
453 Reviews
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Hereditary (2018)
Very scary but too slow and disturbing
5 November 2023
This horror gets very divisive reviews. People seem to either love it or hate it but the majority seem to like it. Undoubtedly a great cast with solid performances.

I found the first half incredibly slow and a struggle to persist with. I did persist and there is payback in the second half. A story emerges but not an enjoyable one to watch. I think the plot has merit, and in places later on it is very scary but the very slow initial execution hugely disappoints for me. It's very creepy and overly disturbing, taking eons to get going, so it's an overall no from me. A shame because it has some very strong horror moments and a good ending in my opinion.
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Fresh, inventive show. Season 1 is better
29 August 2022
A trio of true crime podcast enthusiasts investigate a murder in their building. Comedy murder mystery starring Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez, plus lots of great cameos throughout.

This is a really fun show. It's modern, fast-paced and well-scripted, with strong leads, good chemistry, a decent (whodunnit) plot and with nice twists throughout. A great concept for a TV show.

The second season continues very much in the same vein but is not quite as good (it's less fresh, less exciting, with a weaker plot).

Overall, I enjoyed this show but Season 1 is somewhat more entertaining. Worth a watch.
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Low budget horror prequel
26 August 2022
A prequel to "The Exorcist". A mysterious ancient church is found buried under the African desert and a disillusioned ex-priest archaeologist is sent to investigate. Stars Stellan Skarsgard, James D'Arcy and Izabella Scorupco.

The movie started okay but in the end it was a pretty low budget horror and not the best one you'll ever see. I didn't really enjoy some of the side plots. I was also a bit bored with the overall plot at times too but there are at least a couple of scary bits. Skarsgard does a decent job as the lead.

Overall, it's a bit dated and not a recommend unless you a a die hard horror fan.
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Coupling (2000–2004)
Jeff is hilarious!
26 August 2022
An early noughties British comedy following the dating & sex lives of 6 close friends.

I only saw the first 2 seasons but they were incredibly well written and very funny. Beware, it's quite adult in its content.

The star is easily Jeff who is hilarious here.
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Prey (I) (2022)
25 August 2022
A Predator prequel set in the time of Native Americans.

Disappointing. Not a great plot, little emotion. I generally like Predator movies but this was not a good one. I think 6* is incredibly generous.
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Disappointing from this director
23 August 2022
After grunt work in a carnival, a bright and ambitious man discovers he has a talent for reading people and becomes a successful onstage psychic medium. He meets a mysterious psychologist and comes up with a novel idea. Stars Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara.

A good cast, lots of interesting characters and a somewhat interesting plot but the film is too long. It's too much time spent for not enough back.

For me, a disappointing picture from a great director, Guillermo del Toro. Del Toro could have done much more with a psychic plot.
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Some good jumpy moments
21 August 2022
A young girl begins to communicate with a spirit through a ouija board.

It's quite a decent horror with engaging & credible characters and some good jumpy moments but becomes a little silly towards the end, as horrors often do.
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Oscar winning flop
20 August 2022
A former Hollywood actor tries to reinvent himself in a Broadway play. Stars Michael Keaton.

Oscar winning movies often divide opinions, some are great, more recently many are not. This falls into the category of dull, confusing even pointless.

Keaton is great, the film is not. I really don't get the appeal. What am I missing...
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The Iron Lady (2011)
Interesting but not brilliant
20 August 2022
An old and mentally declining Margaret Thatcher reflects back on her political career and her life. Stars Meryl Streep and Jim Broadbent.

Thatcher fought through misogyny to become the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain. Hard headed, tough and opinionated, through turbulent political times, she led a campaign of privatisation, a war over the Falklands and conflicted with the declining mining industry.

It's not a bad movie, Streep does a good job, but somehow I'm left thinking they could have made much more with the strong source material.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Fresh super hero idea. Isaac excellent.
19 August 2022
Oscar Isaac stars as a new Ancient Egypt-themed action hero preventing a cult from awakening an evil Egyptian goddess.

The show is very engaging right from the start and Isaac is brilliant in the role. The show doesn't quite maintain the momentum but is enjoyable enough. It gets silly in the last couple episodes but still worth a watch.
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Chivalry (2022)
Not a comedy, but a commentary
19 August 2022
A feminist filmmaker is brought into a film production to make it more appropriate for female audiences. Stars Steve Coogan.

I watched the first 2 episodes and quickly realised this was not funny. The third episode drops a huge bombshell. I started to realise this was not in fact a comedy but a drama with social commentary.

I really like Coogan's work and he comes with an excellent back catalogue but this is not good. It's not funny, it's not very interesting, it's almost pointless as a TV show. Almost. Avoid.
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The Mule (2018)
Far from his best but ok
17 August 2022
Another film starring and directed by Clint Eastwood. Here Eastwood plays a charming old man in need of money who decides to drive drugs across the country to Chicago.

This is not the most exciting film ever but it's quite engaging, almost touching. Worth a watch.
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7.9 really!!!
16 August 2022
Thor 3. Asgard faces the risk of destruction whilst Thor is trapped on a strange planet. Stars Chris Hemsworth.

I'd heard good things and this has a big name cast and a big budget but the plot is absolutely terrible. It's ridiculous; too much silly sci-fi and space ships for a Thor movie. There is the odd decent moment but it's quite rare.
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The Last Duel (2021)
Not enjoyable to watch
16 August 2022
To settle a serious dispute a duel is set up between two long-rivalling knights in medieval France. Stars Matt Damon, Adam Driver, Ben Affleck and Jodie Comer.

I like the way the film is structured, told in 3 chapters, covering the same events but from three different perspectives. However, I really did not care for the plot and in particular the story's unpleasant subject matter.

A great cast and the film is very well made with authentic sets and costumes but I didn't enjoy watching most of it. The final duel scene is excellent but still not enough that I would want to recommend the film.
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Sherwood (II) (2022– )
Great lead in Morrissey. Worth a watch
15 August 2022
A senior police officer investigates a murder in a troubled ex-mining community. Stars David Morrissey and Lesley Manville.

The leads are excellent particularly Morrissey. The story is a bit slow but has exciting moments throughout to keep you hooked. It has a whodunnit style which really works.

Well written, good cast, keeps moving, worth a watch.
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Engaging whodunnit
14 August 2022
Kenneth Branagh returns as Hercule Poirot. A murder aboard a Nile cruise is investigated by Poirot. Also stars Gal Gadot.

I found the choice of cast a little curious (3 comedians) but they all did a decent job.

An Agatha Christie whodunnit, you know what to expect. But it's well made, authentic and entertaining.
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Not a great plot ...
14 August 2022
The final film in the Skywalker saga. The remnants of the rebellion continue to struggle against the First Order.

Not as bad as Episode 8 but not as good as Episode 9. Overall, this is not a great movie, starting with the plot. Somehow all Star Wars movies seem to be about a small group of plucky individuals infiltrating an Empire's base, ship etc.

A couple of nice twists and ends the epic but a few plot holes and not great in its own right.
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WALL·E (2008)
One of the best Pixar movies
14 August 2022
Animation. A lonely robot's job us to clean up Earth long after all humans have evacuated.

Visually stunning and beautifully animated this movie also packs a tonne of emotion. Wall-e is a lovable main character. The script is incredibly inventive and original. The plot isn't perfect but still an excellent movie.
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Parasite (2019)
14 August 2022
A hard up Korean family slyly manipulate themselves into different jobs working for one wealthy family.

The story takes an unexpected turn when a visitor arrives.

This movie received a lot of good hype and it makes a social commentary. It's very well made but ultimately I did not really like the whole story being told. Not sure I would recommend.
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Jimmy Carr: Telling Jokes (2009 TV Special)
14 August 2022
A very funny comedian who made me laugh out loud several times here. He is uber-filthy, offensive and hilarious.

He is also very quick and his audience interaction is top notch.

Carr is probably the best stand up I've seen for a long while. Even so, there were still a lot of just ok material.
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11 August 2022
The saga continues as the First Order try to finally crush the rebellion.

After a really enjoyable episode 7, episode 8 was disappointing. It lacks the excitement, the novelty, the engagement and the plot. There is too much conversation and not enough drama or tension. Some misplaced comedy too.

The end was really exciting though but too little, too late.
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Star Wars is back with a vengeance!
10 August 2022
Set many years after Return of the Jedi this continues the story, introducing us to new characters as well as bringing back some of the old.

Visually stunning, the studio continues to refine their special effects. I enjoyed this, it has plenty to keep fans entertained, the plot moves quickly and the new characters are memorable with a strong cast.

Plus it keeps you guessing....
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Can't believe the decent rating
9 August 2022
Tense thriller. A man meets an old school acquaintance who leaves gifts and then starts to move into his life. We find out they have history.

I don't really like a stalker movie, it's uncomfortable viewing so I wouldn't say I enjoyed this. Having said that, this one throws in a few surprises.

However I really did not like the ending. Avoid.
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Bit dull really...
8 August 2022
Bond is sent to investigate when a space ship goes missing. Stars Sean Connery.

This is one of the worst Bond movies. The whole film is pretty much set in 1 country (Japan) and the action and script are both pretty lame. Nothing terribly memorable here.
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Entertaining action flick
7 August 2022
Human soldiers from the future come back in time to request help from current humanity in fighting an alien invasion. Stars Chris Pratt.

A decent enough action sci-fi movie. Pratt is a very likeable and emotional lead. The movie has some good moments. I enjoyed it.
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