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Wow, amazing film very atmospheric
3 May 2024
Now I don't write movie reviews for every movie I watch unless I feel I have to. Which in this case I do very much have to.

It's not your average haunted house movie. That what I was expecting a lot of ghosts and jump scares but is way more than that as it's very much more a thriller.

It has some horror but mostly just has you on the edge of your seat watching in anticipation and supense.

A group of people in desperate need of cash, get offered $10,000 to spend the night in the haunted house and if they stay till dawn the money is theirs.

But there are subplots which certainly pulled the rug out from under my feet when it came to the end that's all I will say so as to not spoil anything.

Great movie, definitely recommend it.
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Wish (II) (2023)
Disney are finally back
25 November 2023
Wish was everything I've been wishing for from Disney.

Was is a perfect film no nor a masterpiece but what it was. Was good old fashioned Disney entertainment.

People who give negative reviews about wish are just setting the bar too high and expecting too much.

I went in cautiously optimistic and I had a blast.

I won't spoil anything major here but I can say it has a compelling villain and a strong protagonist.

The songs weren't brilliant but they were very catchy and the animation style was stunning and enchanting.

I've longed for a proper Disney animated musical like we used to get and this film made me feel very nostalgic for those movies.

We get the story book opening and ending.

We get the classic main protagonist I want song.

We get talking, singing and dancing animals.

We get a compelling and dare I say sexy villain.

What more can you want, really wish is Disney pure and simple.

A great way to celebrate their one hundredth anniversary.

If you just want to sit back and forget about your troubles and have fun.

Then this is the movie for you.
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Perfect. For the 100th Anniversary.
16 October 2023
It was a great short. Left me teary eyed especially after the nod to Walt.

To have all the characters together both 2d and 3d is incredible.

I also liked how they reused dialogue from the films but mixed it with new ones.

The fact that those who are still with us came back to voice their characters for like a couple of seconds or more of dialogue is phenomenal.

I was surprised and glad to see characters from Disney's flops like treasure planet and Atlantis.

There's much to love and it's filled with nostalgia.

Thank you Disney for finally giving the audience something it wants and didn't know it wanted it.

I loved everything about it, it's a very magical experience.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
A spectacular feast for the senses. I implore you to go and see it
27 May 2023
Just got back from the cinema. I had plenty of time to go over and reflect while in the taxi on the way home.

Now I'm home I can write a review. Now I'm gonna be honest and fair but I'll try not to give too much away. No major spoilers here.

Overall I'm impressed.

It is what is is at the end of the day. A live action remake of a classic animated film. Which doesn't fully capture the heart and soul of the original but it still delivers an enjoyable movie.

It didn't disappoint me, in fact it exceeded my expectations.

I went in with fairly low expectations and I had expected it to be a flawed but still an enjoyable movie and it was just that and more.

My main problem with the movie is that it feels like nostalgia is the main focus of the movie with a few new embellishments here and there.

The music is breathtaking. It really hits you right in the heart. Both score and songs are excellent.

Halle shines as Ariel The Little Mermaid. (I never had any doubts after seeing the trailers that she would make a good Ariel.) and I was right not to doubt her.

Mellisa as Ursula was stunning. She genuinely terrified me at times. I'm in my twenties too and I was scared. One moment she sweet, goofy and crazy the next she's dangerously evil.

The rest of the cast did an amazing job too.

Jonah was a great Eric, he brought some depth to the character and his background.

Plus he and Halle made an adorable couple as Eric and Ariel.

Also his dog Max was freaking cute.

As for the musical moments.

Part of your World and its reprises were brilliant.

For the First Time, not bad, a lot of fun.

Wild Uncharted Waters a bit meh but still ok.

Fathoms Below made me chuckle.

Under the Sea was ok musically and it had spectacular visuals.

Poor Unfortunate Souls blew me away both visually and for the vocal performance.

Loved kiss the Girl, it was romantic but hilarious.

Scuttlebut wasn't as bad as people are saying in fact I enjoyed it. It was a funny silly part of the film.

Jessica as Vanessa wow, we needed more of her, she was a great villain.

The cgi looked better than in the trailers but it still wasn't perfect.

Underwater scenes weren't terrible but also not terribly convincing either.

The on land stuff was much better visually. The landscape was beautiful.

Now in regards to the famous storm scene and Eric is rescued by Ariel, well words cannot do justice to it. Let's just say it was amazing and a true delight. Score, vocals and the visuals.

To wrap up this review. Here are my final thoughts on the film.

I'm fully satisfied and feel like I've used my money wisely and got a reward.

I'd recommend this to anyone who fancies a bit of nostalgia and a good time.

Now when's the dvd coming out? I need it in my collection right now.
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Peter Pan (2003)
To live would be an awfully big adventure
3 May 2023
"Bloody fantastic"!

Recently I regrettably watched the disappointment that was Disney's live action remake of Peter Pan.

It was that film's awfulness which made me nostalgic for this masterpiece.

So I rented it out from Apple TV Now bear in mind that I haven't seen it in years. Just as good if not better than I remember.

I watched this version countless times as a kid.

It's just a masterpiece. It remains fairly loyal to the source material but it also updates the story in a positive way which in turn helps the story progress and gain more depth.

Plus the unforgettable score. Chef kiss Of course mid 2000s cgi not the greatest but the all of the actor's brilliant performances help one ignore that.

I just can't get over how good it is.

When I was done I was an emotional wreck.

It's a beautiful film which I was surprised to learn flopped big time at the box office.

Well what ever idiots thought it wasn't worth the price of admission should hang their heads in shame for letting this gem flop.

Watch it and you shan't be disappointed.

Perfect for all ages.

I'm mid twenties and I enjoyed it immensely.

I felt like applauding when the credits rolled.

Disney take note this is how you adapt a book/film into live action.
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It's a Peter Pan story, what more is there to say...
28 April 2023
The beginning seemed a bit rushed.

Like we were being hurried onto the journey to Neverland.

Very clunky and disjointed at first but it eventually allowed itself to breath.

Flying to Neverland sequence was visually stunning and having them go through Big Ben to visually show time slowing down and stopping was clever.

But it was missing a line. I'm sure that in the trailer there was a moment when Wendy asked them if they are ready for adventure while standing on the clock tower ledge but that wasn't in the final film.

I also liked that they at least kept the song you can fly in score form. Shame not to have it vocally too.

Jude Law as Hook, wow!

Scary and just phenomenal.

As for the film overall. Fairly dull, a few laughs here and there.

At the end of the day it's just a Peter Pan story but it's not like we haven't seen it done thousands of times before. Very predictable unfortunately.

I tried to like it and I thought it was ok and mildly entertaining but it's already been done to the death.

Even the twists and turns weren't all that original because other Peter Pan adaptations at one time or another have had them in some capacity.

High points The cinematography was absolutely amazing Great score and visuals.

Cgi was so so but an improvement on other Disney films cgi.

It's a so so film.

That's all I have to say on the matter.
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What the hell did I just watch?
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The standard DVD versions audio is absolutely terrible. I had to turn the volume up to nearly max to just be able to hear what the actors were saying, I had to watch with subtitles. That's how bad the audio was. It sounded like they recorded it way too low.

Eventually, I tried watching it with the headphones plugged into the tv.

After that the audio was much crisper.

As for the movie itself... Poor Eeyore gone to donkey heaven.

This movie is definitely not for children and it sure ain't nothing like the Disney movies.

Mary lasted just over ten minutes into the movie.

After opening set up dialogue. It just rushes into the first kill without any proper set up or motivation.

Christopher brings his wife to the woods he spent time in as a child to meet his friends.

They stumbled across the house in the woods.

Once in the house they hear a noise in the house so they hide and sneak out after dark. Only for Mary to get killed by Piglet.

After that it's a very slow film.

Generic slasher horror stuff. A group of girls are planing on staying at a house in a woods and one by one they are killed by Pooh and Piglet. Ok acting. Okish film.

Entertaining enough for a bog standard dumb horror movie.

I had a good laugh with it even though I still don't know what the plot was. It didn't really have one.

But the car scene at the end was hilarious.

It was just kill, kill, kill and to hell with a plot and an ending. It just seemed to stop mid scene and then the credits rolled.
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Wow, just wow. What a great movie
18 March 2023
Really good movie. I absolutely loved it and I will definitely be rewatching it at some point in the near future.

This film popped up in my recommendations on Netflix, the premise sounded ok, so I clicked on it to give it a go.

Best decision ever, this film is so funny and so clever.

It's basically making fun of romcoms. It has practically every single romcom trope and all the romcom stereotypes you could think of.

Yet despite the plot being predictable it kept me hooked and entertained until the end and it made me laugh out loud at its cheesiness.

100% recommend because this film is such a lark.

That is all I have to say come on IMDB let me go now, I don't care about the character limit.
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It's a creepy voodoo doll
17 March 2023
Brilliantly crap.

It's terribly good but it's so bad.

Typical run of the mill horror stuff about a voodoo doll and a naive girl who uses it without considering the consequences.

I say horror, more comedy.

I love bad movies like these. I love being able to just switch my brain off and revel in the crappy, cheesiness of a bad movie.

I had a blast with this movie. It's just so much fun.

I highly recommend it if you want to be entertained.

I have to keep writing even though I've said everything I want. But IMDB wants this to be a least 600 characters. What more can I say. It's a cheesy horror movie with a creepy voodo doll that is alive and it possesses people.

Yeah did it met the minimum requirement. At last.
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Come Play (2020)
He just wants to be your friend
2 February 2023
Good film.

Being autistic myself. I can relate to Oliver. However mine isn't as severe as he is.

I personally think that this film gave autism some great representation.

The sensory issues. Were spot on perfect.

As for the plot. Is very basic really.

A lonely monster trapped in another dimension. Seeking friendship and tries to gain access to our world to find it.

I wouldn't say this was a masterpiece. Yet it kept me entertained throughout the film duration.

It's a little creepy in parts but not really that scary. Just jump scares occasionally.

The ending made me cry a little but I won't spoil it.

I'd recommend watching it.
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L'histoire éternel (Beauty and the Beast)
20 January 2023
Brillent. Different but I enjoyed it immensely.

I do enjoy an animation live action mash up.

I also loved the reimagined song sequences.

Everything was just so spectacular.

The costumes and set design was gorgeous too.

Especially HER's yellow ball gown. Finally 6 years after the live action remake we get a yellow dress which is equally as stunning as the animated one.

Not the cheap looking prom dress the 2017 remake got.

I also liked the short dance sequences with the rose petals.

I'm just at lost for words to say to further explain how beautiful this 30th Anniversary celebration movie is.

It's just sensational. Made me laugh, cry and want to get up and dance and sing around the flipping house.

Great, fantastic, amazing.

I one hundred percent recommend watching this.
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Titanic (1996)
The Titanic strikes an iceberg and sinks
17 January 2023
Not bad. Quite excellent really. Catherine Zeta Jones is brilliant. Probably gives the best performance in the entire show.

The other actors are ok with some cheesy dialogue.

As for the story it's very slow to start and it could have done with some trimming. But the pace picks itself up midway.

Despite some minor inaccuracies. It stays relatively true to survivors accounts during the sinking scenes.

Even though the layout of the Titanic is way off.

The overall production design is visibly cheap with meagre low budget CGI typical of tv shows.

Overall it exceeded my expectations and it's worth a watch.
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Titanic (2012)
Titanic Abbey
17 December 2022
I have just finished a rewatch of this tv series.

My experience with it started when it was first broadcast in 2012 and I enjoyed it that much that I got it on dvd.

I then watched it several more times before it got left at the back of my dvd collection and subsequently forgotten about until now.

Dusting it off after all these years. It still holds up.

Yeah as with any Titanic related media one has to take it with a pinch of salt.

While not entirely accurate and at times it does contradict the testimony of survivors.

It is still well made. Great story. Hits all the right notes and leaves you feeling emotionally drained at the end.

It's entertaining enough with a well known bit of history as the backdrop for this tv show.

Good casting too.

Set design is alright. Parts of it are right and some aren't.

Being from the same writer as one would expect it's Downton Abbey on the Titanic.

I'd recommend it highly.
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Disenchanted (2022)
The devil is in the details
18 November 2022
Fantastic Cheesy and predictable with a ton of cliches.

But all in good fun with brilliant musical numbers and singing animals and singing inanimate objects.

Definitely channels the spirit of its predecessor.

Love it!

Basically, Giselle's wish for a fairy tale life goes horribly wrong.

The devil is in the details really, if you want a fairytale life, be a bit more specific on what kind of fairy tale you want to live.

Loved all the nods to Disney movies of the past; just like the first one did.

However as predictable as it was, there were moments when I was unable to work out where it was going, since you have multiple fairytales and Disney movies happening all at once.

I'm just blown away at how well made this film is.

A worthy sequel to Enchanted.

Nostalgic yes 100% but also 100% pure delicious chaotic fun.

It just works when one combines a bunch of fairytales together.

Shrek, Enchanted, the tv series once upon a time...just to name a few which managed to make it work.

Disenchanted? No! I'm Enchanted by Disenchanted.

I highly recommend this film.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
If he was any dumber, I'd have to water him,
7 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
An ok film. Not a masterpiece by any means.

A typical horror movie remake of the 2000s with lacklustre vibes.

The characters aren't that fleshed out, so you can't really care enough about them when one gets it.

As for the story, I thought it was a bit better than the original.

Very much the same but with differences.

Basically a high school teacher gets the hots for one of his students and goes all psycho and kills her family.

So he can have her all to himself but he's get caught and locked up. And then fast forward three years and it's her prom night and he's on the loose again.

You get the idea. A load of partying and killing soon follows.

The suspense was perfect in my opinion. It kept going right until the end.

Plus the film is about the prom night and by the twenty minute mark you have the prom instead of it being near the end of the film.

I hated the ending though. Why kill the god damn boyfriend off. After all the crap Donna went through. They could have lest gave her a happy ending.

Yeah, I know it's a horror film but come on she had already lost her parents and her brother plus a handful of her friends to the killer and then they kill off her lover too.

Why movie? Why?

.... So to wrap this up. If you're in the mood to switch your brain off and have a good laugh with some popcorn and snacks then this is the right film for you.
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
I'm surfing cowabunga
30 September 2022
Brilliant, not perfect but I enjoyed it immensely.

Compared to recent trash that Disney has been spewing out. This feels like they at least tried to go in a different direction.

Rather than just copy the first films plot. They added heaps of nostalgia with some of the same but with twists and turns throughout with a very touching ending which made me teary eyed.

Overall, the witches are back wanting revenge and of course like before they like a good sing song.

The music is sensational John Debney's score is a delightful a mix of new and old.

I can't wait to buy the soundtrack when it comes out.

........ It's just a fantastic film. I'm a fully satisfied fan of the first film who now loves this one just as much.

Will be watching it again and again for years to come.

..... Look!

This film is like marmite you're either gonna love it or hate it, lol. 😂
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Leprechaun 3 (1995 Video)
There was an old man of Madras who's...
16 September 2022
Fantastic Awful but hilarious.

Loved it more than the 2nd and it's just as good as the first.

The plot is very stupid really mostly the same as before, the leprechaun finds a gold coin is missing and goes after the one who took it.

Killing anyone who gets in his way.

Basically it is one of those films where you just have to switch off your brain and give in to the entertainment in front of you.

Some very rude rhymes which had me in stitches. I had to pause it loads of times just to catch my breath.

My favourite rhyme was this one.

There was an old man of Madras who's balls were made of fine brass.

So in stormy weather they both clang together and sparks flew out of his ass, .............. The acting was mediocre. The story was cheesy, gory and the dialogue was dirty.

I had a jolly good laugh. I whole heartedly recommend this to anyone looking for a goofy gory comedy horror movie to watch.
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France and Hollywood vs Downtown Abbey
11 September 2022
A great film. The plot had much more zing to it than the last one did and I found it throughly entertaining to watch!

Also, it's nice to see some exotic locations.

The scenery for the scenes set in the French Rivera are simply gorgeous.

Beautiful score and songs too

As for the films tone, fairly good humoured but with a sad ending.

In summary Basically, there are two plots running alongside each other.

Not including the subplots.

The main 2 plots are as follows.

One is about the Dowager's mysterious past and the other is about a film company using Dowton Abbey as a film set. So it's a film within a film.

Overall, Just marvellous. I definitely enjoyed it more than the first film. Which was and is in my opinion lacklustre in comparison.

All I can say now is: "I'm ready for part three!" I'm eagerly waiting for this to become a trilogy.
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Pinocchio (I) (2022)
A bizarre enjoyable remake
8 September 2022
Brilliant, yet with a strange combination of live action and cgi which makes it feel like you are watching a cartoon.

It's a basic copy and paste job for the most part with additional scenes here and there.

The cast is good but I find the design of the new puppet Pinocchio uncomfortable to watch as he gives me the heebie jeebies.

A few new songs have been added with most of the old songs.

Overall, the story is just as creepy as the animated film which in turn is as creepy as the original book.

Also, a new ending but no spoilers from me.

I would probably watch it again, as it's entertaining enough to watch.
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Downton Abbey (2019)
Lock them in the attic
4 September 2022
An ok movie. Definitely one for the fans of the tv show.

In all there's nothing much to say about it really. A general run of the mill sort of plot.

A little dull in parts but with plenty of humour sprinkled throughout the movie.

Plus most of the old cast returns with some new faces too.

The dowager (Maggie Smith) is on top form as always.

Overall, I enjoyed it immensely and I'll probably watch it again.

I've nothing left to say but IMDB tells me my review is too short to be published.

So, I will wrap this up by saying that I enjoyed the movie enough to want to watch the sequel Downton Abbey A New Era.
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How I Met Your Mother: The Broath (2012)
Season 7, Episode 19
This is getting silly
24 July 2022
I liked the show but now I'm fed up. A lot of these episodes now seemed less focused on telling the story of the mother.

Yeah it's kinda funny at times but way off topic nowadays.
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What did I just watch?
6 July 2022
Terrible film but loved it immensely.

The snakes are ultra cgi looking and the plot is kinda dumb, But it's the stupidity of the film which kept me entertained.

Watch it and have a blast.
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The Nan Movie (2022)
Ok. Not brilliant but watchable (What a load of old s***)
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nan isn't the same one from the tv show. She's a bit out of character here

Then throw in all night raves, arson and a police chase, seriously.

I don't remember her being like that on tv. I remember her being a mardy old cow with a sharp tongue.

I enjoyed the flash backs more than the rest of the film.

I know Nan as an old lady, so I'd rather know more of her as a young lady to be honest.

But the film does have its funny moments.
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Sticks to the formula
13 June 2022
Just watched this at the cinema. So here is my spoiler free review.

Not bad but not excellent.

Flawed in places and it's too long.

There are parts where it gets a little dull but then it soon picks back up.

Good points It ties up loose ends and has a perfect ending.

Also there are nice nods to the other movies that came before it.

Overall, it is an entertaining movie with a kinda generic plot but stunning visuals and the old gangs back.

So what's to complain about. I wouldn't say it's the best film ever made but it kept me on the edge of my seat and entertained.

I would 100% recommend it.

Go watch it and you won't be disappointed.
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Glen or Glenda
3 June 2022
Bloody fantastic.

Loved every minute of the film. It had me in stitches.

It's not much of a horror more a horror/comedy.

It's wacky entertainment at its finest.

Will be watching it again.
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