
30 Reviews
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The Island (2005)
A view into a leftist utopia!
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Quite entertaining and intriguing movie with many similarities to our current political environment. I mean this movie is a glimpse into a leftist "utopia" complete with elites above everyone else and utter lack of moral integrity. Too bad so many of those in the democrat cult lack the critical thinking abilities given that they're still pushing for their own demise... which is rather ironic. The utter lack of any human morality is the hallmark of the leftist movement, which is blatant in both our current democrat agenda as well. Maybe this film will stir up some critical thinking for these folks, though I am less apt to expect anything above ignorance on part of those on the side of evil now than ever before. At this point there are only two reasons a competent adult would side with the left. One they are utterly ignorant and void of critical thought OR two they are simply evil.
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Emergency (2022)
This should be a -10 stars!
25 June 2022
Emergency is so atrociously awful artistically that it shouldn't even be available. Like a really bad high school play or something. But then they attempted to make it all about racism! Which was HILARIOUS!!! What a load of absolute trash. Trying to say the cops who pulled them over didn't have cause or something is ridiculous! They got a reported kidnapping of a young girl by three grown men. Of course they pulled their guns on these morons. They should have been arrested for fleeing the scene and endangering the girls life. Instead they were let go despite these common sense facts that they "forgot" because they were so worried about this fictional "racism". It is seriously such a tired fictional idea that cops treat black people differently. If they do, it's obvious that they are treated too leniently! These idiotic boys/men almost killed a young girl because they believed this lie about our first responders. They should have a consequence for that, there should have been a penalty for breaking the law and purposefully endangering a child. There honestly isn't any excuse for this sort of thing.
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The Northman (2022)
A Viking acid trip from suburbanites...?
22 May 2022
Not sure who else would like this other than some overtly pretentious ignorant (while believing they are highly educated) fools like our suburban yuppie. We all know the type, sunglasses and hat goof's that studied art history or some other utterly useless and devoid of any actual factual information topic. Yep this movie must have been made by one for their specific crowd because this "movie" was awful by any metric.

People actually just got up and left less than halfway through and that was in yuppieville too! I guess even their target audience isn't too impressed. Can't say I'm surprised though, it was just awful. Who in their right mind does a retelling of Hamlet using a Viking time frame? Even then why turn it into an acid trip with gore? Seriously it's difficult to believe anyone rated this high or even mediocre. Just awful.
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Virginia (2010)
Thought provoking and incredibly sad!
20 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My heart breaks for Emmett, his mother Virginia, Jessie, and especially Mrs. Tipton as her tragedy is especially heartbreaking. The damage of being raised by a schizophrenic person like Virginia despite the obvious fact that she loved him dearly is also heartbreaking as is the tragedy of Virginia's life period. This one man destroyed so many peoples lives with his disgusting perversion's and narcissistic behavior! Which unfortunately is true more often than not. What is it about men like that, ones so morally bankrupt that they would carry on a 20+ year adulterous affair (which was actually pedophilic initially as he was a married adult and she was a mentally ill teenager) all while pretending to be religious? Why do they even pretend to know God or care in the least about Him when they clearly do NOT. How is it that this sort of hypocrisy by men is overlooked? Anyway good movie but be warned it is quite depressing...
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Excellent movie and topic!
17 May 2022
It is a horrendous shame that these liberal elitist sicko's haven't been brought to heel at this point in human history. Focusing on the faction of the world is particularly insightful given our current political state worldwide, especially given the civil war in Russia over their Ukrainian territory. It is incredibly sad that so many people suffer at the hands of these elites. Then after feeding off common people these sicko's then further victimize us through sex trafficking. Over 20 years ago I was utterly shocked to realize the deprivation of the male sex, but now it is just sickening that so little has changed! Then again women have only had a generation and a half to begin overturning the nearly all male atrocities throughout the world. So at least we can see a glimpse of a better future for our young one's. Providing of course our younger generations don't follow along the lines of our current "liberal" fascist's. Liberal used to be a positive attribute... unfortunately that word has now been so corrupted by more of the same. Why so many women fall prey to this demented way of thinking I will never understand. Regardless this is a decent movie about the enormous problem that sex trafficking is throughout the world solely due to men and their moral and mental deficits.
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Plandemic (2020– )
Excellent considering it is now mid 2022 and everything...
17 May 2022
Stated in this over TWO years ago has now been proven true. The fact that so many in our medical establishment followed along obediently is extremely disheartening. As a medical professional myself this whole covid plandemic was fairly obvious once the numbers came out. By early May it was essentially UNDENIABLE to anyone with even a very basic understanding of public health, epidemiology, and biology. All one needed to do was look at the CDC's own website ALL ALONG to see the blatant truth! Unfortunately most people apparently don't discern their take based on the NUMBERS/FACTS but rather the interpretation of non-medically trained writers on the CDC's page which has been fundamentally changed numerous times over the past two plus years. Either way the actual stats/numbers has always said the same thing. Covid was just a mild cold that affected the elderly and sick at a rate nearly identical to that of the flu. Which is why the death rate has continued to increase at a identical rate to the last 10-15 years. It's pretty simple people just follow the facts.
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Factual content just not very aesthetic...
17 May 2022
I mean the content is all backed by fact's like we've seen the last few years since the last rigged election. But aesthetically speaking this wasn't great. Then there is the plethora of useful idiots running around screaming "but it's all been discredited". Does anyone with a functional brain believe that still? Sorry none of it has been found to be "discredited" at all, not one thing. In fact its all been proven to be credible. Just because some overweight narcissist's on daytime talk shows says it is does not make it so, same goes for any of these crackpot "news" networks. They've proven themselves liar's time and time again. They've used up all their chances.
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Goofball satire of the US's political extremism...
12 May 2022
Nothing much to add since the title says everything... aside from maybe their portrayal of liberals being unfortunately fairly accurate depictions of today's mainstream democrat. Now their "conservatives" characters were definitely exaggerations of the msm's portrayal of the far right and absolutely hilarious! I just wish they would have exaggerated the democrat side more as the fact that the things they depicted by democrats are actually things the democrats have done in recent years and therefore leaves a bad taste in peoples mouths since it is supposed to be a satire. So when they're depicting horrific real life events in a comical manner it is rather distasteful. Then again the lack of balance in a political satire movie made by the same people who've done these things is hardly surprising. Anyway it's definitely worth a few hour's!
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Lies, whining, escapism... Propaganda
5 May 2022
What you get when the self appointed "leaders" of a community ignore ALL responsibility, vacant of morality, and are void of all integrity! When the sandcastle you made was too close to the water and is washed away it wasn't anyones fault but your own.
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Philadelphia (1993)
Awful, depressing, PC trash...
5 May 2022
There are a LOT of words that could be used to describe this horrendous movie thing but none of them are positive even remotely. Poor writing, glorification of self degradation, and ignorance are some of its hallmark failures though there are many many more.
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Pain & Gain (2013)
5 May 2022
More trash pushed out by the joke of a NPC tooth fairy wannabe "wrestler". Unbelievable that anyone still takes this roid junkie seriously enough to put in any movie let alone one that isn't completely garbage!
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Enjoyable aside from Robert Patterson
4 May 2022
These movies as pretty good except for Patterson who attempts to play Edward but falls FAR short. Not only is he an absolutely awful actor he doesn't remotely resemble Edward from the books. More distracting though is the fact that he isn't even slightly attractive, masculine, or sexually/intimately intriguing. The ridiculous "looks" he uses in his pitiful attempt at acting are hilariously awful. Jacob is far more attractive, considerate, and filled with compassion meanwhile Edward is a cardboard cutout of a pouty awkward 14 year old dork.
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26 April 2022
It is rather embarrassing for all Americans, even the elitists, that a televised special meant to celebrate an American Inauguration is portraying the failure of our presidential elections and the resulting installment of our first unelected leader. The failure of our elections system is an enormous tragedy since we are the first representative republic in the world. Unlike many so called "democratic" nations we were never designed to be a mob-ruled society but it appears we have fallen to that level.
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What on earth?
20 April 2022
Okay this was awful artistically speaking in that it was absolutely uninteresting and just disgusting. The whole man is obsessed with women who resemble his mother and is consumed with his psychotic illness plot hole loses its intrigue before the 20 minute mark.

As a woman with a young daughter the attention this movie received is terrifying and horrendous. Since when is a movie about an abusive psycho seen as some sort of amazing feet? Glorifying this dudes demented and evil obsession as some sort of sick example of romance exemplifies how truly sick hollywood and the public has become as this is truly disgusting.
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Code Black (2015–2018)
18 April 2022
This show is BEYOND ridiculous. I have been a trauma RN and CCRN for about 15 years now and have worked in three level 1 trauma units and the number of absolutely glaring errors in even a single episode is beyond anything I've even seen. Doctors giving medications or inserting IV's? Yeah sorry doctors do not do that. Doctors do not insert IV's, 1st year residents do not intubate, and they certainly don't treat patients without supervision! Then there is the medical miracles they pull off countless times in EACH episode. You know how many times vegal maneuvers have worked... once out of thousands of patients I've see treated. Furthermore NO responsible medical professional is going to even attempt a vegal maneuver with a critical patient. Then there are the awful monitors. Why do we have a HR reading of 210 with the clear strip obviously in the 80-90's. Or a classic perfect O2 or CO2 reading on a patient that is supposedly coding. Oh and since when does ANY American ER not have code buttons in ANY of their ER bays or rooms? Oh and how about our ER staff riding in ambulances to crash sites and the like? Yeah sorry that does NOT happen, nor should it. Treating patients in a hospital environment is entirely different than treating patients in the field. Goodness I could go on and on but I'll spare us all.

I did see a review discussing the soap opera style entertainment of this and I can't say I really disagree however so has every single other medical show that I've ever seen. The funny thing about his review was his referencing the show ER, that one in particular was one of the absolute worst in regards to believability/reality AND the near constant sex/romance plots. In fact I've only once seen a tv show that contained a semi realistic picture medically speaking and that was called Medical Investigation Unit about a CDC unit. However it was canceled after only 1 season most likely because it wasn't a evening soap and no one was banging in the supply closet in between patients.
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Hoaxed (2019)
Finally! A honest documentary about our media!
13 April 2022
Excellent movie depicting the true state of our leftist media here in the US. As we can see through the other reviews posted here many of our radical leftists have difficulty excepting facts and then resort Soliá name calling and feelings.
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12 April 2022
Okay so I'm a libertarian which used to be shortened to liberal just a few years ago... though I find myself hard pressed to find anything in common with these radicalized "liberals" who promote identity politics, fabricated conspiracy propaganda, discriminate against women, and now child abuse. But I used to be a regular MSNBC viewer along with the rest of America, but after these last 7-8 years I can honestly say that no one in their right mind should watch or listen to this trash. This lady is out of her mind first of all. But more importantly she is purposefully misinforming millions of people in a desperate attempt to push these radical's narrative and further her bank account. I see my in law's falling for her garbage along with others like cuomo, lemon, and the fat guy who got caught jerking off to porn/coworkers. It's sad to see the elderly taken advantage of like that especially when they are being persuaded to think and later vote to promote policies that are damaging the integrity of the United States but even more importantly they are damaging to all those in the US, the elderly and those who have no defense like children the most.
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The Outpost (2018–2021)
5 April 2022
Pretty entertaining after the first episode or two anyway. My only issue is the chosen actors. The main character Talon or something looks like she stepped off some horrendously awful porn set. Then there is the silly character of Janzo or something like that, where they have the actor bending over all the time, for no apparent reason. Lastly the men they chose for the main squeeze and who all the women swoon over is ridiculously small given this is a time/setting that is primarily dependent on brute strength. I'm sorry but when we see this 125 pound porn star dancing around play fighting with monsters and men who are at least twice her size it's unbelievable to start and annoying at best! But to make it even worse and more glaring our star dancer (talon) is rescued repeatedly by garret (our handsome hero) looks like he's an inch or two shorter and maybe 25 pounds larger than our miniature hero! Come on people women can be empowered without pretending that physics doesn't exist.
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Lincoln (2012)
More democrat propaganda...
29 March 2022
Hardly unsurprising that our delusional hollyweird democrats would come up with yet another fictional movie about an actual historical figure but replace close to 90% of the content with propaganda. Next they'll be giving us a film about the fictional "great switch" centered around Mark Twain or some other random person. They truly believe they can simply make up whatever they want... and unfortunately it seems like they can! June teenth anyone? Lol.
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This should be -10, unfortunately they don't allow the actual rating!
14 February 2022
This unfortunate propaganda debacle made its point known in the title as well as the first few minutes. A collage of fictional stories woven together by people who've fabricated their entire life. If it wasn't just another hate fueled propaganda piece it would have been difficult to discern this from hollywoods version of reality. Then again those who fantasized and manipulated this into production are from hollywood and about as far from reality as an American can get. Similar to the wealthy elites pretending to be from the working class while arresting truckers who stood up for basic human rights. Those pushing these lies has gone too far these last few years, and thankfully they've completely lost the narrative! They just can't accept it yet.
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Bones (2005–2017)
Excellent for the first 5 seasons...
4 February 2022
Unfortunately after the fifth season the show deteriorates consistently sometimes drastically though some episodes are mostly tolerable. Fair warning though this is the second time I have seen this entire series. I watched it mostly while it aired originally and the last three seasons via Netflix shortly after it aired as I had "cut the cord" on cable back in 2007. The first time watching it I truly enjoyed the entire thing, less towards the end but that's pretty normal as the plots get overdone towards the end of a series. Unfortunately this second time the PC crap tends to overwhelm and annoy me especially after the fifth season.

The first time around I loved both Booth and Brennan, unfortunately this second time wasn't as enjoyable especially once we made it to the sixth season. By the time I made it to the ninth season most of the character's were excruciatingly irritating with Booth topping the list. Making such a man out to be a bumbling idiot who continuously puts himself, Brennan, and everyone else in completely avoidable and pointlessly dangerous positions is incredibly ignorant. I've found myself strongly disliking his character despite once loving him due to this sexist interpretation the shows creators chose to depict.

The last aspect that has deteriorated is the science! There are too many examples ranging from the psychological, medical, geographical, entomological, chemical, and criminal science errors occurring throughout every single episode! For a show that is centered on science this is rather impractical considering that those who watch it enjoy science and obviously will be aware of the constant errors!
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A Hero (I) (2021)
22 January 2022
Okay first of all the ratings on here are almost hilarious... the low scores are almost all people from Iran or the half dozen countries surrounding it with nearly identical cultures. Apparently they are scoring it poorly because of some sort of ideology differences while ignoring the fact that it is their authoritarian culture (religion)! Yes Iran is ruled by ruthless criminals we all know that but instead of focusing on the obvious evil that is perpetrated by the regime in the name of religion they stumble around making essentially no points at all! Completely ignoring the whole lets force women to wear trash bags everywhere because our pathetic trash men are complete animals, or lets hide the whole forced prostitution of young girls AND boys, or lets hide the fact that the religion is basically a call for war/terrorism etc. Seriously we know the terror these authoritarian regimes force upon their citizens yet they still end up with the support of their male populations. Why is that? Why not at least mention these massively important issues? Instead of just sweeping them under the rug....! So after we see what a joke the bad scores are, take a peek at the good ones! They are just as ridiculous as the bad one's and equally as honest. Heck a good example of this paradigm is Dinesh D'Souza's Trump Card (a factually accurate documentary that does not use deception to alter the storyline not a fictional story like A Hero) versus something like the ridiculous deepfake American Insurrection by PBS Frontline which did use extensive deepfake material, gaslighting, and fabrication (which is now proven to be a heavily racist and bigoted organization). Regardless of the movie's themselves one only needs to read some of the reviews for either movie, both the good and the bad ones to see what I mean. They aren't reviewing the quality or content of the films they are only rating them based upon their own personal views. Especially those who hold strong racist viewpoints like those on the American left.

The movie however is just bad. Poor camera work, poor dialogue, subtitles, bad plot, poor story telling etc. However the worst part about this is that it tries to tell a story from a poor/working class man/family, which is a commendable goal only the film does a TERRIBLE job doing this.
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21 January 2022
Well done and very educational about the fact that the most evil regimes throughout history have been those who fall for the lies of socialism or communism. Those who agree with those ideologies become consumed with power thus exhibiting fascist ideologies. We've seen it again and again with Germany, USSR, Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela... even now with the rise of the radical left in the US and almost everywhere else throughout the globes first world nations.
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Excellent honest documentary about history...
17 January 2022
Finally something historically accurate put out by Amazon! Amazing! After trying to watch a few of their promoted films I was greatly disappointed and disturbed at the fact that all of them contained bigoted propaganda instead of facts or history. I find it painful as a mixed race woman that almost no democrats realize that MLK was a republican, that in fact EVERY major civil rights actor was republican!
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Excellent movie...
17 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The was a great movie that is both entertaining and completely family friendly! It even touches on many important issues that need to be discussed with youngsters and family members including but not limited to depression, abuse, alcohol problems, sexism, disabilities, lack of Christianity/compassion, money, animal mistreatment, loss, loneliness, and the importance of hard work. My only issue with this film is the fact that they paired this young beautiful woman with a man old enough to be her grandfather! Which is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous! A 20-30 year old with a man in his mid to late 70's is utterly revolting, completely unrealistic, and over the top sexist. I've never understood why movie's are made showing young women attaching themselves to old men, the reverse is almost never shown so there is absolutely no reason to showcase something so abhorrent. Yet we still do see it here and there which is definitely a problem and something that should be discussed if watching this, or others like it, with youngsters. Aside from this poor aspect everything else about this movie is wonderful and done exceptionally well.
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