73 Reviews
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Great, for the right audience.
6 April 2022
220406: Read, comprehend and then react. This film is not for those seeking logical, well thought out entertainment. But, if you're a car person who loves stunts and humour, this action-packed story is nearly perfect; once one adjusts (ride out the first twenty minutes and you'll see). Full of classic rides, some neat collisions and subtile jokes this film is great for the right audience, like me. "Smokey" features a young William Forsythe and many, what are now high dollar and desirable, muscle cars. I can't imagine what it would cost to be created in today's economy but someone should really consider a remake of this film? Please don't use any of the remaining classic muscle though. Some need to be preserved and protected, as proven here, from the often destructive entertainment industry. Besides, there are many modern muscle cars that can be wrecked instead and car people, like me, are going to love seeing that. Enjoy!
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Loved this "B"
8 February 2022
220208: Now this B Western is worth writing about. Wow, a hidden gem, sort of. Great dialogue and some charaters that grow on you. Wonderful scenery and a perfect soundtrack. Other than the weaker special effects, this film has it all. It could've been a great horror western, a genre that usually fails. These people did a commendable job with what they had. A fun film for western aficionados but not likely for anyone else.
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Names Will Never Hurt Me
9 November 2021
I only disliked this film for one reason, the apparent love relationship between Ben and Rachel. Sister, adopted sister, does not matter in my books. Message on racism was ahead of its time but, then again, this film would like be a subject of criticism by cancel culture for some reason, perhaps the racial language. The "Sticks and stones" rule does not seen to be relevant in todays progressive culture and so if you're sensitive, perhaps you should pass on this film? Enjoyed it outside of the uncomfortable relationship but perhaps that only says something about me? Enjoy.
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77 Minutes (2016)
How Does One Write a Review
30 October 2021
How does one write a review of a film that is insulting to police officers when he is one himself? The question this director, film-maker, has is foolish. I've been a police officer since 1995 and I can tell you, these people did what they could. It's funny how the public will scrutinize a situation for years afterwards while having little if any knowledge of police tactics; now or then. So I am to storm an active shooter for sub-one hundred thousand dollars a year? Yes, your police are heroes. 99.9 percent of police officers I've met got into their jobs because they only want to help people. Trust me, these public servants often suffer as a result of their work. We expect too much from our police. Or, we need to stop being arm chair quarterbacks. Or, we need to pay them a lot more so that they can understand you expect them to throw their lives on the line, and the welfare of their families, for poor pay compared to other professions receive never mind poor support from the public and media. If this is what people truly expect from their police, I'm so glad to be retiring. On the other hand, I would've stormed the place because I always knew my life was potentially forfeit and I expected nothing more. We've learned a lot since 1984. This scenario would be approached in a much quicker manner today so stop being so judgemental when you're not willing to do the work our peace officers do. Pay them more, be more kind to them and they will achieve great things. Good luck finding qualified candidates for the salary and expectations in 2021. As for the production, I liked it. Good information and appreciated the focus of the victims. Also appreciated the lack of attention is perpetrator receives.
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44 Minutes of Action
23 September 2021
090406: Wow, been meaning to watch this film for a long time. Finally got it done. Great movie. 44 minutes of action. Whether it was made for TV movie, which I suspect, or not; it's well done all around. Neat, positive portrayal of police officers in general and the LAPD in particular.
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Rating Pain
21 March 2021
210321: How high does one rate painful? Was going to bless this film with a "3" but just couldn't. It's amazing to see Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and others in this production. Obviously no one knew how big the Star Wars franchise would become and subsequently how out of place this production would be. This film is just a mess but there's no denying it features some of the greatest historical actors of the franchise. I can now proudly say I've watched this film. I unfortunately just can't recover the valuable life I wasted. A must see for masochistic Star Wars fans.
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Follow the Story
14 December 2020
The secret with Lego Star Wars involve ones ability to see the story through the humor; though I would suggest laughing all you can ( it is proven, scientifically, to be good for you). The two reviews that pre-dated mine were so...un-Jedi like I decided to post my own. For those hard core enthusiasts, I'm assuming you'll be intrigued to follow this series after watching this episode. A Sith Clone? Can it be? I guess there's only one way to find out and it involves watching Lego Star Wars, The Yoda Chronicles. Allegedly, if you're watching chronologically, this series falls right after Episode II: Attack of the Clones and before more Lego Star Wars, the Padawan Menace (2011). Just join the Dark Side you haters of the Lego Star wars idea, your negativity belongs there anyway. As for the rest, enjoy this wonderful and, potentially important, episode of the Star Wars saga.
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Smith! (1969)
Payoff in Patience
13 September 2020
200912: In some ways, this film is an absolute disaster by modern standards and would likely be a target of the cancel culture. Two reasons include the English used by the First Nations characters and secondy, caucasian Warren Oates portraying "Walter Charlie" as well as Columbian Frank Ramirez portraying "Gabriel Jimmyboy". When the film began, I was immediately concerned because it was a Disney production and I was tortured enough by those in my youth. Then I realized it wasn't truly a western but rather a modern western...well, at least by 1969 standards. If one is patient, however, this film shines with it's message of equality and kindness. In fact, this film was quite progressive considering the release date. Kudo's to Disney afterall. The payoff is in patience. Await Chief Dan George's testimony, he carries "Smith!" much like he's done in other classic productions. Personally, I ended up smiling upon the credits, even with this film's hindsight flaws.
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Reckoning: California Dreamin' (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
All's Well that End's Well?
12 July 2020
Put this on, hoping to find something intriguing, something fun, something exciting. Watched and wondered. Another dud I thought. And then, in the last 15 minutes it grabbed me and started to drag me in. Now, I'm intrigued. I'm going to have to follow this series a bit, and hope.
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Black Spot: The End of the Road (2017)
Season 1, Episode 5
Seven or Eight
9 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode should be an eight but I just couldn't do it. I can't stand unrealistic police behaviours and bringing a suspect, and mother, along in a child abduction just would't happen. Anyway, great episode, so let's call it an eight. I'm enjoying this show,
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Coca-Cola Wins
7 June 2020
Coca-Cola always wins...ok, let's ignore that "New Coke" fiasco. Anyway, this is a pretty decent film. I've always been fascinated by the Cola Wars and even own the original book published in 1980 by Louis & Yazijian. One problem however, the Pepsi historian whose nasal hair somehow evaded all those involved in the production of this film. A bit distracting for those of us whom pick up on details. Otherwise, a fun look into the history of Coke & Pepsi. Yes, Coke comes first.
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Unexpectedly Enjoyable
13 April 2020
200412: Well done, well done. For an obviously low budget western these creative folks did a pretty damn good job. Fun film with weak acting but one great story. Features unique transistions through time. Unexpectedly enjoyable.
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9 April 2020
Small, fascinating tidbits within including the German's use of the then legal Methamphetamines during their intial Blitzkrieg against Europe.
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The Claim (2000)
Time for Reflection
14 December 2019
I love westerns but this one is atypical, not your usual shots fired, action version. As I've aged, I find many films touch me more than they did in the past. I picked up on so much more here, this time around. What is truly important in life? Sell your soul for money and wind up with nothing? Aging and death is something else that impacts me quite deeply now (law enforcement scarring will do that). Much like The Irishman (recenty watched), this film is a harsh look at life, both the positives and negatives. Time for reflection after a very enjoyable film.
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Unbelievable (2019)
15 November 2019
This series started out slow for me. I was not impressed much with the first episode. But, as each episode passed I became more invested. As a person very familiar with law enforcement techniques, this film touched me deeply. One of the worst scenarios I can imagine would be to have a victim who is not believed. Worse, have a victim who is not believed and then prosecuted. Especially a victim of violence, in this case sexual violence. A tragic yet valuable scenario that should be considered by all those in the public service. Don't get me wrong, most in the emergency services are under appreciated and under paid but that is another story. This series is just a good reminder of how tragic errors can occur and that we all need to endeavour to prevent them from occurring again. Great series, well worth your investment.
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Fastest Car (2018–2019)
The People
26 September 2019
What is great about this series, is the people and their stories. Not only is the Fastest Car filled with neat vehicles for gear heads, but it features amazing stories of struggle and perseverance. I love this production.
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Blood Moon (II) (2014)
For a low budget film, a surprisingly good film.
23 August 2019
151005: For a low budget film, a surprisingly good film. There are some good actors on display here, Shaun Dooley (Calhoon) being the exception. Weakness in the special effects are strengthened through the use of lighting, movement and angles (see the extra features). Other than the annoyingly incorrect pistol Calhoon sports, I'm happy with this low budget western. Can't say that for most B films I invest in. As an added bonus, this horror western might even get you jumping at times. Turn up the volume.
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4 August 2019
Though a good story, I'm not a fan of some of the law enforcement behaviour and decision making written into this episode. It's unprofessional and rare in real world. My rating has been dropped a couple stars as a result. Still, well worth watching.
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South Park: Royal Pudding (2011)
Season 15, Episode 3
Eskimos...or is it Inuit?
20 July 2019
Another wonderfully deserving shot at Canadians including those currently labelled first nations. No; those other, quieter first nations dammit!
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Tragic History
5 July 2019
170618: Having watched The Birth of a Nation (2016), I found myself doing some research. I note that one of the responses to Turners rebellion of August 21st, 1831 was to withdraw the slaves 2nd Amendment Rights, the right to bear arms. Interesting how slavery works. A tragic history but a history that we all must move forward from.
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Child 44 (2015)
Soviet Era Investigational Methods are Unique?
4 July 2019
190704: Not an awe-inspiring film but good overall. Have always loved these Soviet era serial killer stories and this one is well worth watching. Features the intense human challenges of working under a regime contrasted with being an honest citizen but this only makes the film better. Some however, may find Child 44 a bit slow and, at over two hours, somewhat long. Enjoy.
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South Park: Hooked on Monkey Fonics (1999)
Season 3, Episode 12
Ronnie James Dio
19 June 2019
This episode is worthy of note if only for the appearance of Ronnie James Did and his band.
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Justice for Gojira
2 June 2019
190602: I will qualify my review with stating I fell in love with the black and white Gojira, as a child, when those films had only been out a few years. With that, this 2019 edition was generally painful. Only a couple moments that made me happy to see the big guy. The producers of this film, and the actors, just tried too hard in their attempt to make blockbuster extravaganza. They took themselves too seriously, and as a result, came across as forced. As actors go, both of the Russells are perfect examples of this. Further, I'm tired of films being attempts at social engineering. I will go no further in describing this postion. Finally, why would they not have titled this film "Godzilla: King of the Titans"? I look forward to the day someone gives Godzilla the treatment he, and Captain Marvel, truly deserve. We need passion people, passion, and Godzilla: King of the Monsters, has none.
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CSI: Miami: Hostile Takeover (2009)
Season 8, Episode 2
Best Episode in My Memory
1 June 2019
The best episode in my memory. A different view at a historically biased system. Favouritism does not achieve equality, at any time in history.
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South Park: Ike's Wee Wee (1998)
Season 2, Episode 4
Ike's Awesome
31 May 2019
190530: Ike's awesome mmmkay but drugs are bad mmmkay.
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