16 Reviews
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Saltburn (2023)
Visually gorgeous, great music & acting but doesn't live up to the hype
26 January 2024
There's been so much hype about this film but it left me feeling short-changed. With the exceptional actors and acting, sumptuous sets, costumes and music it deserved to be so much more memorable. All I kept thinking was of The Fabulous Mister Ripley and Brideshead Revisited which were so much original in their time. When I saw that the writer was an actress known for work on historical dramas I wasn't surprised, investing in a more experienced and imaginative co-writer would have been a good investment as with more drama, more horror, more story telling and more character development this could have been so much... well so just much more. My Gran would have described this film aa all fur coat and no knickers and I would have agreed. Should have been a classic. Disappointing.
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Shadow of Truth (2016– )
Far far too long
14 August 2023
I would have given this a very high rating if it had been properly edited.

Instead it was so unbelievably infuriatingly long and that length was caused by going over the same information again and again and again, just from a slightly different angle, long after we had very clearly understood the truth. This 'mini series', could and should have been a very powerful and addictively watchable 2 part documentary. The story is so incredible and so unbelievably unjust that it didn't need sensationalising. It just needed to be told. Instead it got very boring in parts and I only watched it all because my partner wanted to. I would have skipped to the end.

I can only think that they made it so long for commercial reasons. They didn't do the subject justice in my opinion.
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Grace (2021– )
If you loved the books you'll hate this
19 May 2023
I've read all the books and loved all the characters. As I lived in Brighton I also loved recognising the venues and locations.

When I heard John Simm had been cast as Grace I was mortified, he couldn't have been more unlike the book's Roy Grace. But when good reviews came out I decided to put my misgivings aside and give it a try. I've persevered with a few episodes and am now throwing in the towel. It's terrible!

All the characters are so badly cast it's laughable. There's no chemistry, no camaraderie and none of the humour which made the books so enjoyable. And worst of all it's SO BORING. If you want to continue enjoying the books just don't even think of going nesr this series.
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A tabloid hearsay fest dressed us as an investigation
24 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
True crime had never particularly appealed to me until I saw the brilliant Manhunt series. I had hoped for something similar from this.

It started well and was very watchable with interesting characters in a beautiful landscape, despite being reminiscent at times of an episode of Father Ted type with quirky salt of the earth people. Unfortunately by part 2 it had descended into complete farce. Instead of a big reveal of crucial evidence that solved the crime, or at the very least gave the impression of a strong case which didn't quite have enough pieces in place to get a conviction, it turned into a spotlight for an interminable procession of self important, and on more than one occasion deeply repellent, weirdos seeking a TV audience to listen to their unsubstantiated and inconsistent gossip. I wonder how many got paid? The kangaroo court show trial in France without anyone in the dock was no more than a sad PR exercise at best or family therapy at best which should shame the French government. Pathetic!

If you're looking for substance don't waste your time. You'd be better off with a copy of The National Enquirer. Shame on you Netflix for this brain dead drivel.
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Maternal (2023)
Fabulous - now let's just have a bit more reality
5 February 2023
I absolutely loved this series and couldn't stop watching. We so need more series like this - It had brilliant story lines and a superb cast whom you couldn't stop watching. As a woman who had experienced the realities and sacrifices of working in an industry run be men (albeit not a medical one) there was so much they got right. Women being expected to take on far more than their fair share of both work and child care with a smile on their faces, the camaraderie amongst women who have each others backs and the reality of the NHS being on its knees. Unfortunately there was a fair bit wrong too (which made me a little surprised it was written by a woman). The fact that all male characters (even the gay one!) are chauvinists or losers was a big one, and the fact that despite all the shortages the wards look pristine.

Also the title of the series - MATERNAL -really? Is there a better title to deter male viewers! My boyfriend loved this too but would never have watched this my himself despite seeking out the much better titled 'this is going to hurt'

More of these brilliant relatable women please - next series let's just have better male characters and less apology from the kick arse women who work with them.
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27 January 2023
Loved every single minute of this film. It was funny, sweet, charming, intelligent, sensitive, moving and so incredibly brave. With another helping of funny.

Emma Thompson is everything she's always been and so much more. An absolute powerhouse and weirdly I felt so proud of her for doing this groundbreaking film so fearlessly. And Daryl McCormack matched her scene for scene. What a superb actor, he was incredible and I will now watch everything he acts in.

And I can't review this without mentioning Katy Brand who wrote it so brilliantly and beautifully. I'd give all 3 of them an Oscar!

I'm going to watch this film regularly for the rest of my life and enjoy it just as much each time. But for now I'm going to recommend it to all of my friends. Male and female. This is definitely not just one for the ladies, my partner loved this just as much as I did and he usually watches football and music documentaries! If you have a soul, have lived a little bit, can laugh at life and it's absurdities then this beautiful film is for you.
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Surely the most under rated comedy ever
21 January 2023
We're The Millers is one of the few films I revisit at least once every year because they're awesome. It's up there with Out of Africa, Blood Diamond, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Tombstone, Gran Torino, Master & Commander, Taiders of a Lost Arc, A Good Life and memorable others, but no other comedies except Little Miss Sunshine.

I'm not a huge comedy fan and definitely not gross outs. But this little gem of a film I love because it's brilliant and fantastically side hurtingly funny. It probably shouldn't be as the story isn't anything special (although the script is) but the cast is magnificent. Jason Sudeikis and Will Poulter (particularly Will Poulter) are superb as are several other main cast members. Jennifer Aniston is probably miscast but better than expected.

But this film is great because, despite the drug dealing storyline, it's an old fashioned feel good story of the goodies overcoming the baddies. And it's unbelievably funny. Like really really memorably unbelievably funny. Watch it!
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Bottle Shock (2008)
Such a disappointing cliche
28 May 2022
I was so looking forward to this but it was an opportunity missed. It was so drowning in cliche and schmaltz (and a big embarrassing dose of sexism) that I was trying to love it whilst cringing.

How on earth they could have made this film, with such a great story to tell and such a great cast just 4 years after the triumph that was Sideways is hard to fathom. What a huge shame.
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Lots of style, lacking in substance
17 April 2022
We all know, from his first outing, that Daniel Craig can be a spectacular Bond but he, and the rest of the superb cast, deserved a much better script.

It seems to me that no one is really too sure what Bond films are supposed to be anymore so instead of writing a great story with a great lead they crammed in as many locations, villains and subplots as they possibly could. It looked very glamorous, and with the budget should have been a brilliant vehicle for Daniel Craig to bail out whilst still on top, but sadly this was not to be. By the end of a film which had tons of action scenes and characters which seemed there only to fill time (or perhaps to create the foundation for a new Xbox game) I really couldn't be bothered to care how it ended. A big wasted opportunity and a Bond film I'll never watch again. I will however look forward to the next Daniel Craig film.
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The Responder (2022– )
6 February 2022
Dark and gritty with believably flawed characters.

Probably the nearest thing we'll see to a northern Luther.

It got better and better with every episode.
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An absolute gem
29 January 2022
What a wonderfully charming, quirky and totally fabulous film. Loved it!

Apparently I need 150 characters. I said it all above really but JUST WATCH IT!
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Amazing woman shame about the daughter
28 January 2022
What an incredible woman. This documentary was great but it could have been up there with the best if it hadn't been marred by the commentary of her bland, self obsessed monotone daughter who missed so many opportunities by focussing attention on herself. I guess the irony of her making 'I am a cliche' would have been lost in her.
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Anne (2022)
Heartbreaking, powerful and utterly brilliant
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not an easy watch but essential viewing. This story could not possibly be told any better. The victims and survivors might not have received justice but Ann's story certainly did.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
9 July 2021
Was really looking forward to this but so disappointed because it just didn't work. The cast was great but the script was lousy. I LOVE The Beatles but the way it was recorded sounded so outdated. And it was just way too full of schmalz, far too sickly sweet to be charming. Are the Working Title guys getting too old and losing their edge? I hope not but based on this it's not looking good.

Personally I'd skip this and watch one of their many classics like Notting Hill, Billy Elliot or The boat that rocked.
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A Good Year (2006)
My favourite film ever and SO UNDER RATED
22 May 2021
This film just makes you feel good. It's gorgeously filmed, has lines worthy of Oscar Wilde and features a host of Oscar winners. What's not to love? I watch it at least once a year and probably always will.
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Ignore the warnings and watch it!
19 May 2021
I am squeamish, hate gratuitous violence and cry easily. I LOVED THIS. It's a very powerful true story which needed to be told. It's tough to watch only because what happened to these children was so heartbreaking. But it's not particularly violent, is beautifully made and superbly acted. The only offensive thing about it is that it actually happened.
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