have some meaning, purpose, or resolution. Instead there's a dance number, then it abruptly ends. I can't tell, did the characters die? What just happened? I just really really hope this is not based on true events.

So, apparently, this is a new director, and this was their 1st film. As such, I do want to say that the person definitely has potential as a film maker. That said, maybe next time make content that isn't completely inappropriate for the age group it is geared towards to watch. There were some artistic elements, but they felt mostly empty or forced. The plot was severely lacking in substance, and was way too sexual and confusing. I really felt embarrassed for the poor girl.
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Morality Play of Massive Immorality
26 November 2023
I do not know what preachy insane mess I just watched. Sure the movie has some good music and some nice "inappropriate for young veiwers scenes", but the story line is utter dreck. It's an incomplete morality play disguised as a bands journey to fame. I gave it the rating of 3 because there were some good scenes and music. If you completely ignore what passes as storyline, it isn't too terrible. The quotes from other band's members are interesting.

It should be noted that the ending was the part that annoyed me the most, and that's why I didn't give it a 5 like I was assuming I would up until the last 15 minutes or so of the movie. I already knew that being a thinly veiled morality play was going to limit my enjoyment pretty early on. What I didn't expect was how sideways it would go. I shan't discuss the specific details causing my disdain for how it ended, as that would involve giving away too much, but I will note that after sideways came driving over a metaphorical cliff.
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The Last Dragonslayer (2016 TV Movie)
Fantastic Fun Fiction
30 September 2023
I haven't read the books this is based on, as I only even learned it was based on a book after watching it just now. As such, I can't say if it's good based on the book or not. I can only say that I did very much enjoy the movie. And I might try to read the books at some point, as there was definitely more to the story. I will have to see if there are other movies too, but I doubt it.

Anyway, the movie was entertaining, and surprising. The characters were well acted, and the main characters journey interesting and inspiring. I enjoyed the little twists and turns throughout the story. There was a nice balance of plot, humor, suspense, and action. I was engaged in the story, and as I get bored easily; that's actually saying a lot. I tend to be a bit picky too, so a rating of 9 from me is pretty rare.
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Can't Figure Out Why It Has Such High Reviews
29 September 2023
I do have to admit the devil worship scenes are entertaining, but not enough to carry the movie. The overall plot seems meandering and unfocused. The movie has some good potential in parts, but seems to build up a lot of tension to a huge disappointment. There are way more entertaining Satanic films to lose a couple hours on. This one only even had one sexy woman, and she wasn't even nude.

The plot concept seemed good at first, and I was hoping to see a good flick. However, by the end I just felt I'd lost two hours that could have been wasted watching any other older movie. Maybe I could have watched "Children of the Corn" for example. It has creepy kids too. Had this movie had a more satisfying and complete ending it could have been pretty good. The disappointment of the ending rendered the whole rest of the movie a pointless time suck.
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Transylmania (2009)
Overall, I Found It Amusing
29 September 2023
The wrap up at the end could have been way better, and I hate vomit scenes. There were some errors with arrows. As someone else mentioned, the mistaken identity part seemed to be the main part to keep the movie moving. So, yeah, it wasn't the best comedy vampire flick I've seen, but I liked it overall.

The main characters were mostly entertaining, although some of the pot jokes got boring. I was especially impressed with Jennifer Lyons performance. It was also funny that the different characters including hers had different reasons for her characters behaviors.

Some of the characters were a bit unnecessary or even confusing though, and it may have been better to edit them out. I don't think you needed a whole character for 2 unnecessary gay jokes, as an example. Despite these couple little things, it was an entertaining experience.
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Why? The Show was Great! This was Not!
26 September 2023
I absolutely love watching Jeannie and her antics in reruns still even now, but this movie, I wish I'd never knew it existed! It was free on streaming, and so I was excited to see more of Jeannie and the crew, but disappointed with the results. I noticed that Larry Hagman wasn't in it, and hear Barbara Eden almost didn't do it. I wonder if she regrets that she did?

The plot was poorly written. Although there were a few amusing jokes on Bellows and Roger, it felt forced. It just didn't have the fun campy feel of the show. I liked the idea of seeing her with a family, but expected there to be a daughter as well. That little detail didn't affect why I didn't like the movie though. It should be noted that the son's character was actually pretty decent, and the actor did a good job.

Overall, it seemed like a couple of show episodes crammed together by writers who only saw a couple episodes of the series, but thought reprising the show might be fun. Then they realized that a new show wouldn't happen, so they tossed all their ideas into a blender, and filmed what popped out. Then they realized when the movie was all over that the ending was terrible, (even more terriblethan the rest of the movie) so they decided to toss in another little scene... and that fixed it all better... NOT! Could this movie have worked if it had been better written, and if Larry Hagman had been in it instead of the block of wood they hired to play Tony instead? I think this could have been quite fun with some decent tweaks, and if they had focused on the main story line. Also if they had had the full main cast including Hagman. They shouldn't have done it without him.
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Love Story (1970)
Would I Have Liked it 20+ Years Ago?
26 September 2023
I'm just now seeing this movie, even though I know it's been around longer than I have. I knew it was a sad love story, and was grateful that it warned you of what was coming right away in the opening. Although, I should have probably stopped there.

The movie was boring, and as I was expecting a love story of epic proportions based on all the shows featuring girls watching it all teary eyed every chancethey got. I was beyond disappointed. I thought these people seemed to barely like each other more less love each other! So why are they sacrificing so much to force themselves to be together? They both could have had such different and better lives. Sure the inevitable would have happened, but at least she could have actually lived a bit first.

There were also very confusing parts where you thought one thing is happening then there was a cut to something that contradicted it. This movie seems like it could have been so much better. It had potential if there was more chemistry between the actors. Also it seems like the dialog needed to be more loving, if it was supposed to be a love story.

Was this based on a real story? If so, at least some logic would be there for why anyone bothered making the film, and why people were so in love with it. Sure it was a definite tear jerker, but I don't need my tears jerked real life does enough of that by itself. But I do wonder am I judging it too much with modern views? Would I have felt differently about the movie if I had seen it when I was younger? Am I being too harsh, was it actually a good movie for the time it was made? Am I just toold and jaded, or too modern in some of my views? So I gave it a 5 instead of a 4 just in case I was being too harsh. I almost went with a 6, but I thought the main female character was just too much of a manipulative female dog.
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Not the Gene Wilder Movie to Watch
18 August 2023
Don't get me wrong, I generally love a good 80s comedy, and Gene Wilder is in some awesome ones. This one just wasn't his best work though. It was slow and meandering. It was often more sad than funny. It was full of some wonderful comedy actors and actresses who were given nothing to do but make me cringe.

There were some scenes that didn't even seem to have anything to do with the plot. At least one scene had me watching in horror and confusion rather than laughter and fun. I hated and/or felt sad many of the characters, but didn't really like any of them. I like to like the characters in the comedies that I watch.
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Olympia (I) (2018)
Let Me Draw You Picture of a Slow Realization
18 August 2023
If you are looking for a film that's a little low on good plot and deep meaningful characters, but is filled with weird artsy fartsy things that seem out of place, this is the one. If you like movies that show you that you don't have to be very good at something to be considered great these days, and if you have a kinda confusing life, and struggle to think for yourself, you might absolutely love this movie.

I wasn't impressed at all with the film. The movie jumped around in ways that made the already tedious plot a little hard to follow. The main character seemed a bit void of actual personality most of the time, and had too little chemistry with her boyfriend who clearly could do better. This is despite his off key crooning, which as he was supposed to be a musician, I'm uncertain why he was cast for this role. I do think that other than the terrible singing, his acting wasn't too bad, but the role needed a good singer with some level of chemistry with the main character.

As a low budget independent film, it wasn't terrible. I just think it could have been much better. The main character needed way more depth and personality. The stoty needed to be more clearly written. The artist things were interesting, giving it a unique look; but, as they were confusing, it ended up being a distraction rather than a benefit.
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If I Were You (2012)
"If I Were You" I Would Watch This Movie
15 August 2023
I actually had never heard of this movie until it was on my library app, and I'm so glad it was there. It is such a refreshing and unexpected film. I loved the characters, who were decently well acted and well written. The story line was very engaging, and had enough unpredictability to keep me on edge. I actually wasn't sure how it would end up, and what would happen next.

There were a couple things I would have liked to have been a little different, and the ending wasn't quite as complete as I had hoped. I would have preferred a little bit more wrapping up with some pretty bows. But that's just my opinion, as it was still a satisfying conclusion. The little song with the credits was amusing and very appropriate.

Overall the film was an emotional roller-coaster in a wonderful way. I laughed, and cried, and cared about the characters which is something that most movies I see can't really deliver these days. Of course this movie is over a decade old which might be why it was actually good. I loved the movie, and if you like rom coms with dramatic twists, I think you will like it too.

As an aside, I think "So Help Me Todd" just kept Marcia Harden's wardrobe and personality for their show. This has nothing to do with my opinion of the movie or the show, but I think it's amusing.
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Lucifer: Bloody Celestial Karaoke Jam (2021)
Season 5, Episode 10
Am I in Hell? Because This is Torture!
5 August 2023
A lot of people liked this episode, and I can't figure out why. I like the show, but this episode is painful to watch, and I struggled to make it through to the end. I was so distracted by all the messy song and dance that important plot points were way too easily missed. The musical numbers weren't even that good. I really haven't a clue why there are so many rave reviews.

There was a lot of difficult and heavy themes that needed to be dealt with in a proper way, and not irreverently glossed over in some bad "High School Musical" rip off. Everyone seemed to have important issues, and weren't really communicating. How could they with all the stupid music video mayhem?

I absolutely hated this episode. I have felt a dip in the show this season, and wonder if the writers were struggling to move the plot forward, but didn't know how. They may have put too many plot balls into the air, and were desperately trying to juggle them all?

Every show series have a couple bad episodes, and for me, this one was terrible, but the show overall is good. So even though this episode is a dud, that sadly can't be skipped if one doesn't want to be a little lost, I still think the show itself is worth watching.
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The Eagle (2011)
I Was Pleasantly Surprised
1 August 2023
Most of the reviews I saw made me almost not watch the movie, especially with all the goofs, historical inaccuracies, and other things that these reviews mentioned. It should be noted that the reviews weren't really wrong, just maybe shouldn't necessarily stop you from watching the movie.

Sure, the movie wasn't perfect; I gave it a 7 not a 10, so obviously I had a couple issues with it too. I am going to focus mostly on the things I enjoyed about it in my review, as the negative issues are well covered by other reviews. Also, since I did overall enjoy the film, I want to focus on that.

I found the movie to be entertaining, as the plot moved fast enough to keep me engaged. The characters were well acted and well written. I was tearing up at times as I could feel for the characters and their struggles. I felt immersed in the story. There were enough parts that weren't immediately predictable, and not too many things felt forced. I liked how the characters seemed genuine.

So, overall, I really liked the film, and was glad I watched it. It isn't my usual preferred genre, and that is another reason I almost didn't watch it. In the end reviews are generally just opinions, so decide for yourself, but I'd like to think you would enjoy it.
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I'm not sure how this got such good reviews
1 August 2023
I wish they had used "Dancing About Architecture" as the title, as that line is the best and most clever piece of the whole movie. I can't believe Angelina Jolie gave up being Trinity for this, or that Sean Connery took the part for such low pay. I also can't believe how many people liked this movie so much. It's a bit middle of the road, with poorly developed characters who have a lot of issues with love.

There were a lot of big names in this film, and it was therefore decently well acted; although my favorite character in the movie turned out to just be a blip talking to a main character, and was just there for his story not her own.

The characters seemed to be so desperate for love, and simultaneously pushing it away, and it all seemed very unrealistic especially for such a short time frame. What were their reasons for their behaviors? They didn't connect well.

Overall, I found the movie to be several incomplete stories tossed together like a bad salad containing too much dog food. They made the characters connected in various ways as an excuse for putting them in the same movie.

I didn't find the movie to be particularly entertaining. I felt the movie wasn't fully formed, and at times even hard to follow. I felt that most of the characters lacked development and logical motivations for their actions.
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Starts Off 8+, But the Ending is a 2...
8 July 2023
I absolutely loved how this film started, and expected to be watching a movie I could give 8+ stars. Had it continued to be as awesome as the 1st 40 minutes or so were, I'd have given it 8+ stars. I don't know that I've ever considered a movie a 10, so 8+ is great. As the movie went past a certain point, it began to drop, and the ending was a 2 star. This is how a potential 8+ became a rounded up 6 for me.

The casting of the main characters was very well done, as the characters were believable and the actorsdid a marvelous job. The main character especially was magnificent, and you reallycould fell like they were the character. The plot was really good at the start; there were a few things that seemed a bit unlikely even to its world scenario, but they were easy to overlook with the good story line.

As the film passes about the 2/3 point where it should be wrapping everything up in a tidy bow; it instead adds in too many last minute issues to be able to reach a satisfactory conclusion in the remaining time. The ending seemed rushed, and although predictable in parts, it also seemed too open ended and incomplete. The ending made me hope maybe there was a sequel, since, if it was teasing a sequel, I could possibly forgive it for its choice of ending. I did search for a sequel, but, sadly, it doesn't seems to exist or be forthcoming.
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Pretty straight forward tale of religion wanting to make you straight
7 June 2023
This movie could have been way more interesting and informative; it lacks the depth and character development that could have really made you want to watch the movie. The plot could be way better written, and it's rather boring overall. It has a few interesting spots, and some of the main supporting characters are likeable. I think they should have devled deeper into their stories. They seemed like potentially interesting people, and as the main character isn't very deep, maybe more focus on them would have made the movie pop more?

The main character is way too deadpan through most of the film. You really can't tell what they are feeling during most of it, and although at times, I think that's the point; most of the time it just makes her seem boring. Was she poorly cast, poorly written, or possibly both?

It's a middle of the road movie; it's not terrible or great. I can see why it struggled to find distributors.
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