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Miss Julie (2014)
Brilliant rendition
14 July 2023
Amazing acting. Great staging. Great direction. Luv Ullman hits it out of the park with a rendition of the Strindberg classic that modrn audiences can relate to.

I can only say that those who can not sit through a movie without gun play or car chases will be sorely vexed. If easy answers suffice your intellect, this is not the movie for you.

This movie appeals to those with depth intelligence and soul. The question of class consciousness, the concept of consent make this a totally timely piece.

The acting is brilliant. What Jessica Chastain and Colin Farrell bring to this movie is a depth of feeling and emotion rarely seen in recent films.

Jessica is stunningly beautiful. As the spoilt corrupting pampered lady she is both villainness and pathetic, infuriating and endearing, powerful and clueless.

Colin is so vulnerable and endangered, or is he the powerful seducer?

Samantha Morton is the same calibre of actress to play opposite these two amazing stars. She plays her part with understated emotion and a physical restriction that contrasts the lead characters to perfection.

This is a great movie, the rendition of a great play.

But only intelligent adults will appreciate it fully.
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Original andvery funny
7 April 2023
I have never been a Jack Black fan, but I am a fan of this movie. Although Jack Black does play a character that is typical of his goofy humour the movie has a very original script and genuinely funny. We were literally laughing out loud watching it.

The whole cast is excellent. Even the bit parts are perfectly cast and amusing.

It doesn't fall into any cliches. It is so much more than just a send up of popular hollywood movies. The premise might seem familiar but where it goes is right off the wall.

If you need a comedy, I highly recommend this one!

Get the popcorn ready but drink with care because the laughs are not predictable.
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Motherhood (I) (2009)
Horrible waste of film
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is nothing like New York. This is a stupid shallow trite boring LA girl pretending to live on New York and the stupid cow is miserable over trite petty noyhongs. All her terrible difficulties are overcome by her husband finding a book wort $24000 and the stupid trite self involved cow can suddenly write something meaningful because in a waste of film like this people always find things worth tens of thousands of dollars in the garbage and a stupid petty shallw cow is really a genius so long as her husband has money. Oh yeah the poverty struck cow gas TWO apartments in the wst village. What a total piece of crap. Everyone involved should be deeply ashamed but they probably are too shallow and stupid to have a deep emtional reaction.
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Pretentious Crap
27 March 2023
Like everything Sean Penn does it lacks honesty depth and insight.

Penn grew up in hollywood. He was born and raised in a hollywood family. He has never known hardship. He never even had to get into the business.

Penn has never been to war. He is not of the streets nor does he know anything about war zones or the Street.

He is a privileged upper middle class white boy who rode his daddy' coattails into the family business and pretends to understand things he knows nothing about.

He has no insight no knowledge no integrity and nothing real to offer. His "work" is utter crap

The short lived marriages are a sign of just what a dishonest nothing he is.

His crap is full of violence in the typical stupid glorigication of violence that marks the downfall of American culture. What a fraud.
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Kes (1969)
An Absolute Gem
18 March 2023
This movie is an un forgettable experience.

I first watched it in the early 1970s and with just that one viewing, could describe it in detail 50 years later.

It is without artifice or commercial compromise. It is a beautiful, unique tale told with great honesty and integrity.

No gratuitous sex. No gratuitous violence. No need for car chases or violent scenes.

This is no cookie cutter movie. It is also not a pretentious cult film. It doesn't try too hard. It is a beautiful story and the story is simply told. It doesn't have anything else and it doesn't need anything else.

This movie is a masterpiece.
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Fun ribald humour
8 February 2023
I am a big fan of this flick. It was totally enjoyable. The characters are hilarious. The mystery held together, but is beside the point, the hilaroious characters make this movie. The ribald sexuality and sacreligious behaviour of everybody but the main character had us laughing throughout. The actors were all wonderfully cast and I suspect totally enjoyed their ludicrous roles. It seems poor ugly misnamed Handsome is the only sane or celibate person on the planet. He is the "nice guy" who finishes last. And he does so with a self effacing modesty that is endearing.

We enjoyed it very much. In fact, we wish it was a series.
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Hackneyed pretentious manipulative
5 February 2023
What an awful movie. There is no cliche this movie does not contain.

Despite the pretension of uniqueness and meaningfulness there is nothing here of substance. It moves slowly, as if it has depth but it is really just posey and pretentious. It rhymes, but has no poetry. The characters are flat and meaningless, their appearances are all there is.

The premise is not original. It has been in many stories tv shows and movies. There is absolutely nothing unique in this "film"

It has no depth. It reveals nothing about real life and just feeds on the stupid fantasy of commercialized television. Appearance is everything. Tine has no intellectual development. Experience has no insight. Intelligence is just a pose with no insight and living offers no growth. It pretends intelligence by offering us stupid people who speak foreign languages with bad pronunciation; stupid people who think looking elegant is a sign of intelligence and sensitivity. This movie is just awful. But the "Fashion Police" will like it.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
8 November 2022
What an adult and intriguing look at the reality of crime and punishment. This is not your typical thriller nonsense with caricatures of good and evil. And that is why it offends simpletons.

This is a very deep and profound look at humanities' fraility. When two very good people are forced into a desperate situation through no evil intent or even evil actions, we are left in a world that is not easy to navigate. What an amazing show!

It is far too good for TV and probably beyond the intellectual ability of most viewers. An amazing piece of work.

If you are someone who likes philosophy, psychology and does not cling to pat answers, polite lies and small talk, you will enjoy this show. If you prefer the repetition of buzz phrases this is not for you.
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The Borgias (2011–2013)
Too Good for TV
18 October 2022
Stunning from the opening art and music to the closing credits. Historically quite accurate, the writing, acting, costumes, sets, lighting, direction, music are all superb! It is steely harsh in it's depiction of the skullduggery that is historically accurate and unflinchingly honest. I suspect it was cancelled for it's unwavering honesty.

Jeremy Irons is superb, but so is every cast member. There are no weak links in this production. There is nothing that could have been better. The only thing that is lacking is a final season. But the powers that be must have been so frightened by the powerful honesty of this show that they refused to allow it to have a conclusion. So much safer to have another empty shoot em up show glorifying violence than a historically accurate show about the true sex and violence of our revered institutions.
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The Lone Ranger (2003 TV Movie)
Best Prequel ever!
10 October 2022
This is a wonderful movie. We watch it every Thanksgiving. It is a great prequel. This feels so much more accurate than any other version I have seen. The characters are well written and although the main actors are a bit young and green, they are playing iconic characters who are at this point still young and green. There is a lot of emotional and cultural reality to the script. If you want your preteens to be inspired, this will do the trick! But us oldsters can really enjoy it too! I find the story moving every time I watch it. And when William Telk's Overture plays at the end I get goose bumps.
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I could not care less
10 October 2022
Normally I love Cate Blancette but this is a film is awful. The character is an entitled elitist with endless funds and slaves to do her bidding and frankly I could not care less about her puny meaningless creations and life.

On the other hand, a film like this does make me understand the rise of the furious underclasses around the world because the entitled stupidity of this privileged empty headed woman whose only concern is herv own entitled neurosis makes me want to grab a pitchfork and fork her, and I am privileged upper middle class.

Seriously Hollywood, in this day and age of such majorvissues, Do Better.
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Felon (2008)
Poor me I had to watch this film.
10 October 2022
I expected so much better from a film with Val Kilmer and Sam Shepherd but the "Poor me all I did was kill a guy and join a Nazi gang" seems just a little hard to swallow.

This is symptomatic of the illness that is American Culture Today and very sad to see such good actors taking part in this travesty of stupidity and meaningless drivel. I don't know why anyone would watch this vile crap. I lost a lot of respect for all involved. Truly disguting plot, badly written drivel. And a racist misappropriation of true justice problems in the USA. Val, Sam, What were you thinking? Clearly a low point in your careers and a terrible choice of mivie.
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Avatar (2009)
27 September 2022
This is movie making at its finest. A beautiful heartfelt message, loveable characters from a range of backgrounds and beliefs, wonderful newly developed technical aspects of movie making that never overplay the message. This is Hollywood at its finest. This is The Wizard of Oz for our generation...the message, the writing the acting the technical aspects all work to create a deeply moving film. Altough it is wonderful on the small screen it is amazing on the big screen. We paid to see it at a movie theatre. When then went again to see it with friends, we bought it so we can watch it at home and when it is rereleased later this year we will go to see it on the big screen again. Roll over Sound of Music, tell Casablanca the news!!!
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Ride (III) (2018)
Vile crap.
28 August 2022
If you had paid to see this disgusting crap you would leave before you finished your popcorn. Heck you wouldnt even open the jujubes.

We did not pay to see it and $0.00 was way too much to pay for this vision of nastiness.

Why anyone would want to make a film like this is beyond me. The writers and producers belong in an insane asylum. Truly awful.

Don't waste 5 seconds on this disgusting waste of time and resources.

We didn't even want tocwatch it long enough to see if it had any redeeming value. A waste of film and the electricity used to make this totally vile crap.

Only a failed nation would this POS.
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Hilarious and Touching
29 July 2022
What a great TV show! It touches all the high points: funny, silly, glamourous, touching and real heart. Truly wonderful. Congratulations to all involved. Such a wonderful and surprising combination of characters and stories. It put me through the whole gamut of emotions. So glad we found it!
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Bulletproof Heart (2014– )
Starts out great but loses it in Season 3
26 July 2022
This was quite charming and fun for the first two seasons. But Season 3 is not worth watching. Maggalena becomes pathetic whiney and repulsive. Yes we get it she is sad and guilt ridden. But the character is pathetic and overacted and ruins what was once a charming show. If you skip Season three you will like the show a lot more.
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The Time of Our Lives (2013–2014)
20 July 2022
Great insightful writing, characters we care about. This beautifully written and perfectly cast show show teaches us how adults are supposed to be. I want to meet Bernadette's parents because she deals with challenges with honesty and decency that we all should strive for. This is a feel good show that doesn't pull punches or sugar coat problems or personalatiesc to us to make us feel good. It deals with hard truths in a way thatv s realistic and inspiring. Not only does it make us want to be better people it shows us how. I want to see so much more about these people.
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The Warrior (2001)
Stunningly beautiful deep and uplifting
30 June 2022
This is movie making at its finest. The scenery is breathtaking. The camerawork is superb. The editing is perfect. The plot matters. It plunges deep into your soul. The characters matter. You care deeply about them And the acting is superb. This is one of the best movies ever made.
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Cuffs (2015)
Too short... More episodes needed.
23 June 2022
Excellent show. Not enough episodes. Very well written! And of course well acted.

It made me about the characters on both sides of the law and that is the sort of TV I want to watch. Very well done.
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Cra$h & Burn (2009–2010)
Superb television
16 June 2022
Why was this show cancelled? Itxwas well written had great characters good directors fabntastic actors. I can only surmise that the Insurance Companies didn't like the scripts and honesty of the show. Seriuosly great TV and it's cancellation is a loss to humanity.
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F/X (1986)
Passes the Test of Time.
16 June 2022
Excellent and unique plot. Wonderful characters. Strong female characters. Great taut scrpt flawless acting and wonderful soundtrack. It is still incredibly hip 30 years later! Enjoyable from beginning to end. I wish there were more movies of this calibre.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Ridiculous soap opera
5 June 2022
Poor Faith doesn't have the brains or self discipline to apply mascara let alone get a law degree.

This is a ridiculous soap opera piling one unbelieveable calamity upon another. These people do not have the sensev to be able to survive high school let alone university, the working world, marriage and child rearing. This is like a very stupid American disaster show and not nearly the standard we have come to expect from British TV. What a joke!
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Midsomer Murders (1997– )
Fading meteor
10 May 2022
This series was initially an 9. Beautifully crafted from storyline to characters to casting, acting camerawork through to background music: an amazing endeavor.

Sadly as time has passed, it has become a mockery of itself with the recurring cast members tap dancing for attention and the plotlines filled with flash not substance. It is time to let this series go while the majority of them are good.
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Beautiful Napoli
21 April 2022
This is a great show, beautiful camera work, full of scenes of Naples. The recurring characters are interesting people with interesting lives that do not detract from the stories. Each plot is unique and not a rehash of Agatha Christy or any other of the mystery shows I have watched. The twists do not come out of nowhere.so rewatching it is a pleasure I really am enjoying this show. Make more!
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