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Under Paris (2024)
Typical Netflix movie
18 June 2024
Having spent some time on Paris, I was looking forward to seeing this. What a downer. The bad acting reminds me of a late 1960's Japanese movie, including the bad synching to English. The plot was ridiculous and the CGI pretty bad. But being Netflix, of course almost everyone in the Paris police department was Black ( France is only 5% Black) and the few White characters are either idiots, bad guys or shark snacks.

Movies used to be about entertainment- now they have become nothing but political propaganda pushing the agenda. That's why my wife and I usually prefer to watch older movies from a time where pleasing the audience was the main concern.
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Was this a Hallmark movie ?
19 May 2024
I was quickly bored to tears with this show- mainly because of the lack of scientific information. The prime emphasis was on the few people they chose to interview out of the entire team and we learned more about their back grounds than what the Rovers discovered. This could have been so much better but it came on as a soap opera instead. They seemed to only focus on the minority and female team members and this felt way too politically motivated.

I wish they had focused far more on the technical side and findings- there was occasional bursts of information but the drive of this movie was about emotions, not discovery.
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The Island (2005)
Combination of several movies
28 January 2024
I quickly realized that this was a mixture of Logan's Run, THX1138, Star Wars and several other movies . Pretty well done, we were even laughing at the flying motorcycle scene and how it was almost an exact copy of the Star Wars scene with Obi Wan and Annikin chasing after the person attempting to assassinate Padme. The people exiting at the end was straight out of Logans Run and THX1138 as well. The Policemen inside were just like the Sandmen in Logan's Run and the sports car chase was right out of THX1138. I was happy to FInally see a major Bad guy who is Black- but of course they turned him into a good guy at the end which is why I only give it a 6 star rating.
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Red Eye (2005)
Not bad
29 March 2023
Cilian Murphy always plays a good psycho and does his usual best in this thriller.the plot is tense and Rachel plays the victim to his insanity. The plot is pretty tight- until the end. Without giving out too many hints or spoilers, it's a cat and mouse game between the two with plenty of surprises. The supporting cast is actually many members of the production crew and staff. Read the trivia and see what I mean.

The major fault is at the end when Rachel McAdams becomes a super Daisy. The movie would have been an hour shorter if someone had actually owned a gun ! But at least it had a fairly good plot.
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Midnight, Texas (2017–2018)
I tried
1 December 2022
I tried to like this, I really did. But in just the first show, it got too weird and political. Some of the special effects were good and some were laughable. As mentioned before, the accents were terrible and stereotypical.

The first scene with the seance was really good and hooked me in, but then it just went downhill from there. Big fan of one of the actresses ( Kalle) but I bet she regretted signing up for this show. She basically carried the show and even she couldn't save it.

It was very confusing at first and took awhile to make sense of who was what. Kind of a cross between Odd Thomas and Sabrina the teenage witch , especially with the bad CGI talking cat !
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2010 (1984)
Not at all like the book
25 August 2022
To understand the movies, you really have to read the books. It took me awhile to realize exactly what I did not like about this sequel- it tries to be funny and fails miserably.

2001 was cold, sterile and with zero humor, which set the tone. 2010 tries to lighten the mood with humor that was never intended to be there. Also, the actors chosen were mostly terrible choices, especially for Haywood Floyd- Rob Schneider just isn't it. And Dr Chandra is supposed to be Hindu, but here they have a Jewish looking guy from Chicago instead. Some of the special effects were awful, especially when the aero braking shields inflate. It obviously stop action that looks like special effects from the 1950s.

All in all, a cheesy attempt at a sequel that misses the mark. Okay to watch if you have nothing better to do, but don't expect much.
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Elvis Meets Nixon (1997 TV Movie)
Actually funny
10 August 2022
I would have given this ten stars but for the Far Left Wing politics. This was written according to Elvis buddies who were with him during the trip. Of course there's going to be a lot of " creative license" to fill in what they did not see but overall it's pretty believable. Elvis was basically an insulated child at this point in his life and I can totally believe his actions with his fans.
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Wow......just Wow
1 July 2022
I hope this won some really high award in Europe because it blew me away. What's worse, is that this is a true story. This was as intense as Schindlers List. This is a very serious film about a horrendous mistake when Britain bombed a Gestapo building in Denmark, but mostly hit a large school instead.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Interesting concept
30 June 2022
This show started out slow but then grows on you. The interesting part was the actual games created and played. It really makes you realize that money isn't everything. It's also interesting to see a show from another country and seeing how different but also how similar things are everywhere.

Hopefully, in the next season, we get a lot more answers, especially about the cop. I can see why the critics like this - they make fun of Christians and White males.
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Elvis (2022)
Finally someone who looks like Elvis
26 June 2022
Very well done and a great portrayal of Elvis but someone else needed to play the Colonel besides Tom Hanks. My wife is a devoted Elvis fan and actually saw him perform near the end and she loved the movie. I would have given it a ten but for the mangling of his music, especially the credits when Elvis is singing " In the Ghetto" some pea brain decided to have someone Rap over it ! Sacrilege ! Several people in the audience booed that part. But if you are an Elvis fan, you definitely need to see it.
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Senior Year (2022)
I thought it was satire
2 June 2022
I thought the first 30 minutes was good, and then I realized the Wokeness was real and not satire. I wish more movies were made like the 80,s without forcing wokeness down our throats. Netflix is like a chef that makes all their dishes with the same ingredients every time, putting ten pounds of the nasty spice in it. So sorry Rebel was in this, she was the only good part of it.
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A punch to the gut
1 June 2022
This movie started out great, with a great cast ( I would have switched Chris Pratt,s character with Jason Segal). Then halfway thru, you get punched in the stomach. Emily Blunt,s character basically cuckolds her fiancé making him give up his dream job so she can get her dream school, then starts cheating on him.
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The Gift (2000)
Not Keaneau,s best
20 May 2022
Plot was okay but the underlying message was " Women Good, Men BAD!" The plot di keep me guessing until near the end.

Hollywood cannot make a movie showing Southern men as intelligent or good.. I bet Keanu' is regretting the decision to take that role.
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Pretty good- better than expected
11 May 2022
It's hard finding a good sequel these days, so I watched this with some trepidation. Yet I was pleasantly surprised that this was actually pretty good. I see Dan Akroyd was one of the producers which probably helped this not become a dumpster fire. It's just as hard to find any good movies made in the last ten years due to all the wokeness. Yes there were a few unbelievable moments but overall it worked well. The Asian kid was funny and reminded me more of the Goonies than Ghostbusters but he was great.
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Jungle (I) (2017)
Israeli Harry Potter plays Jumanji
20 March 2022
While I love Daniel Radcliffe, this movie was pretty lame. Guy goes to find himself and screws up royally. Almost dies, then writes a book about how smart and brave he is. Okay to watch if it's free, but don't pay to see it.
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Boring as can be
26 December 2021
Almost fell asleep and my wife turned it off after an hour. Nicole Kidman just didn't fit the part- it was like watching her in the FOX hit piece " Bombshell" again. The guy looked nothing like Ricky Ricardo although the voice was close, I give this a " Pass"
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Could have been better.
14 November 2021
I watched " Honest Trailers" on YouTube after I saw this and they showed how some scenes were literally copied from The Mummy and Pirates of the Caribbean. Plus why does every movie now have to have a character coming out ? I love the Rock but this movie really would've been better with someone else in the lead. It almost hit a home run, putting it up there with Raiders of the Lost Ark but somehow fell short.

Fun to watch, but not great.
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I guess Nick Cage needed the money
31 October 2021
This was just BAD, so bad that my wife and I couldn't even finish it. What has happened to Hollywood and these big name stars doing such horrible movies ? And what's with all these fake 10 star reviews ?
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17 October 2021
Martin Short and Steve Martin haven't been funny in years and Selena is just mediocre in this. Shame because Steve was hilarious before, say, in The Jerk. I have never understood why New York seriously believes it is the best place on earth, especially with so many people moving out of it. The excessive cursing may be normal for New York, but it is not for the rest of us.

It's okay if you have nothing better to watch.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Could have been better
9 October 2021
While this wasn't really bad, it was ruined by overuse of CGI and the annoying tripling of the volume at times.

Better acting and more plot helps, not just more CGI. Okay watch if you are bored.
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A Very good story
22 September 2021
The artwork is excellent,the story is extremely good, the costumes also very accurate. Oddly, the worst part was Samuel L Jackson, who was not the least bit believable in his role.
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Rollerball (1975)
Very prophetic
5 September 2021
I was in high school inHouston when this came out and it was inconceivable that a stadium would be named after a corporation instead of a local hero at that time. Now ? My how times have changed.

Even our hospital bought the local football stadium and renamed it after their corporation and their executives act just like the ones in this movie.
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Not that bad
10 August 2021
Not that great either, mediocre acting. What bugged me the entire movie was the PBY pilots eyeliner.
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Surprisingly good
28 July 2021
Just watched this found it was much better than expected. The plot has so many twists, it's hard to figure out who is doing what . Definite gore though. I now prefer Australian movies over American ones.
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What the hell ?
13 July 2021
This movie reminds me of recent Sci Fi movies from Russia- good special effects, horrible acting and dialogue.

What has happened to Hollywood ? It's been a looong time since I've seen anything good come from there.

Just a cheap remake of War of the Worlds.
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