
101 Reviews
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WandaVision (2021)
Who is the most powerful Avenger?
17 September 2021
This series is so incredible! I loved not having a clue of what I was watching at first and I love how delicately Wanda's character was treated throughout the show. She's so powerful and Marvel's pretty consistent in delivering the best, most well-thought production of all time for us to feel everything these brilliant actors can give us. I personally don't remember the comics so well, so I'm not sure if the Scarlet Witch has the same backstory in both comics and cinematic universe, but this show showed us all her traumas, her development as a strong character and was a start for us to understand where her powers come from with a beautiful, raw story about grief. I'm also happy to see they're gonna give Monica some attention in the future. I'm not giving any spoilers, but prepare your tissues before watching this in one sitting (I bet you won't be able to sleep without seeing it through). Brilliant.
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Thor (2011)
Very good film
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILERS: This film is fun! Thor is not at all my favourite backstory, but this film still could hold my undivided attention at all times. People like Loki so much because he doesn't turn into the "villain" until he starts lying to Thor - if you're not a spoiled brat like the god of thunder himself, you know Loki was actually trying to avoid a war up to the middle of the film. He's not entirely bad, and even his worst qualities are very human: the ego, the jealousy. I love when random characters come to Earth and have to learn how to be "civilised", like what happens to Thor. Dennings' character is also so likeable, I love the whole science crew. Very good film.
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Just meh
22 August 2021
People who like Norton more than Ruffalo as Hulk are on crack! He's good, but nothing compares to Ruffalo's chaotic serenity that transforms into this big green ball of rage. That said, this is a nice film overall, but it stops at "nice" - we don't get nearly enough backstory and it ends up being your average action flick. I also don't understand why they didn't hire Brazilian actors to speak Portuguese, that made me laugh hard.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Pretty good
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
CONTAINS SPOILERS: I liked this film because of the relationships between the characters and specifically the depth it gives to Iron Man's character. It's a pretty good film and I really like Rhodes, I don't understand why people dislike him so much, I'm glad he was introduced this early and kept on the sidelines until making it to the Avengers. This film gave precedent to all the political issues discussed in the films, which is important to know, and we also got to see Black Widow in action for the first time! It's a good film.
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Iron Man (2008)
Pretty good
22 August 2021
This was a pretty good start to the MCU, Stark is the type of character people like and empathise with quickly and it's a decent cliché backstory for a superhero. It also opens a lot of space to character growth, which is important for a franchise that will go on for over a decade. The soundtrack's pretty cool and made the character even more appealing to the public. It's a good film.
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Awesome film
22 August 2021
This film is SO COOL and so relevant and... They're hinting at a lesbian Avenger and I seriously hope it goes that way. I love how Carol is strong and powerful, probably the strongest Avenger in the MCU, and she's still not perfect. There are many scenes in this film that are so important, I wish I had grown up with these messages as a girl. We also got a long-overdue introduction to the Kree and a lot of easter eggs regarding Fury were explained, but it's a little hard to swallow that Carol hadn't been summoned in previous Avenger-level situations before. It's a very good film. Oh, and the soundtrack is a masterpiece.
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Good film
22 August 2021
What's to say about Marvel films, with their unlimited resources and best-in-the-industry cast and crew? This story is cool because it brings some real-life historical aspects to MCU, with American patriotism and WWII, and chronologically is the start of the "enhanced individuals" they'll call heroes. I love Peggy's character, she's very important to the story and one thing Marvel remembers to do is to make the women more than just your average "love interest": they're strong and pull their weight just fine. As far as blockbusters go, this is pretty nice and delivers a good backstory to the Avenger in question.
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18 August 2021
This is the first documentary I've seen that talks about afroveganism and it's absolutely perfect, intersectional, well-written. It's informative and provocative, not to mention necessary, I really think people should watch it and inform themselves on the matter as much as they can - maybe even give it a try. Brilliant.
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Pearson (2019)
I liked it
16 August 2021
I was sceptical when I started this show, but I got super invested about half an hour in. It was the spin-off I didn't know I needed... Then it got cancelled. Jessica is such an interesting character and Gina Torres is so perfect, I think it deserved another season, at least to wrap up the cliffhangers. The characters in general were all very complex and the entire series was so beautifully produced, it's a real shame we'll never know what happens next.
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Franklin & Bash (2011–2014)
This is more a rant than a review
16 August 2021
To this day I have trouble understanding why they cancelled this show. I used to enjoy it so much, it was funny and a tad dramatic, had good actors for the main roles, it was different from your everyday courtroom drama. I was in high school when it was running and it kinda made me want to be a lawyer, pull a bunch of nonsense in court and get away with it, until I found out that's not really how it works and gave up on the idea, but it was still fun to watch! It deserved at least a last season to give it a proper ending. I'm still glad I watched it though.
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Suits (2011–2019)
Awesome show.
16 August 2021
This TV show is just so over the top entertaining, I love it. If being a lawyer really is that much fun, maybe I have to consider a career change! I loved how it started and absolutely hated when Adams and Markle had to leave the show (even though Patrick Adams still comes back for a few episodes, there are events that take place which Rachel wouldn't have missed without an excuse, it's a little weird), but the last two seasons are good enough for fans who followed the entire show, it's entertaining and worth the watch. This is what happens when writers and producers give the people what they want and end the show exactly when and where it needs to end.
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Surprisingly brilliant
16 August 2021
This is the first film I've ever watched that didn't have a wrong take on mental health. I think it's a very sensitive topic and it deserves the respect it's shown by the portrayal of each character, both on how they're written and performed. I honestly think everyone should watch films like this one, maybe they'd be more sensitive to people who deal with these issues IRL. Brilliant.
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Into the Beat (2020)
Cute film
16 August 2021
It's a cliché, no doubt, but I watch films like this one because of all the dancing, and I liked it. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece of a story, full of mystery and excitement, I was expecting exactly what I got and that's enough for me. I also loved it was German, I don't usually watch many German films and this one had nice dance scenes. It's valid entertainment.
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I really have mixed feelings about this one
16 August 2021
It's full of clichés, works on top of stereotypes and appeals to a very specific demographic. On the other hand, the film reaches its purpose because I've seen this exact situation happen in real life so many times, it really makes you think about how self-esteem issues impact not only our romantic relationships but our entire lives. Also has its funny moments, so I guess it passes the time.
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Spanglish (2004)
Kinda predictable.
16 August 2021
The acting is on point and the story plays out in a format we don't usually see in films of the genre, but it's a product of its time - nowadays it's a bit of a cliché. It has its funny moments and still portrays important issues of American-cultured relationships, specifically their relationships with immigrants in the early 2000's, but it turns out to be quite unimpressive - I don't think I'd admit the girl into her school of choice based on the essay after all.
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Moxie (I) (2021)
I liked it. A lot.
16 August 2021
I'm so happy when I see these teenage-targeted films with this kind of message - I grew up on Disney and films about teenage rich white girls who loved to shop, this is definitely an improvement. It's also an interesting story, especially for a coming of age drama, with complex characters and it could easily be a TV show. If I could change anything, I'd make Lucy the protagonist, even though she's more obvious as a main character, I think it'd pay off. Very nicely done overall.
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Very interesting film
29 July 2021
I liked this film because it's a very interesting plot and the execution doesn't really disappoint - it has likeable characters and gives the story the seriousness it deserves. Human trafficking is a very sensitive topic and IMO it wasn't romanticised in any way, the plot is well-constructed and develops without relying too much on clichés. It's definitely worth the watch.
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Concussion (2015)
Very nice film
29 July 2021
It's insane that people needed someone to tell them that hitting your head several times is bad for you, especially when we realise the resistance in accepting that a doctor would be more reliable than a corporation on the matter. This whole thing made absolutely no sense and I'm glad there's a film with Will Smith to tell the story, it's worth the watch.
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29 July 2021
This documentary is very complete, it discusses the main topics of intersectional feminism and does so through more than one perspective, presenting several divergent arguments and possible interpretations of social theory in general. The interviews they selected come not only from women who study the field but also from women who are not academics and identify with the feminist movement in general. Very necessary and accessible production.
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Not great
29 July 2021
The main character is supposed to be a "good guy", but more than once he's seen making choices based on misogynistic premises. The way the story is told is interesting, but it's also a little bit uneventful. I think we should have more films on fatherhood, but this was just not the best example of it IMO.
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Muito relevante, must-see
10 July 2021
O documentário é muito bem feito, eu particularmente considero que foram ótimas escolhas que levaram à abordagem escolhida. Para falar de educação, temos que ter em mente que muitos aspectos do nosso cotidiano influenciam diretamente no tópico, e penso que isso foi demonstrado neste documentário, como por exemplo colocando as entrevistas com políticos após as entrevistas com as famílias, que geram primeiramente um engajamento emocional com o que está sendo retratado. É também muito importante que as pessoas conheçam projetos diferentes para a eduacação sendo oferecidos de forma gratuita e acessível no país, demonstrando que educação de qualidade não deve ser um privilégio para quem pode pagar, mas um direito fundamental. De modo geral, é muito relevante e urgente para os tempos que estamos vivendo em 2021.
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Interesting, and yet...
10 July 2021
I don't know if back in 2001 this film was as cliché as it is 20 years later, but, for a cliché, it's pretty good. The dancing scenes are very disappointing and it touches on topics that to this day I don't see much on TV, which is positive, but it's not exactly a discussion in depth of any of those topics - they talk about interracial couples, parenting, teenage relationships, among others, but nothing really develops the way it could (maybe should?) for it to leave a relevant message. Oh, and I loved that Kerry Washington was in it, she was so young!
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The Good Lie (2014)
It's a beautiful production
10 July 2021
Even though I found it to be a white perspective of the events it shows, it's a good film and I love that the actors were actual Sudanese refugees. It portrays well how poorly countries that provide asylum actually assist the refugees, the complete disregard for their culture and needs once they arrive and settle in, and I did miss the happy Hollywoodian ending with everything 100% in its place. By the middle of the film, I was convinced the title referred to the lie that they would find a good life in America (I'm not saying it wasn't better, that's relative, but I really don't think it met their expectations at all, and this is NOT a spoiler). It's overall a good film.
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The Bookshop (2017)
This is a 10 and y'all are just crazy
25 June 2021
Say what you will, I loved every second of this film. Just for starters, the acting is impeccable, you get The Feelz the entire film, and the casting is amazing, it seems like the actors were born for these roles. The story flows very well and it has clever lines, the development is everything you can wish for in a 2h film, the plotline is in tune with its intended timeline. Some say the ending is predictable, but I actually predicted a happy ending that I thankfully didn't get. A superb, poignant experience for sure.
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Hannibal (2013–2015)
Brilliant show.
16 May 2021
This was PURE ART. I hate that it got cancelled and seriously hope they eventually give it at least one more season with a true finale. I loved the gore, the production, Mikkelsen's acting is the cherry on top of an already superb cast and it was just breathtakingly shot. Also, the story is pretty exquisite for a crime show - as expected from a show about Hannibal Lecter, the most refined fictional serial killer of all times.
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