
20 Reviews
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Joe Dirt (2001)
Your gonna stand there and tell me you don't like this movie ?
9 June 2024
This movie is so underrated it makes me sick . This is by far David's spades best work without Farley. I think all of his Netflix movies are terrible and most of his movies where he is the lead character are garbage but this movie stands out . It's highly quotable , hilarious , original , awesome soundtrack , it is one of those movies you can watch a million times and you still get a kick out of it . I honestly think it deserves a 7-8 rating . Name another movie that is like this ? You can't . Don't bother with Joe dirt 2 it's garbage . "If you have something to you say you can say it in to this microphone I got a back up mic right here" Kid rocks best Cameo .
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Uncut Gems (2019)
10 February 2024
This movie from start to finish is a complete masterpiece. I don't remember the last time a movie made me this uncomfortable. And the term "edge of my seat" is accurate . If you follow the dialogue and are tuned in to this movie the experience and stress is absolutely unreal. I don't think this level of anxiety has every been achieved before and had you sweating bullets from start to finish hoping for a happy ending that Howard (Adam Sandler) find a way out of the mess he's in . Safde Bros are geniuses and this movie is top 50 best films ever made . I confidently could say that. If you liked this movie go watch their other film Good time . Similar experience.
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Why the hate?
10 December 2023
Okay I kind of understand the hate at the sudden ending that didn't explain anything and I genuinely wish the movie was 3 hours long it was SOO good . I loved this movie from start to finish . Reminded me of cloverfield. It was also kind of strange how close it hit to topics in this age and current events ... a little frightening which why I loved it so much maybe a wake up call to people ! Also the friends reference are eerie after what recently happened to one of the cast members . The acting was phenomenal by all of the main actors in this and I thought the movie was the right amount of time I just wish they summed certain things up . Overall I give the movie a solid 8/10.
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300 (2006)
Setting the bar
25 October 2023
300 came out of nowhere and captivated many at the time of its release . Catching everyone who stood in its path off guard and making a significant dent in cinematography. Gerard butler plays his best role in my opinion as the king Leonidas. With is army of 299 soldiers looking to defeat the hundred thousand plus army of Persians, they do it in style with badass slow motion style matrix . If you have not seen the movie 300 I suggest you get on the bandwagon . If you're a huge fan watch the sequel but the original is much better . I give this a solid 8 out of 10 stars . It's a cinema masterpiece from beginning to end . Never a dull moment in the runtime . This movie is up there on the list of my favorite action movies and the only new age action movie to come close to this is John wick . Michael fassbender is also very good in the movie as well .
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Reptile (2023)
One of the better ones...
2 October 2023
I am going to compare this movie to "The little things" with Jared Leto and Denzel Washington . This is what that movie wanted to be but never did . This movie was a dark twisty murder investigation with lots of twists and turns . Benicia del toro was good as always . Justin Timberlake was nothing special . Now it was very good to see Jimmy from Boardwalk Empire back from the dead (Michael pit) haven't seen him in anything good for a long time but he played his character exceptionally good . Definitely one of the better Netflix movies . Almost reminded me of a new true detective movie . Definitely a solid 7. Worth watching.
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Telemarketers (2023)
Wow.. just wowww
17 August 2023
How are more people not talking about this ? I can see why Danny McBride and the infamous Safde Bros picked this story up.. Such a interesting first episode and amazing characters . Pat seems like a legend that I want to meet. I am dying to see the next episode . I still get calls from these companies on the daily and it's crazy to know where it all started. CDG. These guys that started it are actually on par with Apple except just a huge scam comparable to cutco knives and. Or pyramid schemes. Your literally paying thousands of dollars for a sticker what a joke but also a brilliant scheme because people get worried when someone calls them and says the word police. Brilliant characters brilliant show so far.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Original Horror/thriller at its best
4 August 2023
First off, I was seeing tons of hype for this movie and so going in I was expecting a lot. One thing I will start by saying is I wish the movie had subtitles. I had a hard time hearing a lot of the dialogue with the cast having heavy Australian accents. With A24 movies you either get an extremely weird movie that you don't know if you hate it or love it or you get a holy grail film (hereditary). Talk to Me was right in the middle where it was an all-around GOOD movie. It was no holy grail but it was way better than all the garbage that I've been seeing this year (excluding evil dead and barbarian). The cast was amazing the acting was amazing from people I've never heard of or seen before this and I was astonished at how well the acting was by every actor/actress in this movie. The Music was really good as well. There was no element to what was going to happen next it was so non-predictable that it kept you gripping the seat most of the movie. There were some very offputting gory unsettling scenes with outstanding makeup. You could tell they put a lot of effort into this movie and it paid off. I will say it's not the scariest movie I've seen, but rather more of anticipation horror. My consensus is that if you want a good horror movie, go see Talk to me.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Is it just me ?
21 July 2023
Is it just me or did anyone else find this movie... I hate to say it... boring?. I know I know it's a piece of history and don't get me wrong it was a good movie but idk, going in the theater expecting something "Nolanesque" and it never came so I was kind of a disappointed. I was super excited going in the theater and leaving I was like ,yeah it was good buuuuttt. I guess I was expecting something like inception and or interstellar but those are fictional and I get that this is based off of a true story . I think everyone should watch this movie once and it was very eye opening but I won't ever endure the painful 3 hour movie experience again . It's a one and done movie and I do respect Oppenheimer. Extremely good acting with a boatload of good actors . I also do want to say that there was nothing very IMAX about the movie so you could go to a regular theater and be just fine . Also Emily Blunts ending scene was amazing . All in all I would go as far as to say it's the most boring Christopher Nolan movie but it is a very good movie let's leave it at that . I still give the movie an 8.
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Not bad but not good...
12 July 2023
So I am a huge horror fan . I have seen hundreds and hundreds of horror movies. I wasn't expecting a lot out of this movie just based off of the other reviews I was seeing but I went into the theater with a open mind and was ready to give Patrick Wilson's directorial debut a honest shot . As I was sitting there in the theater I notice the movie is kind of odd and oddly paced . Kind of a weird shot movie with scenes that extended way too long and nothing happened . I was waiting for the movie to pick up the pace but it never did . There was probably one to many unnecessary jump scares which I like but nothing that was going to change my mind about how slow the film was and the horrible "college frat" scenes. There was no chemistry between the two main characters (Dalton and his new female roomate) it fell short of every category of what to like in a horror movie . And absolutely nothing original . They brought back the original demon and the original tiny Tim song which was fun . But overall I rate a 5.5/6 out of 10z wait for streaming platforms . If you haven't seen evil dead yet I would go watch that instead .
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Succession: Connor's Wedding (2023)
Season 4, Episode 3
Kept waiting for something magnificent to happen ...
19 April 2023
I kept waiting for something to happen that was raved and compared to the infamous breaking bad episode "ozymandias". Nothing even came close to that episode. The acting in Conor's wedding was really good as it is in every episode of succession and yes something huge happens to impact the story In a huge way but why is everyone and there dog saying this is the best episode of television ever ? It literally wasn't even close to a 10 . Nothing even stood out that was so entertaining I couldn't look away... it was a good episode but not a 10. 7 is generous. The characters did the same thing and kept repeating the same things over and over again to the point it was cringey . Don't listen to the reviews . It was just ok. There have been better episodes of succession .
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District 9 (2009)
How is this movie so underrated?
3 October 2022
This is legitimately one of the best alien movies ever made . I put that under an action category as well . It is literally so original so badass so realistic I just don't understand how people don't see that . Take it for what it is district 9 is a actual masterpiece and I wish they would do a prequel or sequel . The director did elysium which was also good but didn't come close to d9. He also has done some on Netflix but this was his pride and glory . Possibly the most slept on movie of all time not gonna lie . The way humans treat prawns is so realistic . I love the cat food idea I love the acting and gore just a flawless movie .
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Fun and mindless entertainment
26 September 2022
Take Vikings with a grain of salt. I hate all of these negative reviews saying they hate Vikings because it doesn't portray our history but it never says that it's supposed to nor do they claim to . It's for entertainment purposes and loosely based on true events . This show has ups and downs but we'll worth watching I love the characters and each episode is packed with fun mindless action, sex, drama. Ragnar is such a interesting character with a smirk you will not forget. You will not be sorry for watching Vikings . I have yet to complete the entire series but I've made it pretty far . Don't listen to the haters just watch !
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Taken (I) (2008)
OG John Wick
2 July 2022
The original ultimate Badassery. If you haven't seen Taken . Watch it .action packed good acting good plot . Never a dull moment . Neesons best movie .
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Best "Stoner" film to date
11 June 2022
If you haven't seen dazed and confused, your missing out. From the first time I saw this movie until now, still , there will never be another movie in this genre that tops this one . It's Richard Linklater best film to date and capture the era perfectly . Not a dull moment .
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Euphoria: Stand Still Like the Hummingbird (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
I knew Zendaya could act . But she deserves all the awards .
7 February 2022
Bravo . This episode was absolutely flawless . Could be one of the best episodes of tv made . And this show is getting better and better . No more words.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
Never thought I would say this but.....
23 January 2022
Peacemaker may be one of The most genius comedy shows I've seen . It is soooo stupid but somehow strangely, it works perfectly . The humor is my type of humor. It feels like it's so realistic and it doesn't miss a beat , like it couldn't possibly be a superhero based show. There's no space in between scenes it follows all the way through a scene exactly like it were to happen in real life but just as a stupid raunchy superhero would be . I don't know if I'm making any sense at all but this show works . The punch lines are ACTUALLY funny unlike tons of these shows are maybe a chuckle once per episode this is consistently make me tear up laughing so hard . It's so relevant so woke and so ridiculous that you can't help but keep watching . If you have a sense of humor this show is for you . They didn't waste there money because This show is pure 100 percent adult entertainment at its finest . James Gunn , John Cena who knew... from wrestling to this masterpiece. Bravo HBO !!!
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Robert P
13 November 2021
I really wish Robert Pattinson didn't get his big name from the twilight franchise movies . He is seriously such an underrated actor . This movie in my opinion did what the witch couldn't do . The acting was phenomenal by William and Robert . It was shot beautifully and overall such a buzzard experience you have to give credit where credit is due . Bravo .
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
I had misjudged this show
1 August 2021
The first two seasons I although decent , I couldn't tell if I really loved this show ... that is until i started the 3rd season . Once you reach the pickle Rick episode it makes the whole series better and opened my eyes to the genius of these two writers . I understand what the hype is about . Keep in mind there are some pretty terrible and dumb episodes but those few and in between make up for them.
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
18 July 2021
All these bad reviews are for boring people don't listen to them . If you have not seen this movie watch it . Take it with a grain of salt and it's hilarious all the way through.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
You'll never be the same ...
10 March 2021
This is one of those movies that you will not get out of your head it's sick, bizzare, stupid yet , seems to work on all levels . I wouldn't recommend this to anyone but you have to watch it at least once .
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