26 Reviews
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Mr. Robot (2015–2019)
You cannot stop watching it!
2 June 2024
I have never seen so depressing and yet so fascinating TV series in my life.

It is one of these TV series - rare for me - when I have NEVER pushed Fast Forward button!

It is hard to describe this series without spoiling the pleasure of watching so I will not do it.

The only thing I will say however is that you cannot stop watching it - it is so fascinating.

The story: talented but mentally troubled hacker on his trail to change the world. With many twists and surprises - for him and for us!

Great script and wonderful casting and acting.

Main hero is played wonderfully. Malek plays great role. I wish him great future in acting!

And the whole story can really change your life. What if I am almost same as him?

Power of imagination is unlimited.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
One of the very best s-f stories I have ever seen
10 May 2024
I consider myself very demanding fan of s-f stories. Or cinema in all.

This one is a great story for a single main reason: I have never pushed Fast Forward button even once!

I loved characters, character development, their complexity and evolution. Great interactions.

Construction of story is coherent. People - great casting - are very different. Each character almost asks for separate story.

Conflicts are strong. Story told quickly.

Dialogues are good - each character has his or her unique lines. Some are vulgar, some are soft.

I loved Amos character whose secrets, development and self understanding makes him the best or almost most important character in the whole story. It is like a story of his inner journey. Loyalty, bravery like some super hero. And his very good acting.

All in all it is the story I will be returning now and then.
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Lilyhammer (2012–2014)
My abolute favorite!
24 April 2024
I learnt about this from a friend. I have never heard of it before.

When I watched it I loved it!

This is the best TV series I have seen for years. Probably the best! Why?

Here it is: 1. Very good story.

Mobster goes to Norway to hide but he does what he does best. And he is good at it.

2. Contrast of cultures with great promotion of Norway Despite comedy elements it is a great promotion of Norway and Norwegian people!

3. Use of cliches The whole story is based on "Three stooges" The Van Zant character is always right and leading and wise - his accomplises are stupid, disoriented and in mess.

4. Predictable in nice way You simply know what is going to happen but you watch with pleasure how it is shown. So HOW.....not WHAT is important 5. Great casting Very good actors perfectly fitted to the role 6. Script and dialogues Very Very good dialogues - especially Van Zant lines!

7. Supporting characters Very well selected - they give great background for main character.

I could move on with it but you better watch it.

Poor thing?

Too short Third season seems to be laggish compared to first two.

All in all - my favorite series!!!!
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Road House (2024)
Surprising and promising
5 April 2024
To be short:

I watched this movie with a feeling I am watching long long trailed for future movies.

First thing:

I enjoyed the movie because of Jake Gyllenhaal. I see him as one of the best male characters these days in cinema. I saw many of his movies and he is a perfect cinema guy. In any kind of story. Crime story? Yes. Drama? Yes. Can he play a good guy? Yeah. Can he play cynical character? Oh yeah!

And now he plays a fighter and it seems really cool and nice.

The enters McGregor.

Many here critisize him for his smile, accent or hemmorhoid walk. Actually it did not spoil pleasure watching him. It got me interested. He seemed to me like some cartoon character. Drawn too hard crayon.

I always say that the good action movie depends mainly on a bad guy. As I watched him he was like in some kind of experimenting with his abilities. I feel or rather I am sure that with some polishing of acting we will see him seen in movies when he would replace Statham. Hood English accent from lower London, good fighting skills and great smile. Not Gary Busey - we all miss him in such moments don't we ? Yet for me he was a good insertion - some kind of on screen casting.

Good fighting scenes. Pretty well directed and planned.

And the story ? It was completely empty.

Other characters? Completely invisible.


Funny parts in Jake's mouth.

Some stolen from other movies - like hospital talk before fight taken from Reacher One Shot with Tom Cruise.

The rest? Not really important because fury of the main guy was important and confrontation was important. Actually the movie was all about it.

Some muscle movie - finally - almost free from LOVE.... free from sexual orientation declarations and so on. Simple message - "This movie is about MMA". And I read this signal. That is why I was not dissappionted.
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Fast Charlie (2023)
Very good Brosnan in a movie about loyalty and respect
15 February 2024
Very decent movie with pretty nice cast.

In short:

Brosnan plays a role of a very matured executioner or concierge for a local mob. He is loyal to his boss. So when a bad guy aims several of his fellow people he gets things in his hands. On his way he also meets a wife of a thug he had to remove and they simply get attracted to each other. This is a slow evolving attraction yet you can almost feel the nice heat. I enjoyed the scene when he says "How about we...you know".

Dialogues are good. Story is nice. Typical but nice. He shoots, fights. With his distance to himself he presents very good alternative to Liam Neesom because he has his very special sense of humor while Neesom is always poetically sad.

Pretty nice role of James Caan - his last show.

The movie has rather low budget and we see it clearly yet it does not affect the pleasure of watching.

Female character is a pleasure to watch - she is nice, attractive and very feminine.

In general I enjoyed the movie very much.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
One of the very best by Statham
15 February 2024
Despite very poor reception by many reviewers I have to admit this is one of the best movies with Jason Statham and one of the best action movies I have seen lately.

What I liked about it:

  • Story / Problem : Computer stealing, phishing, current great danger to unaware people. And greedy thieves on the other side of computer cable. Trust issues. The cause hero gets involved.

  • Action: Action is fast. Pace is quick. Nothing is boring. Actually you simply get good action movie. Very good.

  • Fight scenes: great show. Pretty arranged. Best of Statham. Quick camera shots. Good angles.

  • Villains: Pretty nasty in terms of personality. Treated well by Statham. They die in a colorful way.

  • Corruption: The plot gets us high to power of nation that is involved. Actually I would be not surprised.

  • Supporting cast: very good choice.

What I did not like much:

  • Female heroine: Rather poor acting. Yet she has nothing much to spoil so I am not so much upset.

Summary: very very good movie if you like Statham.
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The Last Ship (2014–2018)
23 January 2024
I have been watching this series with growing pleasure. I was really surprised that I have had not seen it yet!!!

It is a great series but to ones who expect some apocalyptic visions connected to virus might be bit disappointing. Hence I am going to tell you what it is about for me:
  • It is about NAVY - the codex, the drill, tactics, warfare, discipline, organization. Man, I really wanted to be a part of this crew!

  • It is about some vision of world if some kind of virus spreads and luckily it does not focus on some single people wondering among dead. It is about a crew of a last destroyer who has to deal first with virus then with human greed and other bad things that may arise in such circumstances. And people have to have a moral compass.

  • It is about human relations on a ship - closed environment. Jokes made me laugh... dialogues were very very good.

  • It is about technology, engineering, managing things in difficult situations.

  • It is about military combined operations land and naval operations of short range involving small parties and very closed communication.

And more more...more....

NO ZOMBIES - be warned!!!

So the story you know. Now the production itself.

I loved this series mainly because it did not pretend to be a blockbuster. It had some medium budget and it was able to make a great show with great story and cast.

CAST: very good very very good. Main character Captain Chandler not only played well but also the voice..... just like Yull Brynner used to speak. Very deep, masculine, powerful.

And very very captivating, motivating..... making you get up and do something with your life!

STORY: Very good all seasons. Some people here complain that when the virus is conquered then it gets boring. To the contrary! It gets even more interesting since there are plots, maniacs, egoists, dictators who suddenly have opportunity to take power in a world where most of population is dead.

SCRIPT: Fantastic script, great dialogues, very good pace. You are simply addicted to these guys.

Everyone is likable!

Supporting actors are very very good. So again - casting crew made a very good job.

I am bit surprised why some characters died in apparently simple situations but maybe their contracts were limited or simply authors decided it is time to include new people so instead of making the story too large they decided to replace characters instead of adding new.

Everything was so good that even simplifications did not diminish the pleasure of watching.

I recommend everyone who likes action packed modern warfare cinema to watch it. ATTENTION ON DECK!
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Interesting story about an interesting man
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very good choice of a topic. Gay man and famous baseball player and coach becomes a spy. His task is to get to German and Italians physicists and verify if Germans have an atomic bomb.

When you read about the main hero you learn much more about him than the movie shows. Man used to read ten newspapers a day and loved libraries. He also spoke twelve languages. It is not so vividly shown in the movie.

This lack of details is neutralized by very good supporting cast and very very good filming and editing. Worth seeing also to watch Paul Rudd the Antman in non Marvel Hero movie what distinguishes him from many actors who got stuck in comic movies.

What is strange in the movie is how German scientists are depicted to move freely and being easily accessible. Yet since this is a biography one has simply to believe.

Pleasure to watch mainly to nice images, good cast and steady storyline.
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Little Rose 2 (2023)
Very good idea destroyed by poor acting and casting
11 January 2024
It is a political drama about past that gets to main characters. The main heroine is a EU parliament member whose husband is killed in terrorist attack. Actually I cannot understand why he was killed in the script because his part proved to be completely irrelevant except his wife's reaction to this fact and her speech about Muslims. This leads to proposal she receives from a right wing party to be a candidate for president.

And here comes the most important event - she starts receiving portions of security files about her mother and father. And then the plot thickens.

What I liked about this movie is a subject: secret files that are still somewhere and are still tools of pressure. Just like Pegasus recordings might be tools to press someone.

What I did not like was poor acting, plot holes and rather poor casting. The main heroine is played by the same actress as in Rozyczka movie but in this one she is either poor in acting or the plot limits her. If not the "secret security files" story element I would have given 2 or 3.

Not really compelling . No tension. Hectic editing.
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One of the finest movies I have seen lately
11 January 2024
It is a very good movie. Mixing spy story with romance yet spy thing is dominant thing.

It is a vert "today" movie although story takes place in 1980s. The plot is very good crafted. Young man appears in Alsatia stating he is a missing son of an old woman, who left him in orphanage years ago since he was a child of a Soviet officer while Soviets "freed" Poland and she was a German.

Then we slowly learn that he is not the man he says he is. The true is he is a Polish spy sent to infiltrate opposition trying to get to France. The plot thickens when the true man he impersonates tries to find his mother.

What is very good about this movie it brings attention to Polish intelligence working abroad in time of Solidarity and later. So many secrets remain still hidden. Some may affect today events.

The cast is very good. Director does a very good job. Filming is also very good and music score is pretty. All is set in 1980s both in France and Poland and you have impression you are back in time. And colors are like on ORWO photo films.

Very good movie with a very interesting main character.
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Michael Shannon at his best
31 December 2023
As I always repeat good conflict movies are as good as villain or bad guy is good. If there was no Michael Shannon in this movie it would have been some mediocre love story of a numb female and some water creature. Michael Shannon is a real star here and the others simply create some interesting background to his character.

Another thing is time location in 60s where people dress and drive cars from 60s.

The story itself is simple. Woman who is unable to speak works as a janitor in a secret research facility. She discovers that some human sea creature is being held there and some experiments on him being performed. Government plans to make it a response for Soviet space achievements. She gets fascinated with the creature mostly because she has difficulty in getting along with people. So she feels accepted and then they get attracted to each other. But this is just a surface. Real story is about the security chief perfectly portrayed by Michael Shannon who is a nowadays Malcolm MacDowell - a person who is partially sane and insane. You never know what he is capable of and what motives drive him.

For me plot in this movie was not so much important because Shannon completely stole the movie. And I loved it. I recommend this movie for him.
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Posse (1975)
Universal tale that is always fresh
30 December 2023
I watched this movie today - it is 2023 - almost 2024 - and the movie is almost 50 years old. But when I watched it it seemed like made presently. Mostly because very quick action, very modern cinematography, quick scenes, angles of camera - all looked really fresh.

Kirk Douglas did a great job as a director. He made a very universal tale of greed, treachery, betrayal and selfishness.

Douglas not only directs but also plays main character - an ambitious and selfish sheriff, chief of posse, who runs for senator office. Posse chases train robbers and catches them in a barn which is then burnt with bandits inside. All except the leader. He is later caught. Sheriff plans to use his trial and hanging as a step in career. But his opponent is a very smart guy and schemes a very clever plan to show true nature of sheriff and his posse. Very good and surprising movie.
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One of the very very best
30 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Peter Weir is a great director and he delivers wonderful piece of story. But in film making just like in other genres of art the most important thing is not what it is about but HOW it is told.

In this story you see an English war ship in 1805 chasing a mystery French war ship. You the chase, you see life of a war ship, you see ship itself, you see people, uniforms, scenography and what is probably most important friendship between the commander and a doctor. Very strong male friendship with all necessary emotions and respect.

The French ship - what is very important - is shown only as a silhouette on water and only final moments present its crew during boarding. For most of the time you cannot see them what is very good to the movie since they are actually not important. Thanks to this operation you do not watch classic conflict between this and that. You watch English crew chasing, living, struggling and they are as one organism under microscope. That makes the great director.

I loved this movie mostly because of this operation of not showing the opponent. For people who love conflict movies it may be disappointing but for people who love tales of men the silhouette of enemy ship and the very existence of danger is most important to create atmosphere. And it allows to show life on a ship without dividing movie into scenes of two opponents.

I strongly recommend watching it.

And if you have good speakers around you you will enjoy sound! Oh yeah! Opening scenes when a cannon ball comes from the mist is wonderfully recorded and the sound is all around you! Sound of wood on a ship, cracking, squeeking - everything lives in a form of sound. And then you get music played on violin and chello by Commander and his Doctor.

Great performances of ALL persons! Crowe plays one of his best roles if not the best one. Paul Bethany is great as doctor in the era of scientific eruption of XIX century. And you will find also actors who later played in Rome and in Ring trilogy. Worth every second. I have watched it some 10 times.
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One of the best movies I have seen for months
30 December 2023
If someone was to analyze how good movies are made this could be the example. What makes good movie in this case:
  • Slow story yet with proper pace
  • Fantastic casting - wonderful performances of every single person
  • Good writing - very good story you feel that has not been written by some AI or "on a knee in half an hour".

  • No actual mystery - you know everything and you expect what would happen but simply watch how things go out of hand
  • Female villain
  • Great sights and landscapes of Ireland
  • Perfectly restored Ireland of 70s plus lots of cars from that time and fashion style.

  • Liam Neeson in his very good role.

I could go and go but I think this is enough.

The movie is wonderfully atmospheric. Very simple yet I am sure it was a great effort to achieve this result. Worth watching every minute of it.
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Absolutely touching moving squeezing heart and .... making you smile
26 December 2023
No explosions, no special effects, no superheroes.... OOppps superheroes... there are two of them.,..... wonderful story told by two fantastic actors..... And script played so well that you cry and laugh at the same time....

Story is simple - [simple?] - a very rich aristocrat get paralyzed and he is limited to wheelchair with no control over his body except head. He gets a care taker who not only proves to be black but also seems to have no respect to the man. And since he does not struggle to please him he treats him a as a normal guy!

That is a story of a friendship and bond created between two unique men. They fit. They complete each other. Their energy is filled with will of life.

Lots of wonderful sense of humor. Watch for the moments when Omar Sy plays barber and makes fun from his "helpless victim" who gets most of the fun of it actually ....

Watching this movie is like a powerful pill of life motivation. I have watched it some 10 times and will another 100 more. Enjoy!
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Rome (2005–2007)
The absolute best series
19 December 2023
Although it is not a new production it still brings great pleasure to watch.

Great story told about Roman Republic through eyes of two characters of soldiers. Fictional characters mix with historical personas. Historical events depicted according to chronicles.

Very good casting combined with wonderful cinematography and editing. Plus great music score.

Very good dialogue lines combined with plotting and scheming by various characters. Political background makes easy to understand historical events makes the series great support for history lessons. Actually that is the way historical filming should be made.

Again the fictional two main characters create great background for all events they witness. They seem to be guides through Roman times. Conflicts, politics, reality of social life all is shown in digestible way.

I love it. It never gets boring.
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Classic conflict story with slow pace and typical outcome
13 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Classical conflict story. Small town with locals and visiting artists. One of the artists is a karate champion. Soon they get into conflict with local hooligans. Expected dramatic outcome.

All drama erupts when two male artists are visited by their female friend. Local hooligans get mad and wild but actually it is hard to explain why. Simply they seem to hate every stranger. Step by step they drive situation to dramatic climax.

The pace of movie is slow. Long frames. Most of the time story is simply dull. The hooligans are mostly drunks not bandits so the visitors create no actual danger to any business whatsoever.

Beside hooligan problems the other conflict line is between male artist friends around wife of one of them. Some kind of jelousy.

The main problem with the movie is that storyline is full of subplots and instead of clear conflict we watch many characters conflicted with each other. All characters are carboard cut and the music score is typical for that kind of productions.

Some female nudity is added so the conflict gets more erotic yet it simply gets boring. Yet there were much worse productions from that time and if you like Buczkowski you could really enjoy it. He is always good as villains. Here he runs local group of fishermen who fish using electricity.

General pace is so damn boring that even female character who moans and walks naked does not make it better.
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The Intern (I) (2015)
Very POSITIVE movie
3 December 2023
I really enjoyed the movie. One of the very few nowadays that tells a story about pleasant people who face some marginal problems and who solve them and move on.

It is about comfort from being with someone special. It is about experience. It is about age and experience coming from age.

I have read many dissatisfied reviews and I wonder if we have had watched the same movie. I think many people expected to to watch Wall Street or something similar while it was just a fairy tale about an old widower who wants to get back some sense of life through being active professionally again and a young woman who looses her sense of life through dedication to work and unfaithful husband. But all ends well.

Casting is perfect. Great performances.

At first I expected it to be some kind of business like movie but soon I realized it is a nice fairy tale and that is great!

I give 9 not 10 because of this little lack of business moments like consulting, insights that would show De Niro's character business experience that might be valuable to the start up company.

De Niro's character was more like a father to Anne Hathaway and he seems to treat her like a respected daughter.

But the script, acting, score, editing were all very good. I felt really warm deep in heart watching the whole movie.

I will definitely get back to it again and again because it is all about caring. It is not about how things are but about how things should have been.

Great job.
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Napoleon (2023)
Very Very big mistake and even greater disappointment and NO CLARITY
24 November 2023
I have just returned from cinema.

First thing - I have almost fallen asleep. Not because it was long. Mostly because the movie was dull.

Second thing - I have great impression that authors were unable what to decide on: either Napoleon and history or Napoleon and Josephine. They mixed it up and got very distasteful mixture.

If I was to analyze Napoleon and history it was like a cheese with so many holes that it is hard to decide which slice to eat. More holes than cheese.

If I was to analyze it as a story of fictional people who love and hate each other - so some love story about Napoleon and Josephine then it seems all empty, lacks passion.

When I return to Christian Clavier version of Napoleon which I loved and still love and have watched it seven times the Ridley Scott version is completely empty.

There was a Polish movie Napoleon and Marysienka about a great love of Napoleon Polish noble woman Maria Walewska. There was no much war, no battles only court love and theater with great acting and I loved it.

Scott's Napoleon is simply bad movie. Especially when in the end you get list of battles and total of death casualties that resulted from power of Napoleon. Yet movie does not say anything about story, reasons and so on.

Nowadays with so many uneducated young brains film producers need to be like teachers. Lots of thing explained in details. Slow thing development. Proper theater dialogues so people understand what is all about and why! It is not enough to dress people in costumes make some battle scenes to create some historical drama.

Yet I would accept a story of some kind of Napoleon tormented with love and hate to a woman.

There were moments I loved like Josephine showing her thing between legs. Yet there is not much tension after it. No desire.

I am sure people would cherish this movie because of Ridley Scott. And I would understand that.. A brand name.

Not many people know that the first movie by Scott was The Duel in Napoleonic times with Keith Carradine and Harvey Keitel. It was a great cheap movie about two people who want to resolve dispute over years and years and historical times were a simple background to human conflict. There was lots of clarity in The Duel.

And Napoleon lacks clarity....
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Uncharted (2022)
24 November 2023
Games in themselves are often good stories. They have their own storylines. Good game creators are able to make very good storylines.

Yet translation of game seems to be extremely difficult. Good movie may take from any source - book, game, direct script. It needs good story, proper making and finally good actors.

In Uncharted authors started from getting three good actors and it seems to be all. I really feel pity about the actors. Tom Holland seems to be consuming his Spiderman fame. Mark Wahlberg is getting more and more muscular but he has much better movies in his career. Antonio Banderas got famous with Almodovar and exchange this fame for several mediocre movies.

The story is dull. Action is dull. Story is predictable. Totally no emotions. Some forced humor.

The only good thing is that villains are females so the political correctness is removed and that is the only good thing about this movie. The rest is forgetable. Waste of time. Comparing to Indiana Jones.....well it is like comparing apples to pears.

I feel there will be some sequels because Tom Holland wants to be a teenage star but actually he limits himself in acting craft.

Good luck with better acting, better stories and better everything.

Finally I think even game fans feel disappointed. And this was main target. Wasted chance.
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The Killer (2023)
One of the finest movies about being professional
24 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite many negative opinions for me it was a great experience watching it. Being a fan of Michael Fasbender I started watching the movie mainly for him.. And I loved the whole movie. Why?

Mainly because the movie is about being a professional. It does not matter what you do - be professional and be prepared.

The main hero is a pro killer. He could be anyone - gardener, architect or a doctor. Or a masseur. Yet he is a pro killer. And he is professional. I loved the offline thoughts when the main hero comments his own thoughts, state of mind or condition or situations.

He works on an assignment and he fails. Then his client's Client buys some kind of insurance involving removal of the killer. It might have been simple rule yet the killers hired to do the job hurt his beloved girl. And from here it gets personal. So the motto is that one should not go personal against business partners.

The main here moves onto the trails to get hands on the hitmen who were hired to get him and hurt his girlfriend. On his way he eliminates several people involved in the process. Simple yet very enjoyable.

I loved the multitude of identities the hero had while travelling, hiring cars, talking to banks. He was simply prepared. And very professional.

This simple story accompanied by soundtrack by The Smiths is very enjoyable to watch. Unlike many movies it made me sit and watch and I watched it with great great pleasure.

To summarize - very refreshing movie much different from many movies which are not coherent. This one was very very coherent.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Perfect promotion of America and politics and diplomacy
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this show 9 mostly because I love the educational and promotional values and expression of virtues of America. Thanks to great story, good cast and very good filming and editing and dialogues this show is perfectly likeable.

The educational value is great. It really does not matter that this is a fairy tale in some extent. This is a great promotion and education about Congress, President, staff, procedures, negotiations, finding solutions.

Kiefer Sutherland is perfect in this role and sometimes I see how great actor he is and how he exceeded his father Donald. Wonderful pleasure watching him acting.

Dialogues are good, all courtuesy between people, talks. It is often far more interesting that the other storyline about blow up of Capitol, seeking insurgents and spies and so on. And here we come........

And I LOVED Michael J Fox in one of episodes. This was great honor seeing this troubled by Parkinson illness in a perfect role. It was an honor to see great actor, an icon of cinema.

What I disliked :

  • First Lady being killed - probably the actress playing her had other obligations. Killing her is in my opinion useless but probably necessary due to missing actress.

  • The investigation and Hanna Wells storyline in two first seasons. It is hard to believe that working on behalf of The President of Most Powerful country she acts singlehandedly and runs with gun alone....that some one geek helps her and that some CEO gets angry and some hacker and so on...... on and on.....

Comparing two storylines the investigation storyline undermines the political one. Political one is a great show about how things are or rather should be dealt in relations. They are simplified yet still nice to watch. At the same time.....Hanna Wells acts like a Bond supported by a computer geek and some British double spy...... First it begins as distraction and then it starts to get boring.

Summarizing this show is composed of two stories< Unfortunately they are loosely linked to each other through characters and some plot elements.

But in general perfect acting, cast and good dialogues and filming makes it wonderful show. Much better than many I have ever seen. Good work.

I am writing it at the beginning of season 3. Lots of people perceive Season 3 as a total catastrophe. Well I feel the opposite. The Hanna Wells character is less visible and more information gathering hence less important. And the whole story is more focused on White House, politics, campaign and internal and external affairs. I enjoy stories about Kirkman as President and his efforts. Very rare in filming and as I said before very good promotion and educational value.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Wonderful show with a pleasant history lesson
5 October 2023
I loved the show. I wondered what made this show different from many others that are mere "products".

I found couple of items, that make this one unique: 1. Characters.

Many individual character with their own attitudes, stories, goals and presentation. My favorite character is Ivar the Boneless. Why? Because of the complexity of the character.

2. Cast Very good cast. Each character is well played and there are plenty of good actors who brought great input. Ivar was played by actor who was able to made this character living, sometimes insane sometimes genius.

3. History lesson This is the only TV series or movie that is a very pleasant history lesson. I am aware that there are lots of omissions and simplified facts yet..... it is a great walk through history of this part of Europe. I really enjoyed that mostly because of it. Mostly because all of mentioned things happened. They way were presented is a different thing. Especially because most events were based on sagas and legends.

Great great show.
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Tesciowie (2021)
Started watching and could not stop!
13 August 2023
I am Polish and consider myself very demanding regarding movies. I cannot stand Polish romantic comedies so I often avoid Polish productions.

This one was different. I started watching it accidentally while working on computer. That is how I watch lots of movies. TV set stand nearby and while working on my photographs I am portrait photographer I love watching movies. I gave it a chance........

I was fascinated with pace, rhythm, story, dialogues and plot. I felt like watching theater drama than a movie. It was hard to stop watching. The more you watch the faster rhythm. Music was good pace setter. Some drum solo and some sharp dialogues.

Casting was perfect. I loved watching them act. They had great script and story so they really enjoyed playing.

I have just learned that it was first movie by this director so more to expect. Some people who reviewed the movie say it was like Almodovar. I would say it was faster quicker and more dynamic in some moments.

And filming time 17 days!!! Fantastic.

I really loved it.
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Mads Mickelsen rulez!
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this Indy movie with full of expectations and optimisms. I have heard lots about how bad the movie was. Yet I wanted it all to be mistakes.

Technically the movie was very good. Pretty good scenes. Good cuts. Nice action scenes and filming. Very nice young Indy scenes.

I enjoyed the "old pals" thing through the whole movie. Rebooting some characters and creating new ones we have never seen before.

The cruelty of bad guys was untypical to the series. Previously there were punches and fists. Now there are dead bodies and I did not like it.

Mads Mickelsen is always perfect in such roles of conflicted people. People of power. I love his acting and he is now at his best. I enjoy every movie he plays in. Sometimes better than main characters.

Now the first lady in the movie. Completely poor casting and completely thin character. Hard to like her. And the young Indian assistant is simply boring. Again Germans angainst some political correct boy. I do not like such forced casting and story telling. It is nauseing. Feel like vomit.

The story is coherent. And theme intriguing. Poorely exploited. Much better the movie than the Skull which was simply.... strange. But I enjoyed Shya Le Bauf.

I miss the attempt to rescue Indy's son however I assume this hat grabbing might be getting back to the game.

Again I saw a product not a movie.
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