
39 Reviews
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To Love, Honor & Betray (1999 TV Movie)
Actually like this movie!
17 August 2010
First of all, I'll watch anything with David Cubitt. And I like Crystal Bernard too! How old was Crystal Bernard's character supposed to be though? I got the impression she was supposed to be in her early to mid 30's. Late 20's at the very, very least.

There were a couple of unclear plot holes, but that's to be expected. The characters in this movie are well fleshed out. I saw the ending coming from a mile away, I knew who did it, but it still made for great suspense! And it's also based on a rather interesting, yet tragic, true story. The motives are predictable, yet quite interesting and fascinating.

Crystal Bernard's age bothered me somewhat, but I have a feeling her character was designed to be a needy, sheltered woman who would live with her parents even into her 30's.
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Gone in a Heartbeat (1996 TV Movie)
This is a good one
17 August 2010
I saw this today on Lifetime Movie Network. Nice to see James Marsden! Before he became famous! James Marsden and Shane Meier basically stole the spotlight as the bad boys. They are clever, especially for high school boys, and their performers made them convincing.

It's also nice to see a fictional married couple played by a real married couple. That would be Jill Eikenberry and Michael Tucker! Personally, I thought Michael Tucker was too over the top. I know that's how he should be, given the plot and what his character goes through, but he just came across as a grouchy old man. And Jill Eikenberry underacted. I still felt for her character, but she was very wooden. I've seen her other work,and she tends to be a lot better. Still, both actors tried, and they do have a nice chemistry. As they should, since they are married in real life! So, eight stars for the amazing plot, characters, the chemistry between the married couple, and the acting from James Marsden and Shane Meier!
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Mother Knows Best (1997 TV Movie)
She just did this for her daughter
13 March 2010
So I caught this movie today on Lifetime, on a rainy Saturday morning. For once, I'm grateful for the bad weather! When I saw the title "Mother Knows Best", with Joanna Kerns no less, I figured it would be some Lifetime movie about a mother taking off her apron and having to deal with obnoxious bratty children. Boy, was I in for a surprise.

Celeste Cooper is my idol! Joanna Kerns did an excellent job shedding her "everywoman" image. I was laughing out loud as soon as she placed the ad in her daughter's name. Grant Show and Christine Elise have some chemistry but I found their characters to be stale. Kerns steals the show here, that's for sure! It's funny how the only Lifetime movies that I like are always on at 11am on Saturdays. And those are the Lifetime movies that still run on the channel.
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The Hangover (2009)
That's my grandma's ring. She made it all the way through the holocaust with that thing. It's legit.
3 September 2009
Funniest movie I've ever seen!!! The quote above is just one of many from this movie!! There are enough one liners to quote for the rest of the year! Well, at least according to everyone at my school. Ha ha ha! Mike Tyson even made me laugh, and not at him this time. Ed Helms is at his best for sure here! I have nothing against "My Best Friend's Wedding" but how can you compare those two movies!?!

The end was the best part though. My girlfriend's face was so red for days from laughing so hard!!!! And the bachelor party in the movie was so much better than the ones I've been to in real life!! That is pretty sad though, so take it for what you will. Most importantly, if you do not see this movie, you will have no idea what everyone is talking about!
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
Say YES to "The Proposal"!
3 July 2009
I can see why it's doing so well at the box office! No wonder everyone's been saying yes to it! It does help if you're a big fan of both Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. I am for sure! Sandra Bullock does not disappoint, she's better than ever here! Ryan Reynolds has great chemistry with her and holds her own. It's also great seeing Betty White! The funniest character of all is that guy(cant remember his name haha) who is a male stripper one minute and then the guy who holds the wedding the next minute! There's a reason why The Proposal is dominating the awful Year One, and is even holding its own against the famous Hangover! Say yes to the Proposal! Just one thing though. What the hell was up with the previews? As much as I love Sandra Bullock, her next movie(based on the previews) is truly going to make me lose some respect for her! Oh well.
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Fireproof (2008)
i love love love it!
27 May 2009
One of the best movies I have ever seen! Kirk Cameron has always been one of my favorite actors. I loved him in that "Growing Pains" show from back in the day and he's even better here! For sure! He does drama so well. The actress who plays the wife does a good enough job with what she is given. The character of the wife is not written very well, but the actress still does fine, and besides, this is one of her first projects. So I was impressed with her too. The other actors all do a great job as well. The story is even better. I loved watching Kirk Cameron's character realize that he should not take his life for granted. This is one of those rare movies in which the delivery is actually even better than the concept.
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drive me crazy drive everyone crazy
27 May 2009
3 stars for ONE thing. The title could not be more fitting. This is truly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I finally realized what a talentless hack Melissa Joan Hart has become. She was so much better in the TV movies that she did before this movie, especially "Silencing Mary", which is actually a very good movie mostly because of Melissa Joan Hart's performance in that particular movie.

But her acting is so fake in "Drive Me Crazy". It certainly drove me crazy. Don't even get me started on the other actors. The movie also has a horrible concept to boot, and the delivery is much worse. I don't think the delivery could be much worse than it already is. It would have to be a porn movie, or a Teletubbies movie, or something for it to be ANY worse.

I'm only giving this movie 3 stars because Melissa Joan Hart is sometimes a good actress. But she's not that good and she always get mixed up in the wrong scripts. And like I said, I have to admit that the title could not be more fitting. Gotta give 'em credit for that!
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State of Play (2009)
Better than most of Ben Affleck's other movies...not that that's saying much...
10 May 2009
This was a decent movie, with great actors and concept, but otherwise it was boring. I'm not into politics or anything like that. Even so, you gotta give the actors credit here, including Ben Affleck.

Ben Affleck has always been one of my favorite actors, yet he always chose terrible movies and scripts. The only decent movies that he ever starred in were "The Sum of all Fears" with Morgan Freeman, and "Forces of Nature" with Sandra Bullock. And even those movies aren't too high on my list. And this movie isn't either.

Still, this movie also had a great concept, even if I'm not into politics. It's about the investigation of the death of a congressman's mistress. The most famous and successful actors in the movie are Rachel McAdams and Russell Crowe, who both play reporters. Rachel McAdams is so hot! She has a great resume, with movies like "Mean Girls" and "Wedding Crashers", but I didn't know she could do drama so well too! Russell Crowe is always great, but he's definitely typecast. Ben Affleck is shockingly good, thanks to the right script for a change. Too bad it comes rarely for him, as he hasn't had a successful, or in my opinion even decent, movie in years.

6/10. If it were a TV movie, I would have given it an 8 or 9. I just can't sit still in theaters anymore.
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Silver Wolf (1999 TV Movie)
Adult version of AIR BUD and the IRON GIANT
22 February 2009
Here is the lowdown. A boy loses his father, and he goes to live with his uncle in a national park. Then he meets a wolf named "Silver". Unfortunately, he has to protect the wolf from a dangerous hunter.

Yeah, we've seen this before. In two embarrassing little kids movies, no less. Still, Shane Meier is such a great actor. He plays the main character so well. He also has great chemistry with Silver. I wish he was doing more projects, but apparently he's selling jeans in Vancouver. The other actors are really good as well.

Not a bad concept, and the acting makes the movie better than you'd expect.
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Three Days (2001 TV Movie)
We've seen this before
22 February 2009
Wow. This movie was so predictable and it had so many plot holes. When a man's wife dies, he is given three days to be with her again and to prove her love to her. I knew exactly how the movie would end. By the way, the movie keeps getting cheesier as it goes.

Yet, I gave this movie a decent 5 stars. The concept isn't bad, even though we've seen it before, but it is delivered as sappy, melodramatic, and of course predictable. Still, the acting is actually pretty good all around. I was especially impressed with Reed Diamond's performance. I'm also a big fan of Kristin Davis and she amazes me here! Tim Meadows is funny yet philosophical as the "angel".

Yeah. "It's A Wonderful Life, Part II." Still, the acting is good enough to keep this movie floating. Barely floating, though.
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Walk the Line (2005)
Sometimes the line walks you!
22 February 2009
This is one of the best movies I've ever seen! It is a little slow paced in the beginning but the story is awesome! It is also based on a true story! Johnny Cash is a classic! The actors are excellent, and they really put themselves in their characters. Joaquin Phoenix is very convincing as the struggling singer who is struggling with his life and his relationship with Reese Witherspoon's character. I didn't know he could sing that well! Witherspoon is just as good, showing determination and enthusiasm in her character. And she is so good looking! I also didn't know she had a talent for music as well. That's amazing! The other actors play their parts well too.

As you can see from all the ratings, it's a must-see for everyone!
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Tru Calling: Morning After (2003)
Season 1, Episode 7
The only episode I've ever watched.....
21 December 2008
And I need to do everything I can to keep it that way!! The story was way too predictable. The dialogue is so awkward. The characters are so clichéd. I want to throw Lindsay through a glass window from the top of a 100 story building!!!!!!!!!!! Literally.

Tru would be cool if there was a better actress playing her. Her acting is very, very wooden. I can't say much about the other actors. They're what you would expect from a show like this, which isn't much of anything. Of course, AJ Cook, who plays the idiotic Lindsay, completely overacts, in a way that makes me completely despise her character and her stupid lines. However, if AJ Cook is trying to be annoying on purpose, then she is the best actress in the whole world!!!! Seriously, IF she is trying to make her Lindsay character as annoying as possible, she is so successful that she deserves so, so many Academy Awards!!

This show should get a 2 at best, but I have watched Shane Meier's scenes several times. He has always been one of my favorite actors. The last scene that he is in is by far the best. He shows the best acting by far in that scene on the show. Well, don't you just love how the best acting on the show comes from a guest star, and none of it's regular cast members?

Well, that was an extremely long comment, especially for one episode of a stupid show like this. It's a good thing this joke got canceled. Shane Meier was the best thing about the show. He needed a lot more screen time than like 3 minutes in one episode. That last scene that he was in should have been way longer!!!!

Oh, and could someone please tell Lindsay to do us all a favor and end her existence already? Or could you at least tell her to SHUT UP?

Thanks, 'preciate it.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
So Awesome!!!
20 December 2008
It is MUCH better than the other shows on the CW. Of course, that doesn't say much. Still, the best thing about the show is the acting from Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. It didn't seem like that in the first few episodes, but after that they really got into their characters! Ruby was a bitch, but the actress who played her was great!! This show has also had a lot of great guest stars. Two of my favorites were Gary Cole from the "Hollywood Babylon" episode, and Shane Meier from the "Hell House" episode.

The episodes are getting a little predictable and formulaic, or they were. However, the acting seems to be getting better and better. And each episode has a few great twists. This is especially true for Jensen Ackles in this new season of the show.

I hope the actors and producers of "Supernatural" keep up the great work!!
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On Thin Ice (2003 TV Movie)
Probably the best TV movie!!!
20 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A single mother(Diane Keaton) finds herself working several minimum-wage jobs. When she gets fired, she finds that she is unable to support her sons(Michael Seater and Colin Roberts), the latter of whom has asthma. Then she goes to her friend and starts selling drugs. Soon enough, she gets addicted to the drugs that she is selling. Her life comes crashing down, especially when her kids, namely her oldest son, find out the truth and threaten to leave her. Then, she struggles to redeem herself with the help of her kids but can she protect her family from the drug lords who she worked for?

Wow! This lifetime movie has some of the best acting I have ever seen! Diane Keaton overacts a lot, and her character comes off as crazy but she was extremely convincing. She is much better suited to drama than to comedy. However, the best performance in the movie comes from Michael Seater, who plays her oldest son. He is perfect as the responsible son who is still young but trying to be the adult in the family. His acting was especially great in the scenes where he confronts his mom about the drugs. Colin Roberts, who plays the younger son, also does a great job.

A movie well worth watching, especially because of the acting from Michael Seater and Diane Keaton!
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7th Heaven (1996–2007)
hell on earth
24 October 2008
How the hell did this show last 11 seasons? *shudder*..Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the first few seasons, especially the third one. But to say it went downhill from there would be like saying things went "a little downhill" after Hurricane Katrina. Now, I just watch the show to snark on it and laugh at it. That is, when I don't want to smash each character into a telephone pole! Everyone's acting skills went down the drain. To make things worse, they hired all these bizarre "supporting actors". Jessica Biel was the best thing about the show, but she had the good sense to get out. And then all these ridiculous plots revolved around her, and they occurred offscreen. Stephen Collins is a very talented actor, even the show's biggest haters do not necessarily dispute that. I'm glad he's getting a lot of work after this stupid show ended. Catherine Hicks, David Gallagher, and Beverley Mitchell had their moments too. All of their characters got on my nerves though, especially Catherine Hicks' character, "Annie Camden".

Now for the actors I can't stand. I never cared for Barry Watson. He is so overrated and annoying. Mackenzie Rosman was carrying scenes by herself when she was five but now I want to smack her! She just says her lines with those creepy eyes of hers. She hasn't been able to act for years now. Don't even get me started on Ashlee Simpson, George Stults, Tyler Hoechlin, or that excruciatingly awful Muslim girl who was on for two episodes. The twins were the worst though!! Even at age 8, they still speak like two year olds and they do everything together. I won't even get into the worst of it.

Now for the actual show itself. Events occurred off camera. Events that we don't want to see are the ones that do end up happening on camera. The nonexistent continuity is twice as awful, to say the least. The scripts were recycled and the writing just kept getting worse. Still, this "show", and I use that term loosely, will always have a place in my heart. Partly because I actually used to like it.
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Abduction of Innocence (1996 TV Movie)
Classic TV Movie
22 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Another near perfect movie for me. Here's the lowdown: Clare Steves(Katie Wright) is a rich girl with strict parents. Her father especially won't let her go out when she wants to. So her boyfriend Eddie Spencer(Lochlyn Munro) and his friend have a "meeting" with her. Then Clare's parents get a call from Eddie. He tells them to give him $250,000 or he will kill Clare. In a strange twist of events, the guys get the money but they are arrested. But Eddie claims that Clare was the mastermind behind the kidnapping! Is Clare as innocent as she seems?

The only letdown of the movie was Katie Wright's acting. Her character should have shown more emotion, especially at the trial when she was on the stand. But other than that, I thought she did a nice job. But Lochlyn Munro steals the spotlight as the kidnapper. The rest of the acting is what I expected it to be.

9 out of 10 stars. Perfect story, but not so perfect acting from some of the actors. Lochlyn Munro more than makes up for it though.
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Classic Movie
7 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
An almost perfect movie!!! First of all, the plot. Julianne (Julia Roberts) is a successful food critic who has had this best friend named Michael (Dermot Mulroney). They promised to marry each other if neither of them found their soul mates before they turned 28. Now that Michael has met Kimmy (Cameron Diaz), Julianne resorts to the funniest and tackiest schemes to win Michael back.

I don't care if it's a chick flick, I love it. Julia Roberts is at her best here! Dermot Mulroney is good as the conflicted groom. Cameron Diaz actually does a great job as a woman who knows how to keep her enemies close when she asks Julianne to be her maid of honor. But Rupert Everett (Julianne's gay friend) steals the spotlight.

The movie is too love love but other than that it's so amazing.
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Not your typical animated cartoon (That's a good thing)
16 May 2008
Okay, I am REALLY NOT into animated kids movies. I was years ago, and this was my favorite movie ever way back in the day. I am embarrassed to admit that I actually watched this movie today, even though I haven't seen it in years. But it is definitely not as bad as those silly little cartoons.

The voice acting is brilliant. Jennifer Aniston was amazing! And I usually hate her. Harry Connick Jr. is clever and sharp, as always. I don't know who did the voice of "Hogarth" but that is one amazing little kid. And Vin Diesel as the Iron Giant......oh yeah!!! The story is incredible. And so are the characters. That's why I watched this movie today. I don't like it as much now as I used to. But then, I was obsessed with it years ago. Aside from the animated kids feeling, the movie is brilliant. Just not for young adults, I guess.

7/10. I should rate it even higher but that would be too embarrassing.
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Lies He Told (1997 TV Movie)
Don't lie to your wife!!
28 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best TV movies I have ever seen! The title makes it so obvious and predictable but come on, all TV movies are like that!

The story is fantastic. It may seem ridiculous but it is based on an incredibly true story. Gary Cole plays a military man named Dave who feels trapped in his marriage. He abandons his wife and kids and then fakes his death! All so he could be with Alyson (Karen Sillas). How far will Dave go to keep his secret?

The acting is top notch for TV movies. Gary Cole especially keeps the movie together as a charming, smooth-talking sociopath who has an answer to everything when his wife gets suspicious. Karen Sillas does the best she can as a wife who discovers that her husband is a LIAR and doesn't know what to do about it. Teddi Siddall, who I believe is Gary Cole's wife in real life, plays her part well especially when she cries about the "death" of her husband. Wendy Makkena adds a nice touch as Alyson's sister. Linda Goranson is great in her small role as Dave's mother.

Predictable but the acting and the story take this movie up several notches.
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Breach (2007)
Incredible True Story! My Favorite Movie!
17 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, it's based on a true story. A story like this already fascinates me. There are plenty of drama and thrills. Those are the movie genres I thrive on. The only thing I will "spoil" is that you will learn so much about the real case. Especially if you get the DVD, which has so much coverage.

The actors couldn't have been better cast. Chris Cooper was the best here. He literally scared me at times! That's a good thing considering his character. Ryan Phillippe brings a lot of depth to his character too. Laura Linney is also well cast as a serious yet witty character. The rest of the cast is great too. I think they all enjoyed this movie.
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Camouflage (2001)
gotta love Lochlyn Munro
28 December 2007
Am I the only one who loves this movie?! The movie is just too hilarious! Leslie Nielsen is a very funny actor and his character is too. I love the part where he says he's gonna make a "minor adjustment" and then breaks Lochlyn's nose! For sure, this movie is a must have for Lochlyn fans! Lochlyn Munro is one of my favorite actors and he has a starring role in this movie as a guy who is even worse as a detective than as an actor. I love the teaming of him and Nielsen.

Unfortunately, Vanessa Angel had to be in the movie too. She is pretty, those lips turn me on! But she is a terrible actress. Her acting has improved over the years though. She reminded me of Wendy Benson from the TV movie "Pretty Poison".

This movie is pretty much for Lochlyn fans like me. It would have been even better if Vanessa Angel wasn't in it.
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funniest movie ever
16 December 2007
Haha, this is quite possibly the best/worst TV movie of all time! Let's start with the title. Not only is the title cheesy, but the question is all wrong. First of all, it's funny that she calls her mom "Mother". Second of all, saying "may" instead of "can" makes mommy more likely to give her lovely daughter the go-ahead! Lastly, she calls her psychotic boyfriend "danger". Haha, this only happens in cheesy lifetime movies.

Besides having the cheesiest title, this movie also has the worst acting I have ever seen! Tori Spelling looks weird and she is the worst actress ever. It's funny how her character has an eating disorder, when Tori has an acting disorder. Ivan Sergei wasn't much better. I wonder if his complete lack of expressions were meant to be creepy or something. And then there's Lisa Banes. Wasn't she in some Tom Cruise movie? Anyway, like mother like daughter, Lisa's character is annoying and she can't act.

Don't even get me started on the movie's plot and delivery. Someone said that this TV movie is the legend to end all TV movies. I couldn't agree more! This is the perfect movie to watch with friends and beer.
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A Call to Remember (1997 TV Movie)
realistic and true to life
19 November 2007
I usually don't like historical dramas but this one is pretty good. The story is very interesting, as well as unpredictable. The best thing about this movie are the actors and characters.

Blythe Danner should have won an award for her performance! She was truly convincing as a woman who tried to put on a strong face for her family, but was falling apart inside. Joe Mantegna was persuasive as her loving and loyal husband. David Lascher, one of my favorite actors, turns in a typically appealing performance as the rebellious and troubled son. As usual, Kevin Zegers doesn't hold up his end of the film. There's a reason why he did those "Air Bud" movies! Still, he was good as the naive, innocent little boy.

The movie is very slow paced though. And again, I'm just not into historical dramas. But other than that, the movie is well worth watching.

My vote is 7/10.
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Best Friends (2005 TV Movie)
forget this soap opera
15 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just have to react to this completely ridiculous and unrealistic soap opera of a movie. Some woman kills her husband to get all his money, then she realizes she won't get it. As the formulaic plot dictates she should, she turns against her best friend and tries to ruin her life, especially by seducing her husband. At the beginning of this movie, she did everything for her best friend. How does she go psycho all of a sudden? This is the kind of thing that happens in bad soap operas.

The performance of Claudette Mink in the role of the villain, gave it the dimension it needed though. She is gorgeous and a great actress. I couldn't stop watching her. She deserves so much better than all these bad movies that she's doing. The other actors do the best they can with their pathetic roles, which isn't much.

My vote is 4 stars for Claudette Mink's amazing looks and talent.
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love the one you're with
9 August 2007
An entertaining but very unrealistic romantic comedy with Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck. They play their characters well with some comedy, and the supporting cast adds a nice touch. However, while Affleck and Bullock work well together, I didn't feel a lot of charisma between them. I'll choose to ignore this though, since their characters are quite a couple. The movie's theme is to "love the one you're with".

However, while the concept of the movie is really good as a romantic comedy, the delivery has some problems. The biggest problem is that there are plot holes that you can drive a truck through. It seems that many interesting situations and backstories in the movie were dropped without much explanation. I never spoil the endings of any movie, but this one, while unpredictable, made for a huge plot hole. Also, the movie's plot is very unrealistic, but in an entertaining sort of way.

The most this movie has going for it is the characters and actors. This romantic comedy is at least adequate and worth watching, but it could have been better. If it were a TV movie, the problems with this movie would be more forgivable.
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