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WandaVision (2021)
16 January 2021
Not sure what they are doing with this but what a terrible plot
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Disaster In The Making
18 March 2018
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What a disgusting followup to a great movie. The whiny little girl crying over everything reminds me how kids these days don't give a F about their parents or their siblings and only care about me me me me. I hated this movie, and the ending was even worse than the bad parts of the movie. The story is good, they stop overnight somewhere but so dumb that the entire place is abandoned because its after Labor Day? Dumb dumb dumb. Stay away
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What happened Eli?
8 October 2015
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First off, this wasn't anything close to the so called remake of Cannibal Holocaust. Why did it take forever for them to get to the Amazon? Why was the acting forced? Why did it seem like everything was user scripted? The tribe was kind of cool I will say that. You can tell they did it on location, but even the militia people looked and acted fake too. I mean, come on people. Eli Roth should have known better than kicking his fan base in the teeth and laughing at us the whole ways to the bank. God it was just bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. The gore was bad. I was very upset with it. Then that ending, what the heck was that? Lucky to get 3 out of 10 honestly!
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Highly Enjoyable
24 January 2014
Like all movies that try to be the next Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity, it just didn't get there quiet yet, but don't get me wrong, it really, really tried with everything it had. The scare scenes weren't terribly done like in Paranomoral Activity, and its story line was as solids as Blair Witches, however, it did lack luster for wanting to be a horror film most of the times. Some parts were incredibly slow, and other parts were just plain old stupid. Who leaves their entire party behind whenever people are dropping off dead left and right to get an extra battery? Answer: Nobody.

Overall, not bad, not great
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Quiet Possibly The Best Sequel EVER
24 January 2014
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It took me three times to actually understand the HUNGER GAMES. I thought it was dumb, slow, and didn't quiet understand the 'hunger' part of the title. Plus I never read the books, another negative on myself.

I didn't run to the midnight showing of this movie and I waited nearly 2 months after it came out to see it, but now, I am kicking my own butt for not seeing it at midnight. This movie had everything. A great plot, a great build up, great acting, a great story, a great twist, and the action, OMG. The build up to the rebellion, and the thoughts of how dictators try to strike fear in the hearts of people to restore order. I am speaking as a veteran who went on combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I will tell you this, as long as a people has hope, there will be a fight for freedom and justice. And this movie hit it all. Absolutely in shock and awe how they captured everything.

If there was a way to rate this higher than 10 stars I would, and thats a hard thing for me type. Absolutely one of the greatest sequels of all time!!!! A SUPER DUPER MUST WATCH!!!
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Devil's Due (2014)
Devils Due to put in the trash
21 January 2014
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The trailer had me going. Young, good looking couple go on vacation and get demonized? Sounded like an awesome turn of events. However, what I didn't expect to happen was that there were zero thrills, zero chills, and zero jumps. It wasn't scary. It wasn't terrifying (besides the acting). It was just bad, bad, bad, bad. Nothing worked like it should have and it was boring from the minute they got back from vacation.

Spoilers: Honestly, what kind of cult sets up cameras, more than 15 inside a house to keep an eye on someone? Then they all just 'disappear' and nobody believes this guy? Sorry but someone would have saw something. How were the police that blind to miss that the house was nearly destroyed at the end and that was considered normal? Why wasn't the husband making copies of all these movies? Also, why weren't they looking at their honeymoon vacation whenever they got home? It took them over 2 months to look through everything. Nobody noticed how badly everything was changing for that girl either.

Just so so so stupid. For the first time in a very long time, I wanted to ask for my money back, but I paid full well knowing this movie would have either been great or horrible. Unfortunately it made PARANORMAL ACTIVITY THE MARKED ONES look like a best picture nomination.

Stay away!!!
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Boring movie, but the ending made it up
16 January 2014
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I read good reviews and bad reviews, and yes the movie has been out for a month but I finally had time to go and see it and what a waste of $5.50! I didn't expect very much from this movie since its considered to be PA 4.5, but dear lord, the absolute abortion here was unnecessary. They did, however, do a great job depicting the entire 'Latino community' inside SoCal, i.e. on their living standards and how religious they are, but the one Latino kid that didn't even understand a little bit of Spanish? No way. Not in his community! And then the area they were living in, not one Latino had an accent? Come on!!! There were no jumps, there no were no scares because, honestly, we all saw them coming. There wasn't any kind of surprises or anything like 2-4.

However, the ending, I thought, was really good and I loved how they tied everything together from 1 to 4.5. Very intelligent and very imaginative definitely. Why did Katie start screaming? Oh thats why!!! Why did you hear that thump? Oh thats why! Loved how they brought back the farm from the little girls childhood as well. I don't know how I feel about this covenant thing going on, but I guess we will have to wait for the real PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 5 to come out later this year and see how it all connects. I really hope it all connects well.

Over all, this is a movie you NEED TO WAIT for DVD/Blu-Ray. 4 out of 10, maybe a 5 if I am feeling generous, and its only because the ending was awesome!
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Not horribly horrible
18 December 2013
Like so many of these movies, it was made on a way to low of budget, with no talent whatsoever. The idea is sound, of course, lock a crew in a hospital, of course over night, of course with a ghost the loose, and of course nobody believes in ghosts. The acting was super horrible, the plot I liked, but the whining of the actors made me want to turn it off. Round and round in circles it felt this movie went, most of it wasn't believable but hey, these movies aren't supposed to win Academy Awards now are they? I wouldn't watch this movie if unless if you really had to, or if you are like and love these types of movies, its a definite watch!
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Better than expected
18 December 2013
I liked this movie. The acting wasn't horrible, the theory was completely off, the jokes were pretty darn funny, and it was entertaining. It sort of reminded me of JAWS for a second there half way through the movie, but it was pretty entertaining 'found footage' film. Though I wouldn't classify it as a 'found footage' since there are parts of the movie that they all can be seen with one camera and the camera is being moved by someone. The Frankenstein was pretty awesome, and I would never want to meet that guy. Definitely a flick worth watching if you have nothing else to do. They put some good money into this movie and I would definitely put it up there on a top 10 B Horror Film List somewhere.
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Grey Skies (2010)
It wasn't horribly horrible
18 December 2013
What do you expect from a movie that was put out right before DARK SKIES? Its miserably low budget, horrible acting, horrendous camera work (even for a found footage movie), and the script between the characters are just bad bad bad. However, the only reason I give this a 6 is for the simple reason of the scare factor. This movie did make me jump a couple of times and that is hard to do. The 'you know its coming' doesn't happen in this movie and suddenly you are freaked out. Other than that, I wouldn't necessarily watch this unless if you have another movie to watch.

Putting this movie against DARK SKIES, its about 2 notches lower, but the jump tactics are actually better in this one than DARK SKIES.
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The Orphanage (2007)
Not impressed at all
22 March 2012
I was not impressed. I like Del Toro's movies usually but this one, I don't know. It was missing a lot of things, like suspense towards the end of the movie. Mind you, I don't mind watching foreign movies all that much, I usually make exceptions for horror movies, but this was blah. The suspense building up to the end was good though, but makes me wonder if it really was worth it. I am not going to give the ending away but, I would no recommend this unless if you absolutely wanted to see this movie. Unlike the rest of Del Toro's movies, this one just missed something that usually knows how to do so well. Though the scariest part of the movie was the sack kid, that reminded me of Michael Myers in a way, but he wasn't around enough to make his presence feel scary.

A disappointment highly!
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Harry Potter and the Woman in Black
22 March 2012
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This should be the title of this movie.

The movies idea was great, a woman that wanted a child and couldn't have him and he dies by the other parents and the woman holds a grudge over the town by taking their children. Great concept. Loved it. But a house on an island that has 1 way on and off, and only at low tide too. Hmmm, a little to convenient if you ask me. However, the suspenseful scenes were pretty good building up to the end. The special effects were good, and the makeup was half decent. Other than that, I just couldn't get over the fact that he was Harry Potter and I mean, I tried very hard to see past it but I couldn't. Then the kid with red hair, oh man.

This movie wasn't awful, wasn't great, it was just OK.
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ThanksKilling (2008)
So horrible that you have to LOVE IT!!!
22 March 2012
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After KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTTER SPACE, this movie is #2 on the B Horror Film list!!! This movie has no point. This movie has no purpose. This movie is f'ing wonderful! I watched this movie on purpose because I love horrible B horror films, and I was more entertained with this so called horror film than most horror movies I watch. A turkey brought back from dead from the Pilgrims era? Really? Horrible acting from the actors who suddenly lost all their family and friends and decide to watch movies and go around like nothing happened to them? Come on, I mean, really people? But the turkey takes the cake on everything. It was great. I loved the comments and how the turkey talked throughout the entire movie.

Highly recommended people. Oh and its on NETFLIX too!!!
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I don't know what it is....
21 March 2012
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But I absolutely loved this movie. I mean loved it. I don't know why but I did. Starts out so cheesy with the Druids doing their thing and then we go whisking off to the our time whenever he is given birth. With the training of the 'Warriors' and him traveling across country to find the rest of the stones. So stupid, but I catch myself watching it on airplanes, and whenever I am traveling. Then Netflix got it, oh man, stop now.

The special effects are horrible to todays standards, and then the acting is great, but I think its one of the most entertaining B horror films ever made. I would highly recommend it to anyone. Trust me, you will be entertained.
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