
21 Reviews
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Ground-breaking new slasher film that fans who grew up watching slasher films will enjoy!
2 June 2024
So I was born in 1971 and grew up watching slasher films - in fact the genre started in my lifetime so I a seasoned and jaded slasher fan. Remember Fangoria? I used to buy that magazine as a teen. I took my nephew (born 2000) to go see the movie and I really enjoyed myself. I've never rooted for the slasher but in this film I was rooting for the slasher. It was very cool. There was no anticipatory music prior to the kills. I appreciated that immensely having grown up on the trope of the music preceding the kill. The perspective of the camera was innovative and I appreciated the fact that the suspense and tension was allowed to simmer. No boring dialogue between all the victims like in most prior films. This film was revolutionary in how it handled this genre. The ending was excellent.
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9 December 2023
I grew up watching Godzilla movies. I suspect I have seen maybe 90% of movies, tv shows and other media. I watch videos on YouTube about the different sizes of the various Godzillas. I listen to Godzilla movie soundtracks for my enjoyable music.

But I've never seen a Godzilla movie like this one. Even though I was with my nephew I couldn't help it. Crazy a Godzilla movie. There was a scene with Noriko that really got me. Actually there were a lot of scenes that really got me. I'm probably still emotional after the movie.

Just saw Shin Godzilla two weeks ago. Expected something similar. Totally different. I just want to go back and see it again. Feel it again. Highly recommend.
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Great coming of age romcom with an absolute beauty to lure you in
18 October 2023
I saw this movie as a teenager in high school and I must have watched it 20 times when I had the VHS copy in college. Ione Skye is the best part of this movie. That is not to downplay the other actors, who are actually fantastic British actors. Dexter Fletcher narrates as well as acts and is really enjoyable in his role. Ione Skye plays the female love interest and played her character with such feminine grace as well as her tremendous physical beauty that I always assumed that was how the character was described in the Martin Amis book. I read the book after seeing the movie and realized that Ione Skye was just excellent casting. Really loved this movie.
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The Shooting (1966)
Atmospheric Western with incredible ability by the female lead in this Western from the 1960s
10 June 2023
Warren Oates and Jack Nicholson on opposing sides in a gritty late 60s Western, yet the screen presence of Millie Perkins never fails to impress me. She shows up in this movie face covered in dirt and looks gorgeous. Yeah Oates and Nicholson are in the movie but it's the performance by Perkins that truly impresses. Her introduction into the film is enigmatic as both her behavior as well as the narrative she provides (the story about her pony) creates the mystery moving the interest of the viewer forward.

The pace of the movie allows for a relaxed viewing and its cinematography helps immerse you into the journey. Dialogue is excellent with no exposition - all characterization thru dialogue and action. Even almost 60 years after it's release Perkins is worth the price of admission though.
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House of the Dragon: The Rogue Prince (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
I'm Just Gonna Say It - The Casting Is An Issue.
29 August 2022
Big Game of Thrones fan here. Well saw the second episode despite feeling quite a bit of the excitement from last week diminishing prior to the episode. Saw the intro with the theme song and was totally hyped. Memories of prior seasons flooding back in response to the theme song.

Then the show started and it was problematic. The wigs are AN ISSUE. Lady Laena looked absolutely ridiculous with that long wig.

The entire cast is weak in multiple areas and it's affecting the reception of the dialogue by the audience. I really miss the quality of cast members that made Game of Thrones lightning in a bottle during the dialogue scenes.

People are raving about the plot of this show and the big twists coming up. I myself prefer character-oriented stores to plot-oriented stories but oh well. Two dimensional wooden acting with mainly plot emphasis and CGI - still better than anything else on TV.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
First episode definitely a BLAST FROM THE PAST but is that enough for the rest of the season?
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw the first episode of House of the Dragon with my younger brother. The first scene with the dragon flying was spectacular and it was such a warm welcome back to Westeros. The cinematography, clothes and settings were good and the presence of Matt Smith as Daemon really delivered on the best this show had to offer. There are some areas that were concerning however. First of all, the wigs of the Targaryaens look bad. They look unnatural. In particular the lead role - Rhaenyra. Milly Alcock looks bad in that wig. The actress has a somewhat flat affect and in that wig she looks - unattractive and odd. The casting in general was a concern as well. The original Game of Thrones was not guaranteed a success. But HBO got people like Lena Headey, Sean Bean ( experienced leading actors that the audience will instantly recognize and root for) involved. Now this show has all the return on investment that money men like - and they hire inexperienced actors. HBO knows that this show is standing on the shoulders of the giant GOT but they don't hire an amazing established puts people in the theatre seats lead actor or actors? Matt Smith is it?
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Lavish production and Glynis Barber make it enjoyable
22 December 2021
Having rated the 1945 original a 10, I do want to advocate for this 1983 remake. The sets and costumes and numerous extras really enhance the aesthetic appeal of this period piece (set during the restoration of Charles II). Glynis Barber is cast as the sweet Caroline and she is so gorgeous as to be worth the price of admission for any cavalier. Yes it doesn't have the greatest casting for the characters of Ralph and Barbara. Faye Dunaway is a great actress but the role of Barbara was not ideal for her. However with a beauty like Glynis Barber in the movie and being such a fan of the original I still enjoyed the movie.
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It's a Frost Fair on the River Thames!
20 December 2021
Great movie. Recorded it off Turner Classic Movies years ago. James Mason gives a great performance in this film. Everything and everyone in this film is appealing to a modern audience. Oh and they show a 17th century frost fair during one of the winters that the Thames freezes over. Saw that before I ever read about it years later. Just magical.
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Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
We're enemies. With benefits. What did you guys have a threesome?
30 November 2021
Is there anyone else who loves this show as much as I do? This show saved my life. I was at the lowest point in my life (I'm 50) when I found this series on HBO Max. I persevered in my life during that dark time solely to see every episode in its six seasons. Thank you to the cast and writers. XOXO.
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Gossip Girl: The Handmaiden's Tale (2007)
Season 1, Episode 6
The most beautiful costume party I never actually attended
30 November 2021
I just recently watched all six seasons of gossip girl on HBO Max. I liked every episode but this episode in particular was visually breathtaking. Taylor Momsen looked amazing in her dress and mask. So did leighton meester. I continually rewatch the episode just for the aesthetic appeal. And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell. XOXO.
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What happened?
21 October 2021
What did Phoebe Waller-Bridge do to the James Bond franchise? I grew up loving the fun craziness of James Bond movies - an intrepid hero, femme fatales, super villains, amazing action scenes - while knowing that in the end Bond would find a way to beat the villain and get the girl. What happened? Did Phoebe Waller-Bridge ever actually see a Bond film growing up? Did she ever actually like a single Bond film or was this just a job for her?
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Haywire (2011)
Super Sexy Spy Siren
21 October 2021
I've seen Haywire 2011 with Gina Carano multiple times and she is amazing in this film. Yes, she's beautiful. But she is also going into the fight scenes with a credibility as a martial arts champion that is unique to a female protagonist (no offense Rhonda Rousey). I can't understand how this movie didn't lead to a franchise similar to mission impossible. I'd much rather see this movie with her amazing presence than to watch the first mission impossible movie (and I'm a Tom Cruise fan).
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6 October 2021
Fantastic comedy with Michael Caine, Ben Kingsley and a very beautiful Lysette Anthony. All three of these actors do an amazing job and this movie is a gem. I saw it at the theatre growing up. Fun and adventure. I rewatch it every few years. The dialogue is witty.
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Like Masterpiece Theatre but way better
3 October 2021
I recently saw Love and Friendship 2016 on Amazon Prime. I thought the performance of Kate Beckinsale was excellent as well as the entire cast. The dialogue was witty and made me burst out laughing at times. I used to watch PBS on Sunday evenings for the enjoyment of English period pieces. This movie far surpassed anything that I expected. I will be seeing it again and again. I can't praise it enough it seems.
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One of the most beautiful heroines ever
19 September 2021
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh was the first giallo movie I saw and I remember thinking the main actress Edwige Fenech was beautiful beyond words. Saw it again recently on Tubi and unlike a lot of movies where over time my earlier opinion changes this time my opinion actually elevated in my admiration for her. She is mesmerizing and this movie has great atmosphere.
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Euro horror thriller with atmosphere
19 September 2021
Watched this on the Elvira Movie Macabre from 1981 on Tubi although the movie dates from much earlier. It's a Spanish film and the movie is replete with many young pretty girls. Great suspense and atmosphere. Really enjoyed it.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
Nonstop action horror/thriller
18 September 2021
My brother and I stumbled upon this movie on a Friday night after a feast of pizza and Lone Star beer. Although I heartily excoriated this movie with my best MST3K, I must admit it was a pleasure to watch. There was not a dull moment in the entire movie. Despite a horrific work week, I forgot all my worries and laughed harder than I have in a long time.
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Dissonance between trailer and movie.
10 September 2021
The Green Knight 2021 by A24 studio was difficult for me to watch. My brother and I ordered the movie through view on demand for $19.99. At no point in the movie did we respond to what we were watching. Both of us were born in the 70s and grew up watching amazing films and TV throughout our lives. We struggled to finish the film and the next day did not rewatch it which is customary for us to do with movies we order or stream on weekends.
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This is the movie that Rob Zombie wishes he could make.
10 September 2021
The atmosphere and dreamy quality to this film was very enjoyable. I loved the retro 70s feel they gave it. The director using the forest as basically another character in the film enhanced the occult feel to the movie.
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Realistic and merciless pirates.
10 September 2021
I saw this movie on television as a kid in the early 80s. You know that feeling you get when a movie is showing you harsh reality and you get a vicarious taste of something that changes how you look at the world and the people in it? No one in my family got to see this movie and I personally don't know anyone who got to see it. But as a ten year old boy it made quite the impression on me.
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Main actress may be my favorite Alice yet.
10 September 2021
Wonderful fantasy film set at the turn of the 20th century in America. I absolutely loved the overall atmosphere of the movie as well as the spiritual elements that manifested themselves at times. The main actress Selena Tibert carries the film successfully throughout and the only mistake the director/producer makes in the movie is when other actors are in front of the camera instead of keeping the camera lens on her. I am a connoisseur of Alice in Wonderland films myself which are overwhelmingly centered on a European/English milieu. This film was so unique in being authentically American.
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