
9 Reviews
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23 January 2009
This movie was good, but I don't know that it deserved the slew of Oscar nominations it received. It certainly wasn't good because of Brad Pitt, he has one of the least expressive faces in show business and it is difficult to actually believe he is feeling any of the emotions the script calls for. Another liability of this film is its length, most of which is spent showing the title character bouncing around apparently trying to find himself, which makes sense, given his circumstances, but it is a very superficial treatment. Finally, his aging process is not actually linear (neither forwards nor backwards), so an already implausible premise becomes even more difficult to buy into. I'm glad I saw it, but it is not the spectacular film people would have you believe.
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Rides the edge, but doesn't fall off...
11 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I, like many fans of superhero movies had grown to detest what had happened to the Batman series of films. The first one with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson is a classic...but the missteps began with the second one. There was no need to have two villains in one movie, both Danny Devito and Michelle Pfeiffer could have carried an entire film by themselves. Then of course came the almost cartoonish and ridiculous follow ups complete with one-liners from Arnold.

But I digress, "Batman Begins," was doubt. I was very excited about "The Dark Knight" and finally went to see it.

This one was lighter on character development than the first one, which was a shame. Heath Ledger, however, saves the the day with his rendition of the Joker. Just based on his performance, I didn't mind that little was offered about his background.

I thought that Aaron Eckhart was being set up for a role as Two Face for film 3 (which would have been astounding), instead, they created him and killed him off in half a movie. So for awhile there are two villains at once and it brought back images of the last series. If anyone should have been killed off, it should have been the that no one could spoil Ledger's rendition in a follow up, oh well, I'm not the director.

I respect Christian Bale, but somehow in this one some of his trademark additions to the character were a bit exaggerated...his deep raspy voice screaming in the face of evil-doers "where is she?" "where is he?" etc. became a bit grating after 5 or 6 iterations.

Equally, this one had many more explosions, outrageous chase sequences and other elements that were absent, for the most part, from the really rode the edge, but like I said, it didn't fall off and become ridiculous.

One good example of the better reflection of reality in this series is that the girl dies. Batman is placed in the awkward situation of choosing to save one life versus another and instead of MAGICALLY saving both, one person dies and it is the one we least expected...well done! Thus overall I was satisfied and I highly recommend seeing it, but if "Batman Begins" was a 10, "The Dark Knight" is an 8 or 8.5.
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The Ring (2002)
17 August 2006
This movie makes you realize why so many other movies fail to be scary...not enough psychological elements. What this movie does right is that it skips the gore, and blood, and over-the-top overacting crazed lunatics that seem the norm in horror movies.

I saw this with a friend in the theater and 10 minutes in we were sinking into our chairs with fear. Not even the annoying teens making their phones ring to scare their friends (when you see the movie you will understand why) were a powerful enough distraction to undo the terror we felt.

Definitely see it, make sure you have as big a TV as you can get your hands on when you rent it, and that you watch it at night in the dark...if you want the full effect. Also, make sure you rent it on DVD and NOT know, just to be safe ;)
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Bromas, S.A. (1967)
I think it is good!
17 August 2006
I saw this movie as a child, and felt compelled to comment on it, as it is unacceptable that it has no reviews. But, to be honest this will not be very helpful as I can hardly remember most of it.

The brilliance of this movie is the ridiculous pranks (hence the title) executed by individuals sick of getting mistreated. The pranks border on evil, but in a disturbingly hysterical way. Of course, keep in mind when the movie was filmed and how social mores have changed. Perhaps to many viewers the pranks will seem mild, but this was Peru (a very traditional country to begin with), and in 1967.

Without giving anything away, I remember being especially tickled by the prank with the supermarket, and also the prank involving a coffin...good stuff.
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Cría Cuervos (1976)
A must-see!
17 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
You should see this movie no matter what, but if you have ever considered yourself a fan of Spanish cinema, your experience is incomplete without this classic.

It is close attention to the little girl's terror after she believes that she has poisoned her father, but then seems comfortable enough with this to use the poison again for an act of compassion only to realize it was never poison to begin with. This part of the plot, as well as other elements of the film leave you grappling with your confused emotions. It is great!

I will not waste your time by writing more. The other reviewers got it right. Go rent it!
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Not too bad!
17 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I think the movie was made with the expectation that it would generate more buzz locally (in Peru) than internationally. I say this because of all the Peruvian jargon, I imagine it lost a lot in translation and I know for a fact that non-Peruvians wouldn't enjoy it as much as those of us who are part of the culture.

Generally, good acting by most characters and the cinematography (which has been described as poor by other users) was actually what made this movie enjoyable for was successful in drawing you in as if watching the real lives of these teens.

There is one erotic scene which was beautiful and tragic. It is when one of the call girls allows a young boy to witness and partake in her self-arousal. One of the scenes that makes me want to recommend this movie. Also great is when one of the prostitutes, after having been humiliated by a teen, hesitates before taking his money, then takes it anyway as if to assure him that for her it was a non-sentimental business transaction too.

See it!
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Daredevil (2003)
One of the worst movies in history!
3 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of the genre, made it a point to catch "Batman" movies, "X-Men," "Spiderman," etc. etc. This movie, however, is horrible. The plot is thin, the characters are ridiculous, the special effects are insulting (not in their execution, but in the way that special effects for "Chalie's Angels: Full Throttle" were insulting), and the acting is bad. Perhaps the only exception as far as acting is concerned is Ben Affleck. Yes, I can't believe that I am saying this either, but Ben Affleck is actually good, but not good enough to save this train-wreck of a film.

I read a fellow reviewer's comments, saying that one should watch the Director's Cut, because it adds 30 minutes which make the rest of the film "make more sense." No disrespect, but I can't imagine a more terrible fate than to watch 30 extra minutes of this movie. The movie didn't need to make sense, it made enough sense, it was just bad.

The part where Colin Farrell (Bullseye) faces off against Ben Afflleck (Daredevil) by breaking glass gymnast-style then catching the falling shards one by one and shooting them at the hero like, what can one say about a scene like that without descending into inappropriate language? Perhaps only: "highly unlikely."

To top it off, the movie ends with the slaughter of a fly via a finger-flicked scalpel by a paralyzed and fully bandaged Bullseye. He then says "bullseye!" in self-appreciation of his kill...roll credits! I want my money back, I want my time back!
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Bring It On (2000)
What most people don't understand
3 June 2006
I tend to eschew frivolous films, and because of this I have had to defend my appreciation of this movie.

People find confusing that the movie shows both self-absorbed cheerleaders who believe the endeavor to be worthwhile and meaningful, and at the same time cheerleading's detractors. Also confusing is how a cheerleading squad could function without a faculty coach. The reason this is peripheral to the film is that the film is about fair play and sportsmanship, and it succeeds in conveying that message.

The dialogue is funny and approaches wit several times. My favorite line in the movie is delivered by Courtney (Clare Kramer): "I don't mean to be predictable, but I don't give a sh!%!" Perfect!

The acting is pretty solid, what seems like overacting to some is simply part of the satire that the movie is. I would recommend this movie to anyone.
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The Producers (2005)
The Producers gives musicals a bad name
3 June 2006
Where did they go wrong? So wrong!? Nathan Lane is a wonderful actor, so is Matthew Broderick. I had heard rave reviews of the original from 1968 by Mel Brooks.

This movie gives musical films a bad name. It is 2 hours and 15 minutes of your life that you will never get back. At the beginning there were some subtle hints at brilliance, like the poster of "King Leer," and some songs and dialogue, like "he did to Shakespeare what Booth did to Lincoln." You see and hear these things and think that the wit will continue to build, it does not.

You also hold out hope that the "Springtime for Hitler" sequences will make the horrendous experience seem worthwhile, it does not, it lasts only 3 minutes.

The worst part of this, for me, was that I talked a couple of friends into watching it with me. They were already apprehensive about musicals, and since I am generally a fan of musicals (Grease, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Chicago, Moulin Rouge, Little Shop of Horrors, etc. etc.) I guaranteed them it would be good. I owe them a good many beers and apologies. Terrible!
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