
245 Reviews
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The Good Doctor: Breakdown (2019)
Season 2, Episode 17
8 January 2021
Some of the rawest acting I have seen in any show ever from Freddy in this episode at the end. That's all I have to say.
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Glee: The Quarterback (2013)
Season 5, Episode 3
18 December 2020
The best acting Glee has and will ever see. Powerful and you can feel they aren't just acting.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 12: The Siege (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Return To Form!
20 November 2020
Last episode felt me with a sour taste in myself but this one was a nice return to Star Wars form. I think I've found out I like my Star Wars big budget. The first episode and this one have been my favourite because of how the budget shines!
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The Boys: What I Know (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Review for the season
10 October 2020
This season had a lot of cool moments and a lot of eh moments. I don't like how often black mail is used to get away from fight scenes and the fight scenes themselves are all terribly edited. I'm hyped for season 3 but season 2 was a real let down after such a killer first season.
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The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
4 October 2020
Finally the show feels like it's fully going somewhere. The opening was a bit too ham fisted and the fight scene later in the episode I didn't like a lot because there were so many cuts but apart from that really cool!
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The Boys: The Bloody Doors Off (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Return to form
30 September 2020
Finally we are back to some great action and writing!
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Not enough something
25 September 2020
Couldn't finish this one. I'm sorry, the score is excellent and it grabs you at first but I just couldn't get into it as much as I wanted. It's all black and white photos or footage that have little or nothing to do with what is being described. They re describing such vast worlds that are crazy but the images show none of that. I understand it's probably the point to say that life and existence are so simple and meaningless but I just couldn't get into it. The narration is so simple but the pictures so artistic. I can't help but feel it either did not need the visual element, or it should have been more like a traditional film. It's got its good parts but I just couldn't get fully into it.

I also can't help but feel that it fails in the fact the narrator is talking to you. You're supposed to be the protagonist of the story I guess but it doesn't feel genuine. I also take issue with the fact they're like omnipotent beings but the sun expanding is not something they can counter or outrun. It feels fake.

Overall, it's just not my cup of tea. I got about 40 minutes into it before I called it off. Sorry. This was my first VIFF film though so that's exciting!
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Crash (1996)
25 September 2020
I've seen a lot of weird sex filled/ just plain weird movies. Symbol, Visitor Q, Fifty Shades etc. So the whole "movie centeted around sex" aspect isn't something new to me. That being said... this movie is just boring. I expected it to be about the real aftermath and destruction car crashes cause but it was mostly just a lot of having sex in a car. Which goes against the "appeal" the characters seem to have which is the danger and carnage that car crashes cause.

The movie also has no sense of direction. It's just people having sex. There's no purpose to anything you're being shown and yet they decide to linger on everything for so long it all just feels painfully slow. Everyone talks in a whisper so you can't hear them. The start is confusing for no reason. By the time you realize what you're watching is just boring you'll probably be half way through and like me just decide whatever I'll finish it.

Skip it, if you want a sex movie that focuses on weirdness but has more of an underlining purpose and message watch Visitor Q. This is just boring. Boring and with basically no message or meaning underneath "ooo look people are open about sex and derive enjoyment from seemingly dangerous and terrifying situations"

Also I don't care how strong your penis is you can't physically tear apart scar tissue. That ain't how it works.
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25 September 2020
I was wondering why going into this I didn't remember a lot, didn't even remember the basilisk design. I understand now. It feels so slow. Obviously watching the extended version didn't help but... god it just doesn't flow well. The action doesn't even come in especially well until 100 minutes in by then I was just bored. I can see why it's the lowest rated of the series and I have to agree. I was surprised by the fact I was struggling between a 5 and a 6. I really didn't like it that much this time around.

There were also way too many mcguffin saving the day moments. The car, the reflection basilisk, the thing at the end with the weapon (you'll know) it all just felt like an excuse to make Harry and the gang not be able to solve the problem themselves, that makes me annoyed because in the first movie much of the discoveries are from the characters themselves. Hermione doesn't even feel like she's properly in this movie either.

Overall, it's not too bad but it's definitely the weakest. It did not need to be this long. It should have been around 2 hours and 30 minutes.

5.5, and it pains me to say that. Get me on to the next movie quick please.
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The Boys: We Gotta Go Now (2020)
Season 2, Episode 5
Needs more direction
18 September 2020
The show just doesn't have the same energy that it did at the start. The action is less, but the character development feels rushed. It has way too many plots going on at the same time and none of it feels like it has weight.
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Lots of fun on a low budget
18 September 2020
I feel like I'm suddenly giving so many movies a 8/10 but I can't help it I'm just watching quality movies. This is a movie that I saw a year ago and could never quite stop thinking of. I had company over and they said they liked Sci-Fi with some action and I decided to put this on. Does it have its flaws? Absolutely, but it's made for 125,000$ and if you watch this and don't think that's incredible you need to see more movies. The concept on paper is simple, but giving the computer Howard some emotion really helps bring it all together. The time loop memory stuff feels real and not campy. Some moments you can feel the low budget but they make do with what they have. The acting from the lead is great and my only overall complaint with the movie is that there is a small bit in the middle with another character that I felt didn't serve a lot of purpose. Still, a pretty good movie that deserves to atleast be seen by more people then it has been.
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It's harry potter
18 September 2020
I mean like it's literally Harry Potter.

This is the movie I've seen the most and because of that I don't like it quite as much as when I was a kid, this one feels the most exposition and plot hole heavy but it's not bad either. It just doesn't appeal to me as much as the others. This is just one of them where I usually skip it over when I want to watch a Harry Potter movie. It's a fun kids movie, but the later ones are more fun as you get older. 5 in particular with the villain.

Some of the CGI looks janky as hell, but some of it still looks good. seeing it around as someone older I don't know how I didn't see the painfully obviously villain twist as a kid.

Looking forward to 3, 4 and 5 since those are my favourites apart from the finale.

It's aight, sets up the series well but it does feel a bit bogged down to me. Still fun though!
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The Boys: Nothing Like It in the World (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
12 September 2020
All character development is kind of shoved into one episode and I'm not a big fan of that.
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Airplane! (1980)
Incredibly Funny!
12 September 2020
9/11 is kind of a double whammy of importance for me. Obviously it's a large thing because of the attacks. But another thing is the fact it's the birthday of my deceased dad. This movie was one of his favourites and I had never seen it so I decided to watch it today. Apart from a few offensive jokes that are just a bit too strong (towards black people) this movie still holds up incredibly well. 40 years later! Some of my favourite gags are the literal ways that characters take it. Something I know my friend endingmirror would love. I also loved the consistent drinking problem joke. The auto pilot gag is also f*cking hilarious.

Overall, hugely funny that I would recommend to everyone if you can look past a couple of the jokes that are too offensive.
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Ad Astra (2019)
A return to great Sc-Fi!
12 September 2020
A whole lot of thoughts here and not an easy thing to explain out so I'll just word vomit onto the page.

First, this is my 900th film! I was going to make it 2010, the sequel to one of the most personal and moving pieces of media I have ever seen. But instead, I decided to see this. I wasn't disappointed because in a way this feels like 2001. A movie about solitude and loneliness. Sometimes I forget why I like Sci-Fi so much and then a movie like this comes along and makes me remember. Sometimes I forget why a lot of people don't like Sci-Fi, then movies like this come along and I remember. This movie isn't for everybody, but if you like slow-moving deeply captivating science fiction that focuses on humans and their emotions you'll love this. I need more time with it though.

Brad Pitt is great, I like how they casted someone older. The cinematography was stunning but I think much of this movies poor reception from the general public comes down to the way it was marketed. It isn't a fast-moving science fiction action movie, it's a slow-moving movie about solitude and clinging onto things.

Maybe this movie resonates with me so much because Brad Pitt's character feels like me. Excelling as his craft and everything he does and yet still feeling so hopelessly alone all the f*cking time.

I need to watch it again, but I'll leave it at an 8 for now.
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Not for me
9 September 2020
Ultimately seems that everybody now sucks at watching movies. Saw this with some people and one of them went on their phone and played Tik Toks the whole time so take this with a grain of salt but I didn't really love this one. A lot of religious stuff that seemingly doesn't go anywhere, the main trio are ok but nothing to write home about. Clooney does a good job but nobody in the movie really has an overwhelmingly interesting arc. I wish it would have focused more on the black gentleman, his story seems much more interesting. Be warned though that in this movie there are 2 graphic depictions of animal abuse so please be warned. I chose thing because it was PG-13 but it would definitely be rated R today.

Overall, it's ok but I really don't get all the praise for this film.
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Could have been good
9 September 2020
As someone that has recently been getting into screenwriting as a career, I can say that this movie just fails on its premise and set up alone. You're telling me that on a night where crime is legal for 12 hours the main characters aren't at least scared enough to sit in the same room? I mean seriously? And what happens if the purge siren goes off and people keep killing for 30 minutes after? Who would know? The main character and in fact all characters except for the short-lived villain are all bland, 1 dimensional and offer little for the audience to dig their teeth into. I expected at least a gory action movie but there isn't even really a full proper fight scene until about an hour and 5 minutes into the movie. The tension and suspense don't work in the first hour and all of the foreshadowings are so obvious they might as well just tell you.
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9 September 2020
I wasted an hour and 5 minutes of my life watching this for a psychology class and then quit so I'm going to get some review out of it. It's alright but I wish there was less extreme cases to highlight everyday depression.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
Sexy Sex Sex
21 August 2020
Just adults acting as teens having sex, first season was cool since it was a murder mystery with fun characters but later on it just tanks more and more. Acting is sub par in the later seasons and the storylines and plot points just get more and more strange and crazy and totally far fetched.
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Confusing but pretty cool once you get into it!
21 August 2020
I mean, I get why people don't like this and there is a lot that I can say is bad but I honestly liked this one. It has badass Emilia Clarke in a leather jacket and combat boots which definitely sends me places. The CGI in this one is good and I couldn't mention John's character choices in the last movie review because it would have been a spoiler but they do play into this a bit more and explain his actions. Matt Smith does a great job as a side villain.

This movie is essentially a reboot. It does have some nice fan service to the original though. This new revamped Sarah Connor is much more kick-ass and a strong independent woman type. Kyle is more of a side character in this one but I'm ok with that.

There are obviously a few inconsistencies in this movie and a lot is unexplained and left open to interpretation. I don't really like how they don't explain how Pops is existing but I can look past it knowing it might be expanded on in Dark Fate.

Overall I liked it but it doesn't hit the highs of the original 2.
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Fun War Movie WIth Good Action But Little Terminator
21 August 2020
Obviously it's a shell of the first and second terminator films but this movie kind of plays like a mediocre Mad Max. The action and CGI is a lot better in this film then in the third so it at least has that going for it. The acting is quite wooden though which is a shame considering it has Christian Bale. They play around with some cool new Terminator designs but ultimately this movie just doesn't feel like a Terminator movie. Without trying to give too much away the Terminator doesn't appear in the conventional fashion but I can't tell if the audience wasn't supposed to pick up on the terribly obvious foreshadowing? This movie does focus on the war against the machines atleast though which is the part I've been looking forward to.

It's a nice looking action movie but as a Terminator movie it's lacklustre. Let the series die already please.
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Not Good
21 August 2020
It's a fine action movie but it takes a steamy dump on the other 2 Terminator movies. The first one was a fun Sci Fi action romp and the second one was a fun buddy cop comedy action movie but the main thing that set them apart from other movies was the charm and heart behind them. In the first movie that's from the 2 leads and in the second movie it's the humanization of the Terminator. However in this movie my praises are minimal. I'm glad they introduced a "female" terminator because that was something I wish there was a bit more of, the Terminators being designed for human appearances. However the female gender is utilized once for a breast gag in the beginning and then never seen again. The CGI also doesn't hold up. Kind of says something when its 2 predecessors had better CGI then this one.

The progress of the Terminator being humanized was gone and it feels cheap. Why introduce him back and then pull a fast one on the audience with a "sike! Not actually the same Terminator!" Just feels useless.

The action is good at times and a few sequences are done pretty well. The crane sequence is fun but incredibly unrealistic even for this series. And the final sequence is boring and pales in comparison.

It's an alright action movie but a bad Terminator movie.
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Project Power (2020)
Fun Flick
21 August 2020
A pretty fun sci fi superhero flick. Something my friend endingmirror would like. Since he loves anything superhero related. I enjoyed the CGI and action quite a bit but the plot was kind of confusing and JGL's character was shafted for a lot of the movie even though he is like the most interesting character in the movie.
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Host (II) (2020)
Creative but formulaic
21 August 2020
It's alright, not plausible and feels only relevant given the current times. I like the runtime and the improv was done well along with some of the makeup. They throw a lot of random ideas at the wall though and not a lot of it sticks. It's alright for a 2020 release and if you're into stuff like Unfriended you will probably like this but for me, it just didn't do a lot. The acting was alright along with just about everything but it doesn't have much of a coherent plot or story structure.
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Catwoman (2004)
21 August 2020
It's just boring. The plot makes barely any sense and all the rising actions feel like absolutely nothing since you don't know why anyone is really Doing what they're doing. Something about a beauty product having bad side effects or something? And Halle Barry's ass isn't in it enough for it to be a total soft core porn movie. If it was maybe I'd be able to give it a bit of a higher score but nope. The CGI is awful and what sucks is there are a few moments that have the slightest chance of being cool. Like the shooting scene with the red lights and vents.

Sadly, it's all just boring filmmaking that looks like you're spam clicking through some white girl's Starbuck trip Snapchat story. Everything about it just makes you sick.
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