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Bratz Rock Angelz (2005 Video Game)
It gave me the worst nightmares
27 June 2006
The movie 'Bratz: Rock Angelz', is disgusting. Plainly, simply, stomach churning. The plot-line was nearly non-existent, the goofs were to numerous to count, the music they called 'rock, would be rejected as 'something terrible', by a three year old. It was completely unrealistic, and very stereotypical about England, and the states. It was actually bizarre, and gave me nightmares. I would be sleeping peacefully, dreaming of bananas when suddenly a giant Bratz doll wielding a swinging guitar bursts in and begins to sing. The terrible music kills me, and I wake up, drenched in a cold sweat. Unless you want to see something terrible, I would suggest with all my heart not to not see this movie.
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Actually, I was it's mediocrity
23 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In all honesty, I desperately wanted to love this film. I really did. The radio show is terrific, and I was really looking foreword to it. When I walked out of the theatre (which contained a grand total of twelve people,) I was more then a little upset. I just didn't think that it really lived up to the Robert Altman standard. I really don't. The 'Dangerous Woman' character was laughable, the plot line was nonexistent, and the acting was just okay. Garrison Keillor was great, but, Lindsay Lohan? Really, I could not believe my eyes when I saw the trailer for 'A Prarie Home Companion.' She is not a great actress, but, since she is a star, she gets to be in big movies. Speaking of which, this film seemed more like a chance for the big name actors and actresses to get a role in a film based off something classic. It was almost bizarre. I have to say, overall, I thought the film was okay.
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Serenity (2005)
They Have Done the Impossible, and That Makes Them Mighty
26 May 2006
I have to admit, when I walked into the theatre to see this movie, I was nervous. I obviously wasn't the only one. The theatre was very nearly full, but instead of talking away my unease, it only increased it. I was really hoping for a movie, not one of those major blockbusters that goes down in history as "the best movie of the year!" and everyone remembers for the longest time. But I wasn't looking for a low budget movie either.While I love many of those films, I truly do, it gets rather annoying after a while, the hype that they get, take 'Narnia' for instance. It wasn't not a great film, but everyone gave it thirty thousand star reviews. But my review is not about 'Narnia', so I will shut up with the 'Narnia' babbling, and being on 'Serenity.' I don't really know why this film appealed to me the way it did. Maybe it was because of the non-stop action that kept me on the edge of my seat, or the superb acting, or even, the phenomenal writing of it. I had been planning to go get another soda, but I didn't want to miss a minute of it. Not even for my favourite candy, licorice. There was a little something in this film for everybody, and I can safely say that I walked out of the theatre satisfied. Like the line from the TV series, they have done the impossible, and that makes them mighty. -trombone-player
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Capote (2005)
24 May 2006
It's 1959, and an eccentric author/journalist Truman Capote has just seen the story in the paper about the Clutter killings in Kansas. Being Capote, he is immediately sucked into the story, and wants to do research for the New Yorker. Over the course of the film, he begins to develop a close relationship with one of the murderers, Perry Smith.

I suppose that this movie falls into the category of beautiful. The acting is absolutely outstanding; the Oscar for best actor (Philip Seymour Hoffman) was given to the right person. While Hoffman's performance as Capote was excellent, I believe that there is another man who should be recognised; Clifton Collins Jr. Rarely have I seen such good, and believable acting. I also think that he should have won an Oscar, but, sadly, everything can't work out for every being on this earth.

So, as a summary, this film was definitely one of the best films of the year. Watch this film if you want to see a phenomenal movie!
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The Wild (2006)
I actually considered walking out
23 April 2006
This was probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. It lacked any plot line, the jokes just weren't funny, and the animals looked like something from a horror film. I saw 'The Wild' with two young children (age six) and two of my good friends. The children weren't even fooled by it. One of them remarked, "So, was that supposed to be funny?" I understand that in the film business the "early bird gets the egg" and in this case the "early bird" was 'Madagascar.' But, it wasn't 'Madagascar' that it copied. It was really just a bad remake of 'The Lion King.' Every aspect of the movie was stolen from another, and I'm not kidding. Also, the dialogue was just ridiculous. Here's a sample: "Get away from us, turkey jerky!" As you can see, this movie was just plain ridiculous. The character's were absurd, and unbelievable, the plot was nonexistent, and it was really a rip off. Don't waste your money to see this dreadful film. You're just going to walk out and be disappointed.
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Deathly boring
12 April 2006
I don't even know why I went to go see this movie. I didn't really like the books; I was up to my nose in hobbits. This movie really didn't appeal to me, and as my friends sobbed over the death of Aslan, I was like, what's the big deal? He didn't even look real! None of the animals did! I could almost see through them! The writing was nearly word for word from the book. I'm not kidding. It shows that the writer cannot think for himself and therefore must copy words from the original source. The movie has no flow, and I don't think that it is any coincidence that the 'good guys' colours are the same of Rohan in Lord of the Rings. I also believe that watching the battle scene it 'battle of the Five armies' all over again. I would not suggest this film to anyone!
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Scary, Beautiful
11 April 2006
I cannot adequately describe this absolutely outstanding movie simply by writing a review. Nobody could do that. The impalpable emotions that this movie makes you feel; fear, distress, sympathy, understanding,love, and annoyance. 'Donnie Darko' is no teen slasher movie, nor particularly about time travel. It is recall about understanding. It creates a entirely new genre. This movie may be one of the most beautiful I have ever seen.

It really is one of the scariest movies that I have ever seen in my life, in all probability because it deals with insanity. Donnie is really very capable of scaring you, with ease.

This movie is really outstanding. I would recommend it to everyone who loves movies.
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Dreamer (2005)
I don't get it...
11 April 2006
This movie is about a horse, your average beautiful race horse that flips while running one of the most important races that it has ever run. Our main character, Cale, is devastated. Her father, who works with race horses, decides that it would be best to bring the horse home, where some how Cale gets it into her head that this horse must run in the most important race of the year, 'The Breeders Cup.' What I did not understand about his movie was why it was so sad. When the horse flipped over, my friends all gasped and cried "The poor horse!" I didn't understand what was so sad, and was convinced that I had missed something. When I had rewound the tape to make see what I had missed, I realised that it was the same. I went through about ten of these until I realised that I had seen what everyone else had. But why are we upset? This horse really should have died, given the angle of the way is fell; right onto it's neck. This horse looks exactly the same as all of the other horses, and is underfed already. Any veterinarian, or horse lover, would have told Cale that it would be best to put the poor beast out of it's misery! In reality, the horse simply could not have flipped over and landed on it's neck like that, and ended up with a broken leg. The 'Inspired by a true story' tells it all. The movie was inspired by this event, and that's it. It isn't based off of it, but inspired. I would not suggest this movie to anybody.
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I'm 'crackers' about cheese!
11 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
If you have any sense of humour, even the a little bit, this movie for you. You'll laugh no matter what. I don't really know why I liked this movie; I mean, I've never seen any of the other 'Wallace and Gromit' things. I didn't even know that it existed for that matter. But after seeing this movie, I wondered how I could have missed out on something so funny, and so brilliant. Some of the jokes actually made me laugh later, just thinking about them. I won't spoil anything for you, because if there's one thing I hate is knowing what happens before the first scene is over. Overall, this is one of my favourite children's movies. It makes me smile just writing this. We love Hutch!
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Firefly (2002–2003)
11 April 2006
Okay, what was Fox thinking?! I mean, I really loved this show, every last episode, but when FOX cancelled it, I was really upset. I have never really been introduced to Joss Whedon before, I didn't even know that there was a 'Buffy.' Actually, I still haven't seen 'Buffy' but that's I'm talking about 'Firefly' now, buds. However, I do have a couple of complaints about the show, aside from the obvious fact that it wasn't long enough. One, parts of it moved too quickly. It seemed like one minute I we were talking about River, and then wham! We were suddenly inside and Alliance ship. That bothered me throughout the show, and since I haven't seen 'Buffy' I can't say that it is a recurring thing with Joss. Also, I really didn't like some of the episodes where they went on and on and on ! I mean, the first episode was great, I liked it and all, but two hours was a long long time for me to sit down. But aside from those things, I love this show. It made me laugh, and cry at the same time. I really would suggest watching this show. It isn't the best thing on earth, but it is really really very fun.
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